How to determine your child’s health group? What are the restrictions on schoolchildren for physical education lessons for health groups? What does 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 medical health group mean in children?

How to determine your child’s health group? What are the restrictions on schoolchildren for physical education lessons for health groups? What does 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 medical health group mean in children?

How much effort parents spend on studying them with a child of important objects. Tutors, homework is late, additional work, and also you need to develop the child comprehensively.

Do not forget about sections, playing musical instruments. And so it turns out that from elementary school our children are so loaded with study that they spend the whole sitting at a desk at school, and then at home. Do we think, as parents, our child moves enough? After all, this is much more important even to even mathematics and grammar of the language. Why? Yes, because the health of each person, which is formed already in infancy, depends directly on the movement.

What does the health group mean in children: the description of each group

  • Do not discard the physical culture to the last place. Ask the child how this lesson passed and whether he was at all. We walked in the fresh air or engaged in a school gym. And most importantly, make sure that the intensity of the load corresponds to the group that is determined during a medical examination.
  • It is also important to understand that a medical group and a group for physical education are different classifications. We will analyze them more details in turn.

For sports at school, there are 3 health groups in physical education:

  • basic;
  • preparatory;
  • special.
Separation into groups
Separation into groups

Each of them implies a number of prohibitions on the type of occupation. If the child is in a small school where the class is not divided into groups, take care of it yourself. Contact the director and tell me that your child cannot, for example, in the main group.

Why is it important?Separation was invented for a reason. There are diseases and painful conditions in which physical activity is either prohibited or allowed not fully for security purposes. The usual hundred -meter for a sick child may end deplorable. You, as parents, are required to control the process of dividing the class into 3 groups for physical education.

  • The definition of a medical group must be carried out before the start of the educational process.
  • According to the state of health, the doctor or adolescence therapist makes a conclusion, determining the child in one of the groups. In a controversial situation, the group is determined by a special medical commission.
  • Having received an opinion from the doctor, check, the diagnosis, or diagnosis, as well as the degree of impaired body function, is indicated.
  • The health group is confirmed every year, most often before starting training. Depending on how the health of a small patient has changed, the group can constantly change. For example, constantly move from the main to preparatory and vice versa. This is normal and depends on many factors, such as food, healthy sleep, sufficient rest.
Determined depending on diseases
Determined depending on diseases
  • Organization of classes for 3 different groups in one class is not easy. That is why children from the main and preparatory groups are usually engaged in together. Only the intensity of classes and their duration is regulated.
  • The guys with a special subgroup are engaged in according to the written order of the director, which is compiled at the beginning of each school year. Often children can remain unattended by the teacher if he is alone for a whole class. In this case, talk with the children yourself and explain how dangerous physical exertion may be for them.
  • According to statistics, the minority of children is engaged in the main group, but the leader is preparatory. This is the best, illustrates the general state of health of the nation from childhood.

1 or the main health group in children for physical education

  • The main group includes completely healthy children, as well as having minor chronic diseases that do not affect the functioning of the body as a whole.
  • The main group is engaged in a standard program developed by the Ministry of Education. Children are allowed to pass the standards, competitions, exams, classes in various sports sections, tourist trips.

2 or preparatory health group in children for physical education

  • These include practically healthy children with chronic diseases that last from childhood or more than 3 years.
  • Children with diseases that have led to a disorder of the body.
  • Children with a poor physical level of development.
  • Children with chronic diseases who are in long -term remission and feel good.
  • Based on the pathology variant, children can be completely prohibited for children or more types of physical activity.
  • For example, with diseases associated with visual impairment - jumping, competitions on motorcycles and bicycles, martial arts. With damage to the eardrum - swimming in the pool, jumping into water; With problems with the musculoskeletal system-long jumps, speed, football, volleyball, basketball.
Useful for all children
Useful for all children

3 or a special health group in children for physical education

A special group is divided into two subgroups: a and in

The guys are the guys:

  • with chronic diseases that led to serious changes in functions;
  • congenital vices;
  • with deviations in normal development, which imply limited physical activity;
  • other physical diseases that allow you to study at a comprehensive school, but require a practical refusal to exercise physical education.

Allowed to:

  • physiotherapy physical education;
  • classes on a specially developed program;
  • classes of individual sports.

Strictly prohibited:

  • take standards along with everyone else;
  • participation in competitions, tourist campaigns, other active events;
  • visiting certain sports sections not intended for children with a special group.

It is better if classes at school with such children are held specially trained teachers.

The subgroup includes children:

  • with chronic diseases without brightly exposed impaired functions and deterioration. We are talking about those children who study with everyone, but practically from physical education, they are practically released.

Classes can take place only separately from the rest and under the guidance of special coaches. Even physiotherapy exercises in this case have restrictions.

What does 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 medical health group mean in children?

  • They should not be confused with health groups for sports. This classification has a completely different goal. Only a doctor can determine a group of your baby from the first days of life.
  • It depends on many factors, starting from pregnancy, childbirth and infant. The presence of congenital or acquired chronic diseases. The group is exhibited so that later it is easier to determine various paper nuances.
  • It is important for parents to understand what every figure implies. This will help to better take care of the baby, for example, change nutrition, be more in the fresh air, travel to the sanatorium, and so on.

How are the child’s health groups determined?

