Celebrities with physical disabilities and disabilities who did not prevent them from succeeding

Celebrities with physical disabilities and disabilities who did not prevent them from succeeding

In this article we will talk about people with physical disabilities, which, regardless of them, were able to achieve success and glory.

Among us live people with different physical disabilities and deviations, as well as disability status. Many of them reconciled with their fate and do not even try to break through. But there are people who have not surrendered, but even became celebrities with physical disabilities. They are those people who know the whole world about! But, more importantly, it is they who deserve real respect. And it is they who are an example, and give hope for the best future for many of us!

Celebrities with physical disabilities and disabilities

Here are 20 celebrities with physical disabilities who did not allow disability to prevent them from studying and, more importantly, to live and succeed!

  • Michael Jay Fox

The main character “Back to the Future” was diagnosed with Parkinson in 1991, when he was only 29 years old, and his career was in full flourishing. He was told that he should leave the stage, but he did not stop being an actor. Although at first it was not easy to take his illness (he fell into depression and alcoholism). In the last decade, he did not stop working, and his fund already raised $ 233 million for Parkinson's research. After more than a 25-year period of the disease, Michael J. Fox continues to maintain the spirit of improvement.

Michael Jay Fox
Michael Jay Fox
  • Marla Runyan

American athlete and marathon. Despite the development of Stargardt's disease (when she was nine years old, she became legally blind), Marla retained her passion for running and her determination to continue to study and improve. She won several gold medals at the Summer Paralympic Games in the 1990s, and in 2000 she became the first legally blind Paralympic to participate in the Sydney Summer Olympic Games.

Marla ru
Marla Runyan
  • Zhamel Debbuz

French actor, showman and producer of Moroccan descent. Glory came to him after the release of the films “Amelie” and “Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra”. When he was 14 years old, he and his friend fled through the rails in the subway, where he received his hand injury. After that, she stopped growing and functioning, a friend died. But a sense of humor and the ability to deftly manage this hand did not prevent the career of an actor who is in demand in his country and abroad.

He usually hides his hand in his pocket
He usually hides his hand in his pocket
  • Joni Erickson Tada

Being an active teenager, Joni Erickson loved sport very much. When she was 17 years old, she dived into shallow water and crushed part of her spinal cord. This accident led her to paralysis, unable to move any part of her body below the shoulders. During rehabilitation, she learned to draw, holding a brush in her teeth. Her art began to be sold, and she was also asked to write a book. This was the beginning of her career as a Christian author and speaker. She wrote many books, recorded several musical albums and is a disability lawyer in her organization Joni and Friends.

Never give up!
Never give up!
  • Mark Inglis

The New Zealand climber that remained at 23 years old without both legs. From his youth, he began to get involved in mountaineering, and having fallen into the trap in the Mount-Kuk mountains, he received frostbite. The lower part of the legs had to be amputated. But this did not stop him from climbing Everest in 2006!

In the mountains
In the mountains
  • Esther Verder

Throughout her childhood, Esther Verder suffered from head and other pains. Doctors discovered vices in the development of the vessels of her spine. The operation to eliminate the problem did not even allow her to move her feet. As part of her rehabilitation, Esther learned to play volleyball, basketball and tennis in a wheelchair. She won 162 single and 134 paired titles in international competitions, which made her one of the most famous parameters in history.

You can play even sitting!
You can play even sitting!
  • Tom Cruise

The actor in life every day is faced with an impossible mission to read contracts and scripts. He literally does not distinguish the letters and does not know how to put them in words. As a child, he noticed problems with the assimilation of the material. And dyslexia is guilty. But a great sense of humor helped him become a famous actor and have many friends.

  • Winnie Harlow

A dark -skinned model with vitiligo disease, from which her skin is covered with spots. Since she lacks melanin. She has this ailment since childhood and he is practically not treated. But a strong desire to become a model did not prevent the girl from achieving their goal and dreams.

