Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults - the most complete collection

Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults - the most complete collection

A selection of proverbs and sayings about coronavirus.

Modern proverbs and sayings about coronavirus

Modern proverbs and sayings about coronavirus
Modern proverbs and sayings about coronavirus

Modern proverbs and sayings about coronavirus:

  • Coronavirus isolated us from each other, but do not be sad - just all of us, it is important to find a motive for self -isolation.
  • Let us lay a positive grain in our negative present for future achievements. And how - everyone will decide on their own.
  • During the raging coronavirus, a person aims to end life ... - with an old life, and start everything with a clean sheet.
  • Let go of all your problems, finish old unnecessary relationships, find your favorite pastime - all this can be done precisely during self -isolation.
  • Do not close from the world, although you need to sit at home without any way - break a window into the world of the Internet, where all your friends and friends are already sitting.
  • The old life must be stopped at the first symptoms of not coronavirus, but a boring former life - a clean sheet will help to open a sea of \u200b\u200bfree time.
  • It is better to save health now than to reanimate it later.
  • During the epidemic, I learned to put fat dots - on imaginary friends, on unnecessary relationships, on indifferent people.
  • The pandemic is in full swing-you should not think about its end at the beginning of something, think about what you would like the most in life, but there was no time to do it.
  • Do not predict how the events will unfold, everything will go exactly as it should be - so why wake up sly?
  • Everything is an end - and coronavirus is not immortal.
  • It’s better to stay alone in self -isolation than to spin forever among insincere and false people.
  • I am free - only after prolonged walking for unloved work do you value self -isolation during the pandemic.
  • I am not at all interested in this virus, I began to interest me a lot of everything that I did not even have time to think about before.
  • I'm sitting at home, but went into another dimension.
  • I would now forget and fall asleep ... and again see the world without a crowned virus
  • Calm, only calm - it is it that always helps us in the most difficult moments.
  • Do not panic and do not make reckless decisions - just change the atmosphere of the house, for example, rearrange the cabinet and bed. You will spend a lot of strength, they will not have a panic and stress.
  • Everything will pass, it will pass and this ...
  • Our life is the only one, so let's decorate it even sitting at home.
  • When it seems that living is simply unbearable, it only seems. There are worse options ...
  • Pandemia - time to set yourself up for life full of joys and emotions.
  • It is important - to have time to do everything as you wanted, so that there is no time left after your departure or simply unrealized plans.
  • The earth is empty without all of us - we sit and are looking at home at home.
  • Do you want this pandemic to end quickly? Find you into the hole and do not let anyone in.
  • I love communication so much, but no one has banned social networks yet?
  • This time of the pandemic is given to each of us to discover our talents - alone with us.
  • Let's fill in a positive attitude and faith in the best in self -isolation.
  • Rejoice to everything even in four walls is art, I now master it.
  • Wash your hands, and luck will come to you.
  • Is there life in the apartment - is unhappy and for a long time? That is the question.
    The engine of our life is a faith in the best, it is it that will help to overcome this coronavirus and drive it out of the country and mind.
  • Order yourself - everything should be fine, and nothing else!
  • Coronavirus taught many to have fun here and now, and not dream of sky -high heights.
  • Try not to notice how shitty is now, although it could be worse.
  • Let's live our life with pleasure, even when we are sitting at home without allocation, and some are starting to annoy him already ...
  • It is necessary to maintain inner harmony and joy - after all, life continues.
  • The main thing in our time is not to lose heart and not enter apathy - turn on your favorite music and dance your favorite dances.
  • Why bother on the coronavirus-we are powerless to change something-so we protect ourselves, my hands, smile and wave.
  • Try not to notice and not think about this coronavirus, all the more it is impossible to notice it.
  • With a gloomy face and sad thoughts, self -isolation can turn into a house arrest.
  • If you are alive, so rejoice, and have fun.
  • So she dreamed of being at home, everything worked and fussed, and then a dream came true - until I feel joy from this.
  • You just sit at home, live and believe that everything is fine with you.
  • During the pandemic, it is important to turn on the positive in its perception of the surrounding world in time, otherwise the husband begins to enrage and annoy the child.
  • Now, when the virus is walking around the country, you can generally desperate and fall into apathy - but is this coronavirus of our sadness and sadness? Of course, no - we make it out of his great mood.
  • Profit yourself and friends - it's time to communicate on the phone or online for a long time - after all, everyone now has nothing to do.
  • At first I was scared of this isolation, then he told myself - Stop! Do not wait!
  • Coronavirus is afraid when they join him
  • We’ll sit in silence, no, it’s better to lie down - self -isolation ...
  • We all so dreamed of stopping and exhaling - there is all a stop, now we exhale.
  • Coronavirus makes you adapted to any future.
  • Koronavirus diverted all the wealth of the oligarchs-after all, the disease will not ask, he will come and mow, even if you are super-rich.
  • It turns out that not everything can be bought for money - for example, calmness and confidence that the disease will not reach you - you will not buy.
  • Our recipe for a good mood during an active fight against coronavirus - I lie on the couch and read the playboy.
  • Gasting - coronavirus, still worried - we can’t overdo it with a stick!
  • More people were injured from mass hysteria on the topic of coronavirus than from coronavirus itself ...
  • Nothing strives for chaos the way you imagine it ...
  • Everything that is natural is inevitable, and coronavirus too.
  • There is no point in afraid of the virus - kill, and kill.
  • Before you get married/marry, think - it is possible that you will have to sit on quarantine with this person ...
  • Where can you make an inexpensive birthday on self -isolation? Pencil on the calendar.
  • I know what happiness is: just the sun in the morning and the aromatic smell of coffee, and vanity in the evenings, and there are no sick coronavirus around you.
  • And, living a life, it is time to understand: as long as a person is alive, he can protect himself from the virus!

