Phrase: “who owns information, he owns the world”: who said, examples

Phrase: “who owns information, he owns the world”: who said, examples

We often use the phrase: “He who owns information, he owns the world,” without even thinking about who said it for the first time and how much wisdom is contained in it.

Times and morals are changing, but this expression will probably be unchanged and relevant in all centuries, since the information has always been and will be priceless.

Who said: “Who owns information, he owns the world”?

The phrase, which turned into the frequently used winged expression “who owns information, he owns the world,” was first said by a German banker with Jewish roots Nathan Mayer Rothschild.

  • He became known to the whole world not only thanks to his fabulous capital, which he managed to put together in London, where he founded his bank "N M Rothschild & Sons"but also thanks to this particular phrase. And since these words fell, as they say, “not in an eyebrow, but in the eye”, they did not lose their relevance now.
The founder of the phrase
The founder of the phrase
  • How did N. Rothschild go to the heights of a successful business? It was 1814, when Napoleon set for himself a goal to establish his dominance over the whole world. But the countries that Bonaparte dreamed of enslaving did not want to put up with his aggressive plans.
  • The British government financed then through the banking system of the Rothschilds a military campaign for confrontation to the usurpator. And since these amounts were huge, a considerable part of them in the form of commission settled in the bank. But truly the astronomical state, Nathan Rothschild managed to earn on the defeat of Napoleon’s army at Waterloo.
  • How did he succeed? At first it seemed that Bonaparte would win the battle, but at that time the English troops supported the Prussians, and thanks to this support, the French army was defeated. But no one except the far -sighted Rothschild, who guessed to send his courier to observe the progress of the battle, could even assume that Napoleon would lose this battle - everyone was so confident in his victory. The messenger tried to get to London as quickly as possible - so Rothschild was the first to recognize reliable information about the outcome of the battle, which he did not fail to immediately take advantage of his good.
  • On the exchange The excitement began, since everyone found out that one of the richest people in England, Nathan Rothschild, began to sell bonds. Everyone vied with the vocation rushed to do the same, as a result of which the shares almost completely depreciated. Then the cunning banker gave the command to his agents to buy up all the securities sold at a penny price.
  • Soon, the Government of England was learned from the Marshal report that Napoleon was defeated. But it was too late: it was Rothschild, and no one else, managed to earn 40 million pounds on this exchange speculation - it was a huge amount at that time.
  • And he got it only thanks to the knowledge of information that others had not yet owned, and, of course, his aggravated ingenuity. His contemporaries claimed that it was after this successful game on the exchange of Rothschild that he said: “He who owns the information - he owns the world,” since he was not only cunning and incredibly successful, but also very smart.
  • It is clear that confidential information is protected by law, but, unfortunately, this does not always succeed, since there are too many people who want to take possession of it and there are a lot of “advanced” specialists who can illegally take possession of it.
  • Not every information is valuable: some are freely available, and getting it is very simple. But there can be a lot of money for invaluable information - this is the same as in the case of Nathan Rothschild.

How the phrase “who owns information owns the world” works in our time: examples from history that are relevant in the 21st century

  • For example, there is a reference and legal system "Guarantee" - This is a company that is engaged in the distribution of a computer program with a whole bank of information regarding all kinds of laws and materials explaining them; The campaign also owns the archive of ship processes.
  • Just imagine: in this database there are about 5 million documents that are in demand among Russian businessmen. And it is not surprising that the guarantor company flourishes, because it owns relevant information, which can always be sold to those who are currently required.
  • A lot of people in our time manage to earn good money playing on the exchange. Of course, more of them are more “lucky”, which in time extract information that can affect the course of shares of certain campaigns.
  • There are many examples in time for information and skill (or inability) to properly dispose of it in history. Take at least the Great Patriotic War: the Soviet government has repeatedly transmitted information that Hitler plans to attack the USSR, But Stalin did not want to believe this. Instead of actively increasing military power in the country, he was confident that thanks to the prisoner pact about non -aggression, the world would not be violated. If he took the necessary measures - who knows? - It is possible that the war would end much earlier, and many victims would have been avoided.
  • Older people are still alive in memory of financial mavrodi pyramid. The Russians believed false information that he actively distributed through the media. Many people lost their savings, putting them in this pyramid, which actually turned out to be a dummy, and Mavrodi, meanwhile, was enriched in their trusting and information deception.
  • There are also examples described in the literature. AT "Vasily Terkin" The protagonist of the poem, which A. Twardowski wrote, risking his life, swam a very cold river so that important information would get into the command headquarters in time. Thanks to this heroic act, in this battle, our fighters won.
  • Another example: when opening a pharmacy network, the company decided to make saving on funds that should provide high -quality information security protection. The invited specialist warned that with such a weak protection there is a risk of information leakage, but the leaders did not listen to his advice. As a result, due to external network attacks, some pharmacies could not trade in drugs at all, which led to huge losses of funds. Then the owners of the pharmacies rushed to another extreme, and invested more money in defense of their confidential information than the circumstances required. The funds invested in the project did not pay off, and as a result of the pharmacy, other owners had to be sold. Conclusion: To ignore information security, or, conversely, investing extra money in it is a wrong solution.
Success is achieved by planning
Success is achieved by planning
  • An example of the correct use of information is the occurrence of the company "Toyota" Extra-class car Lexus - Dreams of all motorists. Before proceeding with the design of a new car, a large -scale study of the car market was conducted; the owners and users of all prestigious brands of vehicles were interviewed; The pros and cons of these models thoroughly studied. When creating Lexus, all useful information collected in a rather long time was taken into account, and that is why this brand, despite its greater cost, became so successful.
  • And here is another brightest example of symbiosis of aggravated attentiveness and the right approach to the information received: this is the emergence of a social network "Facebook". The schoolboy Mark Zuckerberg drew attention to the fact that in his educational institution every year they are published by the directory, in which the names, photographs and addresses of all students are included. The idea came up with the brand: why not start creating a site where people will post their photos, communicate, transmit messages and their comments to each other. Over time, Facebook became very popular, and Tsuckerberg became an incredibly rich man. His followers, who created such social networks in many countries of the world, are also rich.

Nathan Rothschild was right, saying that “who owns information, he owns the world” - with its help you can be saved or brought to collapse, hide the truth or tell about it around the world - it all depends on whose hands this information It will hit.

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