The best beautiful quotes and phrases about the sky, clouds, sunset: short, with meaning

The best beautiful quotes and phrases about the sky, clouds, sunset: short, with meaning

In this article you will find beautiful quotes about the sky. Such statements can be put in the status of a profile of any of the social networks.

Humanity has long been admired by the beauty and bisilliness of the sky. These blue open spaces attracted everyone who could realize freedom and serenity. People believed and believe that it was in heaven that the souls of the dead fly away. But, at the same time, the sky is the synonym for complete freedom, as well as the triumph of the spiritual over material.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "30 incredibly beautiful and wise quotes and aphorisms that are useful to remember".

In this article you will find beautiful quotes about the blue sky, as well as about everything connected with it. These are interesting statements that are suitable for expressing their thoughts in social networks or in SMS. Read further.

What are beautiful quotes about blue, clear, blue sky, about its beauty, clouds: short with meaning

Blue, clear sky
Blue, clear sky

The blue sky is very beautiful, and they can be admired endlessly. What are the words about this? Here are beautiful quotes about blue, clear, blue sky, about its beauty, clouds are short with meaning:

  • Whoever sees angels in the sky does not see birds in the sky.
  • No one pays attention to the sky until he falls in love.
  • The limit for me is only the sky.
  • Everyone has one sky, but everyone has different heaven
  • There is no better icon than the sky.
  • When you stand on the edge of the cliff, jump to fly, and not to fall.
  • There is nothing closer to the sky than eternity

It is believed that every person is quite rich in soul if, looking at the sky, he thinks about eternal and understands, so solemn and beautiful. We can say that the love of the beautiful and the ability to understand it is measured by heaven. And if for someone the sky is just a piece of blue, then for others it is a whole universe, with its own laws and incredible beauty.

Here are a few more beautiful words:

Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky
Beautiful quotes about blue, clear sky

Quotes about planes, aviation, flight, pilots, height and sky

Often people are divided into two categories: those who are panicky afraid of heights and flights and those who simply love to rise into the sky. Some since childhood dream of this endless blue. Therefore, as a profession, they choose military or civil aviation for themselves. Lovers, philosophers, artists and poets admire the skys of heaven. The sky is a source of freedom and inspiration.

Here are quotes about planes, aviation, flight, pilots, height and sky:

  • Air journey: a watch of boredom, interrupted by the moments of panic fear.
  • Where I just did not fly by plane! I visited, almost so much countries as my luggage.
  • I always want to fly into the abyss with someone who will share your sense of flight.
  • Exchangeing wings for freedom, you can never fly.
  • Test the flight once, and your eyes will be fixed in the sky forever. Once having been there, for life you are doomed to yearn for him.
  • The parachute saves from falls, but does not allow our wings to open for the flight.
  • The pilot in aviation until the end of his life. After death in aviation, his family remains.
  • The pilot has a sophisticated nature. When making a decision, he suffers and suffers like more than one soul in the world. But he accepts it in 1.5 seconds and considers it the only true one.
Quotes about planes, aviation, flight, pilots, height and sky
Quotes about planes, aviation, flight, pilots, height and sky

Of course, it is impossible to become an amateur, and even more so, the conqueror of heaven. Without a doubt, they need to be born and absorb with the mother’s milk this craving for awareness and the achievement of the beautiful. There are truly few - perhaps that is why there are so few aviators. After all, it is not enough just to sit down at the helm of the plane and learn how to drive it - it is important to feel that the sky as an element is identical with your soul.

Quotes from films about the sky

Many famous directors were also inspired by the sky to one degree or another. The scriptwriters used it as a beautiful allegory for their heroes. The sky is inextricably linked with freedom, life and death, as well as thoughts of eternal.

It is impossible not to love the sky - it is important to be born with this love in the heart, which can develop into the deepest affection throughout human life. Often the heroes of the films associate the sky with love and eternity, endow it with almost mystical properties. The sky is the cradle of the gods, as well as (in the figurative sense) the peak of bliss.

