How to determine the profession on the line on the arm: Description, photo

How to determine the profession on the line on the arm: Description, photo

Hiromania is a science that studies the structure of each line on the hand, their location. By the palm of your hand, you can find out the information that concerns this or that person in the future, to study the possibilities and surprises of the fate of a person. The lines located in the palm of your hand will tell you which person needs to choose a profession.

The priests of high ranks possessed such knowledge. At the moment, everyone who wishes can get the basic knowledge of the palmist. It is only necessary to have a great desire, constantly practice and study this science. It is very simple to determine by your own palm. You must study the lines on your hand, every pronounced hill. A certain location of the lines shows the profession of a person.

Where is the career line in the palm of your hand?

Hiromania is a science that is based on a centuries -old observation of ornaments on the arm. People who are fond of palmistry say that all people have completely different hands. In ancient times, such knowledge was considered forbidden. And therefore, for the fact that a person distributed him was sentenced to death. And it did not matter what his title, merits he had.

In palmistry, human palms are divided into 2 categories:

  • Passive hand.
  • Active hand.

For people who write with a right brush, the left palm is considered passive, but the right is active for them. For left -handed, the opposite is true. To make a complete picture of your own fate during fortune telling, it is necessary to study every palm. In the same method, you can predict what a person will have in the future, his talents.

There is no career line on the hand. However, with the help of the science of palmistry, you can familiarize yourself with career growth in detail, having studied each segment and a combination of lines.

In the palm of your hand you can see:

  • Line of fate.
  • Apollo line.
  • The line of the head.

You can guess on both brushes using the first line. Hands are not at all similar, so the lines are different. A strip of fate on the hand that is considered for you activecan show what you are striveWhat you realize in the future. The opposite palm will show you that you have presented fate from the very beginning.

  • The line of the head is in the central part of the palm. It comes from almost the same point from where the strip of fate takes its own beginning. If there is no feature of fate in your palm, then find the line of Apollo. The location of this line is the hill of the moon. Also, this strip has other names, for example, "Talent line" or "Line of Good luck."
  • The path of your life is not limited only to a career. Other signs can also affect the profession, the area of \u200b\u200byour work. In the palmistry there is also line on the armresponsible for the money. She can determine how difficult career will be, prosperity, and so on, well -being, and so on.

In order to determine your working sphere, which place of work will be as comfortable for you as possible, take into account each sign, intersection of lines.

A profession on the line on the arm: what can show the Apollo line?

  • Apollo line on the arm It is located vertically. It begins with the top of the Moon's hill. When the strip goes to the place where the index finger begins, then you will be rapidly moving along the career ladder. Expect work with a lot of wages. If the line is at the middle finger, then you will find a low -paid job.
  • Apollo line is at the ring finger - It means easy money. They will fall into your hands quickly. Do not apply much work, efforts to get wealth. However, in this case, you must correctly use these capabilities.

Also pay attention to the following location of the Apollo line. If the location of the segment:

  • The hill of Mercury - You get rich thanks to mental work.
  • The hill of the moon - Choose creative work.
  • Hill Saturn - You will work at a difficult, difficult job, and receive a small salary.

If the line intersects with a large number of strips, then you will have difficulties on the path to getting wealth, good luck. It will be difficult for you to work if a strip of sun has an ending in the form of a fork in the area of \u200b\u200bthe moon hill.

Profession on the line on the arm: what can the line of fate be said about?

Given line on the arm It occupies a vertical position. It is located in the central part of the hand. It goes starting from the wrist and ending with the start of the fingers in the zone. When there is no line, it means a person does not have clear goals, he loves changes.

Sometimes this line is diagonally. In this case, she takes bases on the hill of the moon:

  • If the line comes from the center of the hand, does not intersect with the line of life, then you are a strong -willed person. You make each decision yourself, have your own outlook on life. You are a confident person, straightforward.
  • If the devil in your palm is far from a strip of life, then you public people, love your own work.
  • When the line begins from the wrist, then you know what you dream about from childhood, you yourself want to choose who you will be in the future.
  • When the line goes to the index finger, then you sanely nature, have philosophical views. You can become an excellent lawyer.
  • If the beginning of the line comes from the middle and ring finger, you are a conservative person, love mathematics. Hiromantes recommend finding work in a bank or becoming a businessman.
  • Is the devil diagonally? Does she go to the little finger? Then you sociable person. You like to achieve your own goals.
  • When the devil has a view at the end trident, you happy human. Any work will bring you excellent profit.

How to determine the profession on the line on the arm?

