Bald cats - Canadian and Don Sphinx: description of the breed, differences, colors, care. How to feed the bald cats of sphinxes, how to contain: recommendations

Bald cats - Canadian and Don Sphinx: description of the breed, differences, colors, care. How to feed the bald cats of sphinxes, how to contain: recommendations

Sphinx cats are unusual graceful smart animals. The article will talk about the features of the content of the Canadian and Don Sphinces, their character and behavior.

Having met once with the Sphinx, many cat lovers decide to start a small representative of this unsteady breed in their house. These cats are able to charm with just a look, and with their grace and an alien appearance to fall in love with a person.

Sphinxes - graceful, flexible animals
Sphinxes - graceful, flexible animals

In order to prevent a mistake, choosing a pet, it is necessary to take into account the differences in the sphinx rocks, as well as take into account the features of the content and behavior of these cats.

Canadian and Don Sphinx: description of the breed of cats, colors, photos

The cats and cats of the sphinx breed have a flexible muscular rounded body, and long elastic paws. The tail of the sphinxes is usually straight, but sometimes it is tightly pressed to the side in the form of a ring.

The tail of the sphinxes can be pressed to the side
The tail of the sphinx can be pressed to the side

The head is rounded, slightly oblong, with protruding cheekbones, straight nose and wide large ears rounded at the ends. The whole body of the sphinxes is covered with thick, suede to the touch, skin, which forms folds.

Important: “folding” of the sphinxes is an indicator of age. There are a lot of folds on the body of kittens, while the “old men” are only in the neck and abdomen.

Folds on the body of the Canadian sphinx kitten
Folds on the body of the “rubber” Kanadsky sphinx kitten

A distinctive feature of the sphinxes is a dense rounded stomach, when you look at which you might think that the animal has recently ate tightly.

Canadian and Don sphinxes have many similarities, the most important thing of which is the almost complete absence of wool on the skin. Despite this, the cats and cats of the sphinx can have a variety of colors. This is permissible and necessarily noted in the pedigree animal.

Sphinxes can have various colors
Sphinxes can have various colors

Each color, shade, color of the sphinx skin corresponds to a certain letter of the Latin alphabet.

There are 7: plain colors 7:

  • black ( n.)
  • blue ( a)
  • chocolate ( b.)
  • lilac ( with)
  • red ( d.)
  • cream ( e.)
  • white ( w.)

In addition to monophonic, sphinxes can have bi-collar and intermediate colors. The sphinxes of the colors of the bathtubs, Color Point, Harlequin look unusual.

Red sphinx kitten
Red sphinx kitten

Important: the tortoise is the norm only for the sphincs-cats. The sphinxes - turtle -coloring cores are a kind of natural error. The mutation of genes, which leads to the appearance of cat -turtle cats, deprives them of the opportunity to reproduce offspring. Otherwise, these animals are no different from their own kind.

Don sphinxes can be:

  • naked - completely bald, a large number of folds are present on the body
  • flock - the body is covered with barely distinguishable wool, to the touch resembles a peach peel
  • velours - Wool on the body is noticeable, reaches 3 mm
  • brash - The body under hard wool, this sphinxes cannot take part in exhibitions
Sphinx skin can be covered with thick wool
Sphinx skin can be covered with thick wool

The difference between the Canadian Sphinx and Donskoy

The non -professional is unlikely to immediately find the differences between the Don and Canadian Sphinx. And not so these differences are important for those who simply start a bald cat as a pet. However, if it is planned to receive offspring from the kitten in the future, the breeder needs to know how the sphinx breeds differ.

Important: the main difference between the sphinxes is in the genes of unbelief. All Canadians are carriers of the recruiting gene, and the Don Sphinxes are dominant. This means that there is a little wool on the Canadian sphinx body, and the Don Sphinxes are often completely bald.

A detailed examination between the Don and Canadian Sphinx can also be seen other differences, which include:

  • The shape of the head. In the Don Sphinces, cheekbones are clearly loomed, the skull is wedge -shaped, mowed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead. The Canadians narrow the skull downward
  • Mustache The Don Sphinxes have, in Canadian - they are completely absent
  • Sight The Canadian Sphinx has open, eyes are always wide open. The Don Sphinces have more slanting eyes
  • Tail Canadians have narrowed, with a brush on the tip, and the Don Sphinces of Direct
  • The body The representative of the Don breed has more muscular and strong than the Canadian sphinxes
Canadian sphinxes are distinguished by an open gaze
Canadian sphinxes have a "open" look

Important: in addition to external differences, the Don Sphinx differs from Canadian friendliness, sociability and more balanced behavior.

