Bugs started in cereals, flour: what to do, how to get rid of?

Bugs started in cereals, flour: what to do, how to get rid of?

If bugs have started in cereals, then urgently take measures to combat them. Read more in the article.

Fans of storing for future use with cereals, flour and other products are often found with this problem. Insects are noticed on the shelves of cabinets in the kitchen, web with sticky grains and small particles of garbage appear in bags with loose products, which looks rather unpleasant.

Read the article on our website about the calorie content of cereals. You will find out what cereals can be eaten by weight loss, and which is not worth it.

What is this attack? What to do if the bugs are started in cereals? Read this article below.

What are the bugs called in cereals called?

Bugs that start in cereals
Bugs that start in cereals

As mentioned above, housewives are often found with a similar problem. What are the bugs called in cereals called? It can be several types of insects:

Red Surinam Mukoed starts in cereals
Red Surinam Mukoed starts in cereals
  • Red Surinam Mukoed - Small up to 3 mm An insect with brown or light brown color of hard wings. It also feeds on dried fruits, cereals, grain, dry medicinal herbs. At negative temperatures, these bugs, their larvae and laid eggs can live 2-3 weeks.
Flour Khrushchak starts in cereals
Flour Khrushchak starts in cereals
  • Flour Khrushchak - A small black bug, very active and viable, has powerful jaws, capable of giving up packaging of products. His larvae, known as flour worms, pose the greatest danger, destroying flour and other products in large quantities if they are not detected in time. He loves dark, moist places in the kitchen and in pantries.
Rice weevil starts in cereals
Rice weevil starts in cereals
  • Rice weevil - Bug up to 3.5 mm length, dark brown or dark brown. It has a strongly elongated head with strong jaws. It feeds not only with cereals, loves tea, paper, bread crumbs, dried fruits, nuts. More heat -loving than other pests. Dies at minus temperatures in a week.
Bread grinder starts in cereals
Bread grinder starts in cereals
  • Bread sharpener - Flying brown bug -length up to 3 mm. It spreads quickly, can postpone in his life up to 300 eggs. It eats not only bread - loves pasta, animal food, cookies, book cover.

Why do such insects start in the products? Read further.

Why are black and brown bugs start in cereals: causes

Bugs in cereals
Bugs in cereals

Many housewives often have questions: “Why do black and brown bugs start in the croup?”, “What are the reasons for their appearance?” Here's the answer:

  • Insects are usually brought from a store with purchased products.
  • Even a neighbor, without knowing that, could lend you infected cereal or flour.
  • Also, amateur fishermen specially breed a flour worm to use them as a bait.

It is worth knowing: The pests themselves do not move over long distances, only with products in packages.

It is difficult to see them in the store because they are very small. In addition, larvae can be in cereals or flour - they are not visible at all.

But how do they get into store packaging? The reason lies in non -compliance with the rules of storage and weakening of sanitary control in production. To preserve products in warehouses, you need minimal humidity. If this indicator is violated and humidity is 50% and above, then the risk of insect lesions greatly increases. Moreover, if they are packaged not in small containers, but in bags, followed by the sale of products.

How to get rid of food bugs in cereals: methods, folk remedies

Bugs in cereals
Bugs in cereals

If even one bug caught my eye, then you need to act right away, without putting off the case in a long box. It is possible that all the cereals are already infected with larvae and in a few days they will be hundreds of times more. How to get rid of food bugs in cereals?

It is quite difficult to get rid of them completely, but still you need to do everything possible to destroy them. What needs to be done? Here are effective ways:

  • Review all stocks, find the focus of infection and all the affected products and, if there are a lot of bugs, the best way out is to throw away all the cereals and flour without sparing.
  • With a slight infection You can try to save cereals - put them in the freezer for at least a week or place them in a hot oven at a temperature about 50 ° C for 2-3 hours (without packaging).
  • If nothing helped, you will have to use chemistry. The best way to destroy bugs is D nIMELOFOS. This is a smelly and harmful means for our health. Therefore, it is necessary to observe precautions when working with this drug, they are indicated on the package. There are other drugs, for example, Raptor.

There are folk remedies for the fight against these pests. A good alternative to dichlofos can serve as camphor alcohol, also very smelling, but not so harmful.

  • Before using it, you need to put flour, which strongly absorbs all smells, into a dense bag and tie it well. The rest of the products must also be done.
  • Lay the napkins moistened with camphor alcohol in the corners of the cabinet.
  • Also put them on the shelves in the corners and close the doors for 3 hours. You need to do so 3-4 times a week To the complete disappearance of bugs.

The fight against pests is good, but you can carry out constant prevention so that insects never start. Read more more.

How to store flour, cereal, so that bugs do not start?

So incorrectly store flour, cereal
So incorrectly store flour, cereal

As mentioned above, for proper storage, it is necessary to provide low humidity. Buids to ensure life need moisture and, if there are raw places in the kitchen, you can not wait for pests for long. How to store flour, cereal, so that bugs do not start? Here are some tips:


  • If there are corners in the cabinets where bread crumbs or grains of products were poured, reproduction will be very fast.
  • Therefore, housewives should keep kitchen furniture in purity and dryness.
  • Carry out general cleaning and ventilate the cabinets more often.
Linen bags for storage of cereals
Linen bags for storage of cereals

Storage in special bags. There is one interesting way of storing flour, but you need to try and do the following:

  • Sew the bags from dense linen fabric, put them in a strong solution of salt and, without rinsing, let it dry.
  • In such a “salty” container, no insects are afraid of flour.
  • The remaining bulk products can also be stored.