Philosophical proverbs and sayings about coronavirus

Philosophical proverbs and sayings about coronavirus
Philosophical proverbs and sayings about coronavirus

Philosophical proverbs and sayings about coronavirus:

  • Do not worry if coronavirus gets to you - doctors will save you ...
  • Coronavirus - like money: having penetrated into a person, immediately begins to look for a new victim.
  • Who knows, you can already completely wash or so far only wash your hands?
  • There are such people that even coronavirus will not stick to them.
  • In an open environment, coronavirus lives less than an hour - walk on the street when everyone goes to bed ...
  • In 2020 when someone is sneezing nearby, "be healthy" you say to yourself
  • The virus of merciless apathy is sometimes worse than coronavirus.
  • My heart smells that we are on the eve of the grandiose shuher ...
  • Coronavirus is a well -planned advertising company for the pharmaceutical market.
  • The virus is like love. You can pick up anyone at any time.
  • Anyone who claims that one person cannot change the world, just never ate a subtle bat.
  • I was lying on the couch for the third week, the cat began to see a competitor in me.
  • Everyone learned to wash their hands. The theme of the next pandemic is turn signals.
  • The most dangerous virus in the history of mankind is not a coronavirus, but a smartphone in your hands!
  • There is only one form of infection that spreads faster than the virus. And this is fear.
  • Do not know what to take yourself on self -isolation? Get to know the people who are on your friends ...
  • The phrase “He has not all at home” - now sounds like a denunciation.
  • Everyone who will be born a child in 9 months will be fined for non -compliance with the distance
  • They say that coronavirus is so serious that it spreads even on the Internet! Run fools…
  • Coronavirus changes your point of view on life and the world as a whole ...
    You do not stock up buckwheat, but felt -tip pens. In May, you will need to draw money ...
  • The Internet was and remains the best remedy against coronavirus. The longer you sit in it, the less chance you have to catch the virus!
  • The world familiar to us can easily disappear. This is strange, but it is.
  • "We must go to the supermarket today, otherwise there will be a lot of people tomorrow!" - absolutely all the inhabitants of our city thought.
  • Not a single quarantine lasts forever. Do not lose heart, everything will be fine!
  • A person has only one serious problem - he is too easy to give in mass hysteria
  • Progress is the main virus of mankind. But there is no other way.
  • Please write your names on masks. Otherwise when you meet you know who you greet you
  • Fans are a million, and there is no one to go to the pharmacy.
  • Advise where to go in the apartment, otherwise I already seemed to see everything ...
  • New female problem: there is something to wear, but there is nowhere to go ...
  • Eat more garlic and onions. It may not save from coronavirus, but it will allow you
  • distance
  • By the way, the plague epidemics also began in the 20s ...
  • Coronavirus, unlike everything else, spreads absolutely free of charge ...
    For those whose weddings are canceled due to the epidemic, God gave you a second chance ... Stop!
  • If we had Dr. House, we would solve all these problems in the first season, but we will have all seasons ...
  • I like traveling very much. Yesterday I visited the kitchen - the capital of the apartment.
  • Do not forget to start your day with news about coronavirus!
  • Coronavirus makes people be more careful.
  • Life is changing. Climat is changing. Viruses and they are changing.
  • Coronavirus spreads quickly, like stupidity.
  • The main thing is to feel the line between quarantine and binge
  • No need to grieve - the whole tin is ahead ...
  • Until today, I have never wiped a bottle of vodka - alcohol ...
  • Lord, give people of brains, buckwheat, sugar and pasta they already have ...
  • I see many selfies in masks. Some are even better ...
  • How did you become an alcoholic? I clearly observed quarantine ...
  • Something suspiciously for a long time we are not informed of the date of the next end of the world ...
  • The mask will also save from the virus, like thongs from frost ...
  • If hairdressers do not open for a month, then 90% of the blondes will disappear from the face of the earth
  • The head hurts, but there is no one to refuse ...
  • I live alone. The third hour of the night, I sleep, I open the door, I open it, there is a neighbor: -There so that there is no salt?!
  • In connection with quarantine, the gynecologist conducts an examination online ...
  • If self -isolation does not help, the next stage is self -lifting!
  • Forced to reach 9 in the morning. The weekend should somehow be different
  • I closed my heart to quarantine so that another nerd would not get there ...
  • The company "House at home. Do not write ” - self -isolation is extended for another month ...
  • People bought food, as if they had two months to live. But everything was planted on seedlings ...
  • You, too, in the morning when you wake up the first thing, see how much more infected in the world?
  • Has anyone already weighed? My scales show someone's phone number ...

Proverbs about coronavirus for adults

Proverbs about coronavirus for adults
Proverbs about coronavirus for adults

Proverbs about coronavirus for adults:

  • The coronavirus wife and her husband are not sweet.
  • Infected - treated, and returning from Ujan - beware.
  • The patient is treated, and self -isolated is furious.
  • You will know a lot about coronavirus - you will be cured in time.
  • Already coronavirus on the threshold, and now there.
  • Once, Koronavirus, who lived in China, found out that all roads lead to Rome.
  • We are so used to wearing masks that life has given us a chance to wear them openly, without hiding.
  • Small virus, but harmful.
  • Protecting time, and coronavirus hour.
  • The mask is not a hindrance.
  • With whom you will pick up, with that and die.
  • The virus is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch.
  • They meet in the mask, they are escorted by temperature.
  • Before the wedding, he will live to the peak.
  • Hope on the mask, but do not flatter yourself.
  • Coronavirus and a rich man disadvantage.
  • Nothing, let's survive. In extreme cases from the mind.
  • Hope on God, and put on the mask itself.
  • The virus that does not want to get into people is bad ...
  • Air carriers in the flight - everyone is afraid of coronavirus
  • Turagents are waiting for the weather by the sea ...
  • In restaurants, smelled fried ...
  • Fitness clubs extend the legs ...
  • In fuel companies, the case smells of kerosene ...
  • The furniture business gave oak ...
  • Clothing manufacturers tighten their belts ...
  • Covorking finds no place for themselves ...
  • The bakers have a hole from the bagel ...
  • The confectioners have no sugar life ...
  • Perfumeria emits the spirit ...
  • Hairdressers hang in the balance ...
  • Clothing stores were left without pants ...
  • Shoe suppliers got into Kalosha ...
  • Car companies screw nuts ...
  • The souvenir business is not a gift now ...
  • The cat smelled of money from animal protection funds ...
  • Masseffists are all out of their hands ...
  • Chancellery shops reached the handle ...
  • The baths were covered with a copper basin ...
  • Tourism is forest ...
  • The laundries turned out to be a broken trough ...
  • Atelier is cracking at the seams ...
  • In the musical industry, romances sing finance ...
  • Kin will not be in the cinemas for a very long time ...
  • The flower business is quite sluggish ...
  • Children's centers played out ...
  • In Bowling, even a ball of a roll ...
  • Masters of manicure gnawing their nails ...
  • Dentists laid their teeth on the shelf ...
  • Speech therapists have a hopelessness - customers are afraid to go to them ...
    • Mask manufacturers are sewn up ...
    • IVL manufacturers opened a second wind ...
    • In pharmacies, everything is on ointments ...
  • A self -propelled gun is a trip to the store during coronavirus.
  • The location, without permission from above, cannot be left.
  • Who did not have time to marry, hurry. Only this year is a wedding without guests.
  • Creative thinking allows you to easily endure permanent political idiocy.
  • Self -isolation cracks insincere marriages and brings true feelings closer.
  • To be honest, I don’t know what is worse now: to measure the temperature or weigh.
  • Gay self -isolation is very difficult. They hardly make ends meet.
  • Not everyone can answer what day of quarantine today is. Many have already drank from the account.
  • Good news! The growth rate of the number of cases begin to accelerate at a slower pace.
  • If people were afraid of the “wrath of God” as a coronavirus, the world would become much kinder, more beautiful and cleaner!
  • He ran out into the pharmacy for an antiseptic, and returned with cognac. Same price!
  • I am glad that this virus does not spread sexually. And then there would have been no something to do.
  • No buckwheat! Buy peas - the distance is guaranteed!
  • Coronavirus pandemia is quarantine for people and holidays for nature.
  • Our people can not be closed for a long time ... They can pick up the "foolishness" virus.
  • Painfully unbearably unbearable lyzostans - the distance of observance during the pandemic!
  • If this coronavirus infection does not change the consciousness of people, then nothing will help them ...
  • A striking coincidence - at risk of covid citizens of retirement age.
  • Coronavirus is not a sucker; no grandmas are being conducted.

