Improving self -esteem: 3 strongest ways, ritual, prayer, useful practice

Improving self -esteem: 3 strongest ways, ritual, prayer, useful practice

Low self -esteem is a common problem of many people. In order to raise it - use special conspiracies and practices.

The level of our self -esteem affects the main events in life. The lack of self -esteem directly affects our circle of communication and the quality of life. Others perceive people through their own attitude to themselves, therefore, for changes for the better, you need to constantly work on self -esteem.

If you do not feel satisfaction from your work and personal life, then it will help to rectify the situation the strongest rituals to increase self -esteem.

Ritual to increase self -esteem with water and mirror

Ritual to increase self -esteem with water and mirror:

  • The magical actions of the ritual are not tied to a certain time of day. You will need a large mirror and a container with water.
  • Place so that your complete reflection is in the mirror. Dishes with water should stand in front of you. Start saying words.

“The Firebird is harmonious in her appearance, beautiful and bright, she blinds with her brilliance and rejoices in life. Each person is looking at her and admires her. The firebird will not look at his charms, imagines to the contemplators. To be like a bird with a golden plumage, there is no doubt about my beauty, to admire my reflection. Let my beauty increase and enchant everyone around. As a bird shines with his mind, so I can’t doubt in my affairs and thoughts. You can never shed bitter tears, do not worry about yourself, love yourself and respect. ”

  • Seven drops of conspired water are added to food. As soon as a person has lunch, the conspiracy to increase self -esteem will begin his action.
  • The ritual is repeated for several days until you feel internal changes.
  • The mirror involved in the ritual should be wiped with salted water and covered with fabric.

Prayer for increasing self -esteem

  • The strongest and popular ritual to increase self -esteem is considered to be a prayer converted to Holy Luke. It will help to gain confidence in his own abilities.
  • The ritual is carried out with a full moon in complete silence. The asking person needs to turn around him clockwise three times.
  • After each turnover, you need to cross. Stopping, we begin to pronounce magic words.
  • Saint Luke will not leave you, will help to overcome uncertainty.

“I turn to St. Luke with the hope of overcoming my uncertainty. Give me the strength and courage to discard all doubts and reconsider my attitude towards myself. Help overcome obstacles, adequately get out of any situation and save your inner rod. Under your patronage, everything is cherished with me. Direct me, Saint Luke, to wise and right decisions. Add me inner power, help me raise self -esteem. Prepare for any obstacles and difficulties, help you dignily meet them and not lose heart. Make up my faith in yourself. Explaining me on the life path and do not leave in moments of weakness. Amen".

The strongest ritual for increasing self -esteem: Practice

  • Raising self -esteem in one day is quite difficult. Confidence should be accumulated during a certain period, as a result of the work done on oneself.
  • The strongest ritual to increase self -esteem It consists of 30-day practice.
Within a month
Within a month

You will need to read magic words daily:

  • To remain reliable and beautiful. I am affirming and accepting myself. I discard my shortcomings in favor of my advantages, I feel proud of my achievements.
  • I accept the features of the surrounding people. I, like everything appeared with God's blessing, each of us has my own mission in this world. My life path is not the same as everyone, but it is no less valuable and important. My life is of great value.
  • I calmly accept my mistakes and approve of any work done. From my failures I endure a valuable experience. I strive for excellence.
  • I worthy of love. I live, which means I deserve mutual love. I really perceive my weaknesses and strengths.
  • I am not striving to live up to someone else's expectations. I am not perfect, but I am proud of my strong qualities.
  • I allow myself to dream, want and love. The desire for set goals will help to raise my self -esteem.
  • I do not worry about possible obstacles and failures. I will make every effort to achieve victories.
  • I am perfect, love this world and deserve patronage on God.
Love yourself
Love yourself

A month later, you will feel like a different person, with new desires and opportunities!

Video: We increase self -esteem

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