“Turn with your hand”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Turn with your hand”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

What phraseological units-synonyms do the expressions have to wave your hand? How to make a proposal with this phraseology? Read about this in our article.

"To wave his hand" - the meaning of phraseological units

Phraseologism “wave your hand” has several meanings:

  • Stop doing something. For example, quit repairing an old washing machine when it is no longer possible to repair. It means to wave your hand at her.
  • Stop paying attention to something. For example, stop paying attention to the grunts of grandmother-sediment, if she grumbles all the time and for no reason.
  • Abandon something. For example, to abandon a responsible position at work because it is an ungrateful work. Or abandon the line of caring cosmetics, because it is very difficult to use. This also means to wave your hand.

This phrase has sustainable emotional character. To wave your hand means to feel annoyance, resentment, disappointment and dissatisfaction. And then because of this, abandon something.

But to wave your hand is not always bad. To single out important and abandon the unnecessary is a more difficult task than achieving your goal. Remember the little children who fall to the floor and demand that they buy a toy. It is very difficult for the baby to refuse what he wanted. Only adults and children from seven are able to distinguish the main thing and abandon the secondary.

To wave your hand means refusing to do something
To wave your hand means refusing to do something

“To wave your hand” - the meaning of phraseology in one word

“To wave your hand” is phraseologism, which explains the situation through the image. There are many other stable figurative phrases. For example, fake your head - So deceive dissolve your hands - So fight, and when they say, the heart went into the heels - This means that the person is very scared.

For the phrase “wave your hand” the meaning of phraseology in one word will be as follows:

  1. Refuse.
  2. Step back.
  3. Throw (abandon).
  4. Neglect.
  5. Renounce.
  6. Stop.
  7. Forget.

“Wave your hand”-phraseological units-synonyms

There are phraseological units-synonyms, or such phraseological units that are similar in meaning to each other.

For the phrase “wave your hand”, phraseology-synonym can be as follows:

  • Give up.
  • Put a cross.
  • Fall in spirit.
  • Hang your nose.
  • To bury the idea.
  • Do not move your finger.
  • Not to move a finger.
  • Sit in one's hands.

For phraseologism, “wave your hand” is also phraseological units of antonyms:

  • Spend gunpowder.
  • Climb from the skin.
  • Tear out his teeth.
Bury the idea and wave your hand - close concepts
Bury the idea and wave your hand - close concepts

Supply with phraseological unit "to wave his hand"

Phraseologism “wave my hand” more often use in a figurative sense. But a wave of a hand is a literal gesture that says:

  • "What you are talking about is empty."
  • Or "enough, enough."

Examples of sentences where these words are used in the literal sense:

  • She waved her hand, showing the taxi driver that they had already arrived, and you need to stay here.
  • The teacher waved her hand, because she was not very important to which of them the first to start a quarrel.
  • Mikhail waved his hand, showing the driver ZIL that all coal from the body had already spilled out.
  • The foreman waved his hand, and left, he was tired of listening to the excuses of the builders.
  • He told how long he tried to persuade the boss to buy new equipment in the workshop, and waved his hand.

A person can wave his hand in the literal sense when he tries to drive away a annoying fly from himself or when he fights with a flock of attacking mosquitoes. If we want a person to move away from us, then we also make a similar gesture with his hand.

Such gestures are common to people of different nationalities. They are architic and relate to very ancient ideas about their own and foreign space.

Smokers wave their hands, trying to drive off the smoke that climbs into the eyes. You can wave your hand and fencing off the objects of completely physical, and “shaking” from mental problems.

To wave your hand means trying to protect your personal space
To wave your hand means trying to protect your personal space

What does it mean to wave your hand in a figurative sense?

The expression “wave” people often use not in the literal, but in a figurative sense. Then it does not mean a gesture, but an unwillingness to do something. Options for classes that a person can wave a lot of hand. Can:

  • Grow a hand to work.
  • Grow a hand to rest.
  • Grow a hand to problems.
  • Grow a hand to everyday life.
  • Grow a hand to a relationship with someone.
  • Grow a hand to your own appearance.
  • Grow a hand to power and the state.
  • Grow a hand at a hot argument.

It also happens that a person decided to abandon an idea that has nothing to do with the material world at all. Then it is also used phraseological unit "wave" In a figurative sense. It happens that a person decides:

  • Grow a hand to justice.
  • Grow a hand to your principles.
  • Grow a hand to pride.
  • Grow a hand to the rules of decency.
  • Grow a hand to the plans.
  • Grow a hand to the past.
To wave your hand is not always bad
To wave your hand is not always bad

How to make a proposal with phraseological unit “wave”?

Phraseologism “wave”, often used in colloquial speech, it can be found in the works of classics. For example, in the novel by Ivan Bunin “village” there are such lines:
Phraseologism to wave your hand examples of use
Phraseologism to wave your hand examples of use
Usually the phrase “wave your hand” is used with emotions of neglect, and means stop doing something or abandon something. That is, to remove from what is happening.
How to make a proposal with phraseological unit “wave your hand”, examples:
  • She was tired of fighting his drunkenness, and waved her hand at it.
  • Catherine waved her hand at herself, and completely plunged into motherhood.
  • Victor was tired of fighting the chaos that was happening around, and waved his hand at everything.
  • He waved his hand on the long -awaited vacation, and spent the next month in his work.
  • As he did not try to please the girls, he didn’t succeed, and he waved his hand at it.
In general, phraseologism has negative emotional support, and often reflects the feelings of annoyance, disorders, the inability to influence the current state of affairs. Often you have to wave your hand because of close relatives, when another person is not indifferent to you, but you cannot influence his life.
Example:Victoria loved her husband very much, but constant scandals with him made her wave her hand on family relations.

But, there are many examples when phraseologism “wave your hand, hides a positive meaning in itself. Sometimes you need to refuse something to get something more.

Examples of positive sentences with phraseological unit “wave”:

  • He waved his hand at business, and devoted the rest of the vacation to communication with his family.
  • The future writer waved his hand at the training of church literacy, and began to study what he liked - history and painting.
  • She waved her hand at the stereotypes of beauty, and learned to love herself as she is.
  • Elizabeth waved her hand at pride, and married for love.
  • The concierge waved his hand to the rules, and let the people who had nowhere to go.
  • He waved his hand at the authorities and justice, and received freedom, now his life was only in his own hands.

Phraseologism “wave your hand”, example from literature:

Supply with phraseological units to wave his hand
Supply with phraseological units to wave his hand

On our site there are many other interesting articles about phraseological units and their meanings:

Video: What are phraseological units?

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