Sayings about coronavirus for adults

Sayings about coronavirus for adults
Sayings about coronavirus for adults

Sayings about coronavirus for adults:

  • Coronavirus is a sociable guy, he is not alien to the company of either poor or rich.
  • At such a difficult moment for the whole world, we all, more than ever, should stay from each other ... away ...
  • The main feature of the coronavirus, its sexuality. I had already fooled everyone. And everything is not enough for him.
  • The virus is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch.
  • A friend is known at a social distance.
  • Where he was born - there and sit on quarantine.
  • An uninvited guest is worse than infected.
  • That the Russian is a runny nose, then the German is death.
  • Virus in a beard - pneumonia in the rib.
  • Road toilet paper to the epidemic.
  • Self -isolation to survive - do not cross the field.
  • Seven Fridays in the week when you work from home.
  • Do not open your mouth to someone else's wifi.
  • Whatever the child was amused, if only in the webcam it did not climb.
  • Hope for God, and wash your hands.
  • The promised vaccines are waiting for three years.
  • The virus is afraid - do not go for a run.
  • And the WHO is still there ... everything only commands and advises everything.
  • There was no concern - Baba bought a bat (in the Ugansky market).
  • One plows, seven are dancing on quarantine.
  • You like to ride - love and wear masks.
  • To live with infected - to howl in quarantine.
  • Who about what, and infected about the virus.
  • I got ill - walk boldly!
  • You hurry to the store - you will infect people.
  • Mal Sanitizer, but dear.
  • Give it off, cricket, your smear!
  • Moscow does not believe in snot.
  • Fear the Chinese who bring gifts!
  • The lousy sheep spoils all anti -epidemiological measures.
  • His own sneeza sneezes from afar.
  • Hope for quarantine, but do not flatter yourself.
  • Live the century, be treated!
  • Who does not smoke and does not drink, does not die from the crown.
  • Measure seven times, sneeze once.
  • Seven doctors have a patient without a mask.
  • All roads lead to Ujan.
    The crown that was drawn up - where you sneeze, went out there.
  • The horses on the quarantine are not changed.
  • I would sneeze in the elbow, but the neck is short.
  • The vaccine is a fool, quarantine - well done.
  • With whom you will lead, from that you will become infected.
  • Every cunning cage has its own strain strain.
  • Do not blame the virus, if DNA is crooked.
  • Covid influenza is not sweeter.
  • They did not boast of the vaccine in an empty hut.
  • Covid is not so terrible as he is painted.
  • A virtual friend is better than two new ones.
  • The one who sneezes the last sneezes well ...
  • In the dirty pool, viruses are found.
  • From the virus, but from quarantine do not say.
  • Not washing, so an antiseptic.
  • The virus is not a sparrow, it will fly out at the sneeze, you won’t catch it.
  • I found a viral braid on a soap stone.
  • You love to meet, love and sit on quarantine.
  • You can’t spoil the skin with an antiseptic - the new will grow.
  • The old virus is better than two new ones.
  • The virus is overlooking - observant hygiene.
  • Viusna came, close the gate - isolated.
  • The virus will not turn off the virus, but the genes will exchange.
  • The old virus will not spoil the body.
  • A friend is known on quarantine.
  • Eyes are afraid, and their hands put on the mask.
  • Wash your hands seven times, touch your face once.
  • And Vaska listens, but he eats ginger.
  • Did business at home, walk with the dog boldly.
  • The law is not written to viruses.
  • There is nothing to blame the virus, since he touched the face.
  • They don’t wave their fists on self -isolation, they are washed with soap.
  • Seven officials have an unattended virus.
  • The virus from the virus is not far away.
  • The virus feeds dirty hands.
  • It’s good at a party, but it’s better for self -isolation at home.
  • The new virus infects in a new way.
  • Hope on the soap, but put on the mask.
  • An uninvited virus is worse than the enemy.
  • Live with viruses - you need to wash your hands.
  • Soap and antiseptic virus will be shaken.
  • You will know a lot - rather, you will defend yourself from the virus.
  • Here you have a grandmother and a quarantine day.
  • The virus is not so terrible as it is portrayed.
  • One in a viral field is not a warrior.
  • Beat your viruses soap so that other people's viruses are afraid.
  • The case is time, and sanitization is an hour.
  • The virus is antiviral death with soap and antiseptic.
  • The case smells of an antiseptic.
  • Viral love of evil, you will love an antiseptic with chlorine.
  • A healthy poor man is happier than Covid a millionaire.
  • Soap and antiseptic, we dig a grave virus.
  • They do not go to someone else's apartment with their virus, they are sitting on self -isolation.
  • Do not change the antiseptic for soap, it is better to use both.
  • And there is a hole on the virus - soapy.
  • And there is a hole on the virus if you sit at home on self -isolation.
  • Trust, but check - the temperature is normal.
  • They ate, drank, had fun in the company, and in the morning they infected the virus.
  • How much the virus is not to twist, there will still be a vaccination end.
  • You can’t put an antiseptic scarf for each viral company.
  • A drop of the virus will spoil a healthy body.
  • Not all the Maslenitsa virus, a vaccination post will come.
  • Zero patient is a harbinger of millions of victims.
  • The coronavirus environment is an excellent help for Friday the 13th.
  • To deprive millions of people - one coronavirus is enough.
  • Self -isolation cracks insincere marriages and brings true feelings closer.
  • Coronavirus is a sociable guy, he is not alien to the company of either poor or rich.
  • During the pandemic, the media embellish death, and life is depicted in dark colors.
  • The pandemic of coronavirus is a reminder of nature to humanity about who is the master on Earth.
  • To defeat the coronavirus environment - every day of the week should turn into a clean Thursday.
  • The most dangerous virus is fear, because in a short time it is able to remove human immunity from a state of balance.

