25 ways to find out how the child is at school without pronouncing this phrase: a psychologist's advice

25 ways to find out how the child is at school without pronouncing this phrase: a psychologist's advice

Want to know how the child is at school? Do not ask him directly, use the tips in the article.

Probably all parents are worried when their child goes to school for the first time. The baby begins a new life, friends and secrets. Sometimes it becomes gloomy and does not always share the details of the learning life with parents. Naturally, parents begin to worry.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "What to do if the child is constantly lying, begins to lie at school, at home?". You will find 16 tips for psychologists.

Parents who are already adolescents are worried about. What is a son or daughter who is fond of, who is his friends, etc. There are several ways to learn about how the child has success at school. They are described in this article below. Read further.

How to establish relationships with a child, a teenager student: a psychologist's advice

We establish relations with the child
We establish relations with the child

At first we should figure out who is a teenager. This is not an adult, but no longer a child. This age begins from 12 to 18 years old. Sometimes before. Schools usually have children's psychologists who can contact both children and their parents with problems. And much depends on education. Let us give an example:

  • If the parents drink and swear in the child’s family, it is not at all necessary that he will follow them, for example.
  • Most often, spoiled children grow up in excess of caring parents who begin to behave poorly.

But that's not the point. To figure out who is not worth it. The main thing is to help the baby adapt and solve problems. How to establish a relationship with a child, a teenager student? Below you will find the tips of a psychologist. Relations will fit if the parents begin:

  • Show respect for a teenager

This will concern many factors. For example, musical interests, choice in clothes and other interests. Children value individuality and do not need to resist this. Do not make fun of the teenager for bright hair color, and do not need to be criticized. It will only be worse. He will become closed and will be rude to parents. During this period, the children are very vulnerable, although it may seem that they are insensitive and cruel. You need to be softer.

  • If a child wants to share a problem with his parents, do not push him away

Having done this once, you can lose the confidence of the child for a long time. It is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the teenager, but not too intrusive. The main thing is that he does not notice it.

  • Do not try to manipulate your child

Do not arrange tantrums and resentment. In the future, this will negatively affect the attitude. Perhaps in adulthood a teenager will not be able to adapt.

  • Look for solutions to problems in difficult situations

A compromise can always be found. Speak with your child on different topics (sex, drugs). He must know what is bad and good. If a teenager understands that parents are ready to communicate with him, as with an adult, he will trust them more and talk about secrets.

25 ways to find out how the child is at school without pronouncing these phrases

Find out how the child is doing at school without pronouncing these phrases - just
Find out how the child is doing at school without pronouncing these phrases - just

The usual question "How are things at school?", may confuse the child. Yes, and he is unlikely to answer him truthfully. That is why it is better to present these questions differently. Here 25 ways find out how the child is doing at school without pronouncing this phrase:

  1. Ask the baby that the good thing happened to him during the day, but what is not very. The child will tell all the news, realizing that the mother asks the usual everyday question, while not going to find out his secrets.
  2. Tell me what happened funny during the day? A teenager will share with his mother an anecdot who heard or talk about a ridiculous case with a classmate.
  3. Who would you like to sit at the school desk? Why? So parents find out who the child is friends with, whom he considers a friend.
  4. Were strange words in a day? Tell me about what you heard. Thus, parents will be able to learn whether their baby has learned to “swear” or say obscenity. If this happened, then try to explain to the baby calmly that the words are bad, they are pronounced by bad children. And since he is educated, they should not be said. At the same time, in no case should you swear and punish your son or daughter.
  5. Who did you help today? Perhaps parents will learn about the good deeds of the child. For example, on the way to school, he transferred an old woman or helped the teacher to water flowers. It should be borne in mind that letting another classmate write off, is not good.
  6. What new learned? Maybe at school the teacher told an interesting story on the subject, the child was finally able to solve the difficult problem. This just question is very important. Parents will enjoy the victories of their son or daughter.
  7. Was you bored at school? Do not immediately put up on the baby if he came sad. Many parents immediately begin to ask: “I got a deuce? Everything is punished. ” And this is spoiled by this. Perhaps the child was really bored at school. He will understand that his mother supports him and will answer this question.
  8. What would you like to know when visiting school? Most likely, the child has favorite objects for which he is preparing with joy.
  9. What do you do if tomorrow suddenly “turned” into a teacher? A great opportunity to give free rein to the child. You can laugh together, evaluate school humor.
  10. What was delicious for lunch? You liked everything. Actual question, at the same time learn about food at school.
  11. What do you think is a boy (girl) in your class, who behaves badly? There are often children who behave poorly at school. At the same time, find out from your child his opinion about this student how he treats him. If he talks about him with admiration, you should think about how to change your eyes.
  12. How do you spend time at a break? What are you playing? The young student will understand that mother is not only interested in lessons. Children love to talk about games and entertainment.
  13. What did the teacher say today? What words he repeated most often. It can be praise or strict behavior. Or maybe the baby passed some subject, and remembered the teacher’s words. A reminder of the lesson will develop his thought process.
  14. Tell me what you did with a pencil or pen? This is a small mystery, also for logic. The child needs to think about how he used this subject. Maybe for the case, or maybe in classmates I threw it.
  15. If UFOs arrived at you, who would they take? Thus, it will be clear to whom the child is not very good.
  16. Whatever you want to do at school? A child can share many. For example, that he does not want to do such and such an object, etc. Then it will be easier to solve the problems that have arisen.
  17. Did you have a feeling of happiness today? Parents will understand whether they like to go to school to school, whether he often experiences a real joy from visits to classes.
  18. Tell me, who do you like? Learn about the friends of the child, and possibly about who he "sighs".
  19. Who would you like to change places from classmates with? Mom and dad will be able to understand what exactly their son or daughter is missing. Perhaps that person has more beautiful clothes or other things.
  20. Tell me about the place you like at school? Perhaps the baby will devote you to secret. This is very good when parents and children can share secrets with each other.
  21. Which of your students is the most funny? If there are many such classmates, then your child is in a positive class.
  22. Imagine that we will invite a teacher to visit. What would he tell about you? An interesting, slightly frightening question. But most likely the child will tell the truth.
  23. What music do you listen to at the breaks? You can learn about the taste preferences of the class, turn on and listen to music yourself. As they say, to be in the topic of events.
  24. Something worries you? If the child comes home sad and does not want to go to school, saying that he often has a sore throat or head, you need to find out. But not pushing. This question will be to the place.
  25. Do you have a big company at school? You can find out how many friends have, whether he is alone.

School age is a difficult period, but it needs to be experienced. The main thing is to act in the interests of the child, gently engaged in his upbringing. After all, the children are vulnerable, you can easily damage their nervous system. Good luck!

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