12 mental tricks: psychological techniques that allow you to improve their abilities

12 mental tricks: psychological techniques that allow you to improve their abilities

This article describes 12 mental tricks that will help you improve your abilities.

Almost everyone wants to have a high income. Nevertheless, many are also interested in the fact that they have time and effort to family, travel, self -development, interesting hobbies, etc. Alas, in modern realities this seems very difficult. After all, one who earns a lot, as a rule, has practically no time for other things.

There are mental tricks to improve abilities and increase their productivity. How to increase your productivity? According to psychologists, there are a certain number of such mental tricks that allow you to do this. Read further.

The ability to distinguish the main thing from the secondary: mental trick, psychological technique of business people

Mental trick, psychological technique of business people
Mental trick, psychological technique of business people

Many workaholics themselves do not notice that in the process of performing important tasks, they also carry out a large number of “extra” actions. All business people who have already achieved success are able to distinguish the main thing from the secondary. This is an important mental trick:

  • Lead a diary of observations and every 15 minutes Design what has been done.
  • After 40 hours of labor (this is a regular work week), you can check your notes.
  • Almost every person will discover types of activities that did not bring any benefit and meaning.
  • These will be unproductive tasks that you need to get rid of.

From the foregoing it follows that the performance is not the ability to do as much action as possible, but to do important work with high quality. Do not be distracted by the secondary, and do not carry out unnecessary manipulations, and then your work will be productive.

From simple to complex: mental trick that simplifies life and allows you to improve its abilities

Mental trick that simplifies life and allows you to improve its abilities
Mental trick that simplifies life and allows you to improve its abilities

If there are two types of tasks - those that should be reflected on, and those that do not require much time, then you should start from the second. After all, the employee spends most of the mental energy on postponing tasks for later. Moreover, there is negative energy:

  • A person thinks about how he does not want to do anything, instead of working.
  • That is why it makes sense, at first it is successful to finish those projects that require less time and effort.
  • Then you can take up the laborious work, which is "not given."

However, there is a concept NVZ (the most important task) of the current day. It should be the first, after it all the rest. Here is another mental trick and what a schedule should look like that simplifies life - from simple to complex:

  • The most important task
  • Urgent, necessary work, the deadlines of which are limited, but it is simple
  • All the rest

Thanks to this work schedule, your abilities and mental activity will always improve, and you can spend most of your energy only on important things.

Defense of remuneration: motivational mental trick

Motivational mental trick
Motivational mental trick

Do not give yourself concessions for minor achievements. You should reward yourself only for large -scale, successfully completed tasks. This is very motivated.

In addition, the correct arrangement of priorities and rewards allows us to notice that in the process of performing NVZ, minor tasks disappear by themselves. A delay in remuneration is a motivational mental trick.

Advice: Always mentally praise yourself for what has already been done. This gives inspiration for further victories.

Cleaning of negative thoughts: mental trick that helps

Often the work is “slowed down” when a person is too worried about his performance. Clean your negative thoughts. This mental trick helps to increase performance and improve your abilities.

Many employees begin to fuss, subconsciously feeling that they may not have time to do anything. As a result of this, they make rude mistakes, the correction of which takes titanic efforts and a huge amount of time. Therefore, work should be done carefully, calmly, sequentially.

Thoughts about utility: mental trick to increase the effectiveness of actions

Thoughts about utility: mental trick to increase the effectiveness of actions
Thoughts about utility: mental trick to increase the effectiveness of actions

If a person thinks about what benefits his work brings to people, then productivity increases several times. Therefore, in order to increase its productivity, thoughts about the usefulness of your business are important. This is a well -known mental trick to increase the efficiency of actions.

Of course, for many, the main incentive of labor is financial resources. However, working on what does not give humanity practical benefits may not be interesting. If an employee sees a crock for society from his completed tasks, he begins to work much more efficiently.

Interaction with the team: mental trick "Communication with society"

Man is a social being. Therefore, if he works far from other representatives of his kind, the effectiveness of his work may decrease. In addition, far from the team, creativity is also reduced. The employee simply does not see the point in original solutions. In addition, he has no one to compare his successes with.

Therefore, it is important to always interact with the team. Communication with society during work and success of success is another mental trick.

Change of scenery: always working mental trick

Change of scenery: always working mental trick
Change of scenery: always working mental trick

To use this always working mental trick in improving their abilities, it is not necessary to move to another city, apartment, or to do repairs. In some cases, a person, for example, working remotely, helps simply rearranging furniture in the room.

Regarding the office worker, he can somehow change his workplace. For example, even a folder, rearranged from the right angle of the table to the left, already radically changes the situation, mood and increases performance.

Leave perfectionism: mental trick in increasing performance

Leave perfectionism: mental trick in increasing performance
Leave perfectionism: mental trick in increasing performance

Many people in 10 hours they make 90% of the project. Then in 20 hours, add the remaining 10% of the work. In this case, the game is not worth the candle. Leave perfectionism. Such a mental trick will help increase performance:

  • Better to do at a time 99%, and then after the respite it will only have to correct some roughness.
  • But you do not need to do the perfect job. In the process of such work, a person will constantly find shortcomings and constantly correct them, find fault with the little things. In this case, the work will definitely not be completed on time.

Perfectionism is one of the main enemies of performance.

Breaks: mental recreation trick

Many people ignore this requirement. In fact, to work efficiently, you need every 45 minutes make 5-minute breaks. Then the brain will work much better. This is a well -known mental trick of compulsory rest during work.

Do not knock down the pace: the best mental trick, but control is important

Do not knock down the pace: the best mental trick
Do not knock down the pace: the best mental trick

But, at the same time, you should take quality, not quantity. If you do the work quickly, and at the same time the quality will begin to “limp”, this will not lead to anything good. Do not knock down the pace, but follow the quality. If it doesn’t work, then it is better to slow down a little rhythm of execution. Such a better mental trick increase the ability to use, but you need to control your actions.

Do not perform a lot of actions at the same time: advice, not mental trick

Many people grab onto a few tasks so that the result is subsequently global. But such a result is often not observed. There is a simple explanation for this:

  • Even to switch from one project to another, a person spends energy and time.
  • As a result, it will turn out 10 unfinished, or made mediocre, projects instead of one good.

Therefore, a lot of actions should not be performed at the same time. It is rather a psychologist’s advice, not a mental trick.

Noise and minimization of noise: mental patch of cleanliness

Noise and minimization of noise: mental patch of cleanliness
Noise and minimization of noise: mental patch of cleanliness

If the conditions allow, you can put on headphones, but not turn on the sound - this is a very effective way. Having fenced himself from distracting sources, human consciousness is concentrated only on work. As a result, it reaches more.

  • Order and purity should be not only in thoughts, but also in the workplace.
  • A person who himself cannot find the desired document or pen on his table spends a lot of time on finding banal things.
  • This time he could spend on important work.

Mental work with oneself is also important. You should drive away all negative thoughts and set yourself up for success. The main enemies of productivity are phrases:

  • "How much work - I can't handle it until the morning"
  • "How will I have time to do all this?"
  • "I will never master such a pile of documents" and so on.

Study thoroughly these mental tricks described in order to improve your abilities and work productively. Good luck!

Video: 9 ideas increase personal efficiency by 10 times. How to become effective and increase performance?

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