Converted proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults

Converted proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults
Converted proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults

Reviewed proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults:

  • Coronavirus to be afraid - generally do not go to the street.
  • Take care of your nose behind the mask, and your hands are carefully mine.
  • Only the second mouse receives free cheese.
  • Big coronavirus is a large pill.
  • Fight and search, find and vice.
  • In a healthy body, a healthy mind without a crowned virus.
  • In crooked hands and coronavirus flourishes.
  • Time is an assistant. Humanity can leave coronavirus.
  • Everything ingenious is simple, but expensive, especially the treatment of the “crown”.
  • Better a tit in the hands than a duck under the bed.
  • He called himself coronavirus - infect people.
  • Our coronavirus ripened for execution.
  • Do not swear the hole to another, he himself is infected with the virus.
  • You do not want to do not want, in a good way it will be worse.
  • Like, I don't like it, and the president will recover.
  • One step forward without a mask is twelve days in the hospital.
  • The trouble came - take out the covid passport.
  • The Russian person after the first news about the epidemic is not afraid.
  • Coronavirus loves where it is dirty, and the person is comfortable.
  • Get lost yourself, but do not infect your parents.
  • They wanted the best, and coronavirus, did everything as always.
  • Appreciate health - a source of longevity.
  • What you are inhaled, then you will torment you ...
  • I came to you with greetings - with suffocation and temperature.
  • Everyone complains about the lack of money, and no one about the lack of mind.
  • If the problem can be solved for money, then coronavirus will not give up so easily.
  • Choosing from two viruses, the pessimist will choose both.
  • God protects the poor, at least from the coronavirus expensive.
  • Men would have done more if women talked less about coronavirus.
  • We angry God with our sins, people - a violation of self -isolation.
  • Coronavirus is a sign of your carelessness, not wisdom.
  • Where there are many words about the epidemic, there really is lost.
  • More people are repenting for violation of self -isolation ...
  • In life, a person needs three things: patientness, health, a loving family.
  • Coronavirus rests - in the summer, and in winter - never.
  • Coronavirus came in - the epidemic began.
  • Pride dining with vanity dinner with coronavirus.
  • Do good to your enemy: let him see and be embarrassed.
  • Money is earned with money, and coronavirus with your negligence.
  • Speaking ugly things on isolation is to stay with an empty stomach.
  • Which one is to know about the secret that does not concern you?
  • Half truth about coronavirus is a complete lie.
  • Coronavirus, who abandoned his master and follow you, drive out stones.
  • Today there is no time for health-tomorrow there is no time due to health.
  • Relatives infected with a crown are distant relatives.
  • If the driver does not believe in the coronavirus, then the passenger’s life is in danger.
  • Truth illuminates, but it heats up health.
  • When luck turns away, coronavirus is infected even from cottage cheese.
  • When they do not think of their heads, they are reported from the pocket.
  • Coronavirus is a disease that people call their mistakes.
  • One hundred pounds of your health is easier to carry than one hundred pounds of your illness.
  • The smart one knows how to get out of a difficult situation, but the wise does not fall into it.
  • They praise not the one who deserves, but the one on whom they depend.
  • Less conscience - more problems.
  • Honest is sometimes also lucky, but very rarely.
  • To be known as ill -mannered, it’s enough to say the truth.

Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults

Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults
Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults

Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults:

