Green Iguana: care and maintenance at home, photo

Green Iguana: care and maintenance at home, photo

Recently, more and more people have been starting to themselves as a pet green iguan. However, it is important to understand what conditions of content to create for it.

Read more about how to care for green iguans will be described in this article.

Green iguana: what looks like, a brief description

  • Iguana is considered reptile. She is from Central and South America. Adults have a length of up to 2 m. On average, they live for about 12 years. However, there were times when the reptile lived for 20-25 years.
  • Green iguans are of several types, depending on the appearance and color. It all depends on the environment of which the animal was grown.
  • Despite the fact that it is called "green iguana", the color can be different. There are individuals with green, orange, turquoise and purple color. However, in nature can be found iguans with a striped and chaotic pattern. In the natural environment, Iguana scales are camouflage, which allows to merge with the environment.
  • The scales of the animal are quite tough, and does not pass water. The size of the tail can be several times higher than the length of the body. A crest passes along the whole body. There is a hanging “bag” on the neck. At male individuals, he is much larger than that of a female one.
  • Five -fingered legs with sharp claws. There is a “third eye” on the head, which is covered with scales. Scientists could not understand why it was needed.

Iguan is green


Green Iguan at home: Features of content

  • When potential owners acquire iguana in pet stores, they can be misleading due to a small pet. However, it is characterized by a rapid growth rate.
  • Therefore, you should consciously approach how you plan to contain an animal. More information about the main factors will be described later.

Where should the green iguana live at home?

  • Most of cells and terrariumsthat are sold on the market, are not suitable for iguan maintenance. Given their rapid growth rate, pets will lack free space. It is recommended to purchase enclosures equipped with a large number shelves, branches and transitions. This will allow reptiles to climb through obstacles, feeling that it is in a natural environment.
  • When you buy an aviary, choose models whose length is at least 3.5 m. The width should be 2 m, and the height should be at least 2.5 m. Take care of the zoning of the cell. Provide the recreation area and bathing. Some reptile owners equip individual rooms and closet as an aviary for Iguana. You can also design the aviary yourself using materials purchased in a construction store. Often, reptile owners order a home from experienced craftsmen.
  • Decide with the location of the aviary. No need to put it next to the windows, heating systems and other designs that can provoke sharp changes in the temperature regime. It is better to install a reptile dwelling on hillsSo that the pet could watch everything that happens around.

Iguana green: care

Cell design

  • Reptiles are very fond of climb treesTherefore, it is advisable to equip the internal contents of the shelves and ledges. For this, traffic jams and a natural bark are suitable. Install shelves and ledges at different levels so that Iguan can relax. Fighting all the details with each other so that it is convenient for the animal to move. Often people use ramps.
  • Large natural branches will look original, which will create the natural conditions of the lizard. However, you should abandon coniferous breeds. Be sure to put a box inside where the reptile will hide if necessary.

Lighting and heating system

  • Iguans are reptiles that need daily 12-hour light. That is why lamps with UV rays should be installed. Some of the pet owners believe that there is enough sunlight. However, they do not take into account the fact that the sun's rays penetrating through the window do not contain UV rays. It is the lamps that is the best option. They need to be placed in places where Jiguana will not get, however, it will receive maximum radiation.
  • Iguana should be kept at temperatures from +30 ° C to +35 ° C. That is why additional heaters should be thought out. You can also dwell on the use of incandescent lamps. However, make sure that the reptile does not reach them, otherwise, it will burn.
  • Not throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe terrarium should be an identical temperature. Thanks to this, the animal will be able to independently adjust the ambient temperature. Put up for control Thermometers in all corners of the aviary.


  • Particular attention must be paid litter. You can use the bark, peat rugs or rabbit pellets. Thanks to the flooring, it will be easier to clean in the cage. The cheapest and most practical option will be a newspaper and other paper materials. They absorb moisture well, and also contribute to quick cleaning.
  • To purchase peat or moss, contact a special store. Often, such designs are made of artificial materials, and are supplied in the form of a rug. Try to purchase several rugs so that you can replace.
  • Do not use substrates for the aviary, which have a bulk and fine -sutured structure. This is due to the fact that the reptile can swallow them, which will provoke serious health problems.

