What will happen if this is done abroad: 10 harmless gestures considered indecent in different countries of the world

What will happen if this is done abroad: 10 harmless gestures considered indecent in different countries of the world

Deciphering gestures in different countries.

Gestures are rather strange movements that have an ambiguous meaning, depending on the region in which you are. It would seem harmless movements of the head, fingers that are perceived in our country calmly and well, in other states can lead to troubles and even trials. In this article we will tell you what should not be shown in other states.

The value of the head movements in different countries

The most interesting thing was that there was a case in Germany, when a young man, a foreigner, passing by the gendarme, showed him what we mean OK. In Germany, this kind of gesture is regarded as it has gone between the legs. Accordingly, the guardian of the law sued the young man, but fortunately the judge was smart enough, studied what this movement of the hands of other countries means, and justified the driver. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to study what gestures in different states mean. Because many of them can cause trouble or even death.

In the Philippine Islands, no one is called to himself using the index finger. There are cases of the arrest of tourists who did not get acquainted with the unspoken rules.

Gesture review:

  • The movement of the head from the side to the side in Russia means disagreement, or you say no. In other states, for example, in Bulgaria, Turkey, this gesture means “yes”, that is, a statement. Be careful with your head movements at these points in the world.
  • As for stroking the head, in Russia it is considered as one of the methods of affection, mostly children. In states where Buddhism is preached, this is considered an invasion of a person’s personal space and his aura. Therefore, in such corners of the planet, try not to stroke anyone on the head, and not touch this part of the body. You may be misunderstood.
  • The failure of the Neapolitans looks like an upturned head up, along with a protruded lower lip.
  • Pay attention to the behavior of Americans. In Russia, rarely someone touching his head with an index finger, features of the forehead. But in the USA this means that someone is very cunning, trying to deceive you.
  • The index finger at the temple is also ambiguous. In our country, stupidity, nearby. In France, it means the same as ours. But in the UK it is interpreted that a person is smart, or they say "live your mind, listen to your mind."

The value of the gesture is approx

Absolutely different values, has the movement of OK, when the thumb and index fingers are closed, with three fingers protruded. In our country, as well as in English -speaking states, this means "everything is fine."

  • But in France, this sign has a slightly different meaning, suggests that a person considers you unworthy of his attention, or complete zero
  • In Asia, as well as in Japanese countries, this sign means the fifth point
  • It is worth being attentive in Tunisia. This symbol means the desire to kill someone. If OK is intended for you, then they want to kill, take life, be careful
  • In Japan, this sign means money, and a large amount
  • In Turkey, this is nothing more than a sign of gays

The gesture value is thumb up, down

In Russia, it means that you like everything, everything is fine. In other states, this gesture is perceived a little differently.


  • In Greece, this means "close your mouth, shut up"
  • In America, such a movement is used in hitchhiking when they slow down cars on the roads
  • In the countries of Europe, this movement is mainly perceived as approving, that is, "everything is fine, you can be calm"
  • If you show your shoulder with your finger, this means: "Get out of here, you are not happy here"
  • In the East, such a gesture cannot be shown at all, then as it means “go into the space between the buttocks”, so it can be perceived quite aggressively
  • In Indonesia, a finger -up -up finger means number 6, in China, the number 5
  • The finger downstairs from the time of gladiatorial battles. If the audience was dissatisfied with the outcome of the performance, they thus expressed their emotions. Now the interpretation has not changed. This kind of gesture is used to express discontent
Thumbs up
Thumbs up

Movement with the palms


  • Two fingers up, index and middle, depict the English letter V. In the countries of England means victory, but only if the palm is directed from itself, towards the interlocutor. If, on the contrary, the palm is directed to yourself, this means that you are not respected, be careful.
  • Many values \u200b\u200bhave gestures with palms, so you should also be attentive. The fact is that in the eastern countries it matters which hand you give something to your interlocutor. In these states, the left hand is considered shameful, dreamed. It was with his left hand that according to the inhabitants of the East, he did everything, and ate Satan. In such corners of the world, even a left -handed person takes food with an exclusively right hand. In such countries, everything should be served by the interlocutor exclusively with the right hand. If you do this left, they can perceive as a sign of disrespect and neglect of the interlocutor.
  • Regarding the palm, one of the most offensive signs in Italy, as well as other European countries, is the straightened five, that is, a palm with sprayed fingers directed from itself. The fact is that this movement used to be used to punish criminals, throwing them with rotten vegetables, straightened by five.
  • The Italians, a folded hand in the form of a boat means a request to explain everything, call for explanations.
  • In Arab countries, if you hear two cotton in your palms, this means a hint of non -traditional orientation.
  • At the same time, in Pakistan, you cannot direct a hand -straightened palm to a man. This means that a woman does not respect this man, and can be punished. Although it is here that the stronger sex cannot even raise their eyes. The woman can be beaten if she grew up on the street with a man. This is one of the states where the fair sex has almost no right.

