10 books ideal for vacation: list, brief description

10 books ideal for vacation: list, brief description

Going on vacation, do not forget to take an interesting book with you - it will entertain you on the road, will not let you get bored on the beach or draw up a company on the evening veranda, after a long day. The main rule that needs to be observed by choosing vacation literature is the ease of the plot, the ease of presentation, the lightness of the volume itself.

You can distract from everyday life, plunging into someone else's story - empathize with the heroes, explore the unknown, conquer new peaks. Each of us is looking for different impressions of reading, because we all have different needs.

10 books ideal for vacation

  • Someone wants to survive the story of another love, and it doesn’t matter-alien or very similar to their own. That's why, women often choose love novels or poetic lyrics.
  • Relating themselves with the heroines of love dramas to many allows you to live an intimate relationship with other people, on which in real life they would not have decided for various social or religious reasons.
  • Other people, on the contrary, cannot reduce the degree of stress even on vacation, so they choose psychological thrillers, spy detectives or scientific prose. Detectives love, especially espionage, also those people who do not have enough drive, adventures in everyday life, I want to solve secrets, intrigues, conspiracies.
  • And whatever your soul wants on vacation, we have made up the top books for vacation, it is based on the most common requests of several literary sites in different genres. We are sure you will find something to your liking and for yourself!

List of books for vacation:

  1. "The last romantic." Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Pleasant novel in the genre biography. It is perfectly read in nature, away from the benefits of civilization.
  • The book is very interesting for its inconsistency. On the one hand, this book about the life of Eustas Conveewho chose a complex life away from the benefits of civilization. He preaches the idea of \u200b\u200breasonable consumption and tries to convey this idea to the young generation of Americans. To some extent, Eustas can be considered an entrepreneur, he owns a large number of lands on which he equipped something like a camp of extreme survival.
  • He is trying to convey youth the need to live in harmony with nature, He talks about various opportunities and ways to change his life.
  • The everyday moments of the life of Eustas in the wanderings in forests and mountains, methods of mining and other details are very juicy and in detail.
  • On the other hand, this book also has a deep psychological meaning. Based on the nature and behavior of the protagonist, the tragedy of deep children's injuries is built.
  • Sustas Conway lives a deep resentment of his father all his life, he is driven by this resentment, he completely does not know how to build relationships with people, and, quite possibly, not taking care of nature drives him actions, but the desire to escape away from people, so as not to again and again Exercise the pain from unsuccessful relationships.
  • Yustas is very complex relations with women, his actions raise too many questions, and sometimes even bewilderment. However, behind all this lies the personal drama of the hero, which is gradually and delicately revealed by the author throughout the book.
  • In general, readers praised this book for juicy descriptions of the natural beauties of America, the light style of presenting the author, the opportunity to think about interesting ideas and a fascinating immersion in the life of real American cowboys.
  1. "Where the magic ends" Graham Joyce
  • Roman in the genre magical realism. It is ideal for those who want to escape from reality.
  • This book easily, with humor, tells about amazing life of a special girlThe wise woman raises. They live separately, like most of those who do not meet generally accepted norms. They help everyone who needs help, but they do not always get gratitude for this, treat with herbs and use ancient practices, and also have several very useful spells behind the soul.
  • The whole novel is saturated the romantic spirit of the old English villageWhere hares are hidden in the canopy of trees, the moon looks affectionately into the windows, in the kitchen the herbal collections of a real witch dry and the house is filled with the aroma of a home pie. And even in the yard of 1960, and countries actively compete in the development of space, and technological progress inexorably gaining momentum, two opposite worlds come into contact in the county of Lesterhir - the world of magic and the world of modern technologies, in which there is no place for inexplicable.
  • Once, a wise mentor Cullen goes to the hospital, and the main character, a girl named Snok, is left alone with diverse household problems - From a possible loss of the house for debts to the difficulties of building inter -sexual relations. But the girl is not as simple as it might seem at the very beginning, and through small household details in the description, we can trace her strong character and enterprise.
  • In general, the book affects a lot of questions about attitude of people To those who differ. About the rejection that all the dissimilar to the majority face. About how often people are ready to turn a blind eye to everything that goes beyond their close beliefs. And also about how to live all this without angry, not succumbing and moving along your own path.
  • In general, if you are looking for a little magic in a daily routine And you want to escape from the whole world - welcome to Graham Joyce's magical reality.
  1. "Black Wine." Joanne Harris
  • Another novel is in the spirit of magical realism. Suitable for cozy reading in a wicker chair with a glass of wine.
  • This is the second novel of the writer from the cycle “The Trilogy of Food”, where the first novel was “Chocolate”, and the third - “Five quarters of the orange”.
  • It is already interesting that the narrative is conducted on behalf of a bottle of home wine, the harvest 1962. It describes in detail and thoroughly the heavy everyday life of a certain writer Macintoshwho is mired in the literary crisis in the very ears.
  • Previously, he already published a rather successful collection of short stories and a book of stories about the summer, for which he even received a prestigious award, but now everything has changed. He lives at the expense of his girlfriend-journalist, but at some point there are insurmountable disagreements and the main character, grabbing 6 bottles of homemade wine, goes to Lanskna-Su-Tann, in Provence. It was there that the farm, who was once bought by him, is located, and it was here that he will finally find his true purpose, to gain mental harmony.

