Newfoundland - Dog breed: description, rock features, color, character, height and weight, the best nicknames, reviews of owners, photographs. How to feed Newfoundland, what vitamins, how to care, how to keep in an apartment?

Newfoundland - Dog breed: description, rock features, color, character, height and weight, the best nicknames, reviews of owners, photographs. How to feed Newfoundland, what vitamins, how to care, how to keep in an apartment?

Features of the content and care of Newfoundland.

Newfoundland is a workhorse that is used as security guards. This breed is not very common in our area, and in vain. Dogs can move a lot, jump and perfectly tolerate heavy physical activity. At the same time, little is injured and sufficiently hardy.

Newfoundland - Dog breed: rock features, rock standard, height, weight

The main feature of the breed is great weight and growth with good maneuverability and mobility. Dogs, despite the huge mass, have a good possession of their body. Females are slightly less than males. The contours of the head and the whole body are more sophisticated. Excess weight is not welcome, as it provokes the occurrence of many diseases.


  • Growth for males 69-75 cm, and for bitches 65-69 cm
  • Weight for male up to 70 kg, and for bitches up to 55 kg
  • Rectangular body with fleshy and strong paws
  • Sable -shaped tail, slightly raised above the back level
  • The head is large and is characterized by rectangular contours
  • The teeth are straight and even, close like claws or scissors
  • The withers are large and developed. For females, its size is not regulated
Newfoundland - Dog breed: rock features, rock standard, height, weight
Newfoundland - Dog breed: rock features, rock standard, height, weight

Newfoundland - History of the Dog breed

Newfoundland has been known for a very long time. The first references to the breed are dated to the 16th century. But the official name of the breed received only in 1775.

The breed is named after the island on which there was a settlement of fishermen and merchants. This island has a wet climate in the summer and very cold winters. In these parts in dogs, power and endurance were appreciated. That is why Newfoundland has become popular.

Five years later, the breed nearly disappeared. The fact is that the government has forbidden to keep more than one pet in the family. That is why some of the dogs were taken out of the island or destroyed. But the fact is that the inhabitants were not ready to give their assistants. This is due to the fact that the dogs dragged heavy sledges in the cold season, helped to pull out heavy nets with fish from the water and even saved their owners when drowning.

After the First World War, the number of goals was only 23. Therefore, the resulting puppies were weak enough due to blood ties. Now the breed is little common, this is due to the huge size of individuals. The propagation of these dogs is engaged in a special club, which is located in Canada and the USA. It is thanks to this club that the breed has been preserved to date.

Newfoundland - History of the Dog breed
Newfoundland - History of the Dog breed

Membranes on the paws in the breed of dogs Newfoundland: photo

This breed belongs to rescuers. Dogs adore water and will not miss the opportunity to swim. The breed is jokingly called a diver. Dogs between the fingers on the paws have membranes that help them swim and feel good in water.

Membranes on the paws in the breed of dogs Newfoundland: photo
Membranes on the paws in the breed of dogs Newfoundland: photo
Membranes on the paws in the breed of dogs Newfoundland: photo
Membranes on the paws in the breed of dogs Newfoundland: photo

Newfoundland dogs color-gray, black, brown, chocolate, silver, black and white: photos

The breed has a variety of color. Now the most popular are individuals of black, brown and white. There are mixed colors. Below, the photo shows Newfoundlands of different colors.

Newfoundland dogs color - gray, black, brown, chocolate, silver, black and white: photos
Newfoundland dogs color-gray, black, brown, chocolate, silver, black and white: photos
Newfoundland dogs color - gray, black, brown, chocolate, silver, black and white: photos
Newfoundland dogs color-gray, black, brown, chocolate, silver, black and white: photos
Newfoundland dogs color - gray, black, brown, chocolate, silver, black and white: photos
Newfoundland dogs color-gray, black, brown, chocolate, silver, black and white: photos
Newfoundland dogs color - gray, black, brown, chocolate, silver, black and white: photos
Newfoundland dogs color-gray, black, brown, chocolate, silver, black and white: photos

Newfoundland - Dog breed: character

The character of the dog is friendly. He has an innate instinct to save and pull out a drowning person out of the water. Dogs get along well with children and amenable to training. If desired, you can raise a watchman from a dog. Do not have a dog if you have a very small child in your family. This is due to the fact that dogs at a young age cannot adequately evaluate their strength. In adolescence, the dogs are very energetic and can simply drag a child or an elderly person. Mature dogs are adequate and strong. They can already walk nearby near the owner and evaluate their strength.