  • Albert Einstein

Who would have thought that the great physicist and mathematician from childhood had problems with speech and perceive the basic knowledge of the world. He had difficulties with cognitive processes, so he did not speak up to 3 years and in elementary grades he very poorly learned the material. Even more - he hardly mastered the skills of writing.

Willpower can change the world!
Willpower can change the world!
  • Frida Kalo

She suffered from poliomyelitis in childhood, which caused dismetry in her right leg. In addition, her problem was aggravated by an accident that occurred in adolescence. She received an open wound of the abdomen, a fracture of the spine, ribs and pelvis, which left her with physical problems for life. Frida spent most of her life in bed, suffering from severe pain. Then she was able to sit in a wheelchair. Despite this, she became one of the most famous artists of all time and the icon of the twentieth century.

  • Nick Vuychich

Another world -famous celebrity with physical disabilities is the founder of the organization for people with disabilities. Vuychich was born in 1982 without limbs. He claims that in childhood he was subjected to mockery and discrimination and even tried to commit suicide. But over time, he learned to see his own potential. He currently conducts motivational conversations around the world, wrote several books and regularly performs in talk shows and television programs. He is a Christian and does not hide his faith. He became very famous when he starred in a touching short film "Blobec Circus".

  • Sue Austin

After a long illness, Sue Austin was in a wheelchair. But she found a way to stay active in sports in a specially designed wheelchair. She made digital art from living and removed episodes of her underwater life. The most famous of them is called "Creating a spectacle!" With her work, she urges all of us to rethink our attitude to the disabled.

It always remains active
It always remains active
  • Alex Dzanardi

After several years of participation in Formula 1, Alex Zanardi had an accident in 2001, in which both legs were amputated. Three years later, he was again on the highway at the wheel of BMW, for which he adapted several prostheses. He won four victories at the World Cars (WTCC) championship. However, in 2007, he decided to focus his sports efforts on adapted cycling. The three -wheeled bike on which he drives was also developed by him, and today he won three Paralympic gold.

Resistance of spirit
Resistance of spirit
  • Sudha Chandran

The girl comes from Chennai, Southern India. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Mumbai. On one of the flights, she had an accident, and she was amputated with her right leg. She received an artificial leg and, despite this terrible disability, became one of the most successful and famous dancers on the Indian subcontinent. She still receives invitations to manage dance performances around the world. She was awarded numerous awards and performed in many countries. She often appears on Hindi's television and in the cinema.

The prosthesis does not interfere with dancing
The prosthesis does not interfere with dancing
  • Andrea Bocelli

Tenor, musician, writer and music producer of Italian origin, Andrea Bocelli sold more than 75 million records. He was born with congenital glaucoma, who made him partially blind, which did not prevent him from taking the lessons of the piano game up to six years old. Nevertheless, at the age of 12 he received a blow during a football match, which left him completely blind. Endowed with the spirit of innate improvement, he decided to completely focus on music, especially on singing. He also studied the right. Bochelli received numerous awards of international prestige.

Music does not need eyes
Music does not need eyes
  • Til Sherer

At the age of 14, a car accident damaged Til's back so much that it lost the ability to use her legs. She did not allow this to prevent her from going to study in college. At the University of Ogltorpa, she found her talent for acting. Til starred in several plays and got a role in the 2004 film “Worm-Springs”. Continuing her career, she was a lawyer who worked to convince the entertainment industry to attract more performers with disabilities.

In a wheelchair
In a wheelchair
  • Helen Keller

The name that has become a synonym for overcoming disability. Helen Keller was an American writer, a political activist and lecturer, who also turned out to be the first deaf and blind man to receive higher education. She published 12 books, and she is well known for her work to protect the rights of women and other labor rights. The story of Helen was told in the play and the film "Wonderworker."