The novel is filled with lightness and trifles, seasoned with amateur alchemy and cute atmospheric details.

  • Once the hero hangs somewhere in the middle of his life and is asked by questions that torment any adult: is I going to move right in that direction? And in this novel, the author Joan Harris finds a rather successful resolution of his questions for the protagonist. And pushes the hero to the answers to his questions with rather interesting plot decisions, adding dosed mysticism, romance, nostalgia, a languid feeling of the elusive And other “mercy”.
  • The story turned out to be quite entertaining, many shades are mixed in it: the astringency of floral and fruit wines, spicy aromas of garden plants, fresh the taste of garden fruits, the carelessness of youth and the Kaleidoscope of the feelings of the protagonist, from childhood to the present. All these ingredients are thinly seasoned with magic, which is so organically woven into the narrative that it seems to be not magic at all.
  • After reading this novel, you, of course, can make a completely different opinion about the book, but you cannot remain indifferent to the heroes of this work, and the tart aftertaste will stun your mind for a long time.
  1. "Tuareg" Alberto Vasquez-Figeroa
  • Adventure novel, in the genre of realism. The best Book for vacation and for reading in hot oriental resorts.
  • Inhale the hot breath of the majestic desert and go after the narrative, into its farthest and most unknown corners.
  • The main character of the story, Tuareg Gassel Saii - The main figure of the narrative, and time, place and events are quite secondary. His actions are wild, actions are unpredictable, words are ruthless. But Gassel is the proud son of the desert, and the moral principles of his people are capital truths, which he follows selflessly and mercilessly.
  • Once, following the laws of the ancestors, he sheltered for the night of two travelers, and then also sheltered the soldier. But the soldiers killed one of the guests of Gassel and captured the other, which inflicted a deep offense, since everyone who enters his house is under his defense. So, he decides to take revenge on his guests and alone goes to realize his plan. In the course of the narrative, it becomes clear that the leitmotif of the book is the confrontation of a brave and simple -hearted savage inexorably impending civilization, sweeping away from the face of the earth of all disagreements.
  • The revenge of Tuareg will have completely unexpected and even global consequences with which the brave single hero was not ready to face. In addition, the blind adherence to the cruel laws of their people, endangering those who depends on him directly, this is his family, forced to survive on their own.
  • The plot captures from the first pages, the novel is filled with adventures, events develop very dynamically, without unnecessary drama, with a fair amount of realism. The main character is fighting for his principles, alone opposes the brutal state system of the young African state, which leads to a completely unpredictable, even shocking ending.
  • The book makes us think about a simple truth - violence gives rise to violence, And you need to look for new ways to solve eternal problems.
  1. "Cold time." Fred Vargas
  • A detective novel, from a series about the Commissioner of the French Police Adamberg. For those who go to the French Riviera or just like to solve riddles.
  • The book intrigues you from the very first pages. So, in a row there are several murders similar to suicide, but in each case a mysterious sign was left at the site of the murder.
  • Everything is fine in the narrative - and atmosphere of the French Republic, both the motives of the current characters, and the commissar team investigating the murders, and the subtle humor of the author. The book mentions many historical events of those times. And although, at first glance, it may seem to you that historical facts overload the narrative, but as you read it, you will make sure that this is not so.
  • Historical details Add an atmospheric novel and scale, you can easily navigate the nuances of characters with the help of one of the heroes, the elegant drink of Danglara.
  • Commissioner Adamberg Unusual investigator. Studying the facts and obtaining new information, he often listens to the voice of his intuition, which helps him to successfully advance in the intricacies of the fate of the heroes. The commissar team is made up of special workers, each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses that affect their conclusions.
  • Investigating the murders, the commissar first enters Iceland, and then to the society of admirers of Robespierre, whose participants do not always distinguish history from reality. The plot is interestingly maneuverates between different events and versions, moves dynamically from one to another, and only occasionally allows the reader to rest on the banks of the French river together with Commissioner Adamberg, or to hear the commissar’s neighbor's reasoning about dreams.
About the commissioner
About the commissioner
  1. "Cockroaches." Yu Nesbyo
  • Roman from the series «The stars of the world detective ». It is perfect for those who go to Thailand.
  • This is the second novel from the series about the famous Norwegian detective Harry Hole. The plot begins with the fact that the Norwegian ambassador was found in the Thai motel of the dubious level. And the prostitute found it. The case smells of an international scandal. And to participate in the investigation, the injured party sends its representative.
