Women's name Valery, Lera: Name options. How can Valeria be called, Leroy in a different way?

Women's name Valery, Lera: Name options. How can Valeria be called, Leroy in a different way?

Valery’s female name is melodic and sonorous. It is beautiful and has many interesting shapes.

Woman's name Valeria It really sounds very beautiful. It is quite popular, so many girls are called that way. The name has its own unusual history, interesting designation, beautiful forms. There are many popular women who wear this naming.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose a beautiful and consonant name for a girl in patronymic?". You will find a table of combination of female names with a middle name. We will also tell you how to call a girl in patronymic, how to choose a name.

« Valeria»It is considered one of the most popular names in countries with Russian -speaking people. And not only, in the West it is also very often used, only with a little other pronunciation. It is considered Catholic and Orthodox.

Name of Valery, Lera: meaning, origin

Name of Valery, Lera: meaning
Name of Valery, Lera: meaning

Name Valeria Latin origin and went from the word " valeo". Translated, it means "Strength", "Health". After that it went that Lera means “Strong, strong, healthy”, “strong from birth”, “hardy”.

There is also another meaning, given a different translation of this word: "Powerful", "having power, strength". It is worth noting that the word “Valeo” is related to several more names - Valentine and the pair of Valentine. But the story does not end there. They say that many names that are used in our time came from the generic. And Valeria is considered one of these advents. In ancient Rome, a genus was created that sounded like this: Valesios and Valerius. And for sure, it was from them that the name came from them Lera. And these generic names were created precisely from Valeo.

The name of Valery, Lera: What will be the full name?

Many friends and friends of a girl named Valeria used to call it simply - Lera. But how will this name sound in official documents?

  • Valeria is the only full form of this nation.

She should be written in official papers, presenting the girl at a business meeting, making something using personal data and so on.

The name of Valery, Lera-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

Initial form " Valeria"It already sounds very beautiful and elegant. Hearing her, you can imagine a very pretty girl in front of you, knowing your price, well -groomed. But how can you call it differently? Undoubtedly, there are other equally beautiful forms:

  • Valerina
  • Valeri
  • Lery
  • Valerie
  • Valera
  • Valerie
  • Valer
  • Valerian
  • Valerian

Thanks to these versions, you can call your girlfriend, girl, daughter, sister in a new way and very unusual.

Name of Valery, Lera: Brief form of the name

Familiar girl with a name Valeria It is not necessary to call somehow officially. There are many brief forms of nagging that can be used in everyday life and in a friendly way to contact it. Here are what options you can choose:

  • Lera
  • Valera
  • Leka
  • Valya
  • Vaka
  • Lerka
  • Leroy
  • Lerusha
  • Vava
  • Vale

These girls are often called by these girls friends and friends. There are other beautiful forms. Read further.

Name Valery, Lera: affectionate form

The affectionate form of names in our lives cannot be dispensed with. When a good mood or just wants to show his feelings for a person, there is a desire to call him somehow more tenderly, not like usual. The use of an affectionate form will help to get closer to a person and make him more pleasant. Name Valeria, Lera It has many beautiful and cute options. Here is some of them:

  • Lerochka
  • Lerunya
  • Lerusik
  • Leronka
  • Lerushka
  • Lerunchik
  • Lerusya
  • Lerulka
  • Lerchik
  • Leroy
  • Lerusha
  • Currency
  • Currency
  • Currency
  • Valyusha
  • Valechka
  • Lerashka
  • Lerushechka
  • Lerik
  • Lerchonok
  • Lerell
  • Lerenish
  • Valerochka
  • Valenchik
  • Valerian
  • Valyurka
  • Valerine

They all sound very cute, gently, sensually. So you need to boldly use them in life and in this way to delight people close to yourself.

Name Valery, Lera: Squeezing Form

The diminutive form is very similar to affectionate and brief. Therefore, you can safely use those forms. But there are some more options that can be added to this list and apply in different life situations:

  • Currency
  • Currency
  • Currency
  • Valyusha
  • Valechka
  • Vava
  • Vale
  • Valeron
  • Larushka
  • Valerusya
  • Rune
  • Valerunchik
  • Valerusya
  • Leruschka
  • Leroy
  • Lerou

The choice is large. Now you will not have work with the selection of a form of a name for a familiar or close girl.

Name of Valery, Lera: Form of the name in Latin

As you know, this name has Latin origin. But how is it written in Latin? After all, almost everyone needs to know this, since it is the spelling of this form of the name that is used in all documents. For example, in a passport.

  • On the Latin name Valery is written - Valeria.

There are no other options.

How to write the name of Valery, Lera in Ukrainian?

In Slavic countries, names are almost similar in pronunciation and sometimes in writing. With name Valeria also. In Ukrainian, it will sound and write like this:

Valery's name in Ukrainian
Valery's name in Ukrainian

Very similar to Russian pronunciation, but has its own emphasis and is written differently.

How to write the name of Valery, Lera in Japanese?

Japanese language is incredibly interesting and complex at the same time. It is very difficult to learn it and it is difficult to understand even simple things in it. But many people want to know how their name is written in such a beautiful and unusual language. Valeria It has one spelling:

Valery's name in Japanese
Valery's name in Japanese

How to write the name of Valery, Lera in French?

French sounds incredibly beautiful. His special emphasis is pronounced very funny. But he still remains one of the most “magical” languages \u200b\u200bin the world. Name Valeria, Lera It has two types of pronunciation in French:

Name Valery, Lera in French
Name Valery, Lera in French

How to write the name of Valery, Lera in English?

English is one of the most popular in the world. It is he who is considered the main thing for communication between people of different countries. This is the basis, so it is important to know how to write your name correctly in this language. Name Valeria looks like that - Valerie. In Russian, this is pronounced as " Valerie ", with stress on the letter "and". 

How to write the name of Valery, Lera in German?

Germany is considered one of the most popular countries in Europe. Many people, traveling around the world, are sure to stop into it. How can you introduce yourself to a girl named Lera in German? Here are two main options - Valerie, Valeria.

Name Valeria You can meet quite often. But this does not mean that it becomes less beautiful. On the contrary, the demand for it is increasing and in the world there are more and more beautiful girls and this advent. Its popularity is growing.

Video: Valery's meaning

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