Grounding and pickling: What is the difference?

Grounding and pickling: What is the difference?

In this topic, we will find the differences between the confusion and grounding.

To date, almost every person who at least somehow concerned the topic of electricity has heard about such methods of protection against shock as grounding or stabbing. Moreover, this aspect applies to any household appliances in the house, and even our entire dwelling. Let's study this issue more carefully.

What is the difference between grounding and stabbing?

By acquiring any electrical device, you must understand that no technique is capable of functioning without failure. And the breakdown of the electrical device is a frequent and absolutely common phenomenon. And to prevent overload or short circuit, different protective elements are used.

However, it happens that the protective devices do not respond to the device malfunction. This can happen if internal isolation was disturbed or a strong tension arose on the case. Here we need protection for a person who can fall under voltage, touching a broken device. It is here that hesitation or grounding is used.


What is grounding?

  • It was invented to protect against defects by reducing voltage. Simple it is easier - Reduce the touch voltage to permissible size safe for humans.
  • For example - take a floor lamp or desktop lamp. The case of this electrical device is not connected to grounding.
    • If the insulation is disturbed, the metal part of the floor lamp or lamp falls under voltage. And then, when you take an attempt to touch the device to change the light bulb, you will become a conductor and pass the electric current through your body.
    • But when the floor lamp is grounded, the electric current will go into the ground through the wire. And when touched, the concentration of voltage in the case will become minimal, so a minimum will also pass through your body.

Grounding is the connection of metal elements with the ground, which do not conduct stress in the usual state. But in the case of a defect in isolation, they will fall under voltage.

  • In all multi -storey buildings and other residential buildings, especially in the city, it is centralized. That's why Without any fears, we can connect all electrical devices.
    • But even in the private sector or in rural areas, it is very simple to organize grounding - it is necessary to connect to all devices and wires in the house a grounding rod. Metal profile is more often used.
  • There are several types of grounded devices, depending on the purpose:
    • those that take the lightning pulmonary current (used in grounding lightning rods);
    • devices for maintaining the normal functioning of electrical installations;
    • devices to avoid injury to people and animals with electric shock.

And what is bullying?

Very often, the term “pancake” is used next to the concept of “grounding”. According to use, these concepts perform the same function - protecting a person from electric shock. But they perform this task in different ways.

  • Sunning is the connection of metal installation elements with electricity to zero.
  • It is more often used in industrial installations. Also, they resort to To protect high -rise buildings. But only if it is almost impossible to conduct high -quality grounding there. And most often it is still the buildings of the old plan, so it is extremely rare.
  • Stoop is used so that a short circuit is performed in case of damage to isolation, which would lead to the operation of automatic shutdown of a protective machine or other protection systems.
  • In this regard, such a method of protection is used in industry, since it is suitable for operational disabling electricity in emergency situations.
  • The bulk works according to the following principle: the device forms a vicious circle between the stream and zero, in the event of the damage, a short circuit occurs. Protection devices, for example, fuses, are reacted to it, and the device automatically turns off from the power source.
general characteristics
general characteristics

What is the difference between grounding and a confusion?

After we found out what ground is, and what is stagnated, we can definitely see the difference.

  • The most basic difference is These are various protective actions.
    • Zero provides an operational reaction to insulation damage for protective systems. Since this leads to an immediate cessation of the power of various devices and devices.
    • But the grounding provides the alignment of the flow and protection against an electricity strike.
  • Sunction is based just on a neutral wire with zero. As a result and A closed circuit is formed. And he is constantly in active mode!
    • But in grounding, ka can be seen from the lower illustration, a similar scheme is absent and goes Conservative connection.
Distinctive scheme
  • This leads us to another difference - area of \u200b\u200baction.
    • Sunning is a cliff of current throughout the entire site.
    • But grounding in the affected area will reduce the voltage. But the rest of the territory will function. That is, the current flows only in the place of a certain electrical circuit.
  • The scope is also different:
    • grounding is more often used at home. After all, it can be carried out without resorting to specialized assistance;
    • but we use stamping in production, at industrial installations. And we repeat that in high -rise buildings of the old plan, where it is impossible to reliably ground the apartments, they also turn to it.
  • The service life varies a bit:
    • if suddenly the zero wire is blocked or damaged, then the protection will not work at the right time;
    • but the wire, which is used in grounding, does not burn out and is extremely rarely falling off. And this despite his street location. True, do not still forget to regularly pull up the terminal and conduct an annual revision.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that both of these terms are aimed at one target-to reduce the electric-hazardous potential. Although their algorithm is different.

Video: grounding and stabbing - what is the difference between them?

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