"Life to live- do not cross the field"- the meaning of the proverb

What is the meaning of the proverb? How is it written correctly?

"Life to live - do not cross the field" - choice without the right to choose

“Life to live is not to cross the field” is a proverb that life is complex and each of us will have a choice more than once. Indeed, there are questions that do not have the only correct answer.

Have you seen people who are trying to find food or clothes in garbage tanks? Often these people do not only have food, but also at home. They themselves are to blame for their problems, ”you say. Grind the poor fellow squeamishly and pass by the poor fellow, thinking that you are waiting for a warm house, a hearty dinner and joyful households.

But life to live is not to cross the field. Once you will come to such a thought when you yourself climb into the garbage tank, if you accidentally throw it there, for example, a ticket for a long -distance bus.

The ticket is quite expensive. Where this garbage tank is located is always a lot of people. Will you look for a bus ticket in the urn in front of a dozen passers -by?

I think that many of you, like me, would have climbed into the urn with garbage, and still got your ticket. But, a good reputation is also expensive. And what would happen if at that moment your colleague or a man of your dreams saw you at that moment? “Life to live is not to cross the field,” and sometimes you have to pay expensive for your choice.

Questions and answers: "Life to live - do not cross the field"

When they say that life to live is not to cross the field, they mean that our life is full of ambiguous situations and sensual dramas. This is probably why Brazilian soap series were so beloved once.

The proverb “Life Life is not to cross the field” - it can be an epigraph for the next story. Imagine your girlfriend gets married. On the eve of the wedding, you rested with other friends, but without this girlfriend, in the bar. And accidentally met with her fiancé. The young man began to definitely pester you. And even climbed to kiss. Will you say about this to your girlfriend?

It would seem that you wish your friend good and should be honest and sincere. But on the other hand, you clearly understand that she loves this guy, and love is blind. As a result, a girlfriend simply will not believe you, make you guilty, and you will lose her at all. Would you try to warn a person against improper choice of you personally? Life is not to cross the field, and there is no only correct answer here.

Should I expose betrayal?
Should I expose betrayal?

Imagine another situation that illustrates the proverb "Life to live is not to cross the field." A valuable thing has disappeared from your friend’s house. Suppose this is a box with gold jewelry. You know that your friend himself stole jewelry from his house. He carried the jewelry to the pawnshop, and then spent money for his pleasure. Parents of a friend do not know that he took them. But they found the loss, and want to contact the police. Will you tell your friend to your friend that their son is a thief?

Here, an adult understands that it is better to admit, because parents do not want evil to their child. But the situation may become more complicated if you know that the guy’s father hits him strongly and there were cases when a young man was kicked out of the house.

Antonyms and synonyms proverb "Life to live - do not cross the field"

Many phraseological units and proverbs have synonyms and antonyms. The saying “Life to live is not to cross the field” is no exception. Her synonyms can be called the following floorboards.

“Life to live is not to cross the field” - synonyms:

  • Life to live is not to weave bast shoes.
  • There is a horse, but there is no clamp, I found a clamp, but the horse has left.
  • Learn, realize, where is the shore, where is the edge.
  • Mistract, but confess.
  • Life to live - to beat others, and be broken.

The proverb “Life Life is not to cross” there are antonyms. These sayings, on the contrary, indicate that life should be simple.

Antonyms proverbs “Life Life is not to cross the field”:

  • The most difficult person is simple.
  • Live just - you will live up to a hundred years.

Spelling: The proverb is written through the dash. A quotation marks for proverbs and phraseological units are not gentle. A quotation marks are needed only if a proverb is someone's direct speech.

Proverbs spelling
Proverbs spelling

“Life to live is not to cross the field” - how to find a way out of the impasse?

There are situations when the results of logical calculations are incessantly with our ideas about good and morality. Below is a classic example.

You are standing on a high railway platform and see that an uncontrolled wagon is rushing along the paths. There are 5 people ahead in front of the car, and if nothing is done, then he will crush them. But next to you on the platform is a fat man. If you push him on the rails, then the car will stop. Will you do this to save the lives of those five people?

