Where to go to relax in November abroad on vacation, a wedding trip? Where to go in November alone, with a child, where to go inexpensively?

Where to go to relax in November abroad on vacation, a wedding trip? Where to go in November alone, with a child, where to go inexpensively?

Vacation in November? Dont be upset! You have every chance of excellent rest. Where to go at the end of autumn - read in this article.

Vacation in November: Where to go abroad?

Most Russians prefer to relax in the summer. It is believed that in the traditional vacation season, the choice of resorts is larger, it is easier to get to the sea, a good choice of hotels. The template is triggered that the best rest is possible from June to September.

This is partly true. But there is also the reverse side of the summer vacation. The summer months are a traditionally high season in most resorts in Russia and Europe. So, prices take off to heaven, trains are crowded, there are no tickets, and the hotels are clogged to the eyeballs.

In summer, beaches are often crowded
In summer, beaches are often crowded

In addition, there is a category of people whose work schedule does not allow to go on vacation in the summer. Some people do not tolerate the heat, which is the peak of which falls precisely for the summer months in the most popular resorts.

In fact, it is not difficult to choose a worthy option within the framework of your budget at any time of the year. Even if your long -awaited vacation fell on a rainy November, do not despair! You have every chance to spend it “excellent”.

Where to relax in November?
Where to relax in November?

Where to go to the sea in November?

You will find the best beach holiday in November on the Red Sea and on the coast of the Persian Gulf. In these latitudes, incredible heat reigns in the summer, which is not suitable for any tourist. In winter, winds rise here, the sea cools to 18-20 degrees of heat.

In November, in the countries of North Africa and on the Arabian Peninsula, ideal conditions for high -quality rest at sea. The best camps for beach holidays in November: Arab emirates, Israel, Egypt.

The Red Sea in November is the best diving place
The Red Sea in November is the best diving place

Arab emirates in November

In November, summer heat falls in this region, the air warms up to only 30-32 degrees, the temperature in the sea is kept at the level of 22-24 heat. By evening, the air becomes cooler, so that the entire vacationing brethren is chosen at the promenade and into nightlines.

The most active and diverse vacation awaits you in Dubai: It is here that most hotels are concentrated (from the luxurious sails and Burj al-Arab to the mega-econic hostels Deira). Dubai has huge shopping centers, excellent promenade, a lot of nightlines.

Dubai is the most prestigious resort in the Arab Emirates
Dubai is the most prestigious resort in the Arab Emirates

AT Sharje More calmly and cheaper, to go to Dubai only half an hour, so you can save good money on living, but stay in the epicenter of entertainment.

Abu Dhabi - The most modern and dynamically developing resort. In terms of comfort, hotels are not inferior to Dubai, and the entertainment is somewhat more secular: golf sex, art galleries, Formula-1 highways and yacht sport.

The rest of the emirates ( Fujirara, Ras al-Haima, Ajman) can be called very quiet and family. High -quality hotels await you here, but all entertainment will be in the hotel.

Sheikh's mosque in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Sheikh's mosque in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Vietnam in November: Where is it better to go?

Vietnam is very popular in the fall, but in November, the season of rains and storms begins in the central part of Vietnam. In Nhazhang, the weather becomes too changeable, protracted rains often go, and the sky is covered with clouds for several days.

The best resorts of Vietnam for relaxation in November are the southern regions Fanet and Fukuok. The phantet is located a little north, occasionally rains from Nha Trang reach here, but in general, sunny weather reigns. On Fukuok in November, nothing portends the beginning of winter, so go boldly.

Island Fukuok, Vietnam
Island Fukuok, Vietnam

Thailand in November: Where is it better to go?

AT Thailand By November, the rainy season is already over. In late autumn, any resort is suitable for relaxation in Tai, everywhere it will be comfortable and sunny. The exception is the island of Samui, on which rains and hurricanes are raging until December.

AT Pattayayou will find a lot of entertainment, super-saturated nightlife and a huge number of excursions to the mainland and islands. But in Pattaya the dirtiest sea, especially in the center.

Floating market in Thailand
Floating market in Thailand

If you want to at least sometimes go to sea, choose the beaches in Pattaya Jomtien or district NAKLA.