  • Morning is such a part of the day when you envy those who are not on self -isolation ...
  • There is no more shame than to press on a protective mask.
  • Not caught for violation of isolation - not punished!
  • We always have time for a lying stone.
  • Think seven times - inhale once in the crowd.
  • On other people's garages, the engine is not buzzing.
  • One head is good, and two are not beautiful.
  • They do not get into someone else's car without a protective mask.
  • Coronavirus is not a sparrow - catch up and good.
  • Large cabinets fall loudly - when they become infected with a crown.
  • If a woman infected you with a crown, then you are not indifferent to her!
  • Most of all they lie on self -isolation, sex and after fishing.
  • Learning is light, and coronavirus is darkness.
  • A real woman should do important things in life, and not to hide, like a fool, on a coronavirus.
  • That woman is smart in the society of which you can behave, as you like, even a demon of a protective mask.
  • I did not return the loan during the epidemic - consider the erysipelas of the bat.
  • The fish from the pond will die from the coronavirus.
  • Seven times about the door, once - on the rail.
  • Who was the first to get up and coronavirus ...
  • And they healed with the crown - to say in a fairy tale or explain in the hospital.
  • In the courtyard, a lads, at the lads of coronavirus ...
  • If the virus has fallen on you, score as soon as possible: the coronavirus falls from the virus.
  • Krut was Lech, and threw like a sucker.
  • Do not run from coronavirus - die tired ...
  • The neighbor’s neighbor died from the crown - a trifle, but nice.
  • If the hands are gold, then it does not matter where they grow from.
  • It’s not scary if they laugh at you - it is much worse when they cry over you ...
  • God is not a doctor, loves healthy and those who adhere to the rules!
  • If it is not clear what is about, then we are talking about coronavirus.
  • They meet in a mask, see over the temperature.
  • It is better to cover seven times later than once a hoarfrost!
  • Not every coronavirus will have a snap.
  • It’s too late to fasten when the chamber is around.
  • There are two ways to control coronavirus, but no one knows them.
  • A real doctor does not put the pills for the bra.
  • You cannot go to paradise of one religion without getting into hell of all others.
  • Do not look at the ceiling - there are no answers.
  • It’s good where ours are not.
  • And about the old woman is a guard.
  • How many guest do not process a sanitizer - can still infect a crown.
  • In the yard, grass, on the grass of firewood, on the firewood of a lads, at the lads of the crown ...
  • Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends, especially for self -isolation.
  • Loneliness is when you always know where your things lie.
  • There is a certificate about antibodies - go to the subway.
  • That coronavirus is a fool - which has more a crowd.
  • Like water off a duck's back.
  • Vodka, vodka, cucumber - that’s the little man infected.
  • That the flu is a path, then the coronavirus is a highway.
  • Coronavirus is not a fool - he knows his business well!
  • Do not rush, otherwise you will have time to become infected with coronavirus.
  • Not in money happiness, but in the amount of health.
  • The second time was infected with coronavirus - this is a victory of hope over common sense.
  • If a man goes left four times, then, according to the laws of geometry, he will return home infected.
  • Healthy sleep not only prolongs life, but also reduces prolonged self -isolation.
  • A friend in trouble is known - coronary.
  • A good cat and in November - March.
  • A woman is almost helpless until her her nails have grown up ... and she cannot remove the mask
  • Tell me who I am and I will tell you who you are.
  • Run so far - hold on as far as possible from the crowd.
  • If you are spitting in the back, then you are ahead. And it is likely not to become infected with a crown.
  • Coronavirus without a shirt closer to the body.
  • Not in money happiness, but the lack of a crown in loved ones.
  • The lesson of nonsense at the workplace is developing lateral vision, hearing and vigilance in general!
  • What does not kill us, you can once again!
  • The bad goes for the good, good for the bad.
  • Unexpected disease is worse than a planned operation.
  • You do not know what to write to a friend on isolation - sit and plyk.
  • Where the strip of failure ends, the territory of the cemetery begins.
  • There was no sadness - the scientists came up with the virus how it was torn - the whole world turned upside down.
  • You can’t forbid life healthy. But you can interfere with ... coronavirus.
  • Learning to adhere to the rules of Lockdown is not to carry the goats out of the nose.
  • If you, looking in the mirror, have not seen anyone there, then you are irresistible even on self -isolation!
  • Have a hundred percent, and have a hundred customers who are ready to come to you even during quarantine.
  • A light cold will not be born from coronavirus.
  • It's okay if they laugh at you ... much worse when they cry over you ...
  • Do not spit in the well - you won’t fly out.
  • A good sea is the sea, where there are no other vacationers on the beach.
  • Patients with a crown to a joint barbecue are not invited.
  • Of all the scribes of fashion, white slippers are the very last.

Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus in a new way

Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus in a new way
Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus in a new way

Proverbs and sayings about coronavirus in a new way:

  • Kovid revealed that each people have smart people, but not everyone has smartly smart.
  • Life is already short, but how much, it turns out, those who want to make it even shorter!
  • There is something erotic in masks: they look like bras.
  • Love your neighbor, but stay away from him.
  • Hope for God, but do not forget the mask.
  • It is time to introduce the year of coronado into the Chinese horoscope.
  • So they survived to the time when peaceful life became more dangerous than war.
  • A patient with coronavirus was successfully treated and discharged from the hospital right to paradise.
  • I read on the Internet funny jokes over coronavirus and became sad from the fact that the pandemic would pass and the stupidity would remain.
  • Previously, having embarrassed, they yelled “Don’t come up, I will kill!”, Now “Don’t come, I will sneeze!”
  • Without analytics, do not start a business coronavirus.
  • They do not look in the holes for free cheese.
  • God did not give a budget customer a budget.
  • The wind in the head does not happen fairly.
  • You object - offer, suggest - do not run away.
  • Grinkling is a sign of consent!
  • Eyes are afraid, and hands are carefully washed under a crane with soap ...
  • If a person has poor vision, then this is his problem - without even seeing the crown, he can pick it up.
  • God will not give out, the pig will not eat.
  • I live only in what he carried out of self -isolation.
  • A married woman on quarantine spoils the nervous system of her husband.
  • Each cricket - know your positioning.
  • Tell your own about coronavirus, so that strangers are afraid.
  • To whom the coronavirus war, and to whom the mother is relative.
  • Krut was Lech, but until he met coronavirus.
  • There is a roof, there is no mind.
  • Whoever worked in the coronavirus hospital does not laugh in the circus.
  • Coronavirus pecks along the grain, and the hospital is full of patients!
  • Koronavirus lick the rooster, for the fact that he shook the cuckoo.
  • A gentle slogan and a sick person is pleasant.
  • It is better to be shocked by what you saw than in the ass from what is happening!
  • You like to play on the street - love and wear a protective mask.
  • You like to ride, roll to the damn mother.
  • You like to ride a tram, buy a protective mask.
  • A husband without a wife for self -isolation is like an oak without a woodpecker.
  • It will go to freebies and chlorine.
  • Found coronavirus to an unmotivated refusal of people to follow quarantine rules.
  • Not the same rich who wraps the prices, but the one who scrolls the transactions in the quarantine.
  • Do not stick into the water near the chemical plant in Juan.
  • Coronavirus - came, saw, turned white!
  • Came. I saw a sick and sneezing person. Fasten.
  • Blind has come - take out the covid passports!
  • Work is not a wolf, but a work of power at a distance.
  • Fighting badly with the crown is how to extinguish the fire with gasoline.
  • Coronavirus has all the girls red.
  • Whoever hurts something - the slogan has the same thing.
  • Coronavirus slowly but confidently people discipline.
  • Wi-Fi is not superfluous on self-isolation.

Cool proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults

Cool proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults
Cool proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults

Cool proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults:

