The line of wealth and money in the palm of the hand - what looks, where is it: photo. Hiromania is a line of wealth, good luck and success and its meaning: description, photo. How to adjust, fix, strengthen the lines in the palm of your hands for wealth, money, prosperity: tips and recommendations

The line of wealth and money in the palm of the hand - what looks, where is it: photo. Hiromania is a line of wealth, good luck and success and its meaning: description, photo. How to adjust, fix, strengthen the lines in the palm of your hands for wealth, money, prosperity: tips and recommendations

In this article, we will try to figure out how to read the tips of fate about abundance.

Although there is a proverb that happiness is not in money, the monetary question still excited and will excite the minds. Perhaps, in attempts to find out fate, information about welfare is requested as often as information about family life. Well, let's try to figure it out.

The line of wealth and money in the palm of the hand - what looks, where is it: photo

First of all, I would like to debunk the most common misconception of those people who begin to comprehend the basics of palmistry. Namely: one specific dash that symbolizes wealth simply does not exist!

Important: a sign of wealth is a whole complex of lines.

So, what signs will allow you to understand that the owner of the hands expect good monetary prospects? First of all, the line of life should proceed from one point with the line of fate. In its turn, The line of the mind should intersect with the line of fate. That is, the so -called "Cash triangle". He should not have breaks.

Cash triangle from lines
Cash triangle from lines

From the line of the mind must leave large or small the branch towards the little finger.

A small branch from the line of the mind towards the little finger is already a good sign financially
A small branch from the line of the mind towards the little finger is already a good sign financially

It is worth taking a closer look at branching the line of the mind,going towards the index finger.

The branch of the line of the mind towards the index finger is also a sign of wealth
The branch of the line of the mind towards the index finger is also a sign of wealth

Branches Important in the case of line of life. Take a look at those of them that directed up.

Branches from the line of life going up and promising wealth
Branches from the line of life going up and promising wealth

The line of fate In itself, a person’s tendency to get rich can symbolize. The peculiarity of such a mark is that not all people happen in it.

Important: if it is available, then it must be clear, without breaks.

A clear line of fate is a good sign in terms of enrichment
A clear line of fate is a good sign in terms of enrichment

Star located on the hill of Jupiter, It is also an interesting mark.

The star on the hill of Jupiter also promises prosperity
The star on the hill of Jupiter also promises prosperity

Indians often pay attention to a line called "Phala river". Other names of this mark - "Wheat grain", "rice line". There is a line between the phalanges of the thumb exactly on the bend.

This is what Phala River, promising wealth, looks like
This is what Phala River, promising wealth, looks like

Double or even a triple line of life - A fairly interesting point that can also give a signal about cash successes.

The double line of life is another sign of wealth
The double line of life is another sign of wealth

If a the line of the head is clear, long, without breaks, breaks, then bring the owner of a similar mark in financial matters.

A good line of mind - the key to monetary success
A good line of mind - the key to monetary success

Hiromania is a line of wealth, good luck and success and its significance in the palm of the hand: Description

Now it is worth making out each of the above options in more detail:

  • Start worth it with "Cash triangle." As the palmists logically say, the larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe palm covers the figure, the, accordingly, the greater wealth awaits a person. However, it should immediately be understood that the exact amount of money even such a magical combination cannot tell. After all, everything is purely individual: one person and a million will be not enough, and the other will be immensely happy. Consequently, focusing preferably on individual requests.

Important: if the triangle has a gap, through it, according to the palmities, will “leak money”. Perhaps the owner of the hand is forced to spend money on other people's needs?

  • Excessive from the line of the mind to the little finger dash presents the owner of the palm as a person with very good ability to manage finance. Even risky monetary operations will most likely succeed.
A person with a small line towards the little finger is able to easily control money
A person with a small line towards the little finger is able to easily control money
  • Excessive from the line of the mind to the index finger The dash promises wealth at the expense of stability. It is in it that the key to the reliability of the financial enterprise is the owner of the palm.
  • Man with i am confident from the line of life, Due to which it achieves success in the financial field. By the way, such branches are a good prompt of when to expect replenishment in the wallet. Then you can conclude transactions, start projects.
This is how lines symbolize the chronology of life
This is how lines symbolize the chronology of life
  • Now it’s worth talking about a pronounced clear line of fate. It appears in those people who differ determination, are able to confidently go to the goals set. Financial success often comes to such people. They are versatile, have internal power - Good potential for those who want to get rich!

