Notes on New Year's Eve - short, beautiful, funny, funny wishes on the New Year on leaflets: Best collection

Notes on New Year's Eve - short, beautiful, funny, funny wishes on the New Year on leaflets: Best collection

In our article you will find ideas for New Year's notes - wishes on the New Year on leaflets for those you love and want to please.

New Year is a time when you can show your family and friends how much they are important to you. And at the same time you will not have to come up with something grandiose, or spend money on an expensive gift. All you need to do is to show attention correctly. For example, write them a note on New Year's Eve. Such a simple surprise, at first glance, will show how carefully you were preparing for a cheerful winter holiday, and your guests will definitely like such attention. In our article you will find many ideas for wishes for the New Year on leaflets that will definitely cheer up your guests.

Beautiful wishes on the New Year on leaflets: the best selection

Beautiful wishes on the New Year on leaflets: the best selection

Beautiful wishes on the New Year on leaflets: Best selection:

  • Let the coming year bring with the battlefield exclusively positive, all kinds of benefits, and the fulfillment of the most cherished desires!
  • Get ready a dear friend - the New Year will delight you with joyful moments, warm meetings, and good bosses!
  • The clock has already broken twelve, which means that you started an endless white strip in life. I wish you to completely get rid of all the dark and negative in the new year.
  • The winter fairy tale looks into your window, giving hope that the year of the rabbit will be as favorable as possible. Let your new reality be better than the old one!
  • The main thing in human life is the people who surround him. Let those native souls that love and adore you are always in the coming year near you. All the best to you is my friend.
  • Fluffy snowflakes fall from the sky, decorating everything around with a fluffy blanket. Let this winter tale hide you from all the bad and negative, which is in our big world. Happiness to you, my dear little man!
  • How beautiful the world is when it has native people in spirit. I want to wish you my relatives, a million smiles and a billion happy watch in the new year. Be infinitely happy and give your light to our evil world!
  • New Year is a blank sheet of paper, which we begin to fill with the battlefield. I wish you my dear friend, fill this part of the book of your life without blots and mistakes. Live the coming year in joy and harmony.
  • Thanks for the soul that you give me. It warms me and inspires me. I wish you peace in the soul, vivacity of the body and huge determination. Always stay yourself!
  • Have fun and rejoice every second of the coming year. Take everything from life that you could not take in the past year. Let the highest heights will submit to you, and you will finally feel like a real winner.
  • Life seems beautiful when a person has the opportunity to pay for everything he dreams of. I wish you that in the coming year in your wallet there is enough money for all your dreams! And even a little more ...
  • Optimism helps a person more calmly perceive his reality, and sometimes even contribute to the fact that a person does not notice the appearance of problems. I wish you to have a whole ocean of optimism, which will help you easily cross the seething waters of life.
  • My dear little man, I always admire your stamina and determination, you always know what to do. I wish you this year to remain the most collected person in the universe, and always be on horseback. Your confidence in the future helps me a lot ...
  • I wish you to return to childhood for at least a few hours and again feel like a child who got into the New Year's fairy tale ... Do not forget to take me on this fascinating journey.
  • Happy New Year to you, with a new page of your life. I know for sure that it will be beautiful and positive. Inhale happiness as much as possible to get it as much as possible.

Original wishes on the New Year on leaflets for friends and relatives

Original wishes on the New Year on leaflets for friends and relatives

Original wishes on the New Year on leaflets for friends and relatives:

  • Today's night is cheerful, bright, positive, giving exceptionally positive emotions. Let all your life the whole next year will be the same! Better yet, all your long life!
  • My dear friend, remember that all the best happens when you do not wait for it. Therefore, relax, and just wait for happiness to break out the door of your house.
  • A fabulous night is in full swing, which means that very soon positive changes will include in your life, and funny adventures. I wish you that all this positive does not fit in your house, and at least you shared a little with me.
  • With a new happy and unforgettable year! I believe that this is how you will have it. I wish you 365 days filled with happiness, success, and well -being!
  • Believe in miracles, and they will certainly occur in the coming year. Let him bring you all the best, and all that you dream about for a long time.
  • I wish you a dear person so that your life beats with a fountain in the next 365 days, and at the same time you do not make a lot of efforts for this. From all my soul, I wish you human happiness!
  • In the new year, be the happiest person, let you are surrounded by people who give your soul a real warmth, and the confidence that you will not be thrown in difficult times.
  • The chimes have already counted the last seconds of the old year, which means that you start the path to new adventures. Let them be funny, positive and sincere!
  • My dear person, you are exactly what I am happy to take from last year. Thank you for everything you do for me. Be happy and energetic, and always remain the kindest person in the universe.
  • The New Year has entered into its own rights, and I am joyful that it was you who was next to me in this fairy -tale moment. I wish you a sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles, the ocean of happiness and the universe of love!

