The female name Katya, Catherine-as can be called differently: forms of name

The female name Katya, Catherine-as can be called differently: forms of name

The female name Katya, Catherine is beautiful and very popular. He has many forms of writing and pronunciation options.

Katia Such a simple and native name for the inhabitants of our country. It is located in the fifs of the most Russian names. This is a beautiful naming that sounds in a special way.

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From this article you will learn what forms and options for writing Katya, Catherine's name. Read further.

Name Katya, Catherine: meaning, origin

Name Katya, Catherine: meaning
Name Katya, Catherine: meaning

The origin of the name is unknown, and all existing versions are deeply doubtful. Considering the Greek roots, experts suggest that such adversation could form from a word "Katarov", in translation "clean". Or from the ancient Greek name Aykaterin. The name has a second version of the meaning, quite widespread in Western European languages \u200b\u200b- Catalina.

The Orthodox have several saints with this name, but the great martyr Ekaterina Alexandria became the patroness of everyone in the Christian world. On Russian land, she protects all brides, the Catholics under her protection are children. A believing woman who is preparing to become a mother addresses her with prayer so that the birth will pass easily. The saint helps those who seek to gain knowledge: schoolchildren and students. He does not forget his participation and teachers. Under the patronage of Catherine of Alexandria - the University of Paris and Russian cities Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar (Yekaterinodar).

Name Katya, Catherine: What will be the full name?

In Russia, the full name, of course, Catherine. But until the middle of the 17th century it was rare. In 1638, during the census of residents of Moscow, there were only 441. Gradually, the name became popular among the nobility. And only at the beginning of the 19th century did the common version appear Katerina. Having passed in several centuries, it has become in demand and at this time is very popular. In almost all countries, it takes a place in a dozen frequently given names to newborn girls.

That was the name of the two Russian empresses: Catherine I (Marta Skavronskaya, wife of Peter I) and Catherine II (Sofu Augustus Frederik Angalt Codebste). Both accepted Orthodoxy, and with it at baptism - the name Catherine.

In our country, among famous Catherine there are athletes leading on television channels, writers, ballerinas, the first woman of a fighter pilot, actresses. In Russian classical literature, many works are written where the main character bears such a name.

When choosing it for a daughter, experts recommend paying attention to a combination with a middle name. It is better if the name of the father is of Greek origin: Alexander, Konstantin, Denis, Alexei, Vasily.

Name Katya, Catherine-as can be called differently: forms of name

In Russian there is Catherine and Katerina. Katya is not an independent name, remaining diminutive. But it was successfully used as a stage pseudonym (Katya Lel, Katya Semenova). Recently, the name has become popular Catalia, the history of origin is unknown. Given the variety of forms of full name and diminutive around the world, it is surprising that the name Catherine remains unchanged in Russia, and little girls are still called Katya, Katyusha, Katya.

As an example of a variety of forms of full name and diminutive in European languages \u200b\u200b(by the way, these options can be used if the owner of the adversary is not against):

  • English: Kate, Katherine, Katrina, Kat, Katie, Kate, Keith, Kitty, Kiki, Katlin
  • Belarusian: Katsya, Katsynya, Katsyaryna, Kasya, Kaska, Katsyarynka
  • Ukrainian: Katra, Katruna, Katrusya, Kasya
  • German: Catherine, Katarina, Keta, Ketchen, Kerrin, Rina, Katya, Trina, In
  • Polish: Kakha, Kataga, Kakhna
  • French: Katish, Katu, Kat
  • Czech: Katerzhinka, Katerzhina, Katla
  • Spanish: Lina, Katuka, Katya, Katocha
  • Bulgarian: Kina, Kinka
  • Portuguese: ka, tari, kata, Katita
  • Serbian: Ekatarina, Kaya
  • Italian: Catalina, Rinetta, Rinuccia, Katin
  • Dutch: Tina, Trin, Trinka, Ineca, Tos, then, Rini, Ninka, Nina, Ketier, Cathier, Catherinus, Rinus
  • Romanian: Katelin, Kateluza, Katinka, Tinka, Tinkets, Lina
  • Danish: Karna, Kysen, Kina, Kaisa, Karina, Ketta
  • Scottish: Kaychrina, Katyteg
  • Hungarian language: coil, kato, katika, katinka, kata
  • Greek: Katining, Katiniko, Katinitsa, Katerinio

Of course, these are far from all the options for the name Catherine, in many countries, adolescence are very similar in sound and writing, but each has its own special form.

Name Katya, Catherine: Brief form of the name

In our language, perhaps the only brief form - Katia. In the historical novel by V. Pikul “Favorite” there is another one. Kato - So Grigory Potemkin turned to Catherine the Great.

Name Katya, Catherine: affectionate form

Affectionate, kind and home name. Therefore, there are a lot of affectionate forms:

  • Katula
  • Katyunya
  • Katyusha
  • Katyusya
  • Katerinochka
  • Katyash
  • Katena
  • Katya
  • Katenok
  • Catherine
  • Katerishka
  • Katyushka

You can borrow from other languages, if you and the owner you like and the sound.

Name Katya, Catherine: diminutive form

There are few diminutive forms, or rather one, the same as the brief. There are several forms and can be used as diminutive for an informal situation. It is a pity that they exist, making the name hard and ugly:

  • Katyuha
  • Katyura
  • Katka
  • Katra

The naming of Catherine sounds beautiful and in a special way in any form. You can even come up with your own option, and it will be the closest to your soul and the sweetest.

Name Katya, Catherine: Form of the name in Latin

There are several options for the name in Latin. Simple multiple spelling Ekaterina. Perhaps Yekaterina.If the Latin original is needed, then Catarine. If you need to write a simple form Katya, it is written Katya.

But remember, if you need to write a name in Latin for official documents, for example, for a passport, then you need to indicate in large capital letters - Ekaterina, Yekaterina, Catarine etc.

How to write the name Katya, Catherine in Ukrainian?

Katia It remains in Ukrainian without changing. Catherine Transforms and get Katerina. So it is written. By the way, in Ukraine this name is as popular as in Russia.

How to write the name Katya, Catherine in Japanese?

Name Catherine in Japanese
Name Catherine in Japanese

Catherine translated into Japanese - “ignorance”, the names with the hieroglyph “pure” or two “kiko” will be equivalent. The full name will sound in Japanese Koheiri.

Name Katya, Catherine in Japanese
Name Katya, Catherine in Japanese

How to write the name Katya, Catherine in French?

In the French manner the name sounds Catherine.

  • In writing Catherine - Catherine.
  • Katia written Katia.

Sometimes the French write Catiche.

How to write the name Katya, Catherine in English?

It is easy to translate both forms of the name into English.

  • Calling Catherine It is written simply - with the replacement of the letters of the Russian alphabet in English Ekaterina.
  • Katia You can write in two versions - Katebut preferable Katya.
  • In English, you can find other methods of writing, it all depends on how the name was uttered. Then Katerina - Kathrine will become Catherine.

In our language, Catherine, Katerina - one name, in English - different. By filling out the documents yourself, or seeking help, you must carefully re -read the spelling of the name so that there are no problems in the future.

In Russian, Katya is an abbreviated form from the full name of Catherine, in English there is an independent equivalent - Cate.

How to write the name Katya, Catherine in German?

German is also very beautiful in sound, like the rest. Names are unique, both in pronunciation and in writing. Kathi - So it is written in German Katya. Full name Catherine will be written Katarina.

This name is destined to live long, because it is so loved all over the world.

Video: The meaning of the name Catherine - Karma, character and fate

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