The phrase “share and reign”: the origin, which means synonyms and antonyms for this phrase, examples from life, history

The phrase “share and reign”: the origin, which means synonyms and antonyms for this phrase, examples from life, history

The phrase “share and conquer” is unique in its understanding. What it means described in the article.

We use a variety of phraseological turns in our native speech unlimited for ourselves, due to the fact that they have become familiar since childhood. The most famous came to us from fairy tales, epics, folk legends, some from foreign languages.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "12 words and phrases that will beautifully fill in pauses in the conversation". You will find interesting options that will help make the dialogue original.

From this article you will find out where the phrase came to us "Divide and rule". What is the story of these words? Who applied such a strategy? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article. Read further.

Whose phrase “share and rule” - origin, from where: who belongs, the author, who said?

"Divide and rule"

We don’t even think where these or those phrases come from. We just insert them into our speech to diversify it. Whose phrase "Divide and rule", origin? Who belongs, the author, who said?

  • This phrase has a rather interesting story.
  • There is an opinion that it was first used in the Roman Senate.
  • However, some sources show that the roots of the expression "divide and rule" They originate from France.
  • Examples are Merima, Dumas, Charles Rollen.
  • By the way, in "Three Musketeers" The phrase comes from the mouth Louis XI.

Quotes this expression and Machiavelli - Moreover, in the text he does not refer to authorship. As for the English -speaking authors, here the phrase "share and conquer" used Joseph Hall. However, he, too, was not a pioneer in this case.

It is noteworthy, every nation believes that it was his representative that was the author of this truly genius statement. However, this does not at all detract from the importance of expression - it lives for centuries a kind of pearl wisdom.

The phrase "Separate and conquer": History

This doctrine is often associated directly with Caesar. It is believed that standing at the head of the Roman army in Gaul, he deliberately pushed the tribes of barbarians among themselves. However, there is no evidence of this. Expression and famous phrase "divide and rule" Not used in any of the ancient sources that have survived to this day.

For the first time in history, the phrase "pops up" in literary works XVII century. The quote is also transferred to Latin, as well as to English. As for Niccolo Machiavelli, in the process of working on his imperishable creation, he somewhat paraphrased the winged phrase. In his meaning, it sounds like: "Divide what you control".

Another carrier of expression - macedonian king Philip (By the way, the father of the great commander, Alexander of Macedon), as well as the French monarch Louis XI.

However, the Roman Senate really worked according to this rule. After the Romans defeated the Carthaginians, they began to strive for control of the Mediterranean (in particular, over its eastern part). However, Syria and Macedonia opposed this. In order not to fall and not leave back, the rulers of ancient Rome enlisted the support of the Greeks. And those, in turn, persuaded the ruler not to support the Macedonians. What happened in the end?

The powerful states of Macedonia and Syria were defeated. But one by one. Thus, it was possible to free the troops and Greek cities from the oppression of the Macedonian. The total control of Rome over all the lands reigned.  But if the Roman Empire had not remembered such a strategy, then even with all its power it could not defeat two very strong powers that rallied together to implement their plans.

After all, that is the strength of any union. Unity gives rise to power, which is very difficult to resist. Alone, everyone is weak, and together - they are able to accomplish the impossible. So with people, and with states.

What does the winged phrase “share and rule” mean: the meaning is briefly, as you understand, an explanation

"Divide and rule"

"It is easier to manage those who can be quarreled or disassembled." - This is the short meaning of the political credo. Thus, the emperor, king or king can strengthen his influence and power, achieve his goals if he begins to play on the contradictions of his environment. It can be states - partners, subjects, etc. What does a winged phrase mean "Divide and rule"? How do you understand? The meaning is briefly - the explanation:

  • There are cases in history when the monarchs intentionally quarreled the counts, princes, barons and other representatives of the nobility in order to eradicate the possibility of the latter to create unions and brotherhoods, weave intrigues and undermine the authority of the ruler.
  • Everyone knows that unity is power. That is why it is necessary not to give opponents (or potential opponents) to unite. Then they will not be able to hit in the back. Scattered people are really much easier to control. This can be achieved as soon as possible and with small efforts.
  • By the way, people who are in the Union are very easy to quarrel. It is only necessary to give them a certain “object” and dipped to divide it among themselves. Then close friends and partners immediately turn into blood enemies and exterminate each other.

In a more rude sense, this means "Throw the bone to dogs". Just as hungry dogs tear each other throats for the long-awaited piece of meat, as well as the rulers of the powers who are in the coalition, can go to each other for the sake of ghostly "treasures" that someone promises them. The main thing is to come up with a correct, effective strategy. Here is the phrase about this "Divide and rule". Read further.

The phrase "Share and conquer: contrast

Contrasting this rule "Divide and rule" It can be called "The principle of unity". For example, the Soviet Union was considered an invincible and great power precisely thanks to the idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship of peoples. Of course, the “heart” of the state was still located in Moscow. However, even an example of the Great Patriotic War shows that when people are united and “charged” with a common idea, they can turn the mountains and defeat even a very strong and dangerous enemy.