Do not store in packages:

  • For better preservation of flour and cereals, do not keep them constantly in store packaging.
  • It is better to spill into glass or plastic containers with tightly closing (better screw) lids.
  • This storage method will prevent insects.

Chewing gum with mint:

  • Another good remedy that repels bugs is a chewing gum with a strong mint odor.
  • Put pieces of chewing gum in the corners of the cabinet.
  • The product does not work on 100%But with a slight infection, it will help to restrain the increase in the number of pests.

Do not make reserves:

  • Do not make a large supply of products.
  • Flour and cereals are inexpensive, and they can always be bought in a store.
  • Thanks to this, you will use fresh products from the store, and not those that were stored for six months at home and in packaging, perhaps worms or beetles have already started.
Storage of cereals in closed form
Storage of cereals in closed form

Keep cereals in a closed form:

  • Another simple way to store bulk products is that you do not need to store them in open form.
  • If they are in store packaging, close it at least a clothespin or a paper clip.
  • Do not open a new pack with cereals or flour until the old ends.

Our mothers and grandmothers, when storing cereals and flour, laid different smelling products in containers-garlic, lavender twigs, clove buds, etc. Something helped, but something was not very good. Now housewives also use such methods. Read more more.

What to put in cereals from bugs so that they are not started: funds

Garlic and bay leaf can be put in cereals from bugs so that they do not start
Garlic and bay leaf can be put in cereals from bugs so that they do not start

Of course, the refrigerator is not quite the place where cereals and flour will be stored constantly, it is inconvenient. Therefore, you can try to get rid of bugs with the help of sharply smelling products. It was said above that in ancient times, women used such methods. Modern housewives also often resort to such methods. What to put in cereals from bugs so that they do not start? Here are the means:

  • Bay leaf - It can be periodically wiped between the palms to strengthen the smell.
  • Garlic - Several lobules are put in jars with loose products, having previously cleared it of covering husks. But at the same time, the very top of the clove does not need to be cut off.
  • Powder powder (it can be found in a pharmacy). This plant is able to expel not only bugs, but also mice from the room.
  • Dried velvet flowers - They need to be periodically changed so that the smell does not disappear.
  • The aroma of lavender It also confuses insects well. It is necessary to lay out cotton wheels or paper napkins moistened with lavender oil on the shelves in the closet.
  • Puffed nutty nut It will help for a while to forget about the pests in kitchen cabinets.
  • Various metal objects help in getting rid of insects - Nails (only large, small ones can be accidentally put in a pan), wire, new metal lids for rolling up.

Wrap the foil of jars where cereals and flour are stored. This method may seem strange, as with metal objects, but it is effective.

Bugs in cereals: What can be harmful to health?

Bugs in cereals
Bugs in cereals

Burdies leave behind fragments of their carapers, excrement, dead eggs or larvae that are not digested in the stomach in humans and can cause inflammation or irritation of the stomach. What else could there be harm to health?

  • Products infected with bugs, even if they have passed heat treatment, significantly lose their taste.
  • Ready dishes from them look completely unappetizing.
  • In addition, all this can cause an allergic reaction of a person prone to this disease.
  • With severe infection, when there are many excrements in the products, even food poisoning is possible.
  • If the bugs were not found in time, and such products for a long time were eaten in large quantities, serious health problems may occur. In the waste of the vital activity of these insects, microbes dangerous for the human body feel great.

So you can eat infected cereals and flour and is better to throw it away? Read further.

Bugs started in cereals: can it be eaten?

Bugs started in cereals
Bugs started in cereals

For very disgusting people, such a question does not even exist. They ruthlessly throw out products spoiled by bugs and do the right thing. So, bugs started in the croup, can it be eaten?

  • Infected cereals are hardly suitable, even if all bugs are removed.
  • Larvae or eggs that are invisible to the eye, excrement, pieces of chitin cover of insects remain in the products.
  • Such food and from an aesthetic point of view causes not very pleasant feelings.

By the way, pests from all cereals prefer millet, probably due to the fact that it contains an increased percentage of fat. Therefore, fans of millet porridge should be especially attentive when buying this cereal.

How to process a cabinet for bugs in cereals?

Cabinets must be processed so that bugs do not start in cereals
Cabinets must be processed so that bugs do not start in cereals

Even if all infected products were destroyed, larvae or eggs of pests can remain in the cabinets in the corners and cracks. How to process a cabinet for bugs in cereals?

  • With the help of a special length and a narrow brush of a vacuum cleaner, you need to clean all inaccessible places.
  • Rinse the entire cabinet well with a solution of laundry soap, then wipe it with a clean damp cloth and dry the cabinet well, ventilating it for at least a day.
  • Then go once again a rag moistened with a little diluted 9%vinegar And ventilate again.
  • If there is such an opportunity, then drying cabinets is preferable in the open air under the scorching rays of the sun. Ultraviolet will be an additional tool for the destruction of bugs.
  • The washed cabinets can be additionally dried with a hairdryer, directing a stream of hot air to the most vulnerable places - corners, cracks, chips in the surface of the furniture.

Fighting these insects-pests is much more difficult. Therefore, it is better to carry out prevention measures to prevent their appearance and reproduction. Good luck!

Video: How to get rid of bugs in cereals and in a closet?

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