  • Coronavirus differs from the flu in that it spreads more.
  • Coronavirus is a wisdom virus that affects the Internet.
  • The indifference virus spreads with each sneeze on the neighbor
  • There are such people that even the virus does not stick to them.
  • The problem unnoticed in time propagates in us like a virus.
  • Coronavirus is the sneezing of everyone for everything.
  • What a pity that the intelligence virus is not transmitted by airborne droplets! That would be a gorgeous pandemic!
  • In a fanatic, the virus of frantic faith, and from it smacks of sulfur.
  • She was a pretty outside, but inside the virus was found ...
  • Even a small virus can cover a large globalization with a “copper basin”.
  • The plague behaved quite salated ... Unlike coronavirus.
  • It’s easy to catch an infectious crown in an interview ..
  • Do not succumb immediately to his infection ...
  • Just pause, making it clear that the interlocutor blurred his absurdity again.
  • Coronavirus is an infectious virus that is not transmitted via the Internet.
  • Evil, who is trying to encourage a person in any way, in order to assert himself to show his strength ... This is an already neglected virus of the disease ...
  • Coronavirus is a vile virus ... that prevents humanity from living a normal life
  • Cursing the smell of onions, the bastard climbs into the bronchi - coronavirus.
  • It is so difficult to understand that this virus does not leave us so simple.
  • The soul lived in a width, so the virus picked up.
  • The most dangerous virus is fear, because in a short time it is able to remove human immunity from a state of balance.
  • Progress is a deadly virus of mankind.
  • Coronavirus is similar to a pickpocket, which is being laid a person’s wallet ...
  • Are you drawn to the Internet? You picked up the virus and are on self -isolation!
  • The virus makes a cell from DNA, too, as a lover with the beliefs of a stranger husband.
  • I think that pork flu appeared for a long time: see how many people behave like pigs.
  • Share your smile, and she, like a flu virus, will spread.
  • The virus is such a muck that everyone has heard about, but few have seen.
  • Where is Eros - there is a virus ...
  • They lived quietly, without sadness, then suddenly the virus was brought ...
  • All Tryndat are about quarantine, everything is smart and nerd
  • The virus will lose the crown only by visiting everyone.
  • Inside me, madness lives, like a virus with a fading nucleus.
  • Fear - there is a virus that settles in you until you get it yourself.
  • Today, when the virus rushes and rushes, it is important to think about loved ones
  • The former joke: "And the crown does not press? .."-
  • Living was not bored, although ... the virus is prevented from boring.
  • The poverty virus affects the weakened conscience
  • The virus is not as terrible as the struggle with him.
  • What a pity that kindness as a virus is not transmitted by airborne droplets.
  • Already the Ebola virus is on the threshold, and now there.
  • The virus that does not want to break into people is bad.
  • Complexes - like viruses, there are dangerous ones, there are vital ones.
  • Hands in trousers, if the start of the start takes in a mighty sneeze.
  • Stupidity is infectious, the mind of the mind has not yet been open.
  • Where there are no freedoms and constitutions - the virus of revolutions is active there and is active
  • When you sneeze at everyone, you spread the virus.
  • Fear the virus of failure, because the success virus is transmitted by a friendly handshake, and the virus of failure is present even in the gaze of its carrier.
  • A stinginess is a deadly virus in a once close-knit team.
  • To defeat coronavirus, it must be infected with AIDS.
  • The virus will disappear, resolve, but ... a black spot will remain in the memory.

Quarantine proverbs and sayings about coronavirus

Quarantine proverbs and sayings about coronavirus
Quarantine proverbs and sayings about coronavirus

Quarantine proverbs and sayings about coronavirus:

  • He did the job - his hands.
  • You like to ride - love and sit at home.
  • Gray hair in a beard - sit at home, hide from coronavirus.
  • Life to live in quarantine is not 100 meters to cross.
  • Better a tit in the hands of ... pre -treated with an antiseptic.
  • Sleep seven times - you sing one, after quarantine you will remain slender.
  • In a quiet whirlpool, the devils self -speaking.
  • Someone in the forest, some from Moscow.
  • Whoever hurts something, he sits at home with that.
  • He did the matter - walk on the balcony boldly.
  • Eyes are afraid, and legs go to the store.
  • Where he was born - he was self -isolated there.
  • Whoever gets up early, God gives a pass.
  • Seven days off a week during quarantine.
  • With a frantic dog 7 versts - all in high.
  • Self -isolated in the fall is considered.
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
  • Love is to find someone with whom you can survive the quarantine.
  • Sitting at home on quarantine is better than just sitting.
  • The war was war, and the curbs are scheduled.
  • They do not go to someone else's monastery with their quarantine.
  • You go quieter - later they will ask for a pass.
  • After vaccination, they announced a draw of apartments and cars. Well, everyone knows the insidiousness of the virus ...
  • I'm afraid that the future generations will no longer appreciate the tragedy of the Aria's tragedy "All your life to be in a mask - my fate!"
  • The second year already went when we were taught to wear muzzles. If the authorities are needed, they will teach
  • wear handcuffs.
    Working women in a mask regime can save not only lipstick, but also on a necklace and beads, a mask is now hanging on the neck or chin instead.
  • Vladimir Putin instructed to proceed to the mass vaccination of Russians: and how it is (usually), we all know well.
  • The most disappointment in this whole case with Covid is that vodka and garlic were not effective.
  • We came up with a new curse: “Our meeting with you is not even worth a disposable mask!”
  • The cinema, where everything is in masks and without popcorn, is some kind of circus!
  • Forced self -isolation (on a planet’s scale) is the best way, at least temporarily, to stop all wars.
  • After the pandemic, everyone will definitely become rich. Because no one will recognize anyone under the mask.
  • According to recent studies, 80% of Russians said that in the context of the pandemia they lost interest in work, while the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bstated that they had never had this interest.
  • Coronovirus is not as terrible as self -isolation from him.
  • Do you know which one of the most faithful signs of quarantine softened - the holidays are approaching?
  • When, more and more often in the early morning, a voiced knock of heels on the pavement wakes you up - a sure sign that coronavirus was tired of infecting people.
  • Now, looking at the TV, when they cough in films, I put on a mask.
  • In everything you need to look for positive! In our vocabulary to such wonderful words and phrases as self -employment, self -teaching, pickup, self -service, self -help, “help yourself”, “skillful pens”, “create yourself”, “yourself the director”, “salvation of the drowning ones - the work of the hands of yourself drowning ”,“ you won’t praise yourself - no one will praise ”and others added such a beautiful word - self -isolation!
  • Self -isolation: And a month lasts longer than a century ...
  • Religious note: I hope for God, and wear a mask!
  • Islamists came up with coronovir. Thanks to him, now on the streets you rarely meet women with an open face
  • In each person, the insidious virus potentially lives - keep the distance.
  • In January, everyone wondered: what will the year of rat bring us? And only virologists knew that the year would bring a covid infection.
  • In difficult times, pandemia is important not only to survive! No less important that not from the mind ...
  • After all, the sharpness on the theme of the virus and quarantine finally arises a serious question: this is all - the rehearsal of what?
  • Coronavirus is not so terrible as its consequences.
  • Coronavirus 2025. The auction house "Sotbis" put on a bidding buckwheat grain in 1 carat.
    They did not live in a rich quarantine - but he will die in the middle class.
  • The angle changes everything. Even the coronavirus becomes a hero when you understand that the earth is infected with humanity.
  • In Russia of the twenty -first century, two new troubles appeared - coronavirus and the constitution.
  • Now there is nowhere to fall from the country, around it is coronavirus.
  • Scheherazada said: “An increased demand for toilet paper due to coronavirus is able to ensure a steady growth in the circulation of any newspaper if it becomes on clean sheets.
  • That's when the virus reaches our land - then you will panic. In the meantime, no one except the Chinese has yet suffered ...
  • It seems to me that more people were injured from mass hysteria on the topic of coronavirus than from coronavirus itself ...
  • The Internet was and remains the best remedy against coronavirus. The longer you sit in it, the less chance you have to catch the virus!
  • Coronavirus spreads with airborne droplets ... Introverts-housewater rubbish the pens in anticipation of the performance!
  • At first there was a bird flu, then a pork flu, now a flying-like flu ... What will happen next? Influenza forge? The flu alligators? The flu of forest deer?
  • It seems that Pork flu has appeared recently, and people have been behaving in a very first century! Where was he before?
  • A new virus was developed in Jun - called a homeless person, does not kill anyone, just sleeps on your bench!
  • I read the news in the morning ... I read - we will all die. I read there - the virus escaped to freedom. I came here - there are almost a funeral ... Well, maybe enough already?
  • A person has only one serious problem - he is too easily amenable to mass hysteria!
  • Viruses, viruses ... I'm in love, what are the viruses to hell!
  • They say that coronavirus begins to slowly master progress and switches from people to computers!
  • A great reason not to go anywhere - the virus is raging and all that. You can calmly look through your favorite sites ...
  • Do not worry if coronavirus gets to you - doctors will save you. But the virus that makes an asshole from a person - unfortunately remains incurable ...
  • Somehow we fired, gentlemen! Previously, the horses of the Trojan were sent, now a sufficient one Chinese ...
  • Nothing strives for chaos the way you imagine it ... Everything that is natural is inevitable. There is no point in afraid of the virus - kill, and kill.
  • So-s. We create a society of the fight against the fight against coronavirus! Join!
  • Low virulence and even lower mortality. Why are you going out there?
  • I started to slow down something ... This is the same coronavirus, right?
  • Every few years they find the next virus, and everything around is screaming about the end of the world ... Well, how much you can promise and not fulfill!
  • I have a great plan how to defeat a new coronavirus - you need to infect it with AIDS!
  • To create a virus, you don’t need a lot of mind ... Just a laboratory and a couple of good scientists! Hmm, wait, because in Jhan there was just such a laboratory ...
  • Urgently looking for a suit of the highest degree of biological protection for a couple of hours! You need to go to the mail, pick up the phone from China ...
  • You will see - the whole story with coronavirus will be transferred into history about the need for vaccination! Do not succumb to provocations!
  • This Ugan virus is just a well -planned advertising company for the pharmaceutical market!

