A breakdown after illness, flu - how to quickly recover: a specialist's recommendations, a list of adult and elderly funds

A breakdown after illness, flu - how to quickly recover: a specialist's recommendations, a list of adult and elderly funds

From our article you will learn how to quickly get rid of such an unpleasant symptom as a breakdown.

Any disease, whether it is a banal cold, influenza or SARS, always brings a lot of discomfort. And when, after the disease, a breakdown also appears, then the hands simply lower, and a person has apathy, which provokes an even greater deterioration in well -being.

As a rule, this condition is accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, jumps in blood pressure, increased heartbeat, and in severe cases with severe headaches, fainting, vomiting. In order for such symptoms to disappear as quickly as possible, it is necessary to correctly recover after the illness. We will talk about how to quickly get rid of the loss of strength in our article.

A breakdown after illness, flu - what vitamins to take: List

A breakdown after illness - vitamins

IMPORTANT: In summer and autumn, you can saturate the body with vitamins exclusively with seasonal berries, fruits and vegetables. In order for the body to receive the right amount of substances, about 60% of your food should consist of vegetables and fruits. True, remember that they must be used taking into account some features. To make no problems with the digestive system, use fruits exclusively in the morning. And in no case do not combine vegetables and fruits in one reception.

If you belong to the category of people who prefer pharmacy drugs, then just buy a ready -made vitamin complex, and take it according to the instructions and tips of your therapist. A list of vitamins that will help you get rid of the loss of strength you will find a little lower.

Vitamins from the loss of strength after illness, flu:

  • Vitamin C - The most affordable drug that absolutely all people can afford can afford. Vitamin C, contained in ascorbic acid, very quickly gives a supply of vigor, and a person begins to feel better. True, remember that it is water -soluble, which means it is quickly excreted from the body. Because of this, you will have to constantly replenish his stock, taking 2-4 dragees up to 4 times a day.
  • B vitamins. This group of vitamins will save you from lethargy, insomnia, dizziness and apathy. Accepted in accordance with the instructions.
  • Alphabet energy. This vitamin complex is ideal for people who work physically. In the package you will find vitamins of three different colors. This is done so that a person can easily figure out which tablet to take in the morning, and which day and evening. Vitamins not only help restore strength, but also eliminate the reasons for their reduction.
  • Selmevit. This complex has a powerful effect on human immunity. Its stimulation increases the body's ability to resist stress, and also enhances endurance. Thanks to this, a person is restored faster after illness and does not feel the symptoms of a loss of strength.
  • Vitrum Centuri. Perhaps the most popular drug that is used in the fight against the breakdown of strength. He not only struggles with drowsiness, fatigue and inhibition, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. And this allows you to fight even with chronic fatigue.

Drowsiness, loss of strength after illness, flu, colds - what to do?

Rules for a contrast shower

As a rule, a breakdown after illness, influenza, colds is accompanied by drowsiness if a person tolerates a viral disease. Viruses, getting into the body, begin to attack absolutely all cells of vital systems. This leads to exhaustion, and as a result, immunity ceases to protect the body.

And the more cells the virus damages, the more weakness and drowsiness a person feels. If this process does not stop, then the patient will have a viral intoxication, and the condition will aggravate even more.

IMPORTANT: All the above procedures should begin to be carried out only after the symptoms of the disease and normalize the level of body temperature completely disappeared.

To avoid drowsiness and loss of strength after illness, influenza, colds must be done:

  • Morning exercises. Immediately after waking up, make several inclinations and squats. Complete all rotations with your head, with your hands. No need to overload the already weakened organism. To strengthen vigor, literally 10 repetitions will be enough.
  • Contrast shower. Just do not pour yourself with ice water. You can pour yourself with slightly warm water, and then increase the temperature by 3-5 degrees. This will be enough for the blood flow to intensify and the body is more intensively began to be saturated with oxygen.
  • Relaxing massage. To do this, it is not necessary to spend money on the services of a masseur. Some of the relatives will be able to relax the muscles of the arms, legs, neck and back with stroking and patting.

The loss of strength after illness, flu is a low temperature: what to do?

Low temperature when the power of strength

Very often, with the loss of strength after the disease, a low temperature is observed. As a rule, the following factors affect the appearance of this unpleasant symptom. Due to the disease, protective forces are sharply reduced, and immunity ceases to control the processes occurring in the patient's body. This leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, and as a result, the body works, as if in inhibited mode. Therefore, the temperature can decrease below the norm.