Wishes for the New Year are short in a note in verses

Wishes for the New Year are short in a note in verses
Wishes for the New Year are short in a note in verses

Wishes for the New Year are short in a note in verses:

Let them leave with the old year
All sorrows, bad weather.
And Happy New Year, let them come
Love, health, happiness.


Let the New Year, as a guest,
Solemnly in your house will enter
Fun, joy and happiness
He will bring together!


Bright lights everywhere
After all, New Year's days!
The holiday is more likely to meet
Fun and do not miss!


Leave sorrow for the old year,
Forget the anxiety, resentment, trouble.
Only health, success and happiness
We wish you in the new year!


Let the New Year with a fairy tale
You will enter your house quietly
And happiness, joy, kindness and affection
It will bring you as a gift with you!


Happy New Year, my friend is dear,
Let him be kind and beautiful.
So that everything that was passionate about,
It became an amazing fate.


Let this year be happy
Will enter your family comfort,
Happy Happy
Let the hardships all go away!


Happy New Year to you,
New Year's hello to you to send you.
I wish you a lot of happiness
In the coming New Year.


Smile more often, please
Take away the longing!
Let it only meet you good
In the coming New Year!


The song is sung from the heart,
Life will become more interesting.
Do not let trouble into the house
In a new, affectionate year!


When the arrows at 12 will be converged
New Year will meet the Earth,
Let me smile warmly,
Happy New Year to congratulate you!


When the glasses suddenly closed,
The Christmas tree will win back with a garland ...
Do not forget to smile
So that the New Year is happy.


Leaving behind
Old, kind, ore year,
We hope for a new one
Wonderful, giving hope,
Full plans and worries.


We wish you bright and joyful days.
Health, success, reliable friends.
Let the New Year bring you
More luck and less adversity.


So that love blooms like a rose,
And not sluggish from the frost,
And the kids are full of the house,
Be happy in everything!
In the coming New Year.


Under the ringing of the glasses of the New Year
Under the surge of champagne, wine,
Happy New Year to you
I wish you happiness and good.


Leave sorrow for the old year,
Forget the anxiety, resentment, trouble -
Only health, success and happiness
I wish you in the new year!


I wish you all the shades of happiness
I wish the warmth of friends,
Health, joy of immense
And New Year's festive lights!


Let it be generous New Year,
Let him not skimp for good luck,
Let it light the stars on time,
So that all your desires come true


Let the New Year's night
Desires light up -
And every day, all year round,
Let them come true.


May this year be stored by fate
From all adversity, sorrows and misfortunes.
And gives everyone around and you and me
Hope and dream, love and happiness.

Under the clock, for the ringing of glasses
We will celebrate the New Year!
Let the old take away sorrows
And the new one will bring happiness !!!

On a snowy winter road
The old year is cleaned away.
Let everything I wanted
On the New Year's moon night.

I wish you jokes, so much laughter,
It was enough for a year to come.
So that there is not only fun
Under the Christmas tree for the New Year!

We have glorious traditions in power
The eternal search is akin to us in everything.
Happy New Year, friends, with new happiness,
With a new toast at our table!


Friendship, joy and laughter,
New knowledge, strength, success,
Life in happiness and in Lada,
We sincerely wish you
In the coming year!

To success you to work,
And on the holiday - have fun,
And good luck in business,
And smiles on the lips!

I wish you all the shades of happiness
I wish the warmth of friends,
Health, joy of immense
And New Year's festive lights!

Without worship and without fortune -telling
For you, I'm waiting for a joyful one.
Let all the cherished desires
In the coming year, a year will come true.

We wish you for the New Year
All joys in the world
Health for a hundred years in advance
And you and your children.

Let it be in a big and small business
Success awaits you,
Let luck and fun
You are accompanied by all year!

Happy New Year, congratulations!
We wish you complete happiness!
Do not get sick, do not get old
Everyone in the world likes!

I wish you happiness, the best meetings!
More songs, happiness and laugh!
Yes, so much so that they could not count everything
Until the end of the next century.

All hardships and trouble
Leave in the old year you
A sense of joy of love
On New Year's Eve, you take!

New Year's with love at night
We are sending you hello!
We wish you happiness and health
And new joyful victories!

Let the year bring you what you want,
What you dream about!
And also - to fully expect your joy
Let us kiss you!

Friendship, joy and laughter
New knowledge of success forces
And great love of work
I sincerely wish you all
In the coming year.

Let the new year caress
Happiness in life will bring.
Let hope warm
And let fate protect!

