Feminine name Vera: Variants of the name. How can you call faith differently?

Feminine name Vera: Variants of the name. How can you call faith differently?

The female name Vera is found in many countries of the world in this simple form. It is written and sounds almost always the same.

Faith - Beautiful, tender, sonorous and very feminine name. In ancient times, he was chosen by large parents. They called the daughters Faith, hope and love. It was believed that the “settlement” in the house of girls with such names will give the family happiness, because it will always be precisely these qualities, three virtues.

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Name Faith It is borrowed from the Byzantine Empire. Moreover, unlike many others, it is not copied phonetically, but transferred in a semantic load. From this article you will find out what forms there are for this advent. Read further.

Name Vera: meaning, origin

Name Vera: meaning
Name Vera: meaning

The Byzantine Empire gave us not only the name Faithbut also the legend of its origin. In the days of the Roman emperor Adrian, in the first century of our era, three little girls lived. They called Pistice, Elpis and Agap, which translates from Greek as faith, hope and love. They professed Christianity, refused to read paganism. Especially the goddess Artemis. For the disobedience of the babies, they executed by order of the emperor. After the adoption of Christianity, the names came to the Russian language. However, it was decided not to copy them, but to use the translation. Thus, the meaning of the studied name is quite obvious - "Vera".

Name Vera: What will be the full name?

If the names of the other two girls from the legend can be reduced: love - Lyuba, hope - Nadia, then Faith It is both a complete and diminutive form. However, many people strive for originality. Therefore, sometimes such versions as the full name are used as a full name Venus and Veronica. What are the anthroponymists who are engaged in the study of names are quite allowed.

Name Vera-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

Many people believe that the studied name in itself-Vera, sounds too simple and somehow in a rustic. Therefore, they try to make it more spectacular, sonorous, beautiful. For this, girls are recorded with the above versions: Venus and Veronica.

What can you call it differently? Also popular are:

  • Verlin
  • Verianna
  • Verdict
  • Verona
  • Verena

The eminent and world -famous Countess Vera Gotlib Anna vondorf, having gone to the modeling business, took a sonorous pseudonym Verushka. Now this form is also chosen by many parents for their daughters as a full version of the name Faith. But how does this adobe sound in a brief form? Read further.

Name Vera: Brief form of the name

The form of adhesion Faith Refers to names with one generally accepted form. Nevertheless, anthroponymy allows such brief variations:

  • Rusha
  • Rukha
  • Rus
  • Steering wheel

They come from diminutive variants of the name. Which will be considered in the next paragraph.

Name Vera: affectionate form

And a little girl, and a young girl, and even an adult woman want to call it somehow gently to show her love, a positive or friendly mood. Fortunately, the studied name has many variations:

  • Verochka
  • Verunya
  • Verchik
  • Verash
  • Verusha
  • Veronka
  • Verunka
  • Believe
  • Verul
  • Verukha

The choice of a suitable option is limited exclusively by imagination. Therefore, as nicknames you can find forms: Veralet, Verassa And many others.

Name Vera: diminutive form

As already noted above, Faith - Name with one generally accepted form. But depending on the degree of its dripping, original options for a diminutive shape are acceptable. For example:

  • Veransa is Nessochka
  • Veralet - flying
  • Verulkin
  • Verah
  • Verda
  • Vyara

Beautiful adoption, thanks to which you can come up with an original form. You can do this yourself, and then your version will be the sweetest and love specifically for you.

Name Vera: Form of the name in Latin

If you turn to the legend of the Byzantine Empire, you can find out that in Greek the studied name sounds like Pistis - Pistis. But in Latin, where the translation of the adults is also used, and not its phonetically copied version, there is a word Fides - Fayds. It means loyalty, honesty, conscientiousness. It is an independent name. If you need to fill out some official documents in Latin, then this option is used- Vera.

How to write the name Vera in Ukrainian?

The brightest representative of Ukraine is Vera Viktorovna Kiperman. The ex-participant in the gold composition of the VIA Gra group, the wife of Konstantin Meladze, the idol of millions of girls and the secret fantasy of all men. If we talk about virtue, it is important to note that a beautiful person is also the UN goodwill ambassador for HIV/AIDS issues. She is better known under the pseudonym Faith Brezhnev. However, so her name sounds in Russian. But in their homeland the girl would be called BIPA.

How to write the name Vera in Japanese?

The popularity of cartoons in the anime genre excited fans. And now many were interested in how to translate one or another name into Japanese. If difficulties arise with other names, then the studied sounds like Shinkorior Vara. To write it with hieroglyphs, you will have to practice a little. Because it will look and write it in the following way:

The name Vera in Japanese
The name Vera in Japanese

How to write the name Vera in French?

A girl who has the studied name is characterized by amorousness. She is a dreamer, a romantic nature, doomed to devote his whole life to the search for an ideal man. It gains true happiness only when he meets his soul mate. In French love, her name sounds the same as in Russian, but is written Vera.

How to write the name Vera in English?

In English there are several versions of the studied name. The first - borrowed from Christianity, is similar to writing French. The other is a semantic translation, sounds like Faith - Fade, from the Latin version fides. You can call the girl this way and so. However, it is important to remember that their own names are not translated. Therefore, a girl named Faith will be recorded in the documents and will be able to appear as Vera.

How to write the name Vera in German

In German, the name is more often written as Vera. But sometimes our compatriots who have moved to Germany choose the form Wera.

Previously, the German model and actress Verushka were already mentioned. She was born on May 14, 1939 in Koenigsberg (modern Kaliningrad). A true German by origin, an icon of style and beauty of the 1960s, is considered a universally recognized standard, is not devoid of modesty. In her interview, she repeated more than once: “Verushka is my mask. This is for outsiders. In life, I - Faith". The legendary woman is still alive. Now she is 83 years old. And she proudly glorifies her simple name.

Video: The meaning of the name Vera is karma, character and fate

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