How not to infect a child, baby and family flu, if mom is sick?

How not to infect a child, baby and family flu, if mom is sick?

Prevention of influenza in children.

Flu- this is A dangerous infectious disease that residents of our country faces during the off -season. It is quite simple to get sick, but protecting yourself from the virus is much more difficult. In this article, we will tell you how to make my mother infect the child with influenza. 

I get the flu - how not to infect a child?

In general, the flu itself is a viral disease that is dangerous not by its effect on the body, but by consequences. This is due to the fact that very often, after the child is ill with the flu, complications with the heart, joints or other vital organs can be observed. That is why it is easier to prevent infection than to do its treatment.

Accordingly, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to prevention. The best means of prevention is vaccination. However, it is better to make it on time, usually carried out in October or September. Depending on when the flu epidemic is expected. If you did not have time to vaccinate, or for some reason do not want to vaccinate, you must adhere to other prevention rules. 

I get the flu, how not to infect a child:

  • Cut the child 
  • Drive the baby for a walk on the street 
  • Try to eat products that increase immunity 

Of course, adults tolerate the flu is quite difficult, but the child suffers more. This is due to the fact that all inflammatory processes, as well as viral pathogens that enter the child’s body, develops reactive speed, much faster than in adults. Accordingly, children get sick much more, often the flu is accompanied by temperature, its increase to 40 degrees, and strong vomiting. That is why it is necessary not to provide treatment, but to fenced off the baby from communication with a sick relative. 

Mom and baby
Mom and baby

The flu of a nursing mother - how not to infect the baby?

Sometimes this is difficult to achieve, especially if the mother lives with the child, and the baby baby. The situation is more difficult if the mother feeds the baby, this reduces the risk of the disease to 100 percent.

The flu of a nursing mother, how not to infect a child:

  1. The fact is that the flu is transmitted not only by airborne droplets, but also through the hands or body. Thus, the mother can sneeze, cough, particles of saliva can fall on the chest or body, which the child can accidentally capture with his mouth during lactation.
  2. No one says that it is necessary to completely abandon breastfeeding, but if possible, it is best to express milk with clean hands, wiping them with an antiseptic or antibacterial agent.
  3. It is best if one of the healthy relatives will feed the child from the bottle or spoon. It is better for mom at this time to refuse to communicate with a child or minimize him. 
  4. It is necessary that the baby sleeps in a separate room. If for some reason this is impossible, then it is allowed to put the child sideways near him on the bed. It is best if he sleeps in a separate crib. Remember that viruses and bacteria multiply in a wet and stuffy room perfectly.
  5. Twice a day, in the morning and evening, open the balcony or ventilation window for about 15 minutes. At this time, the child is taken out of the room to another room so that he does not vouch. After that, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning to completely remove bacteria.
  6. In some sources, it is recommended to add chlorine to the water during washing the floor. However, in some children, when inhalation of vapors, chloride may observe suffocation, including a strong cough, and even allergic reactions.
  7. Therefore, it is best for a baby to be fenced off from such a procedure, to use other methods of disinfection of the room. You can use itquartzing. Although in most cases there will be enough use of phytoncides, asaromatic marshy For a lamp and humidifiers. 
The disease is crumbs
The disease is crumbs

Prevention of infection with influenza

There are a lot of preventive measures that are used in order to prevent the infection of the child with influenza. For these purposes, it is necessary to ventilate the room 2 times a day, morning and evening. Mandatory is wet cleaning, which allows you to remove dust, as well as a favorable environment for the development of viruses and bacteria. In addition, try to wear a mask all the time.