On the Phuket and KO-CHANGE In November, the weather reigns excellent, the sea is much cleaner than in Pattaya, but the shores are washing the open ocean here-it is not easy to swim here because of strong reverse currents. On Phuket, choose the West Coast for rest, since tints are pronounced on the eastern shore of the island, during which the sea turns in places into a swamp with bumps.

Elephant Walk on Phuket, Thailand
Elephant Walk on Phuket, Thailand

India, Goa in November

On the Goa In November, a new holiday season is gaining strength. In summer and autumn, endless tropical showers make rest in India impossible, but in November Goa begins to bloom and preen.

November is a great time to spend a vacation here: hotels and beaches have not yet had time to trample the hordes of tourists, the staff is fresh and friendly. Street merchants will be a little more than usual, but this is the only trouble in November on Goa.

On Goa in November, the beach season begins
On Goa in November, the beach season begins

Canaries in November

On the mainland of Spain in November it is already cold, but the Canary Islands are a completely different matter. Canaries They are located on the same latitude with African sugar, so in November the beach season continues here.

Air temperature is on average 23-25 \u200b\u200bheat, water in the region of 22 degrees. Plus much less vacationers. Read more about relaxation on Canaries here

On the Canary Islands in November, heat reigns still
On the Canary Islands in November, heat reigns still

Rest in the Maldives in November

Maldives “This is a country about which we can say“ in winter and summer in one color. ” In November, it is just as sunny, hot and serene as in any other month of the year.

One could consider the Maldives an ideal place for November vacation, if not for prices. For most Russians and residents of the CIS, rest in the Maldives is prohibitively expensive. Otherwise, the Maldives are simply magnificent.

The Maldives is good at any time of the year
The Maldives is good at any time of the year

Rest in Cuba in November

On the Cuba In November, the high season was just beginning. All summer and the beginning of autumn, rains walked here and cyclones raged. November is considered the first "dry" month on the island of Freedom.

In the afternoon in Cuba in November, approximately 25-28 degrees of heat, at night it colds up to 17-18. Water is heated to 24-26 degrees. Rest prices do not bite yet, they will rise in December-January.

In Cuba in November, moderate vacation prices
In Cuba in November, moderate vacation prices

Dominican Republic in November

AT Dominican RepublicAs in the entire Caribbean, in November the "dry" season begins. But unlike the neighboring Cuba, the rains in November are much more common in the Dominican Republic. At times, small storms happen.

Perhaps, in full beach vacation, it will not be possible to enjoy. But see exotic at a relatively moderate price - in the dominic season, not everyone can afford.

Dominican Republic - one of the vacation options in November
Dominican Republic - one of the vacation options in November

Where to go in November inexpensively?

If trips to the foreign seas seem too expensive to you, you can choose recreation options in Russia. You will not find a beach vacation in our northern latitudes, but there will be a chance to see your native spaces, the beauty of which will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

Gold ring of Russia - Excursion bus tours along a number of amazing ancient Russian cities: Kaluga, Sergiev Posad, Rostov the Great, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Suzdal, Vladimir.

Sergiev Posad, Golden Ring of Russia
Sergiev Posad, Golden Ring of Russia

In St. Petersburg In November, the weather is not too friendly, but there are many excursion routes that appear in all its glory in the fall.

For example, a tour of the places of F.M. Dostoevsky will show you Petersburg From a completely unexpected side. Instead of ceremonial halls and magnificent palaces, you will see him through the eyes of Fedor Raskolnikov: stuffy ceremonial, screw stairs, gloomy gateways and courtyards-colleagues.

Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Kazan - The ancient capital of the Kazan Khanate, the city of thousand -year history. To inspect all the sights of the city, you will need several days, but in the vicinity of Kazan there are many historical places that cannot be missed. Be sure to look into the tugan with the Avali - a folklore village in the city center.

Kazan, Russia
Kazan, Russia

Sochi In November, it will please warmly and a mass of entertainment. Only the most desperate, but comfortable walks and excursions are guaranteed to you will be able to swim. If you do not want to overpay, settled in the city itself, since the prices for objects in the Olympic village and Krasnaya Polyana are higher than in the old city.

Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana
Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana

If you do not plan to spend a vacation in November away from the house, take a closer look at local sanatoriums and recreation centers. The sanatorium-resort base in Russia has changed significantly in recent years.

In the place of former trade union boarding houses with an incomprehensible service and “soviet” traditions, modern buildings and medical centers have long grown, capable of satisfying the most picky vacationers.

Sanatorium Russia, Altai Territory
Sanatorium "Russia", Altai Territory

Europe in November: Where to go?

In November, three areas are popular in Europe: ski resorts, sightseeing tours and rest on thermal waters.

Ski resorts in November

In the mountainous regions of Europe, especially in high -mountain Alps, the permanent snow cover has been kept since October. Austria (CEAM-SIME, Stubai, Zelden), France (Tin), Switzerland (Saas Faee, Devilts, Cermatt)-it is in these countries that it is worth looking for suitable resorts.

Wonderful conditions for skiing and snowboarding are waiting for you in Scandinavia: Lillehammer, Vuratti, Kuusamo-Ruka and others. Read more about ski resorts here.

Ski resort Zelden, Austria
Ski resort Zelden, Austria

Thermal springs in Europe in November

In November, in Europe, it is relatively cool, but there is still far from winter blizzards and cold weather. In addition, on thermal waters you can relax year -round, the weather for this type of rest is not critical. Where you can relax in November in Europe on thermal springs:

  • Hungary: Budapest, Heviz, Balaton
  • Germany: Baden-Baden (more here), Shprevald, Visbaden
Thermal pool in Budapest, Hungary
Thermal pool in Budapest, Hungary
  • Iceland: Landmannaleigar, Hveravetlir, Blue Laguna, Laugarvat (see more about Iceland here)
  • Czech Republic: Karlovy Varya
  • Andorra: Andorra-la-Velia
  • Slovenia: Rogashka
  • Spain: Banes Arabes (detailed article on rest in Andalusia here)
  • Slovakia: Pits
  • France: Bann de Dodorr (read more about France here)
  • Belgium: Chateau de farm (more about Belgium can be read here)
Blue Lagoon in Iceland
Blue Lagoon in Iceland

Excursion tours in Europe in November

November and October - golden time for excursion trips to Europe, especially its southern part. Forget about the summer exhausting heat, when you move from the object to the object only with dashes. In November, Europe can be considered with feeling, plainly and arrangement.

Where is the best way to visit in November in Europe?

Portugal - Excellent architecture, a kind of country, an amazing singing language. In Portugal, the richest excursion program: few of the states in their history experienced so many ups and downs. A special corner is the island of Madeira, where in November you can still sunbathe. Read more about the sights of Portugal here.

Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal

Czech. Prague is beautiful at any time of the year. To inspect all its corners, enjoy the original atmosphere and try all the beer varieties, there will be few weeks.

In neighboring towns there is also something to see: be sure to go to Kutnu Gora, the famous Kostnitsa is a church, entirely built of human bones. One -day tours to neighboring Austria and East Germany are also very popular.

Prague, Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic

ItalyWhich in the summer is not everyone can afford, in November will delight with prices. In the south (Apulia, Sicily) it will still be quite sunny and dry. In the center of Italy (Rome, Naples), rains will skip in places, in the evening it is noticeably cold, the weather is comparable to our September and early October. The North (Venice, Milan, Genoa) will be the most rainy place at this time of the year.

See more about cities and attractions in these articles: rest in Italy, North of Italy, Naples and Neapolitan Riviera, Bari and Apulia, Rimini, The sights of Rome, Independent trip to Rome.

Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy

Germany In November, he was covered with clouds. Unfortunately, November here is the most joyless and cloudy month of the year. Walking along the Rhine and picturesque panoramas from the height of the Berlin television tower will be closed for you - everything will be tightened with fog and fine fringe.

But on the other hand, does this cancel the beauty of medieval German cities? If you are not afraid to soak your legs, go, you will have something to see. Details about the sights of Germany here.

Dresden, Germany
Dresden, Germany

Spain in November - where to go?