No gold, no royal power,
Not the wealth that the people invented,
Simple human happiness,
I want to wish for the New Year!

Let the new year caress
Happiness in life will bring.
Let hope warm
And let fate protect!

Let for you, good people,
Not afraid of worries,
He will be not just new
A happy new year!

Hurry a clock
The old year leaves
His last minutes run ...
Let the best that was not left,
And the worst cannot happen again!

The clock is running, days pass -
This is the law of nature
And today I want
To congratulate with new Year!

We wish you to have fun
But so as not to fall under the Christmas tree.
And to Grandfather Frost
You did not take you into the sprayer.

We wish the sky clean and crystal air,
Twelve months of spring and nothing sad.

Let the frost hit harder,
Your eyelashes will white
Happy New Year we congratulate you
A year of light, hopes and love!

Happy New Year to you -
Have fun that night, do not be sad ...
I wish you happiness from you
And especially - happiness in love!

Let it be moderately joy, to the best of sadness,
Frost and snow let them be in moderation,
But only happiness will be let
Always bottomless and immense.

I wish you for the New Year
Funny fun, like ice,
Smiles of light- like amber,
Health- like frost in January!

On New Year's Eve, you can’t do without songs,
In the songs, everything is fate and life.
New Year is always wonderful
Forget and have fun!


Let the frost silver powder,
Notice of any misfortune.
I wish you only good
In the coming New Year!

Let everything bad in eternity,
With the last sigh of December!
And all beautiful, living, will come
To you in the morning of January!


We wish you health, warmth and goodness,
So that all the failures burn to the ground,
In order not to live to live up to a hundred years.
Let everything that has not come true come true!


Let the New Year enter your house
With hope, with joy, with love,
And as a gift with him will bring
Great happiness and health!


Let January be silver powder
Will rest any misfortune!
I wish you only good
In the coming New Year!

On this holiday of January
Let the snowflake of fluffy snow
Cars you for me ...

Let there be a new year
The beginning of all the beginning
And everything will come true
What was planning in life.


Let the New Year add to you!
Let the New Year bring you happiness!
And he will leave everything good
And all the bad will take away!

We wish in the coming year
Worries do not know, do not measure the money,
Love, hope and believe!

Let the New Year with happiness new
Under the fairy tale of sleep, it will enter your house
And along with the smell of Elov
Health, happiness will bring!


May this year be more successful than that
And only gives joy and smile.
Our gift will help you without worries
Catch good luck with a goldfish.

It beats 12 on the clock.
New Year is already in the doorway.
He brought you joy to the house,
Jokes, laughter, glasses ringing.

Let the New Year bring you
There are more good good worries,
A lot of happy and joyful days,
Smiles, fun and new friends.

Happy New Year to you,
New Year's hello to you to send you.
Happiness in life, I wish you
And for memory ... I give it!

Happy New Year!
I wish you all sorts of benefits
Let a happy chord in life
Each of your step is accompanied.

Happy New Year to you, with new happiness!
We wish you a lot of things
So not a cloud in fate, no bad weather
You could not spoil it.

Let the insoluble everyday life
You are joyful!
Let the winter and let the bad weather -
Happy New Year with a new happiness!


I believe in New Year -
“Joy will be in it
Subtage the blizzard
Happiness Full House. "


Let with you next year
Such a miracle will happen
That I will not tell you,
In order not to experience fate!

Congratulations on the best
Ancient holiday of fun,
The most tender and cognitive,
The snow -white year is new!


The New Year steps, shuddering the whole earth,
The clock is about to break his arrival.
I wish you happiness, dear, -
Find love, prosperity and comfort!


Congratulations will soon fly to you,
Happy New Year will congratulate you and will inspire you.
Inspire, meet this holiday with fun,
Sit down as soon as possible to celebrate it!


Accept congratulations
Original notification!
Happy New Year to congratulations
And we wish you fun!


And your table is already breaking
And desires will be fulfilled soon!
We wish you guests to call
And soon to celebrate the New Year!

On the threshold the New Year stood,
Each this holiday has been waiting for a long time!
Once they let him do not yawn,
And rather fill the glasses!

Accept congratulations from us,
New Year is a holiday of fun!
May your dreams come true
And let your house be filled with guests!

Take the wishes from us as soon as possible
In the New Year you have more attention!
On New Year's Eve you are more successful
From guests you gifts and laughter!

Wishes for the New Year are funny, funny in a note from a snowman

Wishes for the New Year are funny, funny in a note from a snowman

The wishes for the New Year are funny, funny in a note from a snowman:

In the New Year I wish you happiness.
Let all the bad weather go around.
Be happy always
Never be sad!


