The line of marriage on the arm: what does it mean, on which hand is it? Hiromania - fortune -telling on the line of marriage on the arm: decryption, photo

The line of marriage on the arm: what does it mean, on which hand is it? Hiromania - fortune -telling on the line of marriage on the arm: decryption, photo

... He believes to print in the hand of every person, so that all people know his work
Job’s book, 37: 7

Basic rules of palmistry

  1. From the point of view of palmistry, one of the hands of man is dominant, and the second is passive. The right -handed hand has the right hand, the left -handed person is left -handed

Dominant hand

  • tells about the character of a person and about what a person lives in the present
  • it will help to predict the future

Passive hand

  • clear the past
  • tells about childhood and the degree of parental influence on the fate of man
  • it will reveal potential talents
  1. Four main lines are distinguished on each of the hands (see the figure below)


  • the blue line (1) is the line of the heart - emotions and relationships. The line reads the ability of a person to strong emotional experiences
  • the green line (2) is the line of the mind or line of the head - the essence of a person, talents, potential. The geography of the line will indicate achievements related to intellect and psychological problems
  • the yellow line (3) is the line of life - the indicator of the life potential and the degree of its disclosure. In the line of life, information about the state of health and physical endurance is read
  • the Red Line (4) is the line of fate (not always present) - changes in life, doubts, awareness of the final goals. As a rule, it indicates a period of life 35-50 years. The absence of a line of fate is neutral and indicates the absence of certain goals in life, moving along
  1. In addition to lines, palmists distinguish the so -called hills or hillocks under the influence of the planets of the solar system


Where is the marriage line on the hand, and what is its meaning?

The line of marriage or marital line is not a very correct name for thin short lines located on the edge of the palm of the dominant arm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe external Mars between the hill of Mercury and the heart line.

Hiromantes call these lines

  • lines of relationships
  • lines of attachments
In the photo: the location of the attachment lines on the edge of the right hand
In the photo: the location of the attachment lines on the edge of the right hand
  • The lines of relationships indicate the number of fateful unions in human life. What is meant by the definition of a "fateful union." This is a union that affects the psycho -emotional state of a person or having a special spiritual meaning. Such a line does not always mean a love relationship or marriage. For example, conscious departure from worldly life to the monastery will also be displayed on the palm of the line of relations
  • The lines of attachments are read in the direction from the bottom up from the line of the heart to the hill of Mercury
  • Near the heart line there will be lines indicating the earliest affection
  • To see the lines more clearly, you need to squeeze your hand slightly in a fist
In the photo in the circle, two lines of attachments located between the base of the little finger and the heart line are clearly visible
In the photo: in the circle, two lines of attachments located between the base of the little finger and the heart line are clearly visible in the circle

How the approximate time intervals are determined when reading the lines of attachments is shown in the photo below


Why are two lines of marriage on the arm? Why are different marriage lines on the arm?

The lines of attachments can be more than one. But this does not mean at all that there will be several marriage unions.

The lines of attachments often indicate

  • for love
  • for illegitimate connections, etc.

Such lines, as a rule, are short, often have additional elements in their drawings in the form of islands, crosses, stars

So, the line of marriage/attachment is read taking into account

  • lengths
  • clarity
  • its location relative to key lines
  • the presence of additional elements
An example of the location of attachment lines on a dominant hand
An example of the location of attachment lines on a dominant hand

What is the long line of marriage on the arm?

A long line of marriage/affection indicates reliable and strong relationships that can be called marriage ties. But it should be understood that the presence of a clear line of the corresponding length does not guarantee the presence of print in the passport at all

An example of a long and short line of attachments on a dominant hand
An example of a long and short line of attachments on a dominant hand

Types of marriage lines on the arm: photo

What can the marriage line tell about

  1. The loop/island at the end of the line may indicate a complex relationship accompanied by constant quarrels. The fork can be a sign of incompatibility of partners, which can cause their parting
Marriage line: which is indicated by the island or fork at the end of the line
Marriage line: which is indicated by the island or fork at the end of the line

2. The line of marriage resting against the Sun line predicts an alliance with an influential person. The line of marriage with the island at the end, bending to the line of the heart, indicates treason with a blood relative


3. Many palm trees consider the arcuate line of attachment, crossing the heart line, a poor sign for relationships. Widowhood does not always mean the physical death of one of the spouses. Quite often, this arrangement of lines indicates the cooling of feelings to the level "This person does not exist for me." If the arc of the marriage line rests on the line of the head, then violence is present in the relationship: both physical and moral


4. Some additional lines accompanying attachment lines may indicate love affairs


How to determine the number of marriages on the hand on the hand?

Through the marriage (and we remember that its correct name “line of affection”) cannot be determined by the number of marriages. The number of marriages is determined by fate and by the Hill of Venus, on which they are duplicated

One side line, which is included in the line of fate from the side of the Moon Hill, may indicate the appearance of a person in your life, which will become part of your fate for a long time. As a rule, such a person is the second half

If the partner’s line crosses the line of fate and goes further, this means that your destinies, at some period of time in contact, will again become independent from each other. And then another partner may appear in your life

Where are the lines indicating marriage
Where are the lines indicating marriage

Why did the marriage line disappear from the hand?

Surprisingly, many people have no marriage lines on their hand. This does not mean that a person will not be in unions. This indicates the absence of an emotional component of such relations.

As a rule, lines of affection are absent in people aimed at relationships built on the benefits and calculation. Surprisingly, women always have lines of affection, then, as many men are deprived of them

Hand of marriage on the arm: reviews

  • The lines are applied to our palms in the womb. And this is an indisputable fact
  • Experienced palmists are convinced that the lines of fate can be corrected by applying “correct” images on top
  • Any fortune -telling is just a forecast. Whether he is realized in reality - depends directly on a person
  • It is better to do without fortune telling than to believe a charlatan or an inexperienced predictor. Remember this, trying to make a forecast for the future
  • The lines on our hands change with us. What causes us sadness today can transform into tomorrow's joy

Important: faith in oneself and its strength is the main rule of success in personal life and career. Remember this, trying to find out your fate

Video: a marriage line on the arm

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you, the article was very useful.

  2. Personally, I happened to meet with a professional, very experienced palmist. He told everything as it is (past, present, future). I did not expect such accuracy.

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