Original proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults

Original proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults
Original proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults

Original proverbs and sayings about coronavirus for adults:

  • Lord, give people brains, buckwheat, sugar, pasta they already have.
  • People, no panic! - Do not poison yourself the last days of life.
  • Surprisingly, the fact: people were told to wash their hands, and they rushed to wipe their asses.
  • The first person died in Russia from coronavirus! - In the garage, a two hundred -kilogram rack with buckwheat, pasta and stew that he stocked up fell on him.
  • Gentlemen Panikari, observe the financial balance between the purchase of food and the purchase of toilet paper. Otherwise, toilet paper will be in abundance, and there will be nothing to shit.
  • The astronaut, who coughed at the ISS, now lives in outer space.
  • Stronger in the body is rich in business, and the crown is afraid of you.
  • In sports, as in the casino, it is very difficult to win accidentally.
  • In the fight against the crown, mania of greatness helps poorly. But the persecution mania helps well.
  • You don’t be friends with sports - you will attach it more than once, Covid loves such.
  • Walking - live long.
  • Who loves sport is healthy and vigorous.
  • During the epidemic, the virus crown and ingenuity are needed, and hardening is important.
  • Where health is - there is beauty.
  • Move more - you will live longer.
  • The sun, air and water always help us.
  • Who got up until the day, he is healthy during the day.
  • Do not be afraid of the cold, my waist is.
  • Each blacksmith of his health during self -isolation.
  • Those who are engaged in sports are gaining strength.
  • Everything is great healthy and Covid is not so scary.
  • Nothing exhausts or destroys the human body as physical inaction.
  • Who loves sport is healthy and vigorous.
  • From lying and seats, ailments are added.
  • Who does not smoke, who does not drink, he protects.
  • The cleanliness of the hands is the key to health.
  • That health does not know who is not sick with Covid.
  • He who is strong in the body is rich in health and deed.
  • A quick and dexterous infectious crown will not catch up!
  • Give the sport time, and get health.
  • Without posture and horse - a cow.
  • In a healthy body healthy mind.
  • The main competition for self -isolation is the fight against oneself.
  • You don’t be friends with sports - you will attach it more than once.
  • Love and cough with which coronavirus is manifested, you cannot hide.
  • The fear of the neglected Covid is the same gold lived for a doctor as a fear of the purge - for the priest.
  • There is no medicine from Covid and love. They themselves pass.
  • A runny nose leads us by the nose.
  • The only cure for the crown is a handkerchief.
  • Only a few of those who are tormented by Covid, go to the doctor, the rest go to the theater.
  • Whiskey is the most popular of all means that do not help from coronavirus.
  • "Move more - you will live longer"
  • "Movement is a health satellite",
  • "Walking - live long",
  • "Physical education - coronavirus",
  • "Morning is greeted by exercise, the evening is escorted with a walk",
  • "Nobody will catch up with the quick and dexterous,"
  • "The strong heart of the one who strengthens it",
  • "Running is not red, but healthy,"
  • "Sports and tourism strengthen the body",
  • "Cool - you will remove from the disease",
  • “If you want to be healthy, temper!”
  • "There is nothing more useful than the morning sun",
  • “Know and remember about the 1st-fresh air is useful before bedtime!”,
  • "Do not open your mouth once again,"
  • "One hundred diseases begins with coronavirus",
  • "Who is used to wrap up, he will chill"
  • "Ice water - it does not matter for an infectious covid."
  • There is no place for a Chinese virus in a healthy body
  • The health of everything is more expensive, especially during the pandemic period.
  • Smoking - to harm health - to make life easier.
  • You can’t buy health for money.
  • Barely the soul in the body-after the coronavirus.
  • Healthy, like a bull, but a meeting with a crown can change everything.
  • Whoever hurts, he says about that.
  • You will be healthy, you will get everything.
  • Where is health, there is beauty.
  • Health is more expensive than money.
  • The mind and health are most expensive.
  • They are not treated from health, but always from Covid.
  • The laziness of a person does not feed, and health spoils.
  • Pain without tongue, but affects.
  • Some bones and leather are a sign of meeting with coronavirus.
  • Health is not money - you can’t ask for bias.
  • Modelity is the mother of health.
  • The appetite from the patient runs, and rolls to a healthy one.
  • Not glad of a sore and golden bed.
  • Health is weak, so the spirit is not a hero.
  • Give me pain - she will bent into the arc.
  • A healthy beggar is happier than a sick rich man.
  • The patient and honey are not tasty, but he eats healthy and a stone.
  • Healthy - jumps, stuck - cries.
  • It is difficult to treat an old disease.
  • Pure water for ailments trouble.