  • It should be understood that the doctors would not attribute your child to which groups, this is a rather conditional conclusion that can change over time.
  • The group is determined as a result of a preventive examination, testing and undergoing examinations, such as ultrasound, cardiogram, measurement of pressure, pulse (in calm and under load).
  • Studies are prescribed only if there are indications.

In addition, narrow specialists are examined by the child, such as:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • dentist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon.

Each specialist writes out the inspection data on the card, and the pediatrician still makes the conclusion by assigning a health group from 1 to 5.

  • It is important for parents to understand that health assessment is carried out at the moment, without taking into account acute diseases, such as SARS or infectious and viral diseases that were history.
  • The definition of a health group is made primarily for doctors. With a possible emergency admission to a medical institution, the doctor will immediately see the presence of pathologies in the child.
  • This will help to prescribe adequate treatment as quickly as possible, which will not cause allergic reactions and will help get rid of the disease. Also, health groups help the pediatrician determine the health group for physical education.

The principles of determining the health group

The exact and only scheme that determines the health group of your baby does not exist. Medical literature offers very diverse ways to set the scale. Most often use 5 principles in order to set the so -called “assessment” of health from 1 to 5.

5 of the most important principles for determining the group:

  • The very first and most important is heredityThe fact is that even in the womb, the organs and systems of the fetus are formed. Much depends on the factors of heredity. Parents should turn to the genetic laboratory even before conception and take the necessary tests to learn about possible risks and ways to prevent them. During pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist collects an anamnesis, in the form of all kinds of manifestations of genetic diseases in close and distant relatives, both from the mother and father. When a child is born, a detailed assessment of a neonatologist is carried out, he determines if there is the possibility of transferring either hereditary diseases and directs it to additional studies, if possible.
  • Normal physical development From the first days of life.As soon as the child was born, he must be weighed, they measure height, head circumference, etc. This is necessary in order to easily track whether the weight, for example. In addition, the baby should begin to crawl, walk, eat certain types of products in due time. He grows, talks, increases muscle tissue, and first collects the simplest puzzles. All this includes normal mental and physical development, which greatly affects the health of the baby in adolescence and adulthood.
The development of both physical and mental
The development of both physical and mental
  • Timely development of organs and systems of the body. The baby is completely formed in the womb, but continues to grow and develop after birth. Born completely healthy, the baby may begin to lag behind in development both in 1 year and 10, for example. But here we are talking about functional development. Heart, vessels, musculoskeletal system, joints, lymphatic, hematopoietic systems, as well as liver, light, pancreas, intestines, kidneys. Do not forget about the organs of vision, hearing, touch, smell. Both a doctor and parents should know well about timely normal development and monitor this. At the slightest deviations, you should immediately contact a specialist. The sooner the possible pathology is diagnosed, the more chances for successful treatment.
  • ImmunityThis principle is determined by the soreness of the child, that is, the resistance of the body's strength to infections and viruses. If the baby often suffers from acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, tonsillitis for no apparent reason, this can become one of the factors in the definition in the health group. But, it may also happen that the reason for frequent incidence is still there and it also needs to be found.
  • The ratio of physical and mental developmentIt often happens that children lag behind in one type of development. For example, a lag in mental development can be determined in infancy. To do this, you need to consult a child psychiatrist and a neurologist. Experts will determine the presence of reflexes and skills corresponding to a certain age.

When is the health group determine?

  • The health group can be determined from 3 to 17 years. Most often, the main criteria in the first years of life is the general well -being of the child and the presence of chronic diseases, it does not matter whether they affect the violation of the body's functions or not.
  • Children with the same health group can have completely different diseases and this is normal. Parents should not be scared if their child was put in the card, which does not correspond to ideal health. With each subsequent preventive examination, it will very likely change.

Health groups: differences and detailed characteristics

Next, you will learn about the features of each of the 5 existing health groups:

  1. Absolutely healthy children are credited to the first group. no chronic diseases were recorded. Acute diseases are not the reason not to enroll the baby to the first group. This also includes guys examined by narrow specialists and who have no development problems at all levels.
  2. The most large number of modern schoolchildren belongs to the second group. Children are almost healthy, but a decrease in immunity can be found. There may be functional deviations without severe chronic diseases. For example, slight deviations of vision, hearing, weight loss, or, conversely, overweight. The second group can also be assigned with frequent viral respiratory diseases.
  3. Guys with chronic diseases that are crossing from the period of exacerbation into remission from time to time. There are no complications and related diseases. There may be problems with weight, height, as well as mental development, but insignificant.
  4. Children s chronic diseases that often exacerbate, periods of remission are unstable and short. Children with diseases in drug remission. Children who have undergone surgery, injuries.
  5. Guys with chronic diseases that occur almost without remissionbut with complications that require constant treatment. With congenital defects in the development of organs or systems, congenital diseases that cannot be cured by preventive methods, as well as all children with disabilities.
The group can change with age
The group can change with age

The health group exists in order to determine the group for physical education, as well as give parents the appropriate recommendations to improve their children's health. In other words, this is not a final diagnosis, but only a preliminary, temporary medical conclusion necessary as part of compliance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.

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  1. In general, it is interesting to read. My daughter in the first year in the garden was sick regularly. Well, I think that everyone goes through this, adaptation. Then I began to give her vitamins plus, the natural juice of the sea buckthorn in the composition, an excellent immunostimulator, also minerals (zinc, iodine), vitamins. We go to dancing, also strengthens the body honestly showing, now sores are much less often.

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