Among the Soviet soldiers were representatives of different nationalities: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Armenians, Georgians, Baltic, Kazakhs, Tatars - and it was this unity that made the army invincible. Each nation whose republic was allied has contributed to Great victory.

The USSR also showed excellent industrial results and social progress. There was an active development of science and technology. And all because in the Union republics there were many times more scientists, researchers, scientists, as well as artists. And each replenished a kind of “piggy bank” of general property.

Who applied the strategy "Separate and conquer"?

The main "carriers" of this strategy "Divide and rule" were Roman and British Empire. Thus, they actively used it and controlled their territories. At one time, the lands of India were part of the British Empire. It was thanks to this principle that the British controlled castes. The latter had certain cultural differences. I managed to put pressure on it.

 The phrase "share and conquer": synonyms

"Divide and rule"

If you need to make a sentence or write a story on this topic, then you will need synonyms. With their help, you can embellish the text without losing its meaning. Here are synonyms for the phrase "Divide and rule":

  • The sphere of influence
  • Double standard
  • Take into service
  • Knut and stick method
  • External enemy
  • Peaceful coexistence
  • Balance of forces
  • State idea
  • Use
  • The old principle
  • Implement
  • Carry broods from fire
  • The first among equals
  • The ideological basis
  • Puppet regime
  • Redistribution of the world
  • The opposing side
  • Management model
  • The opinion of the people
  • Type of power
  • World Empire
  • Board system

 Below you will find antonyms for this phrase. Read further.

The phrase "share and conquer": antonyms

Antonyms, like synonyms, help to make the text more meaningful and add colors to it. They will need less when writing, for example, works, but they are needed. Here are the antonyms to the phrase "Divide and rule":

  • Combine and direct.
  • Proletarians of all countries, connect!
  • Together - we are force!
  • Let's stand against the enemy by a united front!
  • The world and friendship of peoples are the key to victory and happiness!
  • Two heads are better than one.
  • Brother should not fight against his brother.
  • The more we are, the stronger we are.
  • It is necessary to consolidate forces.
  • People are strong only when they are united by common ideas and goals.
  • Strength in unity and brotherhood!
  • If something does not work alone, you should try together.
  • The main plus of cooperation and friendship is mutual assistance.
  • Without friends, I am a little bit, and with friends-a lot!
  • Where is unity, there is victory.
  • Kindness is a gold chain that fetters people together.
  • Unity is only then the good for man, when it is the unity of all mankind in the name of the foundation, common to all mankind, but not the unity of small and large parts of mankind in the name of limited, private goals.
  • The people are a unification of people who feel one.
  • The wave of the wings of a small bird is too weak when it is alone. However, if you combine efforts, you can create a strong wind.
  • Nothing brings together as joint creativity, joint search, joint failures and finds, when two completely different and strangers suddenly suddenly merge into a single whole, begin to feel and understand each other as accurately and as instantly as they never felt and not They understood their loved ones.

Everyone will be able to give many examples from life on this topic. All because we often meet with situations when this phrase can be applied. We gave several examples from life. Read further.

"Separate and conquer": Examples from life

"Divide and rule"

IN AND. Lenin He said that humility is a police reception. Therefore, it is worth sacrificing unimportant for the sake of significant, as well as "Separate and rule". By the way, the leader really wanted to share such concepts as "intelligentsia" and "bourgeoisie" - Because it is not the same social layer. Here are more examples from life "Divide and rule":

Maksim Gorky - This is a writer who said that philistine politics is a grave memory of national oppression. Gorky said that then adhered to the principle "divide and rule"And thus strengthened power. The state tried to crush, and all representatives of another faith and another “tribe” were brutally punished.

V.M. Doroshevich He wrote that this was on Sakhalin. There was a peculiar “master” of hard labor, striving to quarrel all the wards so that they would not stand against him. After all, together even brought to despair, people are capable of a lot.

In fact, an example "divide and rule" Any state can be called. There is the power that is “at the helm” (that is, directly, official power). And there is an opposition. These are some political parties that make up a counterweight, professed slightly different values \u200b\u200bthan the dominant party. From time to time, the opposition makes attempts to take power into its own hands.

That is why it makes sense to “quarrel” representatives of the opposition as quickly as possible, to crush their coalition. Then there will be less chance that this party will sooner or later enlist the support of the people and take power into its own hands.

The rule is simple: if together someone is a coalition (or other strength), then it will most reasonably displace all these people. In history, there are many principles when fraternal peoples set against a friend - and, as a result, pursued their goals. This was practiced by the rulers of the great empires, almost all kings and kings.

"Separate and conquer": quotes

Almost always if the phrase is pronounced "Divide and rule", comes to mind by dispamy and contrasting something or anyone. From the above we can say that this is so. This is also confirmed by quotes of great people:

"Divide and rule"
"Divide and rule"

Video: Nikolai Starikov. Separate and conquer - a typical Anglo -Saxon reception

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