Important: if such a line is directed towards the Apollo hill, then a person will achieve monetary success as a result of the realization of his creative abilities. And if in the direction of the hill of Mercury - scientific.

The hills in the palm of your hand, which should be guided by in attempts to decipher the lines of wealth
The hills in the palm of your hand, which should be guided by in attempts to decipher the lines of wealth
  • Speaking of the hills. The aforementioned star on the hill of Jupiter It is an extremely positive sign. He notes people whose hands are power And, accordingly, money. Most often, a combination of lines is decorated with a very convex hill - a sign of helping in the financial issue ambition.
  • Now you can talk about the mysterious line "Phala river". Indians are convinced that she illustrates the quality of life. The thicker the mark, the, accordingly, this quality is better. In the event of economic difficulties, the owner of the palm is always will find a way out And he will be able to eliminate financial instability. And he will do it without much stress for myself.
  • If a there are several lines of life, in front of the chiroman, a man with an amazing resistance, optimism. It is possible, by the way, that he has material support From the side. Human healthy And always ready develop intellectually - This means that it is not unified supporting it.
A person with several lines of life can easily receive financial assistance
A person with several lines of life can easily receive financial assistance
  • The line of the head tells about how a person is more familiar to think, about his intellectual capabilities, degree of memory development, ability to concentrate To come to the goal. So, if the line straight, So, a person will achieve much thanks intellect. Bend Speaks about good creative potential, Which, with successful implementation, can lead to monetary receipt.

Important: it is preferable to look at what the distance from the line of the head to the line of life. If it is small, then a person is able to make decisions with lightning speed, and faithful.

When the line of the head is not far from the line of life - this is a good sign financially
When the line of the head is not far from the line of life - this is a good sign financially

How to adjust, fix, strengthen the lines in the palm of your hands for wealth, money, prosperity: tips and recommendations

People who are not satisfied with the results of predictions made by lines can be found a lot. It is not surprising that from time to time in the head of some fan of palmistry, the question arises of whether it is possible to adjust the marks on the palms. In this case there are several options:

  • Particularly desperate can resort to operating method. The usual scalpel is not used - after it there is no normal line. However, as after a laser, there is no need to expect clarity. The next exit - electric scalpel. Some clinics are really engaged in changing the lines on the palms. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes. The doctor works on lines previously drawn by the client.
  • The second method is less radical, and it consists in ordinary drawing the desired mark. For drawing, you can use, for example, ordinary ball pen, marker or henna.

Important: of course, no one can guarantee sharp changes in fate. However, the placebo effect cannot be underestimated either: if a person is able to be inspired by the active extraction of money, looking at the palm of his hand, then why not?

Correctional palmistry is often applied in practice to correct hand lines
Correctional palmistry is often applied in practice to correct hand lines

How to draw the lines of wealth on the palms of the lines of wealth?

If the correctional palmistry has attracted, it is worth listening to Some recommendations:

  • So, first of all, you need select a suitable toolfor home correction. Since the operational method is more difficult, more expensive, and, of course, certain risks always exist. Therefore, it is easier to stock up on improvised tools for painless correction. Marker or pen It is necessary to use red, gold or silver flowers. Hnum It is preferable to choose close skin shade. Let it be darker, not lighter.
  • How to draw lines? Given the fact that one specific line of wealth does not exist, it is possible choose some mark from the above, which will be to your liking. And then - follow the drawing.

Important: when drawing a line, it is important to concentrate as much as possible on the result. You need to try to clearly and colorfully visualize your material well -being.

  • Hiromantes advise do not make cardinal changes - It is preferably a little to correct what is already available.
The correction of the wealth line can be carried out by henna, which is used for tattoos
The correction of the wealth line can be carried out by henna, which is used for tattoos

It is no accident that wealth is not displayed by a particular line. Hiromantes very wisely interpret the possibility of a person to gain welfare as a combination of various factors, many conditions.

Brief video excursion on the signs of wealth in the palm of your hand:

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Comments K. article

  1. If strange things happen in your life, a series of failures befell you or you just want to open the veil of your future ... to understand what awaits you on your life path. What dangers or joyful events promise you lines on your hands ...
    In all this, to figure out and prepare for you a complete analysis of the lines on your palms, and if necessary, only the palmist will help to remove all the negative moments in your fate with the help of correction.

  2. For a long time I was looking for an intelligent palmist. Usually all the water poured. Did not find.

  3. i just want to open the veil of my future how to open a monetary channel

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