It should be understood that the dog has high intelligence, he is able to independently make decisions and can simply ignore an empty or meaningless team. The dog does not need to break and prove who is the first in the family, since the dog is friendly. It should not be punished, just show that you are offended and disappointed. This dog is not suitable for protection or hunting. He likes to look after children and drag heavy bags.

Newfoundland - Dog breed: character
Newfoundland - Dog breed: character

How does Newfoundland transfer the owner of the owner?

This breed does not tolerate the shift of the owner. In a new family, it may not be closed and react to the teams of the new owner. Therefore, if it is necessary to transfer the dog to new hands, come to visit the future owner several times a week. So the dog will get used to the new owners and easier to transfer the gap with the previous owner.

How does Newfoundland transfer the owner of the owner?
How does Newfoundland transfer the owner of the owner?

When does Newfoundland's estrus begin, how many Newfoundlands live?

The first estrus of a bitch is observed at the age of 6-12 months. In this case, the dog can be restless. The duration of estrus is 7-28 days. It costs to allow mating from bitches from 20 months, and in male from 18 months. Previously, do not mate dogs, as this is fraught with consequences.

Newfoundland does not live long. On average, life expectancy is 8-10 years.

When does Newfoundland's estrus begin, how many Newfoundlands live?
When does Newfoundland's estrus begin, how many Newfoundlands live?

How to feed Newfoundland, what vitamins?

Puppies and adults are recommended to give both dry food and natural products. There is a table indicating the norms of fat and carbohydrates for the dog for a day. Many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders recommend giving pss natural products. It is better to give meat in boiled form. Basically, the diet of dogs should consist of dairy products, meat and cereals. Vegetables are injected in boiled form. It is also recommended to give sea or river fish. Feeding is carried out twice a day in the morning and evening. About 800-1000 g of meat products requires the PSU day. This is beef, lamb or chicken. In addition, calcium and vitamin preparations are introduced into the diet. Recommend vitamins 8 V 1 for dogs.

How to feed Newfoundland, what vitamins?
How to feed Newfoundland, what vitamins?

How to maintain and care for Newfoundland in an apartment?

Dogs can also be kept in the apartment. To do this, highlight your new pet and lay a sleeping bag there. The place should be protected from sunlight. This is due to the fact that the dog can receive a thermal blow. The dog in the apartment will mile all year a little. Be prepared for the fact that the dog has a lot of saliva, so you will often have to wash the floor and clean.

You need to walk with the dog 2-3 times a day. With a small puppy about 4 times a day. At the same time, you need to walk in active mode. The run in the forest will not be superfluous. Drive the dog swim in the river.

How to maintain and care for Newfoundland in an apartment?
How to maintain and care for Newfoundland in an apartment?

The best nicknames for the dog Newfoundland: List

List of the best nicknames: Alf, Amanda, Annabel, Baxi, Baxter, Balu, Barney, Barry, Black, Boy, Bagira, Betty, Wolf, Harry, Hector, General, Greta, Dexter, Jazz, Jasper, Jack, Jackson, Jeffrey, Jeffrey Jumbo, Jesse, Ginny, Zulus, Zora, Irta, Cliff, Kara, Carrie, Cassie, Leroy, Lina, Lucy, Magnus, Matley, Maxi, Melba, Margot, Nadar, Otis, Pumb, Rico, Rufus, Roxy, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby Samson, Sebastian, Simba, Sumo, Sam, Stella, Teddy, Thor, Turbo, Tara, Urs, Fred, Phil, Flora, Hulk, Harley, Hogan, Hugo, Tsunami, Chif, Chulo, Cherry, Sheila, Sheriff, Sherry, Sherry, Sherry, Sherry Annie.

What is the difference between the diver and Newfoundland?

This is the same breed. Newfoundland is named after the island on which it was common. The diver began to be called because of the love of water and the instincts of the rescuer.

What is the difference between the diver and Newfoundland?
What is the difference between the diver and Newfoundland?

Newfoundland - Dog breed: Owners reviews

All owners of such dogs adore their pet. The dog is very positive, it is always in a good mood. At the same time, the dog never bothers and does not require a huge amount of attention. It is enough to talk with a dog and walk periodically.

It is worth noting that the negative point in the content of such a dog is:

  • Constant saliva
  • Snoring during sleep
  • Constant molting
  • The difficulty in washing out the paws, as the dirt clogs in the membranes
  • Frequent digestive problems

But all these shortcomings are compensated by the positive qualities and friendliness of the dog.

Newfoundland - Dog breed: Owners reviews
Newfoundland - Dog breed: Owners reviews

Newfoundland is a special dog that requires special care and feeding. But this is one of the most friendly breeds that is ready to help at any time.

Video: Newfoundland

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