Devices for feeding and watering

  • Bowls, in which they will pour food and pour water, must have a large weight. This will prevent their turning, and will reduce the cleaning frequency. The best option is ceramic containers. It is better to fix them, which the animal did not turn them over.
  • Water bowls should be in sufficient quantities. Put one of them next to the container with food, and the other 2-3 pcs. Distribute to other places in the cage.

Moisture level

Iguans are reptiles that prefer a hot and humid climate. That is why, as mentioned earlier, you need several bowls with water around the entire perimeter of the aviary.

For homemade iguana, the level of humidity in the aviary is important
For homemade iguana, the level of humidity in the aviary is important

Other factors that will contribute to the proper content of Iguana should also be thought out:

  • in the place where the reptile lives, put the bath, filled with water - The home dragon will swim in it;
  • periodically spray the lizard with water from a spray or spray;
  • you can bathe the animal in a home bath.

Cleaning frequency

  • You need to remove in the aviary with green iguana every day. For these purposes, it is suitable soapy water. Do not forget that you need to constantly remove garbage and waste of life.
  • Branches, shelves and substrate Clean regularly. If an unpleasant odor appears, it is necessary to immediately rinse the aviary, and remove all the dirt. You need to remove food that Iguan did not ate, as well as fallen scales.
  • General cleaning, using cleaning products safe for the animal, is carried out once a week. Previously, a home dragon must be transferred to a temporary cage.

How does green iguana behave at home?

Green iguans tend to show many feelings, among which:

  • anger;
  • fear;
  • happiness;
  • contempt and excitement.

To understand what the home dragon wants to say about, you need to watch him a lot of time. However, there are general features, which will be discussed further.

  • Take a pet carefully. Iguans can live sideways for a long time with a person, however, it is impossible to fully dominate them. To accustom the reptile to trust you, try to pick it up more often. Young lizards are quite active and move quickly. However, with age, they become slow and lazy. In particular, when they do not experience fear or threats from a person.
  • If they let them out of the aviary, they will try to climb the owner in his arms. Therefore, try to put on dense clothes so that the animal does not scratch you.
  • With the offensive puberty The behavior of the home dragon is changing. He becomes aggressive. This will continue until the age of 5. From this moment, growth stops, and the stage of maturity and growing up.

Iguans can be carriers of Salmonella. Therefore, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly after contact with a cage or a pet.

  • With the help of bites, the home dragon shows its discontent. To move around the branches and shelves, the iguans use claws. If the animal scratched you when it was in hand, it is likely that this happened by chance. However, reptiles can show their dissatisfaction, trying to hit a person with paws.
  • Under the chin there is a fold called dewlap. It is used to manifest emotions and adjust body temperature. Often, home dragons use the submarks to greet a person, or demonstrate their superiority.
Each part of the body of the animal shows its mood
Each part of the body of the animal shows its mood
  • If a homemade dragon eyes closed, this suggests that he is happy or at a rest of the rest. Extended pupils indicate interest or discontent.
  • Many lizards beat a man with their heads. If the shocks are weak, this is about the greeting of the owner. Intensive blows indicate that the animal is displeased or angry. Lizards can show emotions using the mouth. If they are hot, they begin to open their mouths. It may also say that the dragon was interested in something. Iguan may change the skin tone. This contributes to the regulation of body temperature. If it darkens, the animal is warming up. When the skin is lighter, the pet cools down.
  • Tail - This is part of the body to protect the home dragon. In case of fear, the lizard begins to apply strong blows to them. Adult reptiles have a rather strong tail that is able to break the human bone. At such moments, try not to approach the aviary, and also not to allow children and other pets to him.

When you acquire iguan, you can not find out what its character will be. At first, she will perceive you as a predator. To make friends with a home dragon, you need to stock up on, and also be more persistent. Do not try to take the reptile in your hands from the first days. Let her get used to the new habitat. This may take weeks.