Helen Keller
Helen Keller
  • Ludwig van Beethoven

Widely recognized by one of the greatest composers of music in history. The realization that Ludwig Van Beethoven was really deaf was almost shocking. Having carried out his first public performance as a pianist, when he was only eight years old, Beethoven studied under the leadership of another great composer - Mozart, but began to lose his hearing. Refusing to give up, he continued to study. He composed the greatest musical works-the 9th symphony, the 5th piano concert and his concert for the violin were written, despite the fact that Beethoven was completely deaf 25 years of his life.

Music feels their souls
Music feels their souls

Stevivi Uander

Despite his disability, Stevi signed a contract with his first label at the age of 11. And since then he has not stopped performing. Today, he is most famous for his h from the Superstition, Sir Duke and the classic "I just called to say that I love you." One of the most beloved and successful artists of our time! Stevi did not allow the fact that he was born blind, prevent him from learning music and becoming a musician, singer and composer of a global scale.

Recognized as the music of our time
Recognized as the music of our time
  • Christie Brown

This is an Irish writer, an artist and a poet who had a heavy cerebral paralysis. He is most famous for the autobiography “My left leg”, which was later turned into a film of the same name, awarded Oscar. Brown uses the technique of stream of consciousness and conquered Dublin culture with his humor, language and a unique description of the characters.

With one working foot
With one working foot
  • Vincent Van Gogh

He had a Dutch origin and was considered one of the greatest artists in the world ever visible. During his 10-year career of the artist, he created 900 paintings and 1100 drawings. Vincent Van Gogh suffered from depression, so he was placed in a psychiatric hospital. Over time, depression intensified, and at the age of 37, Van Gogh fired in his chest. He died two days later. His last words were: "Sorrow will last forever."


Franklin Roosevelt

Most people do not even expect the President of the United States to be tied to a wheelchair, but Franklin Delaino Roosevelt was disabled. Being a great president who actually led his country during the Second World War, the FDR (as it is usually known) was infected with polio at the beginning of his political career and was paralyzed. Fortunately for the United States, he did not allow this to prevent him from becoming a great leader whom everyone appreciates and loves.

Burnt from the disease
Burnt from the disease
  • Stephen Hawking

Physics-theoretic, astrophysicist, cosmologist and outstanding scientist Stevens Hawking were diagnosed with bass at the age of 21: he was given another 2 years to life. He lived until he was 76 years old. It was paralyzed from head to toe more than thirty years. He used the voice synthesizer to be able to communicate, and a wheelchair, which he controlled with light movements of the head and eyes. None of this prevented him from developing his activity as an exemplary researcher and professor, as well as a tense personal life that allowed him to tell about his illness to the world. Having become one of the most recognizable celebrities of our time, his story was shot in the movie in the film “Theory of everything”.

All life in torment
All life in torment

Aaron Foteringham

Born with cerebral paralysis, Aaron found himself in a wheelchair after several unsuccessful operations on his hips. But he was not going to allow this to stand between his love for the skateboard. He was a superstar in the sport of WCMX, which is a mixture of skateboarding and skiing on BMX for wheelchair users. In 2006, he made the first somersault in the history of wheelchairs. Now he is touring with a group of bikers and BMX skaters, performing tricks in his chair with other professionals.

Love for sports
Love for sports
  • John Forbs Nash

The Nobel laureate of American mathematicians, whose work in the field of games theory, differential geometry and equations in private derivatives are considered innovative. From an early age, he was interested in the scientific experiments that he conducted in his room. John had strong signs of paranoia and unpredictable behavior. He was placed in the clinic, where he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. With all this, his work has always been successful, leading to various awards and confessions. Outstanding among them are the theoretical prize of John von Neumann in 1978 and the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1994.

The great mind is sometimes fatal
The great mind is sometimes fatal

All these people proved that life did not end only because they became disabled. Instead, they found ways to overcome their problems and achieve amazing results, despite their shortcomings. The same thing can be true for you! These celebrities with physical disabilities can be inspiration for you. Each of us can be more successful than he thinks.

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Video: Celebrities with physical disabilities and restrictions

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