  • To investigate this case, known for his attitude to alcohol Haria, emerges from a state permanent intoxication and is taken for the investigation. With the investigation, he begins to understand that many people had a motive for the murder of the Norwegian ambassador, politics - fertile ground to make enemies.
  • However, other facts also appear in the investigation, testifying to the unseemly addictions of many influential people, the disclosure of such information entails a political catastrophe, which means that Harry Hole meets a huge resistance, moving along this line of investigation and understands, he was not sent here at all for the investigation And to make a “scapegoat”. However, this does not stop him, and he brilliantly unravels the ball.
  • The book is filled details of Thai life. The atmosphere of the chill in the population of the millionaire was transmitted by the author simply brilliantly. The dishes are described in detail, and, it seems, you can even feel the taste of Thai spices in their tongue. A lot has been written about the principles of the local police, there are some doom and humility in their everyday life. The plot develops very dynamically, and the investigation is confusing and complex.
  • The narrative, like many northern novels, has some gloomy hue, due to the abundance of human vices. However, the charismatic protagonist and special characters that are found on his way give the novel a certain subtle fleur, which allows you to name the book entertaining, easy to read, capable of plunging you into a completely different reality.
About the detective
About the detective
  1. "Pixar. Reboot. How to breathe a new life into a business. ” Lawrence Levy
  • The book is written in a biographical genre. Suitable for those who love learn something new on vacation.
  • The book was written by financier and lawyer Lawrence Levy. Readers praised her for a high level of ownership of the word and talent of the narrator. From his story you will learn many new details to the portrait of the famous businessman Steve Jobs, about his skill of the manager and relations with subordinates.
  • This is a description of the period when Steve was dismissed from the Apple, and is looking for himself in a new field. So, he cheaply buys a multiplier company Piksar, which is in a deplorable state, and it is completely incomprehensible where it will move on.
  • The author, Lawrence Levy, who has to defeat the loss and to develop a plan from the crisis and find a new way to solve the problems of the company, is invited to these conditions. The author of the novel very vividly describes all the stages of his difficult work.
  • Here and doubts, and disappointments, and the first minor victories, and periods of complete despair, as well as unthinkable self -giving and rallying the command, willingness to put everything on the map. This is a description of the titanic work of Levy himself in the process of working on the cartoon “The History of toys”, his amazing perseverance and the ability to see the path to the light.
  • This book in an interesting manner will tell you a story about how to become a millionaire in three months, but at the same time, you will not find here empty motivational knockers. No, here is the story of how to cultivate the industry giant from a small studio, but this needs a lot of effort, a good team, a little good luck and the boundless faith in the matter you do, and on this thorny path not everything depends on one leader.
  • At the end there is an interesting conclusion that spiritual and material It is inseparable, everything should be in the balance sheet, and then the success will not delay. The book is read in one breath. This is a fascinating real story that can teach you a lot.
  1. "Our souls at night." Kent Garuf
  • The book is a modern bestseller in the genre the lyrical novel. An ideal resting book, for beach reading, when the air is filled with aromas of flowers and heat.
  • This is very beautiful and touching novel that everyone is worthy of love, regardless of age, from the situation in society, and from ranks. The story is written very delicately, deeply and multi -layered, touches the soul and captures from the first pages.
  • It all starts with the fact that one day, an elderly neighbor, a lonely woman, offers her elderly lonely neighbor to spend the night together. No subtext, just spend time together, talk and fall asleep nearby, in one bed. They are increasingly revealed towards each other until they understand that they can no longer be separate, and we can monitor the development of events - how they go together various stages of the fight against public opinion, with their internal beliefs, with the rejection of these conscious relations with their own children . And since they live in a rather small town, these relations quickly become known to the public.
  • The book will affect a very important question that adults in appearance people are often so selfish that they forget about the feelings of the people around them, but everyone suffers from this.
  1. "A secret not hidden by anyone." Alice Manro
  • This is a collection of short stories. Perhaps the most summer reading.
  • The stories are good in that, after reading not many pages, you can feel the whole gamut of feelings that the writer wants to convey. If he, of course, is a talented writer. And Alice Manro managed to win a certain glory in the field of conciseness.