Bald cat Canadian sphinx: character

The unique nature of the sphinxes, as their appearance is the result of thorough selection. These animals are not inclined to manifest aggression or discontent. Good, soft, sensitive, delicate, loyal sphinxes are perfect pets.

They get along well both with older people and in families with young children. A balanced character, combined with a playful disposition, helps these animals to share the interests of each family member.

Sphinxes get along well in families with young children
Sphinxes get along well in families with young children

Important: the sphinxes are not averse, they quickly forget random grievances, but they are difficult to experience loneliness.

Sphinxes are very fond of communicating with people and pets. They are not afraid of large dogs and are deprived of the instinct of the hunter, so both a huge bulldog and a hamster or a parrot can become a best friend of a bald cat.

Sphinxes - playful and curious animals
Sphinxes - playful and curious animals

Nicknames suitable for cats of Canadian sphinxes

Even the kittens of the Canadian Sphinx look majestic and proud, with all their appearance, reminding Egyptian figurines. To call the sphinx a simple cat name, such as a Timka or fluff, and does not come to your head.

In order not to invent anything new, you can just look into the list of names of the Egyptian gods. The name suitable for a little miracle will be found there quickly.

For example, a cat of the Canadian sphinx can be called the name of one of the goddesses: Amunet, anuk, Isis, Soshat, Siu. Names are suitable for the Sphinx-boy: Aker, Amat, AMSET, ANHUR, GEB, MAFDED, Onuris, Osiris, Hapi, Hesat, Hynum, Shai, Yah.

The names of the ancient Egyptian gods are suitable for majestic Sphinxes
The names of the ancient Egyptian gods are suitable for majestic Sphinxes

Bald cat - Canadian Sphinx: Care

The main feature of the content of the sphinxes is the need for their regular bathing. Bath procedures are carried out at least twice a month.

Adult cats bathe in the bathroom, kittens - in a basin or sink. Soap water for bathing should not be cool - the sphinxes need warmth.

Adult Canadian sphinxes bathe in the bathroom
Adult Canadian sphinxes bathe in the bathroom

With the help of a soft washcloth, gently remove dirt from the body, faces, tail and paws, paying special attention to folds, then rinse the animal in clean water.

Important: due to the fact that the bald cats are constantly sweating, they themselves and the objects to which they touch the sweaty body, after drying, acquire a brownish tint.

If the Sphinx is not against bath procedures and plays with pleasure in water, you can offer him children's rubber toys. If the animal is frightened, and by all means tries to avoid the upcoming procedure, you should talk to it with an affectionate calm voice.

Sphinxes love to play while bathing
Sphinxes love to play while bathing

At the same time, do not make sudden movements and increase the tone. After bathing, the cat is “melted” with a dry warm cotton towel. In addition to bathing, bald cats need to be wiped daily with soft napkins.

Sphinxes need regular manicure, since brown sweat mixed with dirt quickly covers from above and clogs into the grown claws.

Tip: Holding the cat tightly, slightly press on the pillow of the paws so that the overgrown claws are exposed. Capture the overgrown part with neat movements. In order not to cut off excess, you can not cut close to the base.

The ears of the sphinxes, like claws, suffer from a large accumulation of fat and dirt in them. You can clean the cat’s ears with cotton sticks or Turund, moistened with warm water. Pollution is removed only from the visible parts of the ear, avoiding contact with the auditory passage.

Sphinx ears must be cleaned regularly
Sphinx ears must be cleaned regularly

How to feed the cat of the Canadian sphinx?

Sphinxes are real gluttonouss. They love to eat and with appetite even rush the simplest food, whether it is porridge or soup. However, it is too early to rejoice. Due to accelerated metabolism and sensitive digestive system for the sphinx, a variety of balanced nutrition is required.

Sphinxes are happy to try new dishes
Sphinxes are happy to try new dishes

Twice a week should be offered to the animal meat canned meat. In the Sphinx menu, raw fish, meat, boiled liver, dairy products and dry food must be present. Fresh drinking water should always be in the public domain.

