Liquid dough on kefir with mankua. Liquid cake with kefir. Liquid dough for a pie with fish, lines, pie with cabbage

Liquid dough on kefir with mankua. Liquid cake with kefir. Liquid dough for a pie with fish, lines, pie with cabbage

In this article you will learn what test recipes are. More precisely, it will be described here how to prepare a liquid dough on kefir for pies, charlotte, and lines.

For baking, the dough different in composition and properties is used. There is non -annoyed, yeast, custard, biscuit, puff, but it happens - liquid. Typically, housewives choose such a recipe for the preparation of a dish that is more profitable for them, based on the presence of products in the refrigerator. It is excellent if you have kefir left, because from this dairy product you can prepare a liquid delicate, soft dough. It is perfect for the preparation of charlotte, pizza, pie, juicy other.

Another liquid dough on kefir is quickly prepared, you do not need to wait long for it to fit like yeast. And do not be afraid that the pie will lose height due to temperature drops in the oven, like a biscuit. So, then recipes from various components of liquid dough on kefir will be presented.

Liquid dough on kefir with manku

They say that experienced hostesses can prepare a real festive table from ordinary products. Moreover, there are so many interesting dishes that everyone will like without exception. To bake pizza or a pie, it is not necessary to prepare a complex dough, a liquid dough on kefir with various ingredients is suitable for festive pastries, and for a delicious hearty lunch with your favorite pancakes with sweet or salty - which you like to choose only you. The next test recipe can be used for pie, charlotte, etc.

Kefir dough
Kefir dough


  • Kefir - 225 ml.
  • Flour - 225 g
  • Sleeping - 65 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 75 ml.
  • Sugar - 14 g (more if it is for sweet pastries)
  • Salt - 9 g
  • Peckar powder - 9 g


  1. Pour kefir into the container, add the oil immediately, mix, pour the semolina, and leave for a few minutes until it swells.
  2. Salt the mixture, add sugar, gleam, without turning off the blender, drive an egg into the mixture and add bakery powder.
  3. Gradually add flour to the consistency.

And in the end you can add the filling for any pie and mix with the dough. Apples - for charlotte and vanillin, cabbage with greens, egg, spices - for a pie with cabbage, etc. For baking, the dough should be poured into a mold greased with butter. And then heat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the dough until cooked.

IMPORTANT:If you want a hearty baking, then take kefir with a large percentage of fat content. Sut the flour without fail before adding to the mass. To make a sweet pie, add more sugar than indicated in the recipe.

Liquid cake with kefir

Liquid dough on kefir is easy to prepare. It is enough to mix all these ingredients and the product is ready. To bake a pie to the dining table, it is not necessary to mess with yeast dough. You can find a simpler recipe, as in this case. The non -exposure dough with kefir, described later, is quite high -calorie, because the composition has butter.

Pie dough
Pie dough


  • Kefir - 475 ml.
  • Butter - 195 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 55 g
  • Salt - 14 g
  • Flour - 275 g
  • Soda - 7 g
Liquid dough cake
Liquid dough cake


  1. Soften the butter with a butter. If it does not give in, then heat the product a little in the microwave. And, again, soften it with a fork.
  2. In a separate container, mix kefir and eggs with a mixer. Add soda, sugar, salt and flour there (gradually) there. Add products with continuous whipping with a mixer.
  3. When everything is mixed, add the oil and mix again.
  4. Cover the dough with something and send it to the refrigerator.

After 25 minutes, the product is ready for baking. From such a test you will make a great charlotte or a pie with fruits, cottage cheese, raisins. Also, unsweetened pies can be baked from it, but it is advisable to reduce the amount of sugar. If you want to bake pies from it, then increase the amount of flour in the composition of up to 575 g, and such pies can be carefully filled with meat, leiver and other fillings and cooked in oil.

Liquid flooding dough on kefir, with mayonnaise for a pie with fish


  • Flour - 125 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Kefir - 225 ml.
  • Mayonnaise - 225 ml.
  • Peckar powder - 14 g
Liquid dough on kefir
Liquid dough on kefir


  1. The liquid dough on kefir should be not thick in this case. Beat the eggs in a high bowl with a blender, continuing to beat with kefir, thin stream, baking powder, mayonnaise, salt. Glorod a little more until a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Then add flour, only by a spoon so that everything is mixed thoroughly without lumps.
  3. Divide the mass into two parts. Lubricate the form with butter, and pour half the dough into the sheet. Then prepare the filling, for example, from a hek (fried, cut into pieces without bones), green onions and boiled rice with spices and salt.
  4. Lay the fish on the pie, cover the second part of the dough. You can bake in the oven, slow cooker, microwave with convection. Baking temperature 200 degrees.

Liquid dough on kefir for Oladia

Liquid dough on kefir is an inexpensive option for cooking Oladia, pizza, cakes, different pies. It is not long to cook it, the pastries come out very tasty, but it is not necessary to knead it on the table, it is enough to do all the work with a blender. Often, housewives are replaced by sour cream, in this recipe you can also do it. Thanks to sour cream, the pie will be more high -calorie, softer, magnificent.