Happy New Year, new strength!
To lay down at the feet of the whole world
So that everywhere, everything is lucky in everything,
The past is in spite.


So that all the desires that accumulate,
For the New Year came true,
May happiness come to the house with them,
The New Year will be fun!


Twelve months of health,
Twelve months of love
A new year will bring with it
And your dreams will embody!

Let the wonderful New Year
He carries kindness to the hearts,
Every day will fill with happiness,
Forces will let go ahead!


Congratulations on the year new,
With a positive and "Kotov" ...
There will be more bright stripes,
So that everything is on the "Hurray"!


Snowflakes fall soundlessly,
And the heart of a miracle is waiting for.
Let it be kind, the best
The New Year has come today!


New Year breathes frost
And your desires hears
He is health and good luck
He will bring to money in addition!


Sweet life without worries
I wish on the New Year!
Let the bag of great happiness
Santa Claus will bring you!


Happy New Year! A lot of happiness
Good meetings on the way
For miracles to happen
To believe in them.


The sleds are rushing,
Santa Claus is lucky in them.
So let your dreams be any
Will fulfill this New Year!


Let this New Year to you
The joy in the house is more likely
So that everyone will come true,
And there was a happy life!


I wish you good luck in the new year,
Let the guardian angel drive the trouble.
Health and happiness, supporting friends,
High salaries and many ideas!


Happy New Year! In hands - happiness
And health on the threshold,
The brightest in the life of colors,
Well, and with money a bag!


The best New Year!
The most beautiful coming events,
Health, prosperity, good luck, freedom,
Unique, wonderful discoveries.


Let him indicate the New Year
Fortunately, the right turn,
And behind this turn
Good luck awaits you in everything!


Changes, love, good luck,
So that you become richer
To laugh and joke,
More often came to visit,
So that it is lucky on all fronts.
Happy New Year! Happiness to you!


Happy New Year, congratulations
With a brilliant holiday.
May he be kind for you,
Bright, wonderful!


Happy New Year!
Let there be a lot of good luck,
Let the bad worry not worry
Let the good come.
Let the year be beautiful
Wonderful, kind, very cool.


Happy New Year! With magic!
A lot of money to your home,
A lot of bright fun,
Mischievous mood.


Miracles and adventure cars,
New Year's impressions,
Peace, joy, kindness,
It always burned in the heart, so that a spark!

Happy New Year! Magic,
Joy, love, kindness,
Let it bring you the New Year
Money and life without worries.


Heat, good, fun,
Financial freedom,
Good luck and luck.
Happy New Year!


New Year is a good fairy tale,
Vivid joys of the whirlpool,
Let health and happiness with a margin
A wonderful holiday will bring you!


Let the New Year be a great start
For new goals, plans, changes.
Let there be billions,
All the best will come in return.


Happy New Year!
With a stranger,
And cool!


Let the New Year present
Happy days the cycle,
A bag of great luck
And a casket with a good mood!


Good luck in the new year,
And let there be no worries in him,
But only happiness is wide
His arms will open!


The Christmas tree shines with lights,
The air smells of miracles,
New Year is knocking on the door
Open him soon!


New opportunities, new ideas,
Acquaintances of interesting and new undertakings,
Let dreams come true, luck comes,
Let everything work out. Happy New Year!


Successful undertakings,
Huge victories,
Fulfilled desires,
And live without knowing troubles.
May joy come to life
And happiness. Happy New Year!


Let him fulfill all desires
Will justify expectations
Will bring you the New Year
Happiness, joy and love.


New Year will come soon
From him we expect miracles,
Let him find under the Christmas tree
The key to the Mercedes car!


New Year's colors for you
Magical fairy tales to you
In the soul there is always warmth,
Fulfillment of a cherished dream!

Notes with wishes for the New Year for guests at the table

Notes with wishes for the New Year for guests at the table
Notes with wishes for the New Year for guests at the table

Notes with wishes for the New Year for guests at the table:

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Let this year give
A storm of feelings and a sea of \u200b\u200bpassion
Yes, love is a whirlpool.


A lot of joyful moments,
Crushing victories,
Travel, entertainment,
Cryst of bills and ringing of coins.


As in champagne melts foam,
Let the load of worries disappear.
Let the successful certainly
There will be the whole coming year!


New Year, like magic!
They say that the people
What how do you meet him
So you will spend.


I wish you to have fun
All night all
Let the champagne sparkle
And the soul sings!


Let the smiles surround
The heart of cute faces,
And everyone's eyes shine
Happiness without borders!


The fairy tale in the door will knock
Snow will fall to the ground,
The miracle will finally happen
And the New Year will come.


Let him be kind, warm,
Let the light bend happiness,
Let there be many ups in it,
A lot of joy, victories!


