How to stop thinking about working at home, on weekends, on vacation: tips

How to stop thinking about working at home, on weekends, on vacation: tips

Find out in the article how to stop thinking about work outside working time.

How to stop thinking about work: Types of workaholics

There are several types of workaholics. If the problem is relevant for you, think about what type you belong to.

  • I live to work. Such people usually come to work before everyone else, and go later than everyone else. They spend little time at home. Without work, their life does not make sense, since all the most interesting thing happens at work. Sometimes a significant part of things, for example, personal items, dishes are “moved” to the workplace instead of being at home where they are a place.
  • I work to work. In this situation, the work is in the first place in a person. For her for her, his beloved and the only one, a person is ready to stay with an overnight stay in the workplace, to lose relationships with loved ones and friends. This is called "incurable workaholism." However, a person can arrange everything, because all spheres of his life, except for his work, are striving, to zero.
  • I work to live. If a person works only for the sake of money, work can bring him more negativity than positive. It would seem that there is life outside the work, but thoughts about unloved work and solving problems are constantly distracting. Fearing to lose the source of earnings, a person seeks to be useful at work. And he falls into the trap of his own thoughts about work.

Important: work is good, progress is good, moving forward is also great. Work is undoubtedly necessary and useful. However, it is necessary to be distracted from work. This is very important, because you risk missing the most important thing in the process of work - your life.

Let's learn to be distracted from work outside working time. Simple tips will help you with this.

How to leave thoughts about work at work: Tips

How to stop thinking about working at home, on weekends, on vacation: tips

There are a lot of workaholics who cannot disconnect from thoughts about work in time. These people constantly think about work, even when they have a weekend, vacation or working day is over. In addition, they are trying to solve working issues at any time, even when they have the right not to do this.

A similar attitude to work is not an indicator of the productivity of the employee, this is an indicator of workgolyism and the inability of a person to relax and switch to other important spheres of life.

From unhealthy passion for work, family, close people can suffer. For example, a woman or a man who thinks about broken transactions can rudely respond to children or a soul mate. Also, the parent may not go for a walk with the child, as he decides to do something at work.

Endless thoughts about work can harm. And not only relations with loved ones, but also their own health. The accumulated stresses, the inability to relax and be distracted from problems threatens a person not only by a decrease in performance. The effect of stress on human health is known firsthand.

Many psychologists consider the balance of a happy life a balance between work and personal life.

Important: Once the sage was asked: “What is happiness?” He replied that happiness is simple things. This is when you eat and think about food. When you walk and think about nature. When you draw, you think about creativity.

It is not always enough to turn on the series to completely distract from thinking about work. All the same, working moments climb into the head, and you again begin to scroll them in your head.

Video: How not to think about working at home?

Organize interesting leisure to stop thinking about work

One of the reasons for the constant thoughts of work may be that at home you are simply not interested. Returning home, the majority fall into routine - cleaning, cooking, washing. If you catch yourself thinking that at work you are more interesting than at home, it's time to change the situation.

Of course, you can’t run away from household chores. But we can also say that they will not go anywhere. Take more time to your leisure time. For example, plan a trip to the cinema, restaurant, cafe. Or agree on a meeting with a girlfriend after work. Go to an interesting place - to the exhibition, to the disco. You can sign up for foreign language courses. In other words, organize your time after work in such a way that there is no time to think about work. At the same time, you need to think about how you spend time after work more than once, but constantly. Plan your leisure time constantly: today - a cafe, tomorrow - English, the day after tomorrow is horse riding.

Thus, you yourself will not notice how the evening after work will fly. Your mood will improve significantly, and work will not master your thoughts. Imagine how rich your life can be.

Spend timely time outside of work

Get tired physically to stop thinking about work

Problems at work, thoughts about working moments can lead to insomnia. A bad dream, in turn, can contribute to what you will be at work as a squeezed lemon.

Important: to fight insomnia and provide a good good sleep will help physical activity.

Sign up after working in the gym. Perhaps during training you will think about your work. But, having come home, you will fall asleep quickly and tightly. This will be an important step towards victory over obsessive thoughts about work. In addition, you will take care of your health, which should be in the first place in a person.