Most people reply that no, they would not be able to push a person on the rails. And these are quite adequate people. But life to live is not to cross the field. There are many examples when between the call of the heart and logic, they advise you to choose logic.

  • In any plane there is such an instruction. In the case of depressurization, you must first put on an oxygen mask for yourself, and only then to your child. Why? Banal logic works. Then you can put on a mask to the child, but if you lose consciousness, it may not guess.
  • On a sinking ship, women and children are the first to sit in the lifeboats. Do you think this is nobility? No, this is again dry logic. Men are strong, they have more chances to hold out in the water and wait for help. As a result, the maximum number of people can survive.
First put on the oxygen mask on yourself, then the child
First put on the oxygen mask on yourself, then the child

In the example with a trolley, to do something appropriate, you need to commit a serious sin-kill a person. But, the proverb “Life Life is not to cross the field”, says that the difficulties are different, and the answer is not always unambiguous.

Suppose you work as a top manager in a solid company. You have done a lot for its prosperity, and gave this work 10 years of your life. You need to hire a deputy who will manage some finances. Two people come to your interview: one wonderful financier. The second applicant is your friend who says that he has nothing to eat, and he was already desperate to find a job. But you know that in finances he does not understand very well. Who will you make your deputy?

It happens that you need to choose between financial well -being and the opportunity to help a person. And it also happens that you need to refuse money in order to punish a person for dishonesty.

You and your friend worked equally and got a contract with a Korean company. As a result of this contract, you will receive 100 thousand dollars. But for the transaction to take place, you must both sign your signature under the contract. A friend decided to take almost all the profits to himself. And he says that he will sign a contract only if he gets 95 thousand dollars, and you are only 5. He does not agree to other conditions. Will you sign a contract under such conditions?

What if a friend wants to deceive you?
What if a friend wants to deceive you?

They say that the money does not smell. But do you agree to really dirty work to get them? And what kind of work will you count dirty?

Your friend is the daughter of rich parents, and you are a student who does not have enough money even for food. The girl decided to have fun, and hid 10 thousand rubles in a bunch of manure. Will you dig manure to find this money?

Is it necessary to do this - there is no unequivocal answer. And life to live is not to cross the field, and sometimes for the sake of money we are asked to sacrifice not only their pride, but also with their honor.

Your acquaintances took a fair dose of alcohol and decided to have fun. They said that they would give 50 thousand rubles to the girl who would run around the quarter where they live in one underwear. Your family needs money, and you would like to buy toys to your younger brother. Will you do it?

How do we punish people or "live life - do not cross the field"

The proverb “Life Life is not to cross the field” - reflects difficulties not only with their own moral choice, but also how difficult it is to judge others.

Not everyone knows that there are two completely different approaches to justice:

  • Punitive justice. This is when a person is avenge for what he did. And the very first laws of Yaroslav the Wise that read "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
  • Correctional justice. When a person is punished in such a way that, by performing a punishment, he could improve as much as possible and compensate for the damage to the victims.

Imagine that you were transferred to 1944. Just the Red Army liberated your village. And you went out into your garden and found a wounded German there. He asks with gestures not to tell anyone that you found him. If he is captured, he is unlikely to survive. The German soldier is disarmed and wounded. Before that, the Nazis killed your brother at the front. Will you hide the wounded German soldier?

There is also no only correct answer to this question. Polls show that when it comes to small crimes, people are more likely to maintain correctional justice. And when it comes to heavy atrocities, the hearts of many are required for the criminal precisely punishment. But everyone has their own measure, and it turns out that the proverb “Life to live is not to cross the field” is fair here.

Suppose you allowed to live a distant relative who has nowhere to live in your apartment. Once, having come home, you found that he carried out valuables from the apartment. He disappeared with the loot, but you were not very burning the desire to look for him, because you knew that this person would punish himself. Will you be able to let this relative into your apartment again?

Do you need to punish each crime?
Do you need to punish each crime?

There are situations when the criminal does not want to punish at all. For example, if this is a small child who stole a chocolate from you, a hungry person who pulled food or thief as in the video below. Life to live is not to cross the field, it has a huge number of questions without the correct answers.

Video: “Life to live - do not cross the field” - boomerang of good

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