IMPORTANT: If the patient’s body temperature dropped below 35 degrees, you must immediately call a team of doctors. Such temperature indicators are considered critical and can lead to an even greater aggravation of the state.

A breakdown after illness, influenza, low temperature - what to do:

  • Ask the patient to take a horizontal position and cover him with a blanket. In order for it to warm faster, let the warm liquid - tea, decoction, compote.
  • To enhance blood flow and increase body temperature, begin to intensively rub the skin of the arms and legs. Make such a massage for 3 minutes, with an interval of 15 minutes
  • Make a warming bath. Initially, the temperature of the water should stay at the mark of 35 degrees. Gradually, it can be raised to 39. So that a person does not get worse, make sure that the chest in the heart is all the time above the water.

A breakdown after illness - how to quickly recover?

Correct water balance

The loss of strength after the illness is always unpleasant, but still if you do everything right, you can quickly recover. To do this, you should adhere to simple tips.

How to recover quickly:

  • Full rest and sleep. Immediately after the disease, do not load yourself with work, especially physical. Work as you can. If you feel that fatigue has appeared, throw everything and relax. After recovery, try to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Correct water balance. Any disease provokes increased intoxication of the body. If toxins remain in the body, then you can not dream of a complete recovery. Therefore, it is very important to quickly get rid of them. Ordinary pure water will help you with this. Just drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day.
  • Saturate the body with oxygen. During illness, the internal organs of a person lacks oxygen, and this is expressed by a breakdown of strength. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom 2-3 times a day, take hiking in the park or just walk near the house. If possible, use oxygen cocktails.

A breakdown after illness - how to get rid of headache: methods, list of the most popular means

The headache very often appears against the background of the loss of strength after the illness. As a rule, the cause of this symptom is a spasm of blood vessels, which is a consequence of the inflammatory process. And if the disease was difficult, with strong complications, then the vascular system can work with failures for a long time.

To get rid of headaches, against the background of a loss of strength after an illness, you can use:

  • Cool compress. It must be periodically changed so that the cooling effect remains as long as possible.
  • Aromotherapy. Buy an aroma lamp and with its help saturate the air with useful and pleasant aromas. Choose the smells that you really like.
  • Breathing gymnastics. Try to breathe deeply. Inhale the air with your nose and slowly exhale with your mouth.

IMPORTANT: The above tips will help get rid of headaches only if the cause of its appearance did not become problems with blood pressure.

List of Popular Remedy from headache:

  • Meloxicam;
  • Nimesil;
  • Citramon
  • Spasmalgon
  • Aspirin UPS

Strong loss of strength after illness - how to raise immunity?

How to make it-immunity
Proper nutrition

Everyone knows that our immunity depends on the lifestyle. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the state of our body. Immediately after recovery, you will need to reconsider your pastime. If you want immunity to return to normal, then rest a lot, eat healthy food, and be sure to enter sport into your life.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that it will not work to increase immunity in one day. In order for the body to feel the attachment, you will have to spend at least 14 days. Accelerate this process can be accelerated.


  • Plant preparations - tincture of ginseng, echinacea
  • Homeopathy - Immunal and Aflubin
  • Immunostimulants - Aniferon, Cycloferon
  • Biostimulators - Derinat, Timolin

The loss of strength after the illness - increased, the pressure in an adult, an elderly person decreased

Recommendations to reduce pressure

In the elderly, after the disease and the appearance of a breakdown of forces, it often begins with blood pressure problems. In some, it rises above the norm, in others it decreases.

IMPORTANT: In no case do not choose the drugs from pressure yourself. So that they do not harm your body, they must prescribe them a qualified doctor.

You can increase the low pressure that appeared against the background of the loss of strength by folk remedies:

  • You can eat a couple of slices of bitter chocolate
  • Eat salty cucumbers during the day
  • Drink tea with lemon and ginger
  • Consume decoctions from citrus peels
  • Breathe steam with aromatic oils of rosemary or cloves
  • You can try to breathe deeply or shut up intensively

High pressure is best reduced by the following drugs:

  • Dilren
  • Cordypin
  • Pretentil
  • Lerkamen
  • Chlortalidon

Decay after illness, flu: apathy - what can be done?

Respiratory gymnastics to calm the nerves

Sometimes the disease exhausts the patient not only physically, but also morally. A person has apathy and detachment. It seems to him that life has become gray and will never become the same again. As a rule, this condition against the background of the loss of forces appears when the disease has a pernicious effect on the nervous system. So that the condition does not aggravate, it is necessary to help a person get rid of apathy at the initial stage.