If there is no way to sign up for the gym, at least organize a walk. And not just from work to a supermarket, and then home. Take a walk just like that. Come up with new routes. Thus, you can take a break from the hustle and bustle, from stress, take a break from work. And come home with renewed vigor, in a good mood.

If you did not go for a walk, you can come up with a job at home, from which you are physically tired. For example, take care of general cleaning, do something cardinal in the house. If you find a lesson that can kill a wave of thoughts about work, this is great. But do not forget that too much to bother yourself is not very good either. All should be in moderation.

Go in for sports

Prohibition of talk about work

In many families, it is customary to talk about how the working day has passed. It would seem that family members are worried about each other and share their problems. But these conversations should not be in the family of a person who only does what he constantly thinks about work.

Talk to your loved ones, your family should have an iron rule - not discuss working issues. The same applies to friends, especially if you are connected with them for work. In fact, it is easy to form a habit not to talk about work outside of work, it is enough just to work on your attitudes.

You can also ask your colleagues not to call and not write to you in non -working hours. Do not be afraid, offend someone with your request. If you explain normally to colleagues that you want to relax from work at home, they will understand you. In addition, people with a certain clear position in life are respected, think about it.

Do not call friends to complain about injustice at work, even if they are ready to become free ears for you.

IMPORTANT: Take a rule to yourself - leave all the working issues behind the threshold of the office. As soon as you crossed the threshold, talk about work is prohibited.

For violation of this ban, come up with a fine, for example, push off the floor 10 times. Do not make yourself concessions, so it will be easier for you to get used to the fact that talking about working at home is not.

Do not talk about work at home

Plan your time to stop thinking about work

Many people think about work because they do not have time to cope with the volume. Often this is due to the lack of planning. The morning begins with coffee, then for five minutes a person enters social networks, in the end he does not notice how he spends an hour there, or even more. As a result, all working affairs are postponed in the afternoon, and many do not have time to complete them.

Instead of an irrational working day, plan your work in the morning. It will be better if you write down plans for a diary. Not just in order not to forget about them, your memory may be exceptional. Just notes in the diary help to begin to resolve working issues faster.

Important: at the end of the day, leave 15-20 minutes to plan the next working day. Describe what you will do and how much time. Try to follow the plan. Then your day will go as productively as possible.

Planning - the path to success

Work on your personal life to stop thinking about work

Not always in the family everything happens smoothly. Small quarrels, misunderstandings, misunderstanding of each other can lead to the fact that at work it becomes more comfortable than at home. Some "run away" into work and begin to constantly think about it. Instead, you should direct forces to resolve conflicts in the family. Think about what will make you be thoughts with your family in non -working hours. Work in this direction. Become the organizer of the family leisure, invite your family to the entertainment center, to the cinema, in the cafe. Organize a joint lesson that brings you together. For example, make the whole family of a feeder or birds of birds. Such a lesson will combine physical employment, bring you closer to your family and help not to think about work.

If you are a lonely person, do not try to replace your family with work. Most women get a lot of happiness from relations with their loved ones. This cannot be replaced by work, probably, you yourself admit it to yourself. Take care of the search for your half, there are a lot of opportunities for this. Starting from dating sites, ending with acquaintance in the gym.

Important: as soon as your personal life is getting better, you will stop thinking about work constantly. The main thing is that later you do not have to think about how to force yourself to work.

Find the second half

Come up with a hobby to stop thinking about work

A hobby can become not only an outlet, but also help to find a solution to many problems at work. It is proved that during concentration on one problem, we begin to think too narrow and do not see options for solving the problem.

At the same time, if you start a creative and interesting occupation, it distracts and helps to relax the brain. In the future, options for solving those working problems that did not give you peace before rest appear in your head. Only now the solution options will be clear, clear and simple. You will even be surprised how you did not see what you had in front of your nose before.

Find what you really like. If it seems to you that you do not have time for a hobby, this is only because you have not yet found an interesting task. A favorite hobby can make a person happier, absorb your thoughts and will not give negative thoughts about work to devastate and squeeze you like a lemon.

Important: if you think that there is no suitable hobby for you, we hasten to convince you. There are a lot of interesting classes: drawing, dancing, sports, needlework, skill, etc. You just need to try to realize yourself in something.

