“Every Kulik praises its swamp”: the meaning, origin of the proverb

“Every Kulik praises its swamp”: the meaning, origin of the proverb

All kinds of proverbs and sayings were famous for ancient Russia. No people of the world can boast of such an abundance of brief and well -aimed judgments concluded in folklore and oral work of our great wise people.

For whole millennia, the extraordinary figurative thinking of our distant ancestors has absorbed into themselves in order to convey it to this day in the form of proverbs and sayings.

The meaning of the proverb "every Kulik praises his swamp"

  • Meaning proverbs "Every Kulik praises his swamp" This is: it is common for a person to praise his homeland, or the sphere in which he is involved in a word, the place where people know about him where people and places are close to him. And, at the same time, he is well aware of everyone who surrounds him, and the work that he has to do.
  • We are all slaves of our habits, therefore, we believe that everything that we do or how we live is the only right solution.
Every Kulik praises his swamp - an example
Every Kulik praises his swamp - an example

The origin of the proverb "every Kulik praises his swamp"

  • It is not possible to trace who and when was the first to come up with this proverb - the data about this is hidden from us in the depths of centuries. In this case, they say that it is folk art.
  • It is only known that in the 19th century, the compiler of the Russian dictionary V.I. Dahl systematized the proverbs and sayings known at that time, where the proverb “every Kulik praises its swamp”.
  • Do not think that our distant ancestors were dumber than us because they did not have the opportunity to use the worldwide web and other technical innovations. All this was replaced by an inquisitive mind, observation and ingenuity - therefore, so many came to us brief and accurate folk sayings that truly beat "not in an eyebrow, but in the eye."
  • In this case, it was used zoomorphism - This is when a certain the parallel between people and animals/birds. And since our ancestors were very observant and inquisitive, they were mostly noticed that both animals and people are similar to each other. As soon as they realized this, they began to characterize a person, calling him one of the representatives of the world of Fauna. This method is now using modern people with quite great productivity in their speech.
  • Here, as in the case of “every Kulik praises its swamp”: “swamp” is that area or sphere of the activity of a person where he lives and works, and “Kulik” is actually this very person.
  • Under the swamp means that this is a relatively small living area. But Kulik, when stomping in a swamp or in flight, makes sharp high sounds, which gradually pass into a continuous trill. It may seem to be an impressive person that he thereby complicates the anthem of the place that he is circulating over.
Fly makes sounds
Fly makes sounds

It may seem that this folk wisdom sounds somewhat derogatory, because the swamp is a small territory, and Kulik is very small-this bird weighs only from 200 g to a kilogram-depending on its subspecies. However, the moral and moral quality of the proverb “every Kulik praises its swamp”, indicates love for their native land.

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Video: The meaning of the proverb "every Kulik praises its swamp"

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