Feminine name Elena, Lena: Name options. How can Elena be called, Lena is different?

Feminine name Elena, Lena: Name options. How can Elena be called, Lena is different?

The female name Elena was previously the most beautiful women. It is fabulous, like its forms and translation options.

Elena It is considered one of the most common female names in Russia. Changing and transforming from Lena to Helen, it is found in almost all corners of the world. Such popularity is explained by deep meaning, beautiful sound and ancient origin.

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From this article you will learn about the meaning and origin of the name Elenaas well as about its forms. Read further.

Name Elena, Lena: meaning, origin

Name Elena, Lena: meaning
Name Elena, Lena: meaning

Like most ancient names, Elena It has Greek roots and is associated on the lands of ancient Hellas with the Moon. The word "Helenos" translates as "Shining". In Greece, the owners of this name are called selenes. In the ancient world, this name testified to belonging to the circle of elected people. Elena was called girls born in families of aristocrats.

  • The most famous Elena The ancient world was the mother of Constantine the Great, famous for the adoption of Christianity.
  • Unless, of course, do not count Elena is beautifulwho, with her beauty, managed to turn the head of all the surrounding men and caused the Trojan War.

Having gone a long way of all kinds of changes and transformations, this name was reached to ancient Russia, having come there with Christianity. In addition to the classic pronunciation version, it received many more familiar interpretations. And finally, it became the most common among all Russian beauties. Now everyone knows that the most pretty and hardworking heroine of Russian fairy tales "are highly at Alenahushka."

Name Elena, Lena: What will be the full name?

The full sound of the name Lena - Elena. Despite the prevalence of many variations and the similarity of sound, Alena and Elena are not synonyms. Lena is also not an independent complete name and is considered only a harmonious reduction.

In this beautiful combination of vowels and consonants, everyone can feel grace, grace, mercy, goodwill. After all, it is these concepts that are considered a hidden meaning enclosed in this advent.

Name Elena, Lena-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

Beautiful name Elena It may be too cumbersome for a little girl or very official for home contacting her mother, grandmother or beloved girl. Therefore, there are many different options among the people - pleasant, affectionate, and sometimes completely unexpected.

So, what can be called differently? A new reading of the ancient name may be:

  • Ate
  • Lesya
  • Ate

There is no need to talk about the widespread replacement of Elena with Alena. Here are more beautiful forms of the name:

  • Elenka
  • Lenusha
  • Lenusya
  • Lesya
  • Elena
  • Elya
  • Elyusha
  • Julus
  • Lucy
  • Lena
  • Lelya

Below are even more options. Read further.

Name Elena, Lena: Brief form of the name

In addition Lena (which is the most common option of a short form), the name is no less common Lelya or Lesya. The following are less commonly followed by the derivatives from Elena, consisting of separate parts of the name, which create a brief form of adversary:

  • Elya
  • Elya
  • Ate
  • Elenka

In some families, Lenochka is called by Lucy, which, at first glance, seems completely unexpected, because Most often, Lucy or Luda are considered derivatives on behalf of Lyudmila.

Name Elena, Lena: Pressure Form

The affectionate form of the name does not always sound and is written shorter than the original. This is explained by the addiction of the suffix "Chka" To the initial option. Such a combination of letters, although noticeably lengthens the word, but forms a lot of homely affectionately sounding options: Helen, Elena.

Parents call their favorite daughters (especially small ones) - Alyonushki, Elyusha, Lenushki. In many families, owners of this beautiful name are called in the Czech manner Yelyshki. Others will like a playful, but no less popular - "Lenok" or "Lenusik."

Name Elena, Lena: diminutive form

The so -called "official" and the only right option for the name Elena counts Lena. However, many continue to dignify Elena - Alens or Lesyi, thereby creating confusion. Abbreviated "unofficial" names can differ in a huge variety. Squinting forms include options for affectionate names or come up with something new:

  • Lenok
  • Helen
  • Lenusik
  • Elenka
  • Elenic
  • Lenusya
  • Lenuha
  • Lenusha
  • Leka
  • Christmas tree
  • Ribbon

In other languages, this name also sounds beautiful. Read further.

Name Elena, Lena: Form of the name in Latin

The Latin version of writing this name looks like "Helena". A double letter gives special blessing and softness to pronunciation "E" And tender "L". It is this duet that gives the whole name tenderness and sophistication. And although this ancient name is still of Greek origin, it is repeatedly mentioned in the church and secular literature of the “old world” precisely in the Latin version. A large number of saints bearing such a name are also known in the Old Russian version. The most famous is equal apostolic (or Constantinople) Elena.

How to write the name Elena, Lena in Ukrainian?

Elena For many centuries, its triumphant procession around the world has continued, periodically going back in the first place among all the others and becoming the most popular female name in some countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that each country or even the region has its own unique version of this ancient female adult.

The Ukrainian version is slightly different from the original and is more similar to the name of Alena, common among all Slavs. Although in their version it begins with the letter "O" And it is written as "Olena"but reads with a characteristic Ukrainian pronunciation "Olena".

How to write the name Elena, Lena in Japanese?

Elena They are found even in the country of the rising sun. Although the interpretation of this name in sound and writing can be safely called a derivative of two names: Elena and Irina. Japanese option - Eren. Not only the sound, but also the appearance of the Japanese Alyonushki far from the usual Slavs of the standard. However, such an exotic option is the best confirmation of world popularity. In Japanese, this naming is written by hieroglyphs:

Elena's name in Japanese
Elena's name in Japanese

How to write the name Elena, Lena in French?

But the French "Helen" It is unlikely that one of the Russian women and girls will surprise. The heroine of the once-popular series “Helen and the guys”, broadcast on domestic television, has long accustomed us to such a similar, but in French with elegant sound. This name is written in French like this:

The name Elena is in French
The name Elena is in French

How to write the name Elena, Lena in English?

Elena in English sounds like "Helen", and is written almost identical to the Latin version "Helen". And, although, in the European version, this name slightly loses its usual Russian rumor, softness and gravity, its owners are the most beautiful and feminine girls. An example of this is the mass of the film, stars of the stage and other celebrities.

How to write the name Elena, Lena in German?

The German version almost completely coincides with English, although an important distinctive feature is the letter that appears at the end "BUT"which gives the whole name a characteristic femininity. German Helen is Helens. This name is written like this:

  • Helena

Although among the inhabitants of Germany there are many owners of such a native and familiar name for us Lena.

Whatever the sound or spelling of the name Elena, in all languages, it symbolizes the inner light emanating from its owners. Alena, Earens, Helens and Elevy, living around the world are surprisingly tender, cute, graceful and kind to other people. And the owners of this beautiful name will not work others, because it obliges to live, look and exist according to their “unwritten” rules, concluded in a secret and deep sense.

Video: The meaning of the name Elena - Karma, character and fate

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