If the loss of strength after the illness, the flu provoked apathy try to take the following measures:

  • Arrange your relaxation day. Take care of your favorite pastime and spend the day the way you dreamed for a long time.
  • Meet your friends or spend a pleasant evening with your family. You can arrange a simple tea party.
  • Try to attend trainings to increase self -esteem. If such a pastime does not suit you, regularly visit a cinema, museum, theater. Being among people, you will focus less on your problems.

IMPORTANT: If the emotional state is very unstable, then you need to contact a specialist and he will select a sedative drug suitable for you. Deep breath can help you to overcome the sudden attack of apathy.

Strong loss of strength and drowsiness in an adult, elderly person - what to do?

Gymnastics for energy

If a strong breakdown of forces is accompanied by pronounced drowsiness, then this is a reason to be warmed up. With such a symptom, the body tries to restore strength, which it lacks for normal functioning. As practice shows, if a person lies and seizes, he will feel a short -term increase in vigor.

Strong loss of strength and drowsiness - what to do:

  • The first thing you should do, completely abandon nicotine, and in no case drink alcohol. They will provoke spasmings of blood vessels, and as a result, the condition will only worsen.
  • Enter a large amount of plant food into your diet. Prepare it steamed or slightly let it in a saucepan. Suse berries and fruits without heat treatment. Living vitamins will help the body quickly cope with the consequences of the disease.
  • Start the day with the movement. It can be light gymnastics, running on a treadmill or cycling.

From a strong loss of strength and drowsiness will also help:

  • Tincture of ginseng
  • Limonnik tincture
  • Sorbifer
  • L-thiroxin
  • Apitonus
  • Dihydrocardetin

What to take with fatigue and a breakdown of strength: a list of restorative drugs

Ways to combat fatigue after a breakdown

Constant fatigue is considered a satellite of the loss of forces after an illness of any course. Therefore, sometimes there is not enough rest and good nutrition to restore protective forces. In such cases, it is necessary to resort to the use of "heavy artillery" in the form of medications. As practice shows, they help a person restore strength in short lines.

IMPORTANT: Similar drugs in no case should be taken uncontrollably. If you exceed the dose or take them longer than required, then surely harm your body.

List of restorative drugs for fatigue in the breakdown of strength:

  • Grandaxin
  • Modafinyl
  • Glycine
  • Longdayzin
  • Dinacell
  • Oxiracetam
  • Emental
  • Calcium gopantenate

A breakdown after illness - how to recover with folk remedies?

Products for immunity

If you do not want to take pharmacy drugs anymore, you can always try to get rid of the loss of strength with the help of folk remedies.

IMPORTANT: Giving preference to traditional medicine, it is important to remember that some types of herbs may not be suitable for older people. So, if they have a strong tonic effect, then this can provoke jumps in blood pressure.

How to recover with folk remedies in the loss of strength after illness:

  • Rosehip tea. The product is prepared simply. Dry rosehip fruits and boil for 10 minutes to boiling water. Give me to brew. You can add a pair of lemon and honey lobes to a warm drink. The product is used 3 times a day for 250 ml.
    Honey, cinnamon and turmeric. Take a rule, waking up in the morning, drink a tonic from the products mentioned. It must be prepared before use. In a glass of water, dissolve 1 tsp of honey and add a pinch of cinnamon and turmeric. Take at least 3 months.
    Dried fruits. Take 250 grams of dried apricots, prunes, figs and walnuts. Grind everything in any way convenient for you. Add 300 ml of honey to the resulting mass, and mix everything thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp in the morning and evening.

A breakdown after illness - what to do: a specialist's recommendations

Healing bathtub extract

IMPORTANT: With a sharp breakdown of strength, the main thing is not to panic. Remember, panic in this case is your enemy. Against the background of strong emotional stress, vascular spasm will begin and, as a result, the condition will aggravate even more. Therefore, the first thing you should do is calm down. If you can’t do it yourself, take a calming agent.

Recommendations of a specialist in the loss of strength after illness:

  • Remember that a full rest in the breakdown of strength plays a large role. Therefore, it is important that after an illness a person goes to bed no later than 23 hours.
  • Before going to bed, be sure to check the room well. In the room after ventilation, the temperature should be at the mark of 21 degrees. Ideally, this temperature should be constant.
  • You can try to take a bath with a coniferous decoction. It will help to relax the body, which will contribute to a faster recovery.
  • If apathy appeared against the background of the loss of strength, positive emotions will help to get rid of it. Watch the movie comedy. Listen to soothing music. Or just the sounds of nature in an audio record.
  • Try to lead an active lifestyle. You should not overload yourself, but you don’t need to turn gray for days, without moving. Do a simple homework and walk a lot in the fresh air.