Important: an overheated or supercooling food is unacceptable. Sphinxes are allowed to feed at room temperature.

Sphinx cat diseases

The most vulnerable place in every bald cat is its skin. Due to the excessive secretion of skin fat and untimely its removal on the skin of the sphinxes often appears acne.

To get rid of the purulent lesions of the animal’s skin, you need to consult a veterinarian who, having assessed the situation, prescribe treatment.


Important: the sphinx will have healthy skin, the owners of which pay enough attention to the hygiene of the pet. Buying an animal 1 - 2 times a week, you can prevent the appearance of acne and pustules.

In addition to skin rashes, sphinxes often suffer from a number of other innate and acquired diseases, including:

  • Microphthalmis - Reducing the eye of the kitten occurs as a result of infections transferred by a pregnant mother. The development of the disease often ends with a tumor. Surgical intervention will help to fix the situation
  • Rachiocampsis - The disease develops in the tail section of the spine and is accompanied by dwarfs and pathologies of the bone and digestive systems. Arises as a result of a related cross or inherited
  • Shortened jaw - An innate vice. It can be weakly exposed and not affect the general condition of the animal, however, such sphinxes should be sterilized, since they cannot take part in breeding
  • Vasculitis - inflammation of the vessels, manifests itself on the skin with red and blue dots and spots of different sizes. The disease can both independently disappear without a trace, and is complicated by inflammation. The reasons for the development of vasculitis are: internal diseases, stress, reaction to drug treatment
  • The inversion of the century - An innate pathology, in which the edges of the eyelids are unnaturally wrapped inward. The situation is fraught with the development of chronic conjunctivitis in the Sphinx. The problem can be solved through surgical intervention
  • "Falling asleep" kittens - The appearance of non -viable offspring as a result of crossing two “rubber” sphinxes. Kittens are born very weak, their skin has a bluish tint, and vital organs may not be or not function. You can’t help such animals

Clothes for cats Canadian sphinxes

Tender trepidable sphinxes make it clear with all their appearance that they love warmth very much. If a bald cat lives in a warm apartment and does not walk on the street, he will not need special clothes.

It is enough just to equip an animal bed near the battery so that it can spend time with maximum comfort.

Important: if the bald sphinx is taken out to take a walk on the street or on the balcony, it is worth taking care of protecting the gentle body of the pet from the winter cold and the scorching summer heat.

Winter suit For the sphinx, it should be windy and be sure to cover the chest, back and stomach. Having exposed a gentle bald body in the cold, the Sphinx can hypothermia and get sick.

Summer Sphinx will need air light clothes that protect the animal from sunburn and thermal blow. You can make clothes for the Sphinx yourself or buy in a specialized store.

Clothing for the Sphinx
Clothing for the Sphinx

Where is it better to buy a sphinx kitten?

Those who decided to start the Sphinx should definitely contact professional breeders. By purchasing a kitten in a club or at an exhibition, you can avoid animal health problems and get guaranteed lifelong information support and support from breed experts.

Club Sphinx
Club Canadian Sphinx

If you are still in doubt whether to start the Sphinx at home, answer one question: “Do you want to acquire a reliable faithful friend who does not remember offense, will be devoted to you, and never turn away?” If the answer is positive, feel free to drop all doubts and take a step towards a small bald miracle.

Video: all about cats-sphinxes



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  1. There were cases when the sphinxes suffered and even died by a misunderstanding ... It is always necessary to post a poster with the image of the Sphinx in the entrance. The poster explaining to the neighbors that this is the cat (and that the cat is kind, despite the sounds made, unlike cats, and despite the ears similar to the wings of the bat) so that the neighbors are not afraid for their children, and do not do anything in a panic By a misunderstanding (if the Sphinx, suddenly run out of the apartment by chance). Explain to people after something is already irreparable is not correct. The sound made by the sphinx can scare not so much a child as an adult, frightened for his child. And the gaze of the round eyes of the sphinx may seem as if before a jump. And then a person, for self-defense, can do something by inertia, which will kill the Sphinx. High the explanatory posters in the entrance, even if you are watching, so that the Sphinx does not accidentally leave the apartment.

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