The best medicines for influenza and colds for adults: a list with names on the rating, recommendations for use, reviews

The best medicines for influenza and colds for adults: a list with names on the rating, recommendations for use, reviews

In this article, we bring to your attention the rating of the most effective antiviral and contranding agents.

There are in the modern world medicines for influenza and colds for adults in plural . Most of them are released without a recipe. But not everyone can provide a proper and desired result. We suggest you look at the rating of drugs, which will be shown in an increase in efficiency and points.

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The best medicines for influenza and colds for adults: rating

We offer you a rating of medication for influenza and colds to highlight effective drugs for adults.

  • Isoprinosine, 20 tablets from 570 rubles

The drug for raising immunity, the general strength of the body and suppress the virus. The greatest efficiency will show during the first day after the manifestation of the first symptom. Prescribed depending on the weight of the patient, his condition and the severity of the course of the disease. Contraindicated to pregnant and lactating women. Of the side effects, general weakness, headache and dizziness, and increased uric acid are possible.

  • Kagocel, 10 tablets from 220 rubles

An extremely effective, but gentle and non -toxic drug of quick action. It has a beneficial effect on the human body, practically does not accumulate in tissues and organs, fights with acute infection of various kinds and foci. It is better to take manifestations of the disease on the first day. An allergic reaction and personal intolerance is possible. Forbidden to pregnant and lactating, children under 6 years old.

Personal intolerance is found
Individual intolerance is found
  • Ingavirin, 7 capsules from 320 rubles

A strong drug is precisely from influenza and colds, which has a rapid effect at the first symptoms of the disease in the first hours of administration. But its effectiveness drops sharply 36 hours after passing the first administration from the onset of the disease. Extremely rarely causes allergies. Forbidden to pregnant, lactating and persons under 18 years old!

Only for adults
Only for adults
  • Cytovir-3, 12 capsules from 300 rubles

Designed for complex and rapid therapy of influenza and SARS. The main weapon is interferon. Increases the immunity and resistance of the body, removes toxins, relieves inflammation. It is released without a recipe. But the course of admission should not exceed more than 4 days!

Do not exceed the course of admission
Do not exceed the course of admission
  • Aflubin, 20 ml from 350 rubles, 12 tablets from 250 rubles

If you give your preference to homeopathic drugs, then this option is for you. Aflubin is a very strong drug, which after the first use has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. It is prescribed in a liquid or tablet form, the first option is more effective and suitable even for small children. It is used for the prevention and treatment of SARS and influenza.

  • Arbidol, 10 tablets from 150 rubles

This is a small toxic drug that fights with symptoms of colds and influenza from the first dose. It not only suppresses the effect of viruses of various types, but also increases the immune forces of the body.  

Assigned and available
Assigned and available
  • Viferon, 12 g of 150 rubles, 10 tablets from 250 rubles

The drug has immunomodulating, antiviral, anti -caulifritive properties. Increases its own immunity to resist various types of viruses, but it also reduces the negative effects of antibiotics or hormonal drugs. The course is not more than 5 days for 1 suppository 3 times a day with an interval of 8 hours. It suits even newborn children.

Quick acts
Quick acts
  • Tamiflu, 10 capsules up to 960 rubles

This medicine is released only by prescription. The etiotropic drug is expensive, but it can reduce the duration of the disease for up to 3 days and quickly put on its feet if you take it within the first 40 hours after the first signs or contact with the patient for prevention purposes.

The most effective
The most effective

The best inexpensive effective medications for influenza and colds for adults

There are budgetary medicines for influenza and colds for adults that are available to almost everyone. They do not overload the immune system, while showing very high efficiency and reliability even in comparison with expensive means. In this rating, drugs have almost the same indications, only with a small divergence of 1 point.

  • Arbivir, 20 tablets from 50 rubles

This budget drug, which copes well with the elimination of the first symptoms of the disease, acute infections and even complications after influenza. Not only increases the immune forces of the body, but does not allow the virus to penetrate the cells, strengthening their membranes. A prescribe 1 tablet 4 times a day before meals for the treatment of influenza for 5-7 days. For the purpose of prevention, 1 capsule is enough 2 times a week, take no more than 14 days. And directly when in contact with the patient for 10 days, 1 tablet 1 time per day.

  • Remantadine, 20 tablets from 50 rubles

This is an inexpensive fast -acting drug. It does not stimulate excessively our immune system, but effectively fights the viruses not only of influenza, but also of various SARSs. Especially if you take the medicine in the first 48 hours or for the purpose of prevention. Tables are taken after eating, washed down with water. 1 day at the first symptoms, drink 2 tablets 3 times a day, the next 3 days - 2 tablets 2 times a day, 4 and 5 days - 2 tablets 1 time. For prevention, 1 tablet 50 mg is prescribed for 14 days.

  • Altabor, 20 tablets about 50 rubles

It is used both for prevention and the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory diseases. They have proven themselves very well as a high -speed remedy. In order to prevent tablets, they drink 3 times a day for 1 piece for a week. For treatment, it is worth taking no more than 6 tablets per day - 3 times 2 tablets. The drug must be absorbed in the mouth.


The best fast -acting medicines for adult influenza in the form of powdered tea, to reduce temperature

Powers that dissolve in warm water are very popular and are drunk like tea. They cope with the first (!) symptoms of the disease. Ease of use and a small course of administration makes these medicines for adult influenza also one of the most popular means. We offer you the best drugs for the symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in order of rating growth:

  • Amcitron
  • Theraflu
  • Antigrippin
  • Vicks Act
  • Multigrip
  • Rinza
  • Influenza
  • Maxicond
  • Pharmacitron

All of the above drugs have confirmed their effectiveness in the struggle with diseases. Take these powders 3 times a day for 1 bag, for 3 days.