Here are quotes from films about the sky:

  • - Farewell, gentlemen! Now I will fly away, and we are unlikely to see you. But when I return next time ... You will not be. The fact is that time in the sky and on earth does not fly the same. There are moments, here - centuries. Everything is relative. Films "The same Munchausen".
  • I learned that I have a huge family: both a path and a forest, every spikelet in the field. River, blue sky - this is all my dear. This is my homeland! I love everyone in the world!Movie "Brother".
  • Why does the sky look so lonely? From anime "Fairy Tale of Fairy".
  • I understood everything when you flew to heaven with Charlotte. Impressive, by the way. The ticket is the first class to the silver city. She deserved it. Quote from the series "Lucifer".

But at the same time, the sky remains something unearthly and unattainable-a person can admire him, dream of him and even plow these expanses on an airplane. But, in fact, it is almost impossible to become part of the sky or somehow more clearly to “touch” it.

Quotes from books about heaven and love to tears

Beautiful sky
Beautiful sky

The sky is a special source of inspiration for writers. It can be chanted, with it you can associate almost any phenomenon. The sky is a magnet that attracts a person, makes you think.

The sky is a cause and consequence. This is a source of answers to all eternal questions. However, in order to find these answers, you should understand how beautiful it is. Of course, the sky has always been considered a symbol of love. Many still believe that it is there that all love unions are concluded. Here are quotes from books about heaven and love to tears:

  • Elena lay on a low bed, and sweet dreams flashed in her head - dreams of sinless caresses, about innocent kisses, about inconspicuous round dance in the irrigated sweet dews, under clear skies, where a meek and blessed luminary shines.. Sologub F.K., "Beauty", 1899.
  • Enamored! In the sorrows of love, do not call the sky to the aid! It, believe my words, is powerless than you yourself. Stella Janny is the sky. If the sky is in the shower, then the sky is in the eyesO. Khayyam, "Children of the Guru."
  • Your union is concluded in heaven. Or somewhere about that. Rachel Foreign Ministry.
  • My soul is torn to you, beloved Katerina Matveevna, like a crane in the sky. The letter of the Red Army Sukhov to his wife, the lines from the “White Sun of the Desert”.
  • I love the sky. I can look at him as much as I like - it doesn’t bother. And when I do not want, I just don’t look. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "Little Prince."
  • I love you and the sky, only the sky and you. Immanuel Kant.
  • The sky is not to peep. The sky is, after all, it is to admire. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.
  • Lying on my back, I look up at the sky. Lying on the stomach, clouds look down right at me. Cecilia Ahern.
  • And now the sky is blue-blue, it grazed shutters of clouds made of cotton wool. Cecilia Ahern.
  • Heaven is not a place or time. Heaven is the achievement of perfection. Richard Bach.
  • The Dnieper is wonderful with a warm summer night, when everything falls asleep - and a person, a beast, and a bird. And God alone, the Heaven and Earth, the Major and Gally shakes the Riza. Gogol N.V., "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka", 1832.
  • The desert of heaven over the tops of the mountains is limitless, and sad eyes of the shines are countless above the snow.. Gorky Maxim, summer residents, 1904.
  • Souls who do not know love cannot grow up and rise to human heaven. Fethullah Gulen.

But another feature of the sky is that it is capable of uniting lovers and separating. Nevertheless, everyone rises his gaze to heaven when he wants to thank the Lord for the benefits that came to life or complain of something.

Quotes from songs about the sky

Beautiful sky
Beautiful sky

Pesenica poets have always perceived and perceive heaven as a very good means to give their creations depth. It is enough just to mention the sky in the text of the song - and it already becomes filled with meaning, elevated and spiritualized. At the same time, the genre does not matter. The main thing is to recreate the image of eternity, make people think about the eternal. Often the sky is perceived as something exalted and graceful.