Find yourself a hobby

Read books to stop thinking about work

Reading books helps to plunge into an invented reality. Thus, for a while, from real life with its thoughts about work, you will transfer to another world - the world of book heroes.

For loafers, reading books can become a problem. When a person does nothing, but only immerses in an invented world. But for a workaholic, this lesson can be a salvation.

Some prefer to watch movies. But still, books occupy your mind stronger.

Important: besides this, thanks to reading you can replenish your vocabulary, expand your imagination. This is useful for people who, on duty, need to come up with creative solutions.

Read fiction

Control your attention to stop thinking about work

To think that work prevents a normal life is worth it when thoughts about it overtake you in transport, in the kitchen, during the adoption of the shower. In fact, you do not live your life, do not enjoy the moment, but live only for work.

If you catch yourself on thoughts about work in unsuitable moments, stop them. Just forbid yourself to think about it. Interrupt thoughts with any phrases said to yourself. For example, immediately switch to the color of the wallpaper and tell me how beautiful they are. If you are in transport, look at a neighbor’s shoes and remember that you wanted the same or vice versa, never buy such shoes for yourself. In general, think about anything, just not about work.

Switch your attention. You can control your thoughts and attention. At the same time, you must deliberately direct your attention to something else and start thinking about it. Over time, you will learn to switch your attention quickly and at the first request. A few successful training.

Switch your attention

Set the limit for working hours to stop thinking about work

Many work in free mode, engage in freelance. Many freelancers consider the free schedule one of the main advantages of their work. But sometimes they themselves fall into a trap.

For example, they work around the clock. They answer working questions at any time of the day and nights, allow you to steal a day off and work. As a result, thoughts about work are always next to such a person, he is on the beach or walks in a park with a dog, went to a supermarket for groceries or sits in a cafe with a loved one.

In this case, it is important to set a working time limit. This is suitable not only for those who are engaged in freelance, but also for those who have a normalized schedule. Install a clear hours of work and do not work out of the schedule.

Important: let yourself at least one day a week not to go to work mail, not to read a corporate chat. Just highlight this day for yourself and your family. With new forces you will begin a new working week and spend it productively. Checked.

Manage your working time

Solve working issues on time

Take a rule not to postpone any working issues for later, even if they are very small. As a rule, all sorts of small questions have the ability to accumulate and then form a snowball.

A heap of unresolved questions can fall on your shoulders unexpectedly. Therefore, resolve issues as they arrive. The task came to - they solved it and engage in your business. This will allow you not to think about the fact that once they didn’t finish something.

Do not postpone the work for later

Finish what is very worried to stop thinking about work

Some people are very worried that they did not locked the door in the office, did not close the safe, that the report did not reach the addressee. These obsessive thoughts can ruin the evening and all night until the morning.

In order not to torment yourself with empty thoughts, allocate time and solve this problem.
If you are constantly worried that you have not locked the door, try the next technique. Leaving the office, tell yourself clearly: "I locked the door." Now you will sleep calmly and not think that thieves will get into the office.

Let yourself complete urgent affairs and nothing more

Turn off the phone on vacation to stop thinking about work

To begin with, many workaholics do not go on vacation at all. Especially when it comes to your own business. It would seem that a person is provided that he prevents him from going for a week-eighteouser to the sea or ocean. But many prefer not to break away from the work process, as they believe that without them the case will stop.

Be sure to give yourself time to rest. And not just lie on the beach, endlessly calling up with colleagues or workers. And really relaxing, without thinking about work. Trust the matter to reliable people and agree that only in case of emergency situations can they call you or write. Better to get a separate number for this. Turn off your mobile or put on a soundless mode, then you can enjoy the rest and, indeed, take a break from work.

People who on vacation solve working issues do not come to work with a full margin of strength, energy and disability. One gets the impression that they did not rest at all.

Do not work on vacation

If you do not learn to disconnect from work outside the working time, the problems will only multiply. Due to endless thoughts about work, professional and emotional burnout can occur. Learn to be distracted from work at home, and at work from household chores, and you will find the same balance that is called the key to happiness and success.

Video: Psychologist's advice, how not to think about work at home

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