The dough is for the other
The dough is for the other


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Kefir - 225 ml.
  • Sugar - 25 g
  • Salt - 5 g
  • Soda - 4 g
  • Flour - 225 g
  • Sunflower oil - 33 ml.


  1. Pull the eggs into a separate plate, beat them with a mixer.
  2. Add kefir there, all other products except flour and mix.
  3. Then add the flour gradually and again beat so that there are no lumps. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, pour oil into the pan and bake pancakes.

Liquid dough for a pie with cabbage

Liquid kefir for a cabbage pie is prepared in a few minutes. The main thing is to have at hand all the necessary products and a mixer to mix them.

To cook a pie on a liquid test, you need:

  • Kefir - 295 ml.
  • Flour - 445 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cheese - 225 g
  • Cabbage - 425 g
  • Sesame - for the design of the top
  • Salt - 5 g
  • Soda - 5 g
  • Onion green feathers, dill.
Kafir dough pie
Kafir dough pie


  1. First prepare the filling, as cook the dough for the pie quickly. Chop the cabbage for the pie, having previously removed dirty leaves and washing the vegetable.
  2. Slue and grind pieces of cabbage in a bowl, so it will quarrel and become soft.
  3. Cut all the greens with a sharp knife to make a small cut. Add to a bowl with cabbage.
  4. Mix the filling. And proceed to cooking liquid dough.
  5. Pour kefir into another container, salt, pour soda and mix with a blender.
  6. Beat eggs with kefir, at medium speed, then add a gradually sifted powder of wheat flour.
  7. The consistency of the test should be like shop sour cream.
  8. Pour half the dough into a baking sheet, notice the sheet is better to use with high sides. And it is previously lubricated with butter with butter.
  9. Put the filling on this half of the dough, and then carefully pour the second part of the dough from above so that an even pie comes out. You can help with a wet spoon, level the surface of the pie.
  10. The pie should also be decorated with sesame seeds and shabby hard cheese.
  11. Heat the microwave to 180 degrees, only after that send a pie to it. It will be about thirty minutes to bake such a dough.

The cake will turn out to be appetizing and hearty, because there will be a cheese crust, cabbage will give a certain juiciness to an air, a porous pie.

Liquid dough on kefir for a pie with fish conservatives

Perhaps the easiest recipe from several kefir ingredients, vegetable oil, flour, etc. will be presented further. If there is no kefir, then you can add sour cream, fermented ash - you can’t spoil the dough with these dairy products. Such liquid kefir dough is perfect for a pie with fish canned food.


  • Kefir - 475 ml.
  • Light oil - 25 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 325 g
  • Salt, sugar, soda.

For filling:

  • Onions - 95 g
  • Fish canned mackerel - 2 jars
  • Oil - 25 g
  • Greens, spices.
Ready pie
Ready pie


  1. To kefir at room temperature, you need to add soda, salt, sugar, eggs. Add to the blender bowl everything is in order and stir.
  2. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add flour to the dough and again stir. Set aside after the finished dough on the side. Start preparing the filling.
  3. Cut onions, fry a little in a pan with vegetable oil. Pour it from the pan. Open canned food, chop them with a fork. Cut all the greens.
  4. Mix these products with fish, for taste, add spices you can and two boiled eggs, so it will be tastier.
  5. Now turn on the oven, let it warm up. Part, more precisely, pour half the dough on a sheet greased with oil. Lay the minced meat on the dough. After all, cover the second half of the dough. The oven will heat up to 190 degrees. You can put the dough with filling there.

The pie is baked about 34-36 minutes. You can try with a toothpick. When the dough is not raw, it will not reach for a toothpick.

Liquid dough on kefir - useful recommendations to the housewives

To make the pies perfect, special attention should be paid to the dough. It is easy to cook liquid dough on kefir, but there are some recommendations for its preparation. If these rules are put into practice, the dough will come to glory.

Kefir dough
Kefir dough

Specialists' advice:

  • Thanks to the presence of sugar in the dough, your pie will acquire a rosy look and a crust will appear, just do not get involved in this product.
  • Supervision for pies from liquid dough on kefir can be both sweet and salty, because the composition of the dough (for salt, sugar) must be adjusted independently.
  • A hot pie can poorly get out of the shape, so do not rush to remove it, let it cool a little. Or accelerate the process using a cold water bath for the shape.
  • If the pie with rice, canned fish, then do not pour the juice from the can where-sip, add directly to the filling. Rice will absorb it, baking will be tastier.

To make the top of the pie without cracks, make a hole for the pair out of the middle of the pie. Reception is valid, especially for a thicker dough.

Even on our portal you can find the necessary information on the topic of baking and test here:

  1. How to cook cottage cheese dough for baking?
  2. Recipes of perfect custard dough for baking;
  3. Dough recipes for eclairs;
  4. Tips on how to knead the dough;
  5. Yeast dough for pies;
  6. Apple pie - the best recipes;
  7. Dough recipes for manti;
  8. Banana pancakes - delicious recipes step by step.

Video: How to prepare the dough on kefir liquid?

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