This is a very strong image that can be both additional in a musical work, or the main character of the song:

  • "The sky is me, look at me"
  • "Heaven of Europe cry rain, so you are still waiting for me"
  • "I would be in the sky, I would be in the sky"

This is just a drop in a sea of \u200b\u200bexamples of hits in which this beautiful image is used. Here are more quotes from songs:

  • Snow falls from the sky - so the sky is so necessary. "Vyacheslav Butusov is a song of home"
  • I am on the couch ... The sky is in my pocket ... we will leave it! "Zemfira - let's leave"
  • I do not like dark glass, through them a dark sky. Let me enter, open the doors. Cinema (Victor Tsoi) - the stars will stay here

In songs, the sky often leads a dialogue with the hero, gives him strength, serves as a reflection of his soul. Various associations are possible:

  • I need silence, the sky is full of fire, the light passes through me. Kipelov, "I am free."
  • But the road to the clouds is so close and so close. "Bravo", "Road to the Clouds."

Of course, poets and musicians do not forget about the sky as a symbol of eternity and cradled all the divine. In the fantasy metall of operas, the gods descend to the ground, in pop music, they send their beloved behind an asterisk or look for clouds on it in human guise. One way or another, if the song is present in the song, it gives rise to a successful combination.

Quotes about nature - about the sea, birds, the autumn sky

Beautiful autumn sky
Beautiful autumn sky

Autumn is called the time of poets and thoughtful women. Of course, the sky at this time changes color. It fades, because the brightness of the summer life is decam. Some believe that dust settles in the sky in the sky. However, the human eye is unable to notice this. It is believed that this dust of experiences hits the bare nerves, causing crazy ideas. Summer leaves, the sky is aging (in the figure sense) and no longer seems so serene.

Here are quotes about nature - about the sea, birds, the autumn sky:

  • After all, what is our life? This is the sky. Landscape. View from the cape. Two clouds, the sun and air - nothing for a third. You can sit and look for meaning in this sky, and you can spread the wings and fly in it. Al Quotion.
  • With each new autumn, we are aging - in fact, we are not only old. The sky is aging. It is not visible in the former serenity.
  • Birds rush into the autumn sky only with one purpose - to leave it as soon as possible. They fly away to the warm edges. And also all the careless dreams leave a person in autumn.
  • Birds in the autumn sky are like the elderly, hopelessly sorry for the past youth.

However, unlike old age, which comes forever and ends in death, the sky can “update”. After all, spring is followed by winter, and in the spring - summer. This is a cyclic and inevitable process. Therefore, with a fading of the autumn sky, one can admire - but one should not think that it will remain so forever.

Beautiful quotes about sunset and sky    

The sky at sunset is an exciting and alluring picture, to which it is impossible to remain indifferent. And even if a person, in fact, is not a romantic, he cannot but notice this beauty. It is believed that the sunset can bring together lovers, and can also make lovers think about the fleetingness of being. The sky in which the glow lights up is somewhat alarming, but majestic beauty. Here are beautiful quotes about sunset and sky:

  • Sunset is one of the most attractive natural phenomena.
  • What to do, the advice will not ask life, sending hundreds of troubles and troubles. Let the sunset threaten again with darkness, the dawn will be sure to replace! ROZBITSKAYA Natalya.
  • Sunset is not always orange, but this does not mean that it is ugly. O.Henry.
  • To enjoy the sunset, you must first admire the dawn. Mark Levy.

Often, sunset is associated with the end of human life. But, despite the fact that this is far from a positive comparison, this fact does not make the glow less beautiful.

Quotes about the night sky and stars, a month in the sky: words with the meaning of Kant about the starry sky

Night sky and stars
Night sky and stars

The great philosopher Immanuel Kant, I did not forget about the image of the sky in his works. However, he gave him a slightly different interpretation than recognized lyrics. He associated the bottomless blue with the moral laws of man. But since not every person can remain highly moraine, so few can see the starry sky.

