14 tricks, so as not to get sick: why are we so often sick in winter?

14 tricks, so as not to get sick: why are we so often sick in winter?

In order not to get sick in the cold season, it is important to adhere to some tips. Look for useful recommendations in the article.

Unfortunately, winters in many people are associated not with a fairy tale, but with a high level of diseases. This is so - in winter we are sick much more often than at another time of the year. The fact is that the first signs of the manifestations of viruses begin back in October, and the peak of the spread of the flu falls on the winter months.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The best products with iherb for children from colds and influenza". You will find a list of dietary supplements with a description, parents' reviews.

Interesting observation: despite the cold and insufficient air moisture, the virus holds well in the atmosphere and multiplies rapidly. In tropical countries, scientists record a completely different case: the flu is “active” in the rainy season. So far, scientists cannot give an exact answer to the question: how are microbes so actively multiplying in an unacceptable environment? Why does the same virus also actively spread in different conditions? But for a simple person, this does not matter, it is important for us to simply not get sick and not to get simple. How to achieve this? In this article you will find 14 tricks so as not to get sick in the winter. Read further.

Why are we so often sick in winter?

People are sick in winter more often
People are sick in winter more often

This question worries almost everyone. After all, everything is fine in the summer - we feel good, there is almost no cold even during hypothermia. In response, there are only theories of scientists to this question.

Theory No. 1: Our body suffers from a decrease in immunity

  • Every day, a liter of mucus is released from the nose.
  • It flows along the back of the pharynx, along with dust dust, bacteria and viruses that accumulate in it, and is neutralized in gastric acid.
  • But also in 2002 Scientists concluded that when a person inhales cold air, the protective mucus in the nose becomes slower and less active than at warm temperatures.
  • In this form, it is no longer so effective in the fight against viruses. There is also an assumption that the cold worsens the work of leukocytes - the body's protective cells, that is, the immunity is reduced.
  • Another scientific study proved that rhinoviruses in the cold season multiply much better than at temperatures, for example, 30 ° C.35 ° C..

Theory No. 2: affects immunity and lack of sunlight

  • Common hypothesis: vitamin D. Helps the body fight the flu. All this is because this substance forms an antimicrobial peptide, which in the body in order to reduce the activity of the virus.
  • Adhering to this hypothesis, you can see that taking vitamin D In winter, it can protect against influenza.
  • Observation of schoolchildren in winter really confirms this fact. Those who drank a course of vitamin are not afraid of diseases, like the one who did not accept supportive therapy. But this hypothesis has not yet been completely confirmed by scientists.

On the site iherb You can buy natural and natural dietary supplements with vitamin D. You will find a large assortment of different additives.

Theory No. 3: the more time we spend in a closed space, the more often we get sick

  • In winter it is always cold, and this does not allow us to spend a lot of time on the street.
  • Therefore, people are more often located in closed rooms, where they can infect each other by airborne droplets, through sneezing and coughing.
  • But this is also not yet proven by science, since many offices, different establishments, firms, it turns out to work all winter with a minimum number of sick employees. And this is often called a phenomenon.

Sneezing, sore throat, cough - this is what we expect with the onset of autumn. These are symptoms of colds and flu. These two diseases are manifested almost the same, only with influenza is added high temperature, chills and muscle pain. And, if there are never consequences after a cold, then the flu leaves after a lot of complications. What to do? How to warn the cold? The following are described 14 tricks so as not to get sick in winter. Read further.

14 tricks so as not to get sick in winter

So as not to get sick in winter, wear free clothes
So as not to get sick in winter, wear free clothes

In order to live all winter calmly, you need to take care of your health. Many people drink tea with raspberries and other berries rich in vitamin C, dress warmly, take vitamins. But this may not be enough. Below we present 14 tricks so as not to get sick in winter:

In winter, you should not wear tight -fitting clothes:

  • When the clothes that are completely fitting on the body are on you, it begins to give heat, which so diligently produces, without returning it back, since it is cold outside.
  • Thus you freeze.
  • But when warm clothing is free and does not constrain movements, it is warmly circulating from body to clothing.
  • Thus, a called heat cycle is created that warms you.

To increase immunity a little, drink "Magic Tea":

  • Its recipe is simple. The whole secret in the mixture that needs to be prepared. To do this, take it: ginger roots, Coji berries, lemon, orange, a little sugar. All this needs to be cut and mixed with sugar.
  • After that, put the mixture in some kind of container and store in the refrigerator.
  • After a few hours, all these ingredients will let juice with sugar, and the mixture can be considered ready.
  • Every time you drink tea or any other hot drink, add this mixture.
  • Just a couple of spoons on a glass of liquid and an increase in immunity are guaranteed!
  • But remember, ate you have an allergy to one of these components, then such a mixture can harm your health.

On the site iherb you will find useful tea for immunity with different ingredients - Natural herbs.

In the cold season, it is important to ventilate the room in which you are for a long time:

  • But do not forget to leave the room at the time of ventilation.
  • Enough 10-15 minutes I ventilation per day.
  • This stops the development of microbes in the room, provides air moisturizing.
  • And you are gradually getting used to the temperature that is on the street.
  • Therefore, it is important to take as a habit to ventilate the apartment or house with the onset of cold weather.
  • Such a “life hack” is also useful for the immunity to be strong.
  • Remember that each room has its own microclimate, so to achieve a good effect, it is important to ventilate each room.

