Feminine name Diana: Variants of the name. What can you call Diana differently?

Feminine name Diana: Variants of the name. What can you call Diana differently?

The female name Diana sounds almost the same in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. It has many forms that indicate the femininity and beauty of the holder of the adults.

Almost every person at least once met on his life path DianaAnd every time I was surprised how this name is suitable for these strong, freedom -loving girls. So let's find out in more detail what is fraught with this wonderful name.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "If you change the name or surname, will fate change?". You will learn how it affects the decoding of numerological significance.

From this article you will also learn what forms of name exist Diana. Read further.

Name Diana: meaning, origin

Name Diana: meaning
Name Diana: meaning

The name in itself Diana Latin origin and translated as "Divine", and from Persian and at all "Messenger of health and good deeds". Very majestic, agree? So what are the origins of this name? Who is this Diana, and why has the name has become more popular lately?

Diana It is associated with the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting, the patroness of animals and plants. If in ancient Greece we are used to that it is Artemis, then in ancient Roman mythology it is Diana. It was believed that she was also the patroness of slaves, because only in her temple they felt inviolability and could be at least a little free.

It is no secret to anyone that, calling a person in a certain name, we often reward him with positive or negative character traits. In our case, from Dian we feel the strength, power, greatness and incredible beauty.

Name Diana: What will be the full name?

Name Diana - The magnificent name is already in its original form, and has no other variations. It is already in itself a complete form of a name, without requiring changes. Nevertheless, there are many other options described below, among which everyone will find the form of the name that he will like in order to see this girl every time.

Name Diana-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

Probably, every person from time to time wants to come up with an alternative version of his name - a more beautiful shape - when it begins to seem that the usual form becomes boring. In such situations, we begin to come up with something, hoping to find what will please our desires, but most often this ends in failure.

But do not lose heart, we need to recall the presence of a huge set of other languages \u200b\u200bin the world and look for options with their help. What can be called differently? For Diana Foreign forms of the name are perfect:

  • Dianna
  • Dian
  • Diyana

The form with Italian roots is considered especially beautiful - Dianetta and Dianitis. Like not to twist, it remains a wonderful name.

Name Diana: Brief form of the name

Sometimes, succumbing to laziness, we don’t want to spend strength and air at all on the pronunciation of long words and names, I want to reduce the pronunciation of letters to the maximum. It also plays the role that we try to call our loved ones briefly, informally to show our warm attitude. And to make life easier Diana And her loved ones, you can use a good alternative. Names Di, Dean, Didi and Dia Holders will delight their interesting reduction.

Name Diana: affectionate form

But we all sometimes want to call a person so that he understands how much we cherish them. Probably, each of us at least once in our life heard what they are sometimes called affectionately Diana Her relatives and friends. There are very cute options:

  • Diash
  • Diana
  • Diana

The following forms will sound great:

  • Dianulka
  • Dianushenka
  • Dianule
  • Dianulchik
  • Dianka

Girls will immediately feel like loved and necessary from this type of treatment.

Name Diana: a diminutive form

Diana is the standard of a beautiful person not only in youth, but also in childhood. The girl pleases her parents with new and new achievements, she is sweet and good with everyone around. She loves the whole world, and the world loves her. For such small owners of the name Diana Sprinsal forms are well suited:

  • Diash
  • Diana
  • Dianushenka
  • Diet
  • Disha
  • Dina
  • Dinulya
  • Dinusya
  • Dinusha
  • Dia
  • Dayasha
  • Dayana
  • Dina
  • Diet
  • Diana
  • Dianne
  • Danan
  • Diana
  • Dianitis
  • Dianetta

Girls will feel warm from the name of their name with such cute appeals, delighting others with their beautiful smile and giving everyone their good mood.

Name Diana: Form of the name in Latin

Latin is a unique language. But there is no particular difference in writing and pronunciation from the English form. Therefore, you can write name Diana —  "Diana", not afraid to make a mistake. If you need this form of adherence in order to draw up an official document, for example, a passport, then write in capital letters - Diana.

How to write the name Diana in Ukrainian?

In Ukrainian Diana Sounds and is written in the same way as in Russian:

Name Diana in Ukrainian
Name Diana in Ukrainian
  • The only difference is that the Russian letter "and" written in Ukrainian "I".
  • The same applies to other forms of the name:
Other forms of the named after Diana in Ukrainian
Other forms of the named after Diana in Ukrainian

How to write the name Diana in Japanese?

With the Japanese language, a little more complicated than with others. In Japanese, names are never translated, and when writing or pronouncing, a Japanese alphabet is used. As a result, we have a form that is pronounced "Diana".

Name Diana in Japanese
Name Diana in Japanese
  • However, if you want to find an alternative for the name, then hieroglyphs that are read as are perfect as "Kagura" and the "Divine" are translated, like the name Diana.
Name Diana in Japanese
Name Diana in Japanese

How to write the name Diana in French?

French is a beautiful language by sound, pronunciation and writing words. No wonder it is considered the language of love, because every word on it seems to acquire a certain charm and elegance. Name Diana - No exception, and in French it can be written as Dianne or Diane. A certain lady immediately comes to mind, enchanting her tenderness and beauty.

How to write the name Diana in English?

As mentioned above, the English form of the name Diana Almost identical to other languages \u200b\u200bis written and pronounced in the same way as it is seen - "Diana". But it is read differently - "Diana"because the combination of the second letter gives a different sound than in the Russian language.

How to write the name Diana in German?

German has long been considered a slightly rude tongue, because of pronunciation, but the name Diana It did not touch. It is written in the same way as in English "Diana"but vowels are more viscous and pronounced - stress on the first letter "a".

Summing up, we hope that you learned a lot of new from this article. Diana are people with a "strong rod". These are personalities who will lead people into a bright future, directing them on the right path with their advice. They know their price and will not allow others to lament themselves, until the last defending their rights. Undoubtedly, if you someday you want to call the child with such an adventure, you will not fail and give the baby a strong character.

Video: the meaning of the name Diana - karma, character and fate

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