Laughter, love, success, luck
Let Santa Claus give
Dollars bag in addition,
And a bouquet of hundreds of roses!

Let the holiday be fun,
Joy of days and sweetness to dreams,
Hello, warmth, luck!
Happy New Year! Happiness to you!


I wish peace and goodness,
Love, mental warmth!
Let this New Year
Success and joy will bring!


Let the New Year open the doors
In the world of magic, care, faith.
And all the good will begin!
Luck let you smile!


I wish in the New Year,
To go without trouble,
Gave you a lot of happiness
And he covered it from all the bad things.


Let the magic happen
Gives joy the celebration.
Let everyone come true.
Happiness, peace, kindness!

Happy New Year
And I wish you all my heart
Have fun and laugh
Not to be offended by anything
Live easily and without worries
All the coming New Year.


Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth,
To always be positive,
To always be lucky in everything!


Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and good!
Let all the bad weather go around
Life will bestow you in full!


Let this holiday bring
Everything that means a lot in life!
I wish in the bright New Year
Good health and good luck!


Let the cheerful laugh sound
And the heart fills happiness,
After all, Santa Claus will carry out
Everything that your soul wants!

May a miracle happen in the New Year
Lights will light up in the shower
And you will not have a whole year
No grief, no longing.


Let the Christmas tree with a bright star
He will bring good luck to your home
Love and good health.
Let the year be fabulously lucky.


Under the fight of chimes, make up
Your cherished dreams
And let your house as soon as possible
A year of joy and kindness.


Happy Congratulations Rabbit
Receive New Year
And lucky the door
Open in your house.


Rabbits with carrots treat,
Hide all the mousetraps,
Let it be with you all year
The assistant will be dexterous.

Wisdom and cunning
Let the rabbit help
Entities all and outputs
Let him open it.


I wish the cat in the year
Luck tried
Rabbit your friend
Left forever.


I wish this New Year
Less sadness and worries,
More happiness and good
Smiles, tenderness, warmth!


May they always love you money
And rush to the account.
Let the stability of your company
It grows with each new day.


We work with you in joy,
Let our union grow stronger,
Shine with marvelous light,
Like a garland of bright beads.


In the new year of new bright events,
New ideas to you and new discoveries,
New partners, success, good luck,
And from the investments of a huge return!


Peace, stability and prosperity,
Let all the wishes be fulfilled!
And to confidently from year to year,
Like yeast, your income has grown violently!


Happy New Year, congratulations!
We wish you prosperity
Do not be afraid of competitors
And develop stably.


New prospects of wonderful ones,
Interesting offers.
To financial income
Your increased this year.


We admit to you boldly:
I'm glad to deal with you.
Let the new year come
I will bring good luck to you!


Let the New Year give you good luck,
Success in matters and the correctness of decisions,
To always be from business!
I wish you from the heart of new achievements!


Let the coming New Year
In business, luck will bring.
Let it be joyful on the heart
And a miracle will instead!


Health to you and your loved ones.
Let it be generous New Year,
And let our partnership further
Only strengthens, blooms!


Happy New Year, congratulations.
We wish you sincerely:
Let the whole next year
Promptiness carries.


Only profitable orders,
And transactions are only profitable,
Joint promotions,
Profitable investments.


And courage and prospects,
There was a friendly team.
And happiness, joy, goodness,
Life to be fun!


Partnership with you we value high
And Happy New Year we want to congratulate you,
Let your business go forward easily,
Lucky let it be so that it’s hard to imagine!


Let this year bring good luck,
And the achievement of all the heights of the possible,
Let financial success await you
The solution of all the tasks is simple and complex!


So that all year you have a “bundle”,
The symbol of the year is under the barrel,
So as not to hide in the shade
And all the best to you in the year of the rabbit!


Happy New Year,
Accept congratulations
I wish you in a cat for a year
Happiness, joy bag.


Let you be lucky in the New Year,
Let dreams come true.
Let the trouble go around you
Quarrels are forgotten.


So that there is work in high,
There was money so that without an account,
So that the chef does not find fault,
And I tried to please!


So that everything is to you - with a pet,
So that at sea on vacation in the summer,
And not so that somewhere,
And on Crete and Caribbean!


So as not to know the refusal of anything,
So that everything, and to immediately,
To bliss you in the bliss!
Happiness in the year of the Rat, colleagues!


For you, so that the chef is not a whip, but a candy,
So that you are often encouraged for work,
So that there is always a favorable boss,
The career grew up to the steel!

Notes on New Year's Eve - wishes for men

Notes on New Year's Eve - wishes for men

Notes on New Year's Eve - wishes for men:

Let champagne sparkle
Let Mishura sparkle.
Happy New Year, congratulations.
Happiness, joy, kindness!