In Spain, each region is similar to a separate state, they are so not similar to each other. This is not to say “I saw Spain,” resting on just one coast. Spain must be opened in parts without rushing, otherwise there is a risk of missing a lot of amazing.

The warmest region of Spain in November - Andalusia. This area was under the influence of the Moors, so in Andalusia the presence of Arab culture is felt in everything. And at the same time, Andalusia is the most “Spanish” region of Spain, since the entire set of standard cliches (flamenco, corrida, castanets) is from this area. Read more about rest in Andalusia here.

Flmenko - the most famous dance of Spain - originally from Andalusia
Flamenco - the most famous dance of Spain - originally from Andalusia

AT Barcelona In November, it is not too comfortable, but for the sake of the famous architecture of Gaudi you can be patient. There are not many rains in Barcelona in November, although it is often cloudy. An undoubted plus is very low (compared to summer) prices for everything, from excursions, ending with dinner in a cafe. Read more about the trip to Barcelona here: Excursions in Barcelona, a trip to Barcelona.

In November in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bcomfortable weather
In November in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bcomfortable weather

Costa Brava With her sweet little cities and museums, Salvador Dali is also worthy of a place for a trip in November. Interesting places for excursions - unmeasured, take the car and go along the entire coast. The main plus: there are no students at Costa Brava in November. The resort is considered the most popular among noisy European youth, but in November you will find desert beaches and quiet cities. Read more ...

City of Besalu, Costa Brava, Spain
City of Besalu, Costa Brava, Spain

Where to go to relax with children in November?

When choosing a vacation spot with children in November, you first need to focus on the age and health of your child. A sharp change in climate is contraindicated for children under 7 years of age, therefore, going to hot countries from cold autumn, you subject the child’s body with an additional stress for acclimatization, and twice.

Where to go with children in November?
Where to go with children in November?

In Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand), an additional risk will serve as a too wet and hot tropical climate, in which there are many specific bacteria and parasites. Intestinal disorders and food poisoning here happen more often than in the climate zones closer to us.

If you are not sure that your baby will suffer a long flight and serious temperature changes, select the option for relaxing within Russia, or at least within Europe: ski resorts, local recreation centers and sanatoriums.

Rest with children at ski resorts
Rest with children at ski resorts

With older children, you can go on an excursion tour or wave for a week in Adler and Sochi: the weather in November is quite comfortable here, and the entertainment and infrastructure of the Olympic city are quite consistent with the level of the best foreign resorts. The main object of children's attention is, of course, “Sochi-Park”, choose hotels closer to it.

From foreign directions with a non-fire climate, an interesting trip to Finland to the village of Santa Claus, which opens its doors in early November, can be interesting. You can read more about the trip with children to Scandinavia countries here.

Santa Claus village in Rovaniemi, Finland
Santa Claus village in Rovaniemi, Finland

Where to go alone to rest in November?

Few people like to travel alone. Usually these are "lucky" whose vacation did not coincide with the vacation of her husband and friends. But there are advantages in this: you can not follow the family of the family, but choose what your heart lies with.

If you prefer the company, select a suitable sightseeing tour to Europe or Russia (see over). Such trips are always organized by a group, and there will probably be the same lonely soul in it, ready to make up your companion on the road.

If loneliness does not burden you, choose any direction from the above and enjoy in full force. In Europe, you can without fear of traveling yourself even unaccompanied. In Cuba and in Pattaya, you should be a careful night, especially the weak floor.

Where to relax in November alone?
Where to relax in November alone?

Wedding trip in November - where to go?

The honeymoon is the time when you want to push the whole world and enjoy your favorite around the clock.

If you want serene exotic and complete solitude, take a closer look at the next resorts and countries: Thailand (Co Chang, South of Phuket), Vietnam (Fukuok), Canar, Maldives, South Goa.

Where to go in November on a honeymoon?
Where to go in November on a honeymoon?

If you want to dilute solitude with walks and a cultural program, choose Portugal, Spain, Arab Emirates.

If you need drives and adrenaline, see ski resorts, Pattaya, North Goa and Cuba.
Read more about rest in November in these countries above.

Video. Rest in Pattaya in November

Video. Rest on Goa in November

Video. Weather in November in Crimea, Gurzuf

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