  • While the animal is acclimatized, help the house there were no loud sounds. Try not to make sudden movements. Be calm and do not show fear. Otherwise, the reptile will feel it, and will behave inappropriately. After getting used to feeding Iguan with your hands. So she will understand that you carry food, not a threat.
  • As mentioned earlier, do not take the lizard in your hands. To get started, sit next to the aviary, and try to lower your hand into the house. If the animal approaches, run your fingers on its skin. Movements should be along scales and spikes. When take the lizard in your arms, support her stomach. If you take it from above, Iguan will perceive actions as a danger.
  • When you let out a home dragon out of the aviary, let him take a walk around the apartment or home. Previously, make sure that there are no open dangers for the pet. Do not bother her to explore the territory. If you notice danger, do not make loud sounds. Gradually go to the lizard, carefully take it in your hands, and transfer to another place. Be persistent. Every day communicate with a pet. This will make it more humble.

Health of green iguana

  • As you know, the health of the animal depends on the level of care of it. Iguans have enough strong immunityHowever, they may face various injuries. If you notice that the home dragon is lame or formed on the limbs edema, this may indicate a fracture of the tail or bones. They arise for various reasons. In the case of a fracture of the tail, cut it to the affected area. Often it grows.
  • Some animals can break claws. That is why you need to regularly cut them so that Iguan does not cling to them. As mentioned earlier, in the case of a close arrangement of lighting or heating devices, burns may appear in the home dragon. That is why try to put them in the distance. In order to avoid scratches and cuts, try to walk the iguans away from sharp objects.
  • Lizards can be amazed internal parasites. Often this is indicated by the lack of appetite, rapid breathing and lethargy. Ticks can also appear on the skin. To get rid of parasites, you need to seek help from the veterinarian, and follow all his instructions.

Homemade dragon can develop respiratory diseases.

Their symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid breathing;
  • discharges from the nose.

Respiratory diseases occur in the case of low temperature in the aviary. That is why it is necessary to provide for the installation of heating devices. Iguan can melt several times a year. This is a completely natural process. If the level of humidity in the aviary is correct, you can avoid this. If the animal began to melt, it is advisable to atone for it in warm water.

What do the Iguans eat?

  • Iguans belong to herbivore. They use leaves, flowers and fruits. When you develop a diet, make sure that it is balanced.
  • Adult home dragons eat 1 per day. Young individuals require food 2-3 times a day. Make sure that the diet is diverse. Fortunately, most products you can find in the nearest supermarket.
Iguana nutrition should be comprehensive
Iguana nutrition should be comprehensive

The diet should be based on the following products:

  • greens (about 40% of the daily diet) - these can be leaves of turnips, mustard, dandelion, chicory or peasant;
  • vegetables (35%). Give Iguan legumes, pumpkin pulp, alfalfa, mushrooms, bell pepper, zucchini, carrots and asparagus;
  • fruit (ten%). It can be strawberries, blueberries, mangoes, shoes, bananas, raspberries and apples;
  • cereals (5%). Give the animal rice or noodles. Previously, they need to be boiled. You can also enter into the diet bread from bran or whole grain;
  • products with protein (5%). It can be alfaling granules and ready -made feeds;
  • other products (5%). Give the home dragon beets (fruits and leaves), spinach, carrot stems and celery, cauliflower and broccoli, tofu and turnip.

You can enter the flowers of wild plants into the diet of green iguana. However, first, make sure that the plants have not been treated with chemicals. Otherwise, animal health will be at risk.

  • You can give food, which include many acids. This category includes citrus fruits and tomatoes.
  • Remember that some Iguans do not like such products. Therefore, you need to enter them into the diet after making sure that there is no negative reaction.

Now you know that keeping green iguan is quite difficult. It is required to think through not only a spacious and high -quality aviary, but also monitor the behavior of the pet. Remember that acclimatization may take a lot of time.

Green Iguana, like a pet: reviews

  • Galina, 45 years old: The grandson had long dreamed of a big lizard, so it was decided to give him a green iguan for his birthday. We were lucky, and the animal acclimatize to new conditions quickly. A week later, it began to show interest in everything, as well as let people in.
  • Denis, 34 years: We bought a new big house with my wife, and decided to get an exotic animal. The choice fell on the green iguan. They allocated a pantry under the aviary, and equipped everything on the recommendations of the sales consultant from the pet store. For 2 years, a large lizard has been living with us. She is very friendly and calm.
  • Zarina, 23 years old: I had long dreamed that Iguan lived in my house. Fortunately, it was possible to find it in the nearest pet store. There are practically no problems with lizard. She is calm, non -impudent for food, and inquisitive. Even if guests come, she behaves well. However, for this she had to get used to us for a long time.

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