On the line on your hand, you can understand who you will become:

  • Lawyer. On the hand you can notice a ring of Solomin. The strip of the head is straight, but the line of life on the arm is very noticeable, quite deep. You can often notice the inner line of life. A strip of fate is dominated by the hand.
  • Actor. The heart of the heart has a deep shape, it bends. The beginning of this line is the hill of Jupiter. The line of the head has an ending near the hill of the moon. A star is noticeable on the sun band, which has an ending near the Apollo hill.
  • Architect. The heart of the heart has branches entering the hill of Jupiter and the hill of Saturn. The line of the head is quite straight. You can also notice the intuition strip on your hand, but it is weak, fuzzy.
  • Accountant, employee of the bank. A strong branching departs from a strip of heart to the hill of Saturn. A strip of fate has clear and direct shape. The strip of the heart crosses the whole hand horizontally.
  • Doctor. In the palm of your hand, you can see the presence of medical signs, in the form of short lines on the hill of Mercury. The genetic strip originates from the hill of Venus, it intersects with the line of life. The heart of the heart is elongated, has curved outlines. The strip of the head is straight, located horizontally.
  • The main manager of the company. Stress grooves are at the ends of the fingers. The hand has noticeable secondary features, there are a lot of them. You can also see a strip of intuition. As for the heart strip, it is quite elongated, straight.
And what is on your hand?
And what is on your hand?
  • Designer. On the hand, the strip of the head is a curve, it can have a fork, reach the hill of the moon. If we take into account the band of the heart, then it reaches the hill of Jupiter.
  • Comedian or comedian. The strip of life on the arm creates a large semicircle, does not enter the central part of the palm.
  • Model. There are many lanes on the hand. The line of the sun is elongated, but the strip of fate is intermittent.
  • Nurse. The genetic feature goes from the hill of Venus, it meets with a strip of life and crosses it. You can see medical signs on your hand. They look like short strips on the hill of Mercury, occupy a vertical position. The presence of a Solomon ring is also noticeable. But the devil’s feature is inconspicuous, but elongated.
  • Music worker. The strip of the head reaches the hill of the moon. On it under the hill of Apollo, you can notice a fork. The line of the head is quite clear, it is more than the heart line. The presence of a belt of Venus. The band of the heart goes right to the hill of Jupiter. Thanks to this, thin branches are obtained, and they are enough. Small strips in large quantities are also noticeable on the arm.
  • Politician. The strip of fate has the end of about the 1st finger. There is a strip of sun. A direct feature of the heart passes along the hill of Jupiter.
  • Poet. The strip of the head captures the entire hill of the moon. Due to the line of intuition, a sign is formed in the form of a sickle. You can also see the presence of Venus’s belt on your hand.
  • Entrepreneur. The strip of the head and the line of life - they do not touch each other. The forks that are on the tip of the head strip are located almost next to the percussion. The strip of fate has clear, deep shape. It ends about the 1st finger. There is a twig coming from the line of fate to the hill of Mercury. The strip of the sun begins with the line of life. On the hand you can notice a star that forms right on the sun band.
  • Seller. The heart strip goes to the hill of Jupiter or the hill of Saturn. Its completion is on the hill of Mercury. The line of the head is straight. It directly concerns the hill of Jupiter.
  • Professional journalist. The curve of the head of the head, a fork may be present on it. There are branches going to the hill of the moon and the upper part of Mars. A feature of the heart is approaching the hill of Jupiter.
  • Traveler, guide. The line of life reaches percussion. A branch starting from a strip of life bends, reaches the hill of the moon. The line of the sun is clear. There are many strips of travel on the hand.
  • Free employee. Small dashes located parallel to each other can depart from the strip of fate. The presence of a large number of stripes of the sun in the palm of your hand.
  • Advertising manager. Damn the head of the curve. There is a strip of intuition. The strip of the heart has a bend, it reaches the hill of Jupiter, passes along it.
  • Employee of the church. The heart of the heart is curved, goes to the hill of Jupiter. But its end near the hill of Mercury. There is a branch on the head strip. There is also a feature of intuition on the hand.
  • Athlete. All lines present on the hand have direct outlines. This is especially true for the lane. The presence of an internal strip of life is also.
  • Judge. There is a ring of Solomon. The strip of the head does not have a single bend. The heart of the heart touches the hill of Jupiter.
  • Scientists. There is a strip of head on the hand, which is not a curve, clearly noticeable. She goes to the strip of life. The feature of the heart is so that it is between the hill of Saturn and the hill of Jupiter. There is a fairly clear strip of life on the hand. There are also branches connecting a strip of heart and a strip of the head.
  • Teacher. A strip of heart, its twigs go to the hill of Jupiter. The strip of the head is elongated, at the same time, it has no bends.
  • Farmer, workers. The strip of the head does not have bends, but it is small, directed to the tip of the hill of the moon. A strip of heart shares the hand horizontally. The strip of fate is clear.
  • Artist. The strip of the head is crooked, reaches the hill of the moon. The line of the sun is clear. There is also a curve of fate in the palm of your hand.
  • Psychic. Thanks to the intuition strip, a crescent figure is obtained. The line of the head is completely immersed in the hill of the moon.
Analyze your palm
Analyze your palm

Thanks to science such as palmistry, you will learn your own talents, opportunities in a certain area of \u200b\u200bactivity. So you can find the way, open internal potential, become a successful person.

Video: Hiromania about the profession

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