I congratulate you on a new year.
Health, I wish you love
Wealth and strength, patience,
Have a good mood.


Happy New Year
And I wish you fate
Brought a bag of luck
And there was good to you.


Let everything be as you want in the New Year,
And all secret dreams will come true!


Let all your desires be fulfilled,
And let life into a fairy tale.
So that in the morning you find happiness under the Christmas tree.
Prosperity, health, good luck, love!


Admiration, happiness, miracle,
Getting rid of adversity,
Light, love and joy will be -
Will bring them New Year!


Happy New Year, wonderful holiday.
Let it be interesting for you.
With new hopes and plans,
With unprecedented achievements!


On New Year, let Santa Claus
WHO will give you happiness.
Let luck for a whole year
It goes by the arm.


Happy New Year,
Happiness and funny days
I wish you health
For problems, forget everything!


Happy New Year, vivid happiness
We congratulate you now.
And we want to happen
Everything is desired with you!


Let the juicy needles with aroma
Everything is filled around
The year will be generous and rich,
And happiness will knock on the house!


Happy New Year.
I wish you happiness, joy.
Let the health be strong
Wallet - for tenacious money!


I wish you on the New Year
Million in your personal account,
Yacht, cottage in the Maldives,
Live richly and beautifully.

Success! Good luck!
Health in addition!
Let the New Year to you
Happy will come!


I wish in the New Year:
Love cycle,
Wealth and luck,
Good luck, inspiration.


More: cool gifts
And the impressions of the bright
New ideas to you
And joyful ventures!

I wish on the New Year
To circle you a round dance
Happiness, light, and warmth,
And fun and goodness,
New feelings of a whirlpool.
Let the year be successful!


Let everything start with a clean sheet,
Resentment and hardships will forget.
The cherished dream will be fulfilled
And the world will become kinder. Happy New Year!


Happy New Year,
May he be happy.
Let love, good, luck
He will bring to every house.


In the New Year I wish
A lot of happiness and love,
A lot of joy, and money,
And good luck ahead.


Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness and love!
In the house - joy, prosperity.
In life in the areas of all - order!


Snow creaks underfoot,
New Year is in a hurry to you.
He carries hope.
It will be better than the same!


Chubes explodes in the New Year,
Everything around is covered with confetti.
Let it become the most best
And fulfill all your dreams!


The new year is already knocking on the door,
May the miracle happen that night,
I wish you joy and laughter
Love, health and success.


Happy New Year! Happiness in the house,
So that luck lives in it,
So that love is always a joy,
So that the salary is like a reward!


Happy New Year, I congratulate you
I wish you good health and good luck.
Let the cherished dreams come true,
And wallets will always be thick.

Happy New Year! Happiness, laughter,
Days of pharmacy and love,
Fantastic achievements
And the most beautiful fate!

Let New Year's holiday on the holiday
Light comes into the hearts
Good, warmth, health,
Success and good!

With the upcoming, coming,
Let him be outstanding
Let him give a lot of happiness
Away will drive away all the misfortunes!


Let Santa Claus put under a Christmas tree,
Health for relatives, love and happiness.
Let him increase your luck,
And he will not let the bad weather into your life!


I wish in the New Year:
Love cycle,
Wealth and luck,
Good luck, inspiration.


New Year comes.
Every miracle awaits in life.
Let the dreams come true
And the problems rush off!


Happy New Year,
Vivid impressions of the new,
I wish you a lot of happiness
Joy, kindness, health.


On New Year's Eve, let the star fall
To make you a desire will allow you to
And everything that will not come to your mind at that moment,
That star will certainly perform!


Happy New Year,
We are buzzing with an honest people.
We celebrate this holiday,
We meet the next year.

Notes on New Year's Eve - wishes for women

Notes on New Year's Eve - wishes for women

Notes on New Year's Eve - wishes for women:

Happy New Year,
I wish to live in harmony!
Let opportunities and feelings
Combined skillfully!


By the New Year - abundant snow,
Happiness and joy, sonorous laughter,
Bright minutes and days of gold,
And the glasses are by no means empty.


We wish you great health,
Fun, joy, kindness.
Let everything be bad left
In the year passed forever.


New Year is like a fairy tale
Sleep with a Christmas tree.
Let it be for you
He is daily - sunny!


Let January with silver powder,
Will rest any misfortune.
We wish you everything good
In the coming New Year!


We wish you all the New Year.
He has already entered our souls.
Hug, kiss, wish,
So that you have everything good!


And we need to remember for a whole year:
In the circle of relatives, in the circle of friends
There is no more expensive friendship
And genuine love needs!