We also offer the best antipyretic drugs for influenza and SARS:

  • Paracetamol
  • Ibuprofen
  • Nurofen
  • Mephenamine acid
  • Coldrex
In the form of powder
In the form of powder

The best modern medicines for influenza and for its prevention for adults: vaccines

In the modern world, people have no time, so many use fast -acting medicines for adult influenza. But those who are more seriously suitable for health issues have long been used by vaccination, as an effective way to protect. There are many different vaccines, and each of them has many positive reviews and results.

The best vaccines for the prevention of influenza are:

  • Monogrippol
  • Suvigripp
  • Influvak
  • The flu
  • Microflu
  • Panduflu
  • Flywick
  • Flyuvaxin
In the form of an injection
In the form of an injection

The best medicines for influenza for adults: reviews

You can not definitely say which medications for the influenza for adults are the best. After all, for each person, the same tool can act differently. Therefore, taking into account individual characteristics, everyone chooses the best drug for themselves.

Elena, Krasnodar, 28 years old

In fact, after you are sick for several days, the antiviral medicine will not help you cope with the virus better than your own body. Therefore, I always try to start treatment with the first symptoms. In my home medicine cabinet, there is definitely remantadine. Its advantage is that we drink it with the whole family (a child over 7 years old). We also really like the Maxicond drug. The first two days of illness, it is indispensable. Once upon a time, the therapist made such an appointment, and for many years I adhere to him.

Elizaveta Petrova, Moscow, 42 years old

It is customary to vaccinate in my family. My mother is a doctor and a vaccine for the prevention of influenza for her is mandatory in the vaccination calendar. Therefore, automatically my husband, my son and my son are passing through vaccination annually. In recent years, we have preferred ampoule fluvaxin. Even if symptoms begin to appear, the disease proceeds very easily. The maximum that we drink additionally is milk, honey and linden tea.

Daria, Tikhoretsk, 37 years old

Tamiflu is for me the drug No. 1. Yes, he is expensive, but he is worth it. This is a real remedy that can help. Once I fell ill with pork flu, and thanks to this drug, I remained alive. Then one familiar guy did not suffer this disease and died. And as it turned out later, his mother was an adversary Tamifle. And after that case, I immediately run to my doctor for the recipe and buy Tamifly. By the way, my attending physician supports me in this matter and as soon as the epidemic begins, he gives me a prescription without problems even for prevention. And the last two winters I have never got sick.

Video: Best Medications for Adult influenza

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Comments K. article

  1. But I usually take Savis Flu with a cold (unlike many others, it does not increase the pressure, so I buy it)+of course, washing the nose and rinsing the throat as often as possible. All this quickly helps to restore health ... A cold quickly retreats))

  2. We also have no special cold weather, but already managed to catch a cold. But somehow Lightovo everything passed, did not hurt long. Maybe Tilora helped so? Most likely he, for the first time, bought this drug and straight to the point!

  3. It is a pity in this review there is no colds about the drug. The product is very good, quickly removes the temperature with a headache, plus the throat passes and breathing opens. I have long been only this powder and I have been treated, especially since it costs a penny.

  4. And I have antifungal from the nature of the product in favorites among drugs for influenza and SARS. The main thing to immediately start taking it and well -being will improve with each reception.

  5. And I have antifungal from the nature of the product in favorites among drugs for influenza and SARS. The main thing to immediately start taking it and well -being will improve with each reception.

  6. This time everything went without complications. The throat only ached. And then I began to take the anti-angon of the formula, and I felt relief. After all, this tool acts on bacteria with its effect.

  7. I would have added a nobasis here, I didn’t know about it myself, but it turns out that now the Chinese are buying in packs from coronavirus, there is a video in the article.

  8. In case of colds and influenza, especially in the offseason, I always keep a flu with a medicine cabinet. I always take only him, because he is one of the few that the pressure does not increase. Well, I usually save with raspberries ... This is enough for a quick recovery, so I can recommend.

  9. If I start not to feel very much, then I immediately begin to take anti -grippine from the nature of the product. I like that this tool at once on several symptoms of a cold acts, reducing them.

  10. Correctly higher about the anti-angon, the formula is written. I always have a paste in the first -aid kit or tablets for resorption with that name. I use them for sore throat and it becomes easier for me. The throat softens, swallowing becomes easier, I am satisfied.

  11. With acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections to me personally, antigropin from the nature of the product saved the skin more than once. As I feel that I get stitched - I take it right away, a large, family packaging for such a case. Well, at a price of norms.

  12. For me, the best with colds is Esberitox. And natural and effective. You won’t wallow on the couch for a long time.

  13. For me, this is, perhaps, Orvis Flu. I take it immediately at the first symptoms, helps to eliminate them. If you still try to adhere to the bed regime and drink more fluids (water, compotes, broths) -so the recovery does not force itself to wait long.

  14. Thanks for the article, about strengthening immunity during the pandemic period, and by the way, I began to give the child IMUNOROKS, so we stopped hurting, otherwise we were often so sick (

  15. The medicine is one thing ... But completely different, to make sure that you will not get sick, avoid relapse. In this regard, not only vitamins are important, but also beneficial bacteria, because everything depends on the intestinal microflora, including immunity. I usually accept the tank-site witch flood ... The best option of all available, quality has already proven myself. It began to hurt less often.

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