Feminine name Karina: Variants of the name. How can Karin be called differently?

Feminine name Karina: Variants of the name. How can Karin be called differently?

The female name Karina is the name of strong and independent women. But they can be called affectionately and gently, using diminutive forms.

If a Karina In the spotlight, this is a very good sign, because girls with that name are very fond of that they remain noticed in any situation. And if a lady with such an adversary is not in the spotlight, then soon she will definitely be there. Karina Refers to bright people memorable, it is very optimistic of this life, eloquent, companion and friendly.

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Like any other female or male name, Karina Much means, and he has an interesting origin. It is necessary to figure it out, because such a bright, memorable, unusual and mysterious name cannot remain aloof without the due attention to it. Read further.

Karina name: meaning, origin

Karina name: meaning
Karina name: meaning

Name Karina - This is exclusively female adults. If we touch on countries in which it is most popular, then it is worth noting Armenia, Kazakhstan, Greece, Poland, Scandinavia, Russia, as well as Italy, Portugal and Spain. To date, there are many versions of its origin. But we will turn to only a few of the most interesting. According to one version, the name came from the Latin word "Carus", which belonged to the generic name in the Roman Empire.

  • If you try to translate this word into Russian, then we will get words such as "Sweet", "Dear".
  • But in the second meaning, this name can be interpreted as "Kil ship" or "The one who controls the ship".
  • The sea fleet was of great importance in the Roman Empire. And if suddenly a daughter was born to one of the sailors and he called her Karin’s name, then this meant only one thing - the sailor expressed his respect to the ship, on which he went into a long voyage.

Form of Italian origin of the name Kara, that is "Beautiful", "dear." And in Greek, it means just a girl". In the Arab version on behalf of Karim, which means "generous" and is a female form from the word Karim.

Karina Name: What will be the full name?

In the Slavic origin, the name Karina -This is the name of the goddess, the wanderer, perhaps refers to the references "The Word of Igor's Regiment." From the Old Russian language, this name could mean one thing: "Hard" by your sister ", that is, mourn. A related name is the name of Karislav. It is thanks to the constant meaning that this naming sounds equally in a brief and complete version.

So, a full name is the name itself Karina. He has no other full name.

Karin's name-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

Of course we can call Karina In another way, that is, give a beautiful form of the name. Any adherence, whether it is female or male, always has a beautiful form of a name. These include:

  • Bark
  • Karin
  • Katarina
  • Kira
  • Rina
  • Arina
  • In
  • Karen

You can still use the following options: Kara, Korish, Rinetta, Rinuccia And similar.

Karina name: Brief form of the name

As mentioned above, the name Karina can be called differently. It is also worth noting that all of the above names from the previous paragraph can also be applied to a brief form of this adversary, that is, to name Karin in an informal meeting. Here are another options:

Karina name: Brief form of the name
Karina name: Brief form of the name

Karina name: affectionate form

Naturally, it is impossible to ignore the affectionate form of the name. If you need to turn simply, with tenderness, without any officialdom, then the options for this name will suit:

  • Rinulya
  • Rinochka
  • Karisha
  • Karinushka
  • Karinochka
  • Karishik
  • Kasia
  • Karya
  • Karenka
  • Karinulka
  • Karinusya
  • Karinyasha

You can also add such forms of this name as: Kareunya, Arishechka, Rinulechka. You can choose something from the above options or come up with something of your own-special and unique.

Karina name: diminutive form

Sprovers of any name, whether female or male, coincide with affectionate options. Therefore, the previous described napals are suitable for a diminutive form. You can also attribute the following options: Kara, Kari, Karna, Rina.

Karina name: Form of the name in Latin

The origin of the name Karina In Latin has the most significant option. As mentioned above, this nationality is one of the versions of the Latin language and is read as Carus. Such adversary referred to the generic name in the Roman Empire. If you try to translate this word into Russian, then we will get - "Dear", "dear".

Today, documents play an important role in human life. In many cases, a personal data is required by Latin. Name Karina will look as follows: Carus. Do not forget that, for example, in the passport, data are prescribed in large -based capital letters: Carus.

How to write the name Karina in Ukrainian?

In order to write such a beautiful and unusual name in Ukrainian, nothing needs to be changed. This adherence will also sound and write, as in Russian: Karina. The only difference is that the letter "and" will be read as "Y".

How to write the name Karin in Japanese?

The Japanese language is interesting in that in his alphabet he does not have letters, like ours, and all words are displayed with hieroglyphs. This name can be written as follows:

Karin's name in Japanese
Karin's name in Japanese

How to write the name Karina in French?

France is a country where all the couples in love strive for and other people who dream of the beauty and nature of Provence. French is the language of love and originality. He's very handsome. Write a name Karina In French you can like this:

  • Carine

Spr canaling options are also used - Cari, Rine and others.

How to write the name Karina in English?

Writing such a name in the most popular language of the world - in English, will not be difficult, and it will look as follows:

  • Karina

There is something similar to the French spelling, but they sound completely different. The letter is in French "R" more lubricated, with an accent characteristic of this country. In English - she is solid and "confident".

How to write the name Karina in German?

In Germany, women are solid and therefore this name is best for them. In any case, such adversary is a symbol of strong, independent personalities. These girls are absolutely not afraid of changes in their lives and are ready to go with a high head and win. In the German version, it came from the complete version Karina. It is written in German like this: Karin.

Name Karina - A very memorable and sounding name, which in any case will not stand aside and will definitely attract the attention of not only the male, but also the female. By the way, a curious fact, if you want to baptize the girl with that name, then be prepared for the fact that in the church name there is no this name. Instead, the girl can be called differently: Irina, Marina, Kirien, Kira. According to the Orthodox calendar, Karin is held on November 25, so hurry to congratulate all your friends, friends, colleagues, mothers, sisters.

Video: The meaning of the name Karina is the secret of the name

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