Prevention of infection with influenza:

  • Please note that it is best changed several times a day. This is due to the fact that in a humid environment when putting on a mask and its wearmore, than 4 hours, microorganisms and viruses propagate inside the layers of tissue, which can increase the chance of infection with viruses and bacteria.
  • Ask your healthy relatives to teach your child during your illness. If this is not possible, try to wipe your hands with an antiseptic several times a day or rinse it with chlorhexidine. Be sure to allocate a towel for yourself, as well as dishes.
  • This is necessary that all households and relatives do not use your dishes, which will minimize the risk of infection. Handles are best treated with a solution of chlorine or chlorhexidine. There are various antiseptics in order to treat dishes and door handles in the room where the patient is located.
  • Try during an illness, if you have a baby, sleep in a separate room. If this is not possible, you need to move the child into a separate crib to increase the distance between you and the baby. 
The mask from the flu
The mask from the flu

Mom’s flu - what to do?

Please note that you can prevent the disease with some procedures. Try to rinse your nose and throat with saline several times a day. This will help remove a large number of viruses from the body and accelerate recovery.

Mom’s flu, what to do:

  • For the purpose of prevention, if the child is not a baby, but preschool and school age, it is allowed to do salt rinsing of the nose and throat. Be sure to moisten your nose to a healthy child with saline.
  • For these purposes, you can use drugs containing interferon, which are preventive and prevent the infection of the child with influenza. For prevention, some antiviral drugs can be given.
  • Among them can be highlighted in Ischive, Ergoferon, Aflubin. These are drugs that can be given for the purpose of prevention, they help very well and contribute to a quick recovery, and also reduce the risk of infection with influenza.
  • In addition, such drugs allow the child to be ill with a mild form, preventing the appearance of complications. 
  • Due to reduced immunity, some kids are recommended to do preventive vaccinations and vaccination. Before the influenza season and the acceleration of the epidemic, consult a pediatrician, perhaps he will prescribe effective vaccines that will prevent infection. 

I fell ill with the flu, how not to infect a child?

During when you are sick with flu so that the child does not become infected, it makes sense to give the baby not only antiviral preventive drugs, but also vitamins. After all, vitamin preparations strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of infection, as well as infection with the flu several times.

I fell ill with the flu, how not to infect a child:

  • It makes sense to give such medicines if outputs of influenza and sharp respiratory ailments are observed in schools and preschool educational institutions. They are mainly transmitted by airborne droplets and through the use of common dishes, as well as toys.
  • Children are much more quickly infected from each other in influenza than offices. This is due to the fact that the kids are in contact with each other much more, so the risk of infection is very high. If possible, then during the epidemic do not lead the children to the garden to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Some parents think that the more the child is sick, the better, and he develops immunity. But the fact is that the flu viruses are a huge number, including sharp respiratory ailments.
  • Each year, these viruses mutate, so the likelihood that the child will illuminate the same virus very low. Accordingly, it is best to strengthen the child’s immunity in order to prevent the development of the virus in the baby's body.
Mother is sick
Mother is sick

If there is an opportunity, and you know that the influenza virus is dangerous and causes a number of complications, it makes sense to refuse for a while visiting a preschool institution. In schools, quarantines are often organized to prevent the spread of infection, and the occurrence of flu epidemics. 

Video: How not to infect a child with a flu?

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Comments K. article

  1. Ooo ... for me this is also a problem. But here is the most important, all the same, as soon as possible to recover. As a rule, I just walk in a week-2 mask, and at this time I am intensely treated, washing my nose, rinse of the throat, a saber of flu is mandatory (I always buy it only, because the pressure does not increase, unlike many other drugs)+of course) , my legs are steaming if there is no temperature. All this quickly helps “to stand on your feet”, and the baby, thanks to the rapid and full treatment, remains healthy)

  2. First of all, the whole family needs to think about how to strengthen immunity. And the point is not only in vitamins, which most often advertise everything, but also in useful bacteria. Because the health of the body as a whole depends on the state of the intestine. We already took the habit of taking the tank-site sofle to take. There are 17 types of viable bacteria that do not die in the stomach and reach the intestines in a constant form. Immunity is strong glory to God.

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