12 important things that forget to take on a trip: list, tips

12 important things that forget to take on a trip: list, tips

There is a list of things that people forget to take on a trip. Look for it in the article.

Going on a trip, a person, as a rule, begins to pack things and check the contents of the suitcase or road bag in advance. But even in this case, the average tourist manages to forget many important things. Naturally, the first to come to mind the thoughts of the safety of a passport and tickets, since it is impossible to fly to a vacation without them. But there are things that seem less important, but without them the flight and rest will not be very comfortable. Read further.

How to not forget anything: tips

Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip
Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip

Experienced tourists give a certain set of tips, which will help to be as ready for any trip and do not forget anything. Here is some of them:

  • Make it list of things that you plan to take.
  • Do not be afraid of your desires - you can bring there everything you want.
  • Subsequently, the list should be re -read, each time deleting extra points from there, and stopping the choice on really necessary things.
  • Determine what is the main thing and what is secondary.
  • To do it is very simple. If, when looking at the sheet, doubts arise regarding a particular thing, it means that it is not necessary to take it.
  • It is also worth asking yourself a question: “Will this thing be used, what is it useful?”

This will create the most practical and rational list that will consist of the necessary items. Naturally, on the trip you should not take overalls that may not be useful at all. Also, do not put objects in the suitcase, the analogues of which may already be present in the list.

Read also to another article on our website, how not to get better while relaxing. So, each element of a tourist backpack or bag should perform its own, unique (preferably, useful) function. It is desirable that everyone is used with enviable regularity.

12 important things that forget to take on a trip: a list of small and necessary personal belongings

So, you have already checked the presence of a passport, tickets, and other important documents. All personal belongings and clothes were listed by points - it seems to be everything in place. At the same time, you recall that they still put it in a suitcase and whether it is needed at all. Below we present a list of 12 important thingswho forget to take on a trip. These are small, but necessary personal items:

Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip: Plaid
Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip: Plaid

Pedid and warm socks:

  • You need to take them with you, despite the climate and the weather features of a particular region.
  • Moreover, for the purpose of convenience, many travelers put on sandals. These shoes are able to force the owner to suffer from the heat or freeze under the air conditioner.
  • Of course, socks under sandals are not always “comme il faut”, sometimes this is considered a sign of a bad tone. But few people will evaluate the style on the bus.
  • The main thing is warm.
  • The plaid is taken for the same reason. If a tourist disdain these things, he risks ruining his vacation with an unexpected cold.

Pillow under the head:

  • You should also not forget about this subject.
  • It is quite practical to take inflatable.
  • It does not take up a lot of space, and when landing in transport, it is very easy to bring it into working condition.


  • Many consider it an element of foreign films, which is completely useless for a Russian person. In fact, everything is not entirely true.
  • Even if the tourist does not sleep, but just rests with his eyes closed, he will be able to fall asleep even in the mask during the day.
  • Moreover, the dream in this attribute is much healthier and stronger than without it.
Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip: headphones
Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip: headphones


  • They must be vacuum. And this is not only in love for music.
  • This is a good insulation of noise, which sometimes saves better than Berushi.
  • However, it is worth remembering that they are not sold with their favorite smartphones.
  • After all, it is believed that moving with them around the city is dangerous. But in order to feed on the bus, the very thing is.


  • Many travelers simply forget to make them.
  • If the originals can be in a small handbag, which is worn in the hands, then copies can be put in a suitcase.
  • They may not come in handy. And they can save at the most crucial moment.

Suitcase liner:

  • This is ordinary sheet A4 With the name and number of the owner’s phone.
  • Alas, unpleasant cases with baggage occur even among trusted airlines.
  • It is worth remembering that in the case of foreign trips, you need to write your initials in Latin letters.
Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip: tweezers
Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip: tweezers


  • This item serves not only for fashionistas to bring beauty.
  • On the trip, its purpose is usually practical.
  • Suppose to pull out a drift or an ingrown hair.
  • This smallest cosmetic device does not take up space, but there can be a lot of benefits from it.

Power Bank:

  • This is a thing, without which it is impossible to do without a modern journey.
  • Even if a tourist is not a fan of social networks, but the phone should always be available.
  • Moreover, you need to take a photo for something.
  • It will be very disappointing if a successful and rare frame is not made due to the fact that the camera or smartphone is discharged.

Threads and needles:

  • It is stupid to take a whole box with sewing accessories.
  • But a couple of skeins of threads of common color can help out.
  • Being far from civilization, the “researcher” can sew the torn sleeve “on the go”, not expecting the path leads to the village.


  • Tourists forget them often. But in fact, it is with them that you need to start the collection.
  • Girls can take wet wipes for children with them - they are very handy of mocking, as well as perform all other universal actions.
Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip: Wet napkins
Important things that are forgotten to take on a trip: Wet napkins


  • No matter how safe the trip, the risk of getting hurt, get an injury or catch a cold, is always great.
  • That is why it is necessary that at hand there is a minimum number of universal medicines.
  • As a rule, these are bandages, analgesic, iodine, pills for abdominal pain and headache, sedative, and sometimes cordial.


  • No matter how reliable the lighters seem, the charge of gas in them ends at the most inopportune moment.
  • Therefore, if a person is not at the hotel, but carries out a hiking campaign, it is better to worry in advance that there are matches and dry fuel in the branch of the backpack.

As you can see, things are simple, but without them, vacation can be spoiled. Perhaps you will add something else of your own. Always make a list in advance, and then get together on it on the road. It is more likely that you will not forget anything. Good vacation!

Video: 13 things that everyone forget to take with them. Collect a suitcase on vacation

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Comments K. article

  1. Well, everything is relative. For example, I do not need neither a mask for sleeping, nor matches in principle. But an autonomous battery is a real thing, especially if problems with sockets. Yes, even if you stop at the hotel, there is often only a couple of pieces, and given how many gadgets are taken, this is always few. And I don’t take much on trips in principle - I do not like to carry large suitcases. This year we went to the village of Lermontovo to the guest house of Marseille, so we took only one small suitcase for three and it was not particularly filled. And everything was enough with the income.

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