The value of the gesture "Goat" or two fingers up

We have a fairly popular gesture so called “goat”, it is a splashed little finger, as well as the index finger. But in some countries of Europe, as well as in America, the gesture has nothing to do with music, as well as rock.


  • In Italy and Spain, the little finger and index finger, erected over the head of a person, mean that he is a complete loser. His spouse, that is, a partner, instructs horns, has sexual relations behind his back.
  • In the United States, such a gesture means recognition of love. Moreover, it is somewhat changed. The little finger, the thumb, as well as the index fingers are protruded.

What do crossed fingers, figs, and cake mean?

In our country, fingers are usually crossed for good luck.


  • If you show such a gesture in Vietnam, this means female genital organs and insult
  • A fig, cake is of interesting importance. In our country, this means "you will not get anything." In France, the same thing as us
  • If you show such a gesture in Japan or Thailand, this means that you offer a full range of sexual services
  • In Brazil, Figa means good luck that the unclean force bypasses
  • In our country, it is also customary to wear a muzzle in your pocket if you go near the ill -wishers
  • It has long been believed that such a gesture protects against evil spirits and is a talisman. Therefore, if you want to avoid the evil eye, wear figs in your pocket near dangerous people
  • In Turkey, this movement also has aggressive significance

Index and middle finger


  • In Asia and Africa, in no case should you point on anyone with fingers. The fact is that in these states such actions are considered a sign of bad tone. This suggests that you are neglecting the interlocutor. In the Philippines, they can even arrest for such a movement. It is possible only in relation to dogs, animals. You can’t show people with fingers.
  • The middle finger in almost all countries is considered an insult. The fact is that the story of this movement is very ancient, and originates from the 4th century BC. For the first time I used Diogenes. Translated means “offensive finger”, and means a phallic symbol. At the same time, the index, as well as the ring finger, bend, only the middle finger is shown.
  • In Europe, this movement appeared a long time ago. But in America this gesture was brought in in the 19th century. For the first time it was shown by the players of the Italian national team during a basketball game. After that, the gesture began to be regularly used as an expression of discontent, as well as disrespect for a partner. The movement acquired very popularity in Russia after the appearance of American films on the screens.
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Forbidden gestures in Turkey and Egypt

We have notceled these countries in vain, among all the main ones. Since it is here that Russian tourists come. Therefore, read the features of national gestures.


  • Thumb up. The desire to have sex right now. Therefore, do not rush to travel hitchhiking and so slow down the cars. The most interesting thing is that men are allowed to show the thumb and it is perceived in the same way as ours. That is, confirms that you like everything. It is advisable for women in such a situation to refrain from such movements.
  • Clicks with fingers. The interlocutor liked your idea or goods. In general, this is a sign that the opponent is satisfied with everything.
  • Browning of the fingers. The opponent does not want to communicate anymore and hurries to leave you as soon as possible.
  • Delaying the lower eyelid. The interlocutor does not like something, it seems to him that there is a deception.
  • In addition, the Turks love to run a palm around the neck, from the side to the side. This means that everything is tired and there is no strength to endure.
  • A special gesture may indicate the completion of the conversation. At the same time, all fingers are bent into a fist, and the little finger is protruded and directed down.
  • Popular in Turkey the clatter language. This means a refusal or the word "no." The Turks often just raise your eyebrows up in order to refuse their interlocutor to satisfy some request.
  • If a resident of one of these states hits himself in the face, this suggests that he is upset in sorrow.
  • Movements, according to the type of twisting of the light bulb in Egypt, mean to repeat the question. The interlocutor did not understand you or did not hear.
  • At the same time, the OK sign means a hint of homosexuality. Therefore, avoid such a movement so as not to get in the face for such gestures.
In Turkey
In Turkey

As you can see, gestures can tell a lot about. But in our country they are perceived in their own way. Therefore, during business trips, as well as travel, try not to use other gestures, if you are not sure what they mean. You can get into an unpleasant situation, even in jail. In all countries, a smile is a favorable gesture. This always speaks of the openness, goodwill of a person. Therefore, use it more often and try not to wave your fingers, as well as a palm in other countries of the world.

Video: Finger movements

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