In winter, it is better to protect yourself from those people who get sick:

  • You need to be more attentive to employees at work, children - to the neighbors on the desk at school. It is also important to be careful with people who are near you in public transport.
  • After all, all of them can be the varieties of the virus, which is unsafe for any person.
  • It is better not to contact people who sneeze and cough.
  • You need to keep the distance and wear personal protective equipment.

It is important not only to dress warmly, but also to wear gloves and warm shoes:

  • Winter is a great time to get knitted by grannies socks.
  • Each grandmother warns her children and grandchildren: if your legs and arms are warm, you will never get sick.
  • Our limbs have many nerve endings that are responsible for the immune system and pain.
  • It is also a very important aspect for those who have kidney problems. It is even more important for you that your legs are always warm.
Make your hands so as not to catch the virus and bacteria
Make your hands so as not to catch the virus and bacteria

It is equally important to wash your hands thoroughly and wipe them with an antiseptic:

  • If you are for a long time in a place where there are many people and can be sick, you need to remember one rule: do not rub your nose, mouth and eyes with dirty hands.
  • Through the mucous membrane of bacteria and viruses, it is very easy to get into the body and this can cause the disease.

If you are worried that the hands for handling hands that are sold in supermarkets can harm your skin, then try antiseptics with natural components on the site Iherb.

In winter, the neck massage is useful:

  • At least no matter how strange and sounds, it is precisely to rub the neck of the neck in winter.
  • This not only improves blood circulation, but also stimulates the work of the tonsils.
  • The tonsils are the main protection of the larynx and the whole organism. The state of our immunity depends on them. This is the so -called "filter" that does not pass the bacteria and viruses inside.
  • Therefore, it is very important that the tonsils are always “in service”.
  • It is only a couple of minutes a day to slightly massage the area under the jaw and behind the ears - in circular movements with minimal pressure.

Stress in winter does not need at all:

  • Try not to be nervous especially in the cold season.
  • Human immunity suffers very much and is exhausted from stress.
  • From him, a person becomes weak, inactive and at such a time very easy to get sick.
  • Therefore, the problems at work, in the family, at home, worry superficially, so as not to injure the nervous system, due to the improper work of which the immunity weakens.
  • It is also important to get enough sleep - at least 8 hours a day. A good, healthy sleep is very necessary for the body to then be active for a long time.

A walk in any weather is a great idea:

  • This is a good way to harden.
  • In the fresh air, there is less likely to become infected with something, because the cold kills viruses.
  • Physical activity is useful at any time of the year. Need to walk 10,000 steps Every day to feel a healthy and active person.
  • It is important to put on warm and comfortable clothes when you go for a walk.
Proper nutrition will help to remain healthy to remain healthy, which will help not get sick
Proper nutrition will help to remain healthy to remain healthy, which will help not get sick

For the body, the diet is of great importance:

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner is not worth replacing with snacks of raid.
  • It is important to eat on time, adding vegetables and fruits.
  • Your menu should have enough fats and proteins, this is also important for a healthy organism.

The air should be moistened in the living room:

  • The room in which you spend a lot of time should be moistened.
  • Dryness does not affect the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. A cough may appear, sore throat.
  • Moisturizers of air will help prevent this problem.
  • If you do not have such a device, then there is another way to get out of this situation: you will need ordinary containers with water (pots, basins, etc.), which need to be placed near the heating devices and replenished with water from time to time.
  • It is important that one of the containers stand near the bed. So that during sleep the air is also moistened.
  • Observe how the degree of humidity depends on how strong and healthy, and vice versa, it becomes strong.

Vitamin D is the most important vitamin, especially in winter:

  • If you choose the right dosage, then this vitamin will help immunity protect the body in winter.
  • Vitamin D The human body is not enough in winter, since everyone knows that this substance is actively produced under the influence of sunlight.
  • In the cold season, there is very little sun and, accordingly, there is a lack of useful trace elements.

IMPORTANT: Do not take any vitamins without the recommendation of your therapist. After all, an overabundance of any substance is even worse than the drawback.

In the cold period, it is better to abandon bad habits:

  • Alcohol and smoking deplete the body.
  • Because of this, there will no longer be the desired balance of vitamins, useful trace elements.
  • In winter, many vitamin deficiency, and smoking and alcohol also exacerbate the situation.
  • But, if you quit smoking and stop neglecting your health, aggravating the state of ethanol, then this will only improve your life, make it better and healthier.

Timely treat chronic diseases:

  • If you run your chronic pathologies, then the immunity will decrease, pathogenic microflora will appear.
  • This will lead not only to the appearance of frequent colds, but also to the complication of their course.
  • Therefore, with exacerbation of chronic diseases, immediately consult your doctor, and do not self -medicate.

Not to get sick in winter is very simple if you take care of your health. You just need to listen to your body. Do not start chronic diseases, drink tea, a lot of water, go for walks, dress warm, play sports and everything will be fine!

Video: How not to get a cold?

Video: How not to get sick in the autumn-winter period? What am I doing so as not to get sick?

Video: 5 ways not to get a cold!

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Comments K. article

  1. In order not to get sick during the sensation of a cold or after a cold walk, I steal my legs in a bath with a skipar, this is such an emulsion, you can take common baths. It strengthens the immune system and allows you to fight the cold

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