How many days is the body restored after the flu?

If you are looking for an answer to the question - how many days the body is restored after the flu, then you are unlikely to find an unambiguous answer. Here everything will depend on several factors. If at the time of infection the body's defenses were at a high level, then you can recover in 7-10 days.

Of course, provided that the treatment was started in a timely manner, and correctly selected medicinal and folk remedies. If the body was weakened at the time of infection, the restoration can drag out up to 3 weeks. In older people, the process of recovery after the flu can drag on for a whole month. And the reason for this, in addition to reduced immunity, will be age -related changes.

Land of strength after illness, flu: reviews


And at the end of our article, we present to your attention the reviews of real people who were able to cope with the loss of strength after the illness, the flu is very quickly.


  • Olga. Due to the fact that my body is very weakened, I quickly pick up viral diseases, not only in the autumn-winter period. I try to start the treatment in a timely manner, but the breakdown of strength appears almost always. Therefore, recently I have not even been waiting for the appearance of an unpleasant symptom, and together with the use of drugs, I begin to take vitamin complexes. Vitamins help me quickly restore the normal functioning of the body
  • Igor. I am an athlete, so even sick, I do not part with sports. While the condition is not very good, there is a high temperature, I just get a lot of walking in the fresh air. I reinforce the body with oxygen by the use of vegetables and fruits. I also like to use fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices. As soon as the temperature subsides, I begin to do easy gymnastics, gradually returning to previous loads. As a rule, weakness and loss of strength quickly pass.

Video: strengthening funds in the loss of strength. Recovery after illness

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Comments K. article

  1. The doctor also told me that if you feel a breakdown of strength after a cold or a flu with a probability of 90%, you simply did not get away. Therefore, it is so important to competently approach treatment. She herself had recently hurt a cold .... They helped to normalize the condition of Orvis Flu (I buy it, because it suits hypertension, does not increase the pressure)+More tea with raspberries and sawing with lemon 3-4 times a day. The cold quickly retreated .... Yes, there is no breakdown now)

  2. I have such a decline at the beginning of the illness, I try to lie more and sleep more. But I do not forget to be treated, of course, I take an antifungal from the nature of the product, I drink tea in huge quantities, rinse my throat, spray in my nose. And in the end, after some time I am already in construction and feel pretty good))

  3. I haven’t had this for a long time. Because how to follow my health, eat right, take minisan D3 - chewing pills - the source of vitamin D, and practically stopped getting sick. And before, even in the summer, she could get cold. Now everything is easier and simpler, and at least the energy, and the immunity is pleasing.

  4. I already forgot when I was sick like that. I try to take vitamins in order to strengthen immunity. Now I switched to loaf of Naturino with vitamins in the composition. There is vitamin C, which strengthens not only immunity, by the way. but also the walls of the vessels.

  5. Having been ill for a week, you feel like a broken sparrow. It seems that you are not worthy, but there is no strength. My therapist said that this was due to weakened immunity. He advised to drink the Evalarovsky hissing vitamin D3, in the tablet the daily norm of vitamin (2000 IU). It is convenient for me to dissolve in water in the morning and drink, a delicious orange drink comes out.

  6. Thank you very much for the article with a detailed description. I am not often sick, but here it was so swept away, I thought I won’t move away. The temperature would have kicked out, now it’s easier, but there is no strength. I will use your advice. The freezer is full of berries, ginger and honey are always there.

  7. Taisa, thank you for such a complete information regarding the recovery after illness. This is a very valuable, necessary and timely article !!! ????

  8. Of course, vitamins are important for lifting vitality ... .. And for the immunity it is more necessary for beneficial bacteria. On the advice of the doctor, Bak-Set Cold Flu took. There are 17 types of viable bacteria that do not die in the stomach. Yes, and there are really many positive reviews in the drug. So calm for my health.

  9. Of course it is important to eat right and take vitamins. But so that this is all well absorbed, a good work of the intestine is needed. There is a cool probiotic Orvis, we accept it with the whole family. It supports the respiratory tract, inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora in the lungs and strengthens the immune system. I ordered a phytomarket on the website, very convenient.

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