How not to get better in the summer on vacation: practical advice. Why people get better on vacation: the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds

How not to get better in the summer on vacation: practical advice. Why people get better on vacation: the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds

In this article you will find tips that will help not get better in the summer on vacation.

Summer has come - the long -awaited period of vacations and rest. Many girls and women began to prepare in the spring to enchanting to appear on the beach.

  • Someone exhausted themselves with diets, others used advice on a balanced diet and played a lot of sports.
  • For the sake of harmony, the ladies refused goodies and spent hours in fitness centers.
  • The result is achieved, but now another question appears: how not to get better in the summer on vacation? How to support your figure in excellent condition and not to give fat a single chance? Let's understand this article.

Why people get better on vacation: reasons

Summer, rest: how not to get better on vacation?
Summer, rest: how not to get better on vacation?

Arriving from vacation, often a good vacation mood is replaced by disappointment. This is due to the fact that on the scales we see extra pounds, from which we had to get rid of the spring for a long time. Why are they recovering on vacation - several reasons:

  • Food restrictions are removed, especially when the desired results have already been achieved. If you start pamper yourself with various favorite goodies, then kilograms will return instantly. In addition, excess weight and even volumes may appear.
  • Overeating in the evening. In the summer, it is hot in the summer, and the body does not want to eat, but only drink. As a result, all day we cope with exhausting heat with ice cream, cold sweet drinks, beer, and in the evening we eat everything in a row.
  • Lack of constant physical exertion. In the summer it is hot and I do not want to do anything. We forget about fitness and other physical exertion that were constant in winter.
  • Picnics. On vacation, we often gather with friends or just a family to fry kebabs and drink a glass of beer. Of course, fried food is tasty, but it has a lot of calories and fat. In addition, much more food is eaten in the fresh air than, for example, at home.

What to do so as not to gain extra pounds in the summer? Let's understand.

How not to get better in the summer on vacation: Practical tips

Proper nutrition in the summer
Proper nutrition in the summer

Summer is a time when our usual plans can be violated. Despite everything, be active and voting in food. If in the resort on which you rest, you can’t run in the morning or go to the fitness room, then take the bike to rent or just go on an excursion. Here are a few more practical tips that will help not get better in the summer:

  • Do not miss breakfast. The missed morning meal is perceived by our body as an alarming sign: complex times have come, you need to stock up on fat. The body reduces energy costs, slows down metabolism. In addition, you will eat 2 times more food at lunch, and the body, taking into account the missed breakfast, will “lay” nutrients in fat until better times.
  • Sweetings use sweets only in the morning. If you went to another country and you want to try local sweets, then use them in the morning and only one portion - one baklava, meringue, and so on. As a result, you will try sweets not in one day, but during the vacation. It will be easy for your body to cope with such a load, and you will not gain extra pounds.
  • Is the time for lunch? Choose the right food. If the soup, then 1 portion is 200 grams, if the second, then the salad and something of meat are necessarily, but not fried, but boiled, steamed or grilled.
  • Snack - berries, fruits. No chocolate bars, ice cream and other sweets! Only fruits for season and not kilograms, but in portions of 200-300 grams.
  • A snack after lunch is an important point. 2-3 hours after the dining meal, arrange a snack, otherwise to the evening meal, the appetite will play in earnest. It can be unsweetened yogurt or something from fruits.
  • Dinner: fish and seafood. Fish protein contains essential amino acids, and the body will receive a lot of energy. Only vegetables should be on the side dish.
Good mood on vacation
Good mood on vacation

A few more tips that will help to avoid mistakes:

  • I defeated sleep - eat less. If after breakfast you want to sleep, then you have overthrew. The next day, eat less food and go on outdoor activities: swim at sea, play beach volleyball or ride slides in the water park. Let the sport be entertainment during the summer, and not an obligation, it is interesting and exciting.
  • Always with a smile. It is known that when we smile, it is burned up to 200 calories. During laughter, not only the muscles of the face work, but also the press, back and even legs. One minute of laughter replaces a bicycle 10 minutes.
  • Down with bad habits. There is an opinion that a smoked cigarette dries the appetite. Many ladies try to eat anything on vacation so as not to get better, and begin to smoke. Upon arrival from vacation, they easily abandon this habit. Perhaps a cigarette and depresses a feeling of appetite, but when you quit smoking, hunger will return and intensify several times. As a result, on vacation you will not gain extra pounds, but get better upon arrival home.
  • It is useful to walk a lot. After lunch, do not go to bed, but go for a walk. No need to go swimming with a full stomach or in a fitness room. Go through city attractions, go to the park.
  • Water instead of tea or coffee. Pure water is the best drink in the summer. Exclude sweet drinks (soda, tea or coffee). They stimulate appetite, and besides this, add extra calories.
  • Dancing and evening walk - we burn extra calories. In the evening, go to the cafe or just to the embankment. This time needs to be spent, if not for dancing until you drop, then at least for a walk along the coast.
Move more so as not to get better in the summer
Move more so as not to get better in the summer

Upon arrival in the room, even if you want to eat, go to bed immediately. You can only drink a little water, but do not eat and do not drink alcohol. All this is allowed to do in the morning and little by little. The next morning, remember all the tips and less food, more water and active movements. All this will help to return from vacation with a good mood and without extra pounds. Pleasant rest!

Video: How not to gain weight on vacation? Everything is included without harm. How to stay in the summer in the summer?

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