Ordering goods in Belarus with Aliexpress. How can you pay for a purchase on the Aliexpress website in Belarus?

Ordering goods in Belarus with Aliexpress. How can you pay for a purchase on the Aliexpress website in Belarus?

Order goods from Belarus on the site Aliexpress simply.

The Internet shopping confidently entered our lives, and more and more often we select everything in the world for ourselves-from matches to vehicles. One of the most popular trading floors is deservedly considered Aliexpress - Here everyone will be able to choose the desired product at an affordable price.

Of course, any resident of the planet with access to the Internet can use the services of the online store. Among them - Belarusians, who, like the rest of the users, just need to go through a simple registration procedure and start auction, having familiarized yourself with the working conditions of the service.

Since the creators Aliexpress They prescribed various rules for bidders from different countries, then their preliminary study acquires a special meaning. After all, you do not want to get into trouble and pay for the purchase, which you then cannot pick up? To avoid unpleasant incidents, about to carry out a trading operation on the platform Aliexpress From Belarus, be sure to study the conditions adapted for your country. It is these features that we will consider in this article.

Ordering goods in Belarus with Aliexpress

For unregistered users, or for the first order we offer a link to the article on our site about the first order or on Aliexpress yourself study video instructions as register.

It is always scary to make purchases on the Internet, especially when it comes to an advance payment. But if you still decide to use Aliexpress, Being in the territory of Belarus, then first study in detail all the features of the subsequent transaction: how to correctly place an order, how to pay it, how to track the package path and so on.

First, register
First, register
  • The main thing that customers need to remember: Product prices here are set either in American dollars or in Russian rubles, and not in Belarusian currency. Therefore, having found what you want, calculate the real value of the goods yourself.
  • It is also important to study the delivery conditions so that your purchase can get to the territory of Belarus - sometimes suppliers refuse to send parcels to this country. And not all payment methods are available for Belarusians - pay attention to this.
Study the product
Study the product
  • Keep in mind that your country has a tough limit for the amount of cash shipments for payment of foreign parcels - up to 22 euros, otherwise you will have to pay the customs fee, and then the purchase price will not increase.
  • And, of course, try to find as much information as possible about the manufacturer of the product and the seller, read the reviews of other users about the quality of the future purchase, check delivery terms -These tips are universal for all Internet buyers.
Check the conditions of the order
Check the conditions of the order

How can you pay for an Internet purchase on the Aliexpress website in Belarus?

If residents of Russia, for example, can pay for Internet purchases not only with traditional transfers from bank cards, electronic wallets and international banking transfers, but also through mobile operators and the introduction of cash through terminals, then the last two options are categorically not suitable for Belarusians.

Therefore, immigrants from Belarus should carefully consider and choose one of the payment options below:

  • Using Alipay. Earlier, the Alipay system automatically tied to it customer bank cards after the first purchase on the platform Aliexpress, Combating with the buyer's account and maintaining his personal data. Thanks to a single centralized database, all further purchases could be made very quickly and without unnecessary delays. Unfortunately, in 2017, this service was suspended for foreigners, instead of which it was proposed to use mobile phones and terminals. As we have already specified above, both of these methods are not suitable for Belarusians, so we move on to the following options.
  • Payment using bank cards. Bank cards Visa, Maestro and MasterCard are used in Belarus, which are accepted for payment for Aliexpress. But the Belarusian Electron and Belcart on Aliexpress not accepted, so be careful when paying for goods on the platform.
    If your disposal has a card accepted for payment for Aliexpress, Make sure that when applying for a card, you have not forgotten the appropriate clause to the bank contract. If you have not taken care of this in advance, but this option can always be added-through a connection with the operator or on the Internet page of your financial institution.
  • The next mandatory moment - The availability of the required amount on the map. Keep in mind that if your account is not dollar, then when withdrawing funds, the required amount will be converted into the currency indicated by the seller on Aliexpress, that additional expenses can entail.
  • If you have completed all of the above steps and are ready to make a purchase, then on the site Aliexpress open the desired product and click on the button "Buy now". Carefully read the tab with the terms of the transaction, click on "Pay now", After that, the order number will appear on the left, its cost and delivery address.
  • After checking all the data that appeared, you will have to choose a payment method called “payment by card” and fill out a short questionnaire with a card number, its work and CVV code - this three -digit number can be found on the back of the card.
    As a rule, the service will check the payment for 48 hours, and if everything is in order, wait for the package.
With the help of cards
With the help of cards
  • Online wallet. Residents of Belarus can pay for their Internet purchases using the WebMoney system-unless, of course, you manage to have it in American dollars or Russian rubles. Little nuance: Belarusians can only replenish the WMB wallet, not WMZ.
  • Wanting to pay for the purchase from WebMoney, you need to identify it in your consumer basket and click on “pay now”, and then, having studied the details of the order, select the WebMoney option in “other payment method”.
  • Following the tips, you will choose a wallet and go to the official WebMoney website for the introduction of WMID, password and access code to your personal account.
    Keep in mind that when paying from an electronic wallet you will have to pay for the commission.
  • Yandex money. This is another system of online translators, which theoretically can use Belarusians. But for this you will have to overcome a number of problems.
    Firstly, to use this service, you will need to register in Yandex, and this can only be done in the territory of the Russian Federation. As a result, payment will take place only in rubles, which will entail unnecessary conversion expenses.
    Secondly, the QIWI payment system working here can also be registered and used exclusively in Russia.
  • Alternative payment options. As an alternative, we can offer Belarusians to use Western Union and Bank TransferBut these types of translations, unfortunately, are quite long, not cheap and are carried out only by real money through banks, so they are not particularly popular.

Perhaps in the near future developers Aliexpress they will develop any innovative payment method that will be more profitable and convenient for residents of Belarus. After all, fortunately, this platform is very mobile, and its work conditions are constantly changing, adapting to modern requests.

Video: How to order parcels without a limit in Belarus?

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