In this book, the main question is, after all, is real life? Three completely different heroines find completely dissimilar answers to this question:

  • The first writes life with a pattern of an ongoing struggle, it seems that it will come for another turn, real life. But then what is happening now?
  • The other lives like everyone else, believing that it should be so. But is the real life the heroine lives? Can it be different?
  • The third lives without troubles, here and now, living every minute. But others are trying to impose their opinion on her.

And which of them is right? There are so many different answers, but each of them is so little happy. Book for vacation Very light, read in one breath, the narrative is leisurely and somewhat cozy, and will give you a lot of pleasures on vacation.

  1. "Amazing Maurice and his scientific rodents." Terry Pratchett
  • Book in the genre satirical fantasy. Suitable for rest after hard work, read in a hammock.
  • The main character of the novel gives the impression of a stupid boy, however, not everything is so simple. There are still talking rats, united by the dream of their own isolated state, as well as the unique cat Maurice. All these characters unites insidious and intricate plan, according to which, a flock of rats floods the city, and a boy with a cat heroically free the city from rats, for a fee, of course. But in one of the cities everything went awry. Mysterious rats and darkness, hidden by dungeons, appeared in history.
  • The book captures an amazing plot, and even if you are not a fan of fantasy, it should be read due to the amazing talent of Terry Pratchett to fill his works with deep truths, masterfully weaving them into the ironic canvas of the work.
For relax
For relax

According to one authoritative psychologist, in our everyday life we \u200b\u200btry to be as collected, objective as possible, we do not allow ourselves to get too carried away by dreams or inventions, and restrain the spontaneous manifestations of feelings. But on vacation, everything happens differently, we allow ourselves to relax, and in books we first of all look for a certain compensation for so stubbornly restrained impulses.

Video: Books for vacation and travel

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