We wish in the coming year
Worries do not know, do not measure the money,
Love, hope and believe!


Catch SMS soon!
This New Year's day!
I wish you joy, miracles
I'm sincerely today!


We wish you all year round
Live without worries and without trouble!
We wish you not to know with Kruchina,
You will meet you more often with fun!


Under the clock, for the sounds of a waltz
On New Year's Eve we wish again
Raise the glass for peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!


Happy New Year I congratulate
Let the fireworks bright shine
The night sky decorates
I wish you happiness and miracles!


Let this year this year
Happiness, joy will bring.
And success at work,
And all that you are waiting for!

May your children laugh,
Let the sun always shine for you!


Let the rabbit go into your house a year
With hope, joy, love
And as a gift with him will bring
Great happiness and health!


Snow sparkles, silver
Troika fabulous rushes!
Kindness, good luck, happiness,
Let the dreams come true!


Happy New Year, congratulations!
We wish you complete happiness!
Do not get sick, do not get old
Everyone in the world likes!


Let the New Year dawn you,
Will give you success,
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, sonorous laughter.


Congratulations on the best
Ancient holiday of fun,
The most tender and cognitive,
The snow -white year is new.


When the glasses suddenly closed,
The Christmas tree will win back with a garland ...
Do not forget to smile
So that the New Year is happy!


In connection with the approach of the new year,
I wish you good luck of various kinds!
Let them obey your authorities,
Let there be joy, health and happiness!


Drink, sing, have fun,
But do not go to the Christmas tree,
To Grandfather Frost
He did not take a sobering into the detachment!


Let it be 2023 wonderful,
And certainly groovy!
Will present his surprises,
And it will just become gold!


This holiday is on New Year's
The heart froze in the chest
There will be happiness
There will be joy ahead!

Notes on New Year's Eve - wishes cool from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Notes on New Year's Eve - wishes cool from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Notes on New Year's Eve - wishes cool from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden:

Again the holiday lights candles,
Bright Bengal lights!
We wish on New Year's Eve
Health, happiness and love to you!


Let Santa Claus - a burgundy nose,
Good luck, money will give you a WHO,
Snegurochka all year secretly
Silently puts cognac.
Well, a boss, a faithful friend,
Will provide a thousand services!


Let Santa Claus give will give
A bag of fun, Happiness WHO,
Good and laughter round dance
And the best New Year!


Let with you next year
Such a miracle will happen
That I will not tell you,
In order not to experience fate!


Let hopes come true
Let dreams come true.
We will live better than before
In the New Year, I and you!


Continuous success without promising,
I hope that the new year
Will save us all of sorrows
And unforeseen worries.

I also hope for another
And I believe that hotly
That all this is awaiting us all,
What was not yet.


Happy New Year!
Happy new day and new night!
You are more than new meetings
And the dates of new ones too.


Happy New Year, congratulations!
We wish you happiness, joy.
Do not get old, but to get younger,
Warm the soul with a glass.

One for the new year,
According to the second for all the people,
For yourself and for friends,
And for all other people!


New Year is knocking on the door
Open as soon as possible!
He will bring you joy
Children's songs will sing.
And all your dreams at once
You will be executed by order!


No gold, no royal power,
Not the wealth that the people invented,
Simple human happiness,
I want to wish you on the New Year!


There is no better New Year holiday.
Meet him - he is already at the threshold!
Let your home be rich and generous,
And so as not to lie, but to sit at the table!

Happy year, my friend is dear,
Let him be kind and beautiful.
So that everything that was passionate about,
It became an amazing fate.


Minutes run away fleeting
In the stream of festive worries!
Where happiness is endless
Let the New Year bring you!


Happy New Year to you,
New Year's hello to you to send you.
I wish you a lot of happiness
In the coming New Year.


Let the New Year in Snezhnoy
With good and joy will come
Will fulfill dreams, hopes
And it will bring a lot of happiness!


I wish you on New Year's Eve
Wealth, peace and love,
Heat and good health,
So that everything comes true that you want.


Happy New Year, congratulations!
Happiness to you and many years!
New Year in a fun three,
Let him rush past the troubles.

Past grief and illness,
Troubles and tears.
Let a happy childish laugh
Santa Claus will give you!


Happy New Year! And with new happiness!
As always, I wish everyone health, good luck.
If there is luck, then it will apply to it
And everything that is reached and all that you want!


You shine like a star
And today, and always!
New Year's surprises
And health for years!


Happy New Year! Let your home
Happiness will set for a long time,
And something transparent and weightless
The bad weather will turn forever.