Here are quotes about the night sky and stars, a month in the sky, words with meaning Kant About the starry sky:

Kant: « Two things always fill the soul with new and stronger surprise and reverence, the more often and longer we reflect on them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me ”.

Kant: "" One, looks into a puddle, and sees dark water, and the other, the stars reflected in it».

In this case, the starry sky has, rather, figurative meaning. The philosopher speaks of the ability of a person to see and exude the beautiful, to keep his moral appearance. This task seems extremely complicated.

About those who were taken by heaven: quotes about time, statements

It has long been a belief that when people die, the Lord takes them to Himself. It turns out that the sky is a cradle and a haven for the souls of the deceased. It is a sign of the fleetingness of human life, as well as the inconsistency of all things. Here is a statement about those who were taken by heaven:

Short life completed the escape

The Lord, apparently, takes the best ...

The Lord takes, picks up ...

Friends leave one after another.

Why this is so - he only knows.

You cannot be indignant and argue.

Here are more quotes about time:

Quotes about time
Quotes about time

Of course, each person complains that human life has a certain period of time and that close and native people leave before it would be worth it. However, the concepts of "worth" in this case, there is no. Since, regardless of our desire, no one can exist on this earth forever.

Quotes about mountains, freedom and sky

There is something in common between the mountains and the sky. Both that, and another, as a rule, is associated with human freedom, with something unattainable. It is believed that only mountains can be on a flush with the sky. As for a person, he will still be lower - no matter how he tried to correct this situation.

  • Mountains - steps into the sky. Climbing them, I go to a new life ... Natalya Turchaninova.
  • The snowy peaks of the mountains are the cleanest and brightest that is on earth, it is not for nothing that they are closest to heaven.
  • A man sitting on the top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky.

Here are more quotes about mountains, freedom and sky:

Quotes about mountains, freedom and sky
Quotes about mountains, freedom and sky

The mountains and the sky seem incredibly majestic - both in direct and figurative sense. It is believed that before the mountains you need to "grow". After all, they attract only people exalted by the soul. The same is with the sky. Only the one who is far from human fuss can realize his charm.

Quotes about gray, gloomy sky, clouds

Thunderstorm clouds in the sky are often associated not only with bad weather, but also with failures in human life. This is a negative image that is strong and beautiful. However, many subconsciously want to delete him from their creations, thereby bringing happiness. Here are beautiful quotes about a gray, gloomy sky, clouds:

  • I will decorate the sky, I will decorate the clouds ... I will draw bees on a flower in the garden.
  • Happiness does not leave, leaving, like a ray lost in clouds ...
  • In every snow -white cloud - a piece of our soul!
  • Question: How to determine - a cloud over you or a cloud? Elementary: clouds - white -heated horses, and clouds - like people!
Quotes about gray, gloomy sky, clouds
Quotes about gray, gloomy sky, clouds

No matter how terrible thunderclouds seem to be - sooner or later they will dissipate, and a person will see a beautiful and clear sky.

Beautiful quotes about sky and clouds: for Instagram

The sky is an excellent allegory and an association that will decorate almost any profile on a social network. Often this image helps in expressing emotions and displaying a person’s mental state. Here are beautiful quotes about the sky and clouds for Instagram:

  • You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.
  • You are a bird flying into the sky for your sleep.
  • Clouds from the sky look, they don’t want to help.
  • The sky is an urgent bread for the eyes.
  • No one can take the sky with him when parting.
Beautiful quotes about sky and clouds: for Instagram
Beautiful quotes about sky and clouds: for Instagram

The sky is truly amazing. Despite the fact that it has existed for thousands of years, but is still unattainable and mysterious for every person.

Quotes about the sky in English with translation

In English, quotes about the sky also sound beautiful. Here are a few statements of famous people and ordinary inhabitants in English with translation:

Quotes about the sky in English with translation
Quotes about the sky in English with translation

Video: best quotes, aphorisms, phrases about life with meaning

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