How to determine the pain threshold and increase it? What depends on the pain threshold?

How to determine the pain threshold and increase it? What depends on the pain threshold?

During the conversation, people often start a conversation about the pain threshold. But, unfortunately, not every person knows the meaning of this phrase.

This article will talk about what the pain threshold is, as well as ways to increase it.

What does the pain threshold mean?

  • If you do not know the value of the pain threshold, carefully read further information. According to terminology, the pain threshold is the level of irritation of the central nervous system in which a person experiences pain.

If with a small cut or blow you feel severe pain, then the threshold value is low. If you experience pain with a strong effect, then you have a high pain threshold.

  • Let's look at the concept of a pain threshold on the example of temperatures. A large percentage of people believes that a painful effect occurs at a temperature of about +50 ° C. If you belong to this category, then you have an average pain threshold.
  • If it hurts at temperatures +40 ° C, then you are the owner of a low pain threshold. If a person experiences pain at a temperature of about +53-60 ° C And above, this means that he has a high pain threshold.
What is a pain threshold and how to determine it
What is a pain threshold and how to determine it

What depends on the pain threshold?

  • Now scientists are actively trying to find out what the pain threshold of a person depends on. There are several factors affecting this indicator.
  • Next will be considered the main factors. Their effect on the indicator of the pain threshold has already been proven by scientists. Perhaps a few more will appear soon.

Main factors:

  • Floor. As statistics show, women have a pain threshold A little lower than that of men. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the woman’s body produces a small amount of endorphins of beta-cathegoria. These are hormones that enter the blood of a person during injury, have an analgesic effect. But, now scientists are actively trying to find out why women are increasing in women during childbirth, and it becomes higher than the pain threshold in men.
  • Age. With age, the pain threshold increases.
  • Heredity. With genes, a person receives not only an indicator of sensitivity to pain, but also a reaction to taking painkillers. If your relative tolerates anesthesia poorly, then it is likely that you will not receive relief if you accept an analgesic.
  • Stress. The more you will be nervous, the stronger the pain threshold will decrease.
  • Loneliness. If you are a socially lonely person, then it is likely that you will have a low pain threshold.
  • An experience. Most scientists are convinced that a person is able to get used to pain. To do this, you need to train the body.
  • Expectation. If you know that you will experience pain, then it is likely that you will fully experience it. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance for the fact that the procedure you need to go through will be easy and painless.
There are many reasons
There are many factors

How to increase the pain threshold?

  • If you want to increase the pain threshold, there are several ways for this. They imply long training, during which your body will gradually get used to pain.
  • You can choose one of the following methods. But, for the maximum result, try to use several of them at the same time.

Put your emotions

  • A few years ago, scientists decided to conduct a study for which several volunteers were invited. They needed to place the limbs in a bucket with ice water. Some of them were supposed to scream, splashing out emotions. The other half of the volunteers had to restrain their emotions.
  • During the study, it was proved that exclamations and screams significantly increase the pain threshold. People who shouted AAAAAA during the immersion of the limbs have kept them in ice water longer.

Engage in aerobics

  • Scientists also decided to conduct a study of how sports loads affect the pain threshold. Some volunteers were supposed to One and a half months engage in aerobics - cycling. The second half of the participants were engaged in 6 weeks strength training.
  • When a month and a half has passed, scientists decided to measure the pain threshold of participants in both groups. It turned out that people who were engaged in aerobic loads became less sensitive to pain. They experienced pain, but not as much as the second half of the participants in the experiment.

Yoga classes

  • After long research, scientists came to the conclusion that people who regularly engaged in yoga, Less susceptible to pain. Yoga is a set of exercises in the process of which a person not only improves the condition of his body, but also learns to breathe correctly.
  • Meditation and respiratory control They allow you to increase the pain threshold several times. After regular yoga classes, you will be less susceptible to pain.

Turn on the imagination

  • If you have to experience pain again, turn on your imagination. Imagine that pain is just a large red balloon. By the power of thought, reduce it in size, and change the shade to blue. Literally a few seconds later, after this practice, you will experience relief, and the pain will retreat.
  • You can also imagine something good. For example, most people during pain represent that they take a warm bathroom. During this practice The amount of adrenaline is reduced - a hormone that increases susceptibility to pain.

As you can see, each person is able to increase their pain threshold. To do this, just train or turn on the imagination. It all depends on your desire and capabilities. The stronger the fantasy, the less pain you will experience.

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