Let the glorious, sweetest year!
Let it bring in moderately,
Let it be moderately joy, to the best of sadness ...
Frost and heat, albeit in moderation too!
And only happiness will be let
Always permanent and immense!


Happy New Year, congratulations!
We wish you happiness, joy.
Do not get old, but to get younger,
Warm the soul with a glass.


You have more green and red money,
Vivid successes, moments of beautiful!
And New Year's lights,
And long -awaited friends!


I came from Africa,
I drink Russian vodka with a woman.
Happy New Year! Go to hell!
With new happiness, your mother!


I wish you to become more beautiful
So that the bags are not empty
So that even your dog
All teeth were gold!


Let them wait for entertainment
Dreams Fulfillment!
Let it be great
All year mood!


To catch - on a fishing rod,
To dream - on a saucer,
So that in banks - accumulations,
So that in the heart - chants.


To rewards - on the chest,
And a successful year ahead!
So that the year is soft, like a perink,
And to be in the wretches with a boar, son!


Let not do not sleep and sleep,
And health will strengthen,
So that the pressure is like 20,
To tear off in the club!


Let the New Year fulfill it instantly
All important desires,
Let the heart sparkle with a holiday
From the happiness of the state!

I wish everyone this year
Take a jackpot in the lottery,
There is caviar and drink wine,
To be loved as a movie!

New Year is time for a miracle!
Do you want this miracle I will be?
I promise on the table
Jellied and Olivier!

New Year has come - catch!
And drag in the canopy,
Happiness, joyful events,
Bright impressions!

Happy New Year to everyone, cheers!
All fun until the morning!
Eat tasty and drink sweet
And live all year with a smile!

Happy New Year! Everyone hears!
Let the roof go with happiness,
Let the fun not be silent,
Life boils and surprises


New Year is again at the start,
All over again, be in excitement!
Let Fortune winked
And a year will be successful!

Happy New Year! Above your hand!
Liver in festive leisure,
Pour everyone who drinks
We celebrate a new year!

Happy New Year! Life will succeed!
Believe in yourself, do not dare to give up!
Congratulations on New Year's year!
Money, joys and passions!
With aroma, let the spruce
Happiness will reign in the house!


Happy New Year Friends!
Happiness in Long life!
With all my soul with you, I
Although already under the Christmas tree.


When the glasses call into the ringing,
The Christmas tree winks around,
Do not forget to smile
So that the New Year is happy!


Drink, sing, have fun,
But do not go to the Christmas tree,
To Grandfather Frost
He did not take a sobering into the detachment!


Happy New Year
And I wish you all my heart
Laughter, joke, without worries
Meet a cool new year!


Happy New Year! He struck!
Let him add ardor to the heart,
To happiness with the head
You were covered like a bubble.


I wish everyone in the New Year
Six -digit amounts to the account!
So that you live richly
So that you are happy!


May a miracle happen in the New Year,
And the good Santa Claus will come!
He will change your life coolly
And the doors to the fairy tale will open!


Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness, joy!
Let the health be strong
The wallet is tenacious for money!


How will the New Year come
Immediately all sadness will pass!
Raise the glass rather
So that he becomes happy!


Happy New Year! Love and luck,
With new happiness through the winter cold,
I wish warmth in a relationship
And everything you really need!


Let the borders will not be dreams
And the performance is waiting for them!
Let the New Year wake you up
And thoughts and souls flight!


Let you be lucky all the time
Let the family reigns in the family,
Happy New Year,
A long one is waiting for us - a day off!


Let the New Year with you,
It will bring a lot of happiness
Everything, at the table is already time
With the upcoming, cheers!


Happy New Year,
May he be happy!
Let love, good, luck
He will bring to every house!


Santa Claus hurries with a bag,
Everything is wrapped in snow,
The holiday begins,
Shampusic is pouring!


Happy New Year to everyone - cheers!
New Year's time!
So that everyone wants to come true,
We must drink and have fun!


Among friends, with a cheerful song,
We wish to celebrate the New Year!
Let life bloom even more wonderful
Let the year bring goodness!


Let the new year give
A sea of \u200b\u200breasons for the reasons!
A lot of joy and happiness
Peace, money, long years!


The text is New Year today
Those who are drunk and satisfied!
We will break through in the New Year
Fools are always lucky!


Happy New Year! Let him come
Happiness that is waiting for you!
Drink a little wine with him
And eat the salad!


I wish next year -
Forget about stress and spleen,
Worries do not know, do not measure the money,
Love, hope and believe!


New Year promises hopes,
I wish a brand new cottage,
Fly around the world business jet
And relax in winter and summer!

Happy New Year!
Let the income grow all year,
The matter is that it burn in hand,
The result was warmed by the soul!

Video: Happy New Year!

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