Interesting proverbs and sayings about coronavirus from the Internet

Interesting proverbs and sayings about coronavirus from the Internet
Interesting proverbs and sayings about coronavirus from the Internet

Internet proverbs and sayings about coronavirus from the Internet:

  • In any incomprehensible situation, buy toilet paper.
  • Coronavirus spreads quickly, like stupidity.
  • There are people who even believe in coronavirus with great difficulty.
  • In cases of self-isolation of citizens for 14-day quarantine in their apartments, it is necessary to prescribe the mandatory removal of the perforator.
  • Coronavirus does with the cage too as a lover with the thoughts of a stranger husband.
  • The best in the world to reflect the virus epidemic prepared North Korea. She prevented her borders long before that.
  • The situation with coronavirus remains uncertain. Everyone is waiting for Yuri Loza to say.
  • The viruses have creative nature. They infect.
  • It's a shame when you bring the virus from Italy, and it is still made in China.
  • The virus is not coronavirus, it is Instagram and thematic photos.
    Coronavirus, unlike everything else, loves people, regardless of their status and finas capabilities.
  • Coronavirus makes people be more careful.
  • Coronavirus is a virus in especially large sizes.
  • Coronavirus propagates, as an unnoticed problem in time.
  • Those who were wetting Mantu in childhood are not terrible to the coronavirus.
  • Just in case, I bypass not only the Chinese, but also those who simply squint.
  • The worst and most destructive virus for the body is you yourself.
  • Coronavirus runs from the patient, and rolls to a healthy one.
  • Diseases for that exist to fight for a healthy lifestyle.
  • The disease is looking for fatty foods - a lot, if you do not have a hook with Covid.
  • Sick - treat yourself, and healthy - beware.
  • The patient and honey are not tasty, but he eats healthy and a stone.
  • The patient and the golden bed will not help.
  • In standing water, all evil spirits start up, including Covid.
  • Live in the mud - make coronavirus.
  • I want to live cheerful, I won’t be able to die.
  • Evening walks are useful, they remove from covid diseases.
    All healthy people love life without coronavirus.
  • Where is health, there is beauty.
  • Where simply, they live there from a hundred years.
  • Gorky Covid is treated and cripple sweet.
  • God would give health, but we will find happiness.
  • Move more - you will live longer.
  • The creators of the film "I am a legend" did not think that they would be so close to reality.
  • I think that the coronavirus appeared for a long time: see how many people behave as if they wear a crown.
  • In some countries, the population is tested for coronavirus, and in others coronavirus is tested on the population.
  • Pandemia - time to include healthy nonsense.
  • Coronavirus is not a reason for laughter, but if we lose the ability to laugh, the virus will not disappear from this.
  • Nature is powerful: coronavirus is able to ruin the whole world!
  • Humanity has never had such clean hands, it still has to take care of the purity of its heart.
  • The angle is dramatically changing. Even the coronavirus becomes a hero when you understand that the earth is infected with humanity.
  • Quarantine is just a conspiracy of introverts.
  • When crossing the Russian border, coronavirus loses its pathological properties and becomes ordinary SARS.
  • Humanity is a virus doomed to live with the realization that the one in whom he has derived will die.
  • It is better to infect loved ones with enthusiasm, do not go out to the ooltsi without a mask.
  • A person has only one serious problem - he is too easily amenable to mass hysteria!
  • Let us lay a positive grain in our negative present for future achievements. And how - everyone will decide on their own.
  • Pandemia - time to set yourself up for life full of joys and emotions.
  • The best way to organize a panic is to ask everyone to remain calm.
  • I have been sitting behind the bars of my bed, nurtured by its own uniform for twenty days ...
  • One in the field is not sick. Do not get ready for large companies.
  • Gentlemen! The deficiency of toilet paper in the era of digital telephony, this is not just a trace of the virus in the department store, but an epidemic of schizophrenia.
  • Quarantine - getting rid of colleagues, boss and other very unpleasant people ...
  • On the tenth day of quarantine, my dog \u200b\u200btold me that Nietzsche never considered a serious philosopher.
  • I stand at the box office with a pack of chips and a bottle of Coca-Cola and so embarrassing: people with bucks, look at me like a fool.
  • The quarantine is over. All registry offices are littered with divorce statements.
  • Lie a century, a century lazy.
  • Not all at home ”is not an insult, this is an article by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in the conditions of quarantine.
  • But Trump wants to stop quarantine in America announced due to coronavirus. Apparently, they found another remedy for pensioners.
  • Quarantine is a great opportunity to find out who lives with you in the same apartment.
  • And I say, I needed a panic, you needed quarantine! So that we understand what buckwheat is important to us ...
  • Our life is the only one, so let's decorate it even sitting at home.
  • During the new wave of Covid, only immortal work! Mortals are sitting at home.
  • During the pandemic advice from an electrician: it is better to be isolated than grounded.
  • And the angel told me: “Do not be sad, hold on! There will be joy again, life will smile ... "
  • Do not worry about trifles, copies of force on a full tryndets.
  • I am now turning to those who did not buy buckwheat, did not stir up with toilet paper, and walked past the pasta. If you read this, you are resistance - do not forget to share.
  • I love to wake up in the morning, leave a warm bed, drink hot strong coffee and lie down back ... Quarantine ...
  • So many times I watched the cinema "Surka's Day", but I did not think that I would take part in the plot.
  • Ah, what a rich life used to be! House - work - house - work ... And now: house, house ...

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