What is the difference between borsch and comparison, difference, difference. Which is better, tastier: borsch or cabbage soup?

What is the difference between borsch and comparison, difference, difference. Which is better, tastier: borsch or cabbage soup?

In this article, we will analyze the features and differences of the and borscht.

Borsch and cabbage soup are one of the most popular hot dishes in all countries of the former Soviet Union. However, not many people know the differences, as well as various ways of preparing them. Indeed, in almost every region, authentic products and spices were used, which helped to reveal the taste of dishes and emphasize them in accordance with the tastes of the population of the people.

We will consider the history of the origin and borsch, as well as their variations. In addition, we will determine what kind of cuisines of the world they belong to. We will also try to understand what is common and different between them, and what variants of borsch and cabbage soup are the most delicious.

What is borsch and cabbage soup: definition, appearance, taste, taste

Borsch is a traditional Ukrainian hot dish. Its composition necessarily includes the following ingredients:

  • Fresh cabbage
  • Potatoes
  • Beet
  • Carrot
  • Onion

Also, this dish may contain such additives as:

  • Sour cream
  • Salo
  • Mushrooms
  • Sorrel
  • Dill
  • Beans
  • Parsley
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Green pea
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • Nettle
  • Tomatoes
  • Vinegar
  • Smoked meats

Traditional borscht is served hot with sour cream, fresh herbs, salty lard and butterflakes with the addition of garlic. Its taste has saturated notes of meat broth, garlic, cabbage and sweet beets. Classic borsch should be as red as possible, although in some southern regions of Ukraine those varieties of root crop that do not give bright color are used. There are also many variations and methods of preparation that are adapted to the hot summer.

Composition and addition to borscht
Composition and addition to borscht

Therefore, some varieties of dishes are permissible to serve cold. Among the variations of borsch, there are:

  • Poltava
  • Vegetarian
  • Raw food
  • Carpathian
  • On the slopes
  • With herring
  • Green
  • Chernihiv
  • White Polish
  • With buckwheat
  • Donskoy
  • With prunes and beans
  • Lithuanian cold
  • With jacks
  • With minced meat

In total, experts have more than 100 diverse recipes for this dish.

It is also important to say that borsch has become one of the essential elements of the national cuisine of the following countries:

  • Lithuania
  • Russia
  • Latvia
  • Estonia
  • Norway
  • Finland
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Moldova
  • Hungary
  • Armenia
  • Kazakhstan

In recent years, more and more fans of borsch appear in the West. However, with the opening of restaurants and dining rooms, emigrants from the USSR, this dish began to be called "Russians". And this is true, because the first recipes of the dish have been known since the existence of Kievan Rus. However, Borsch came to the territory of modern Russia thanks to the Cossacks who moved from the territory of the Zaporizhzhya Sich to the Kuban, where they settled and whose descendants live there so far. And since Kievan Rus at the time of heyday occupied one of the largest territories in Europe, the dish quickly gained immense popularity in other countries. However, each nation sought to make their contribution to the recipe.

Borsch is popular in different countries of the world
Borsch is popular in different countries of the world

This is how the following features formed:

  • In Finland, borscht is prepared without potatoes, but with the addition of fried minced meat
  • It is customary to add herring in Norway and Estonia
  • In Poland, borsch is cooked without red beets
  • A plentiful amount of cream or sour cream is used in Lithuania and Latvia
  • Ukrainian classic borsch is prepared exclusively on pork (ribs)
  • It is customary to add mushrooms in the northern regions of Russia
  • Hungarian borsch is prepared using lamb broth and a plentiful amount of spicy spices and pepper

In Russia, another hot dish has long been considered a traditional dish - cabbage soup. For the first time they began to be prepared in the 9th century. From the same period, the process of cultivating cabbage began. The classic recipe for the dish has not changed to this day. However, due to the influence of French culture in the 19th century, the flour sauce was replaced by a large number of seasonings.

So traditional cabbages are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Sauerkraut
  • Cabbage marinade
  • Carrot
  • Parsley
  • Beef broth and meat

Also sometimes allowed the use of products such as:

  • Apples
  • Pork
  • Domestic bird
  • Salted mushrooms
  • Potatoes
  • Sour cream
  • Fish broth

The taste of the dish is radically different from borsch, despite their similar composition. This is due to the fact that cabbage has a considerable level of sodium content, which makes cabbage soup more acidic and salty. At the same time, those products that can give insignificant sweetness to the dish, such as beets, are not used. On the contrary, it is customary to add more acidic ingredients to traditional Russian soup.

Cabbage soup

There are several variations:

  • Lenten
  • Fish
  • Mushroom
  • Seeded
  • Prefabricated
  • Classic
  • Green
  • Daily
  • Vegetarian
  • Raw food

Borsch and cabbage soup are indispensable dishes on the table of Russians. After all, they not only have excellent taste, quickly saturate and do not hit the wallet of an average citizen, but are also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immunity and general condition of the body.

Read delicious borsch recipes in the article:  Borsch with meat and without meat: the best recipes. How to cook a rich Ukrainian borscht?

What is the difference between borsch and comparison, difference, similarity

Wireflower and borsch, despite the general recognition in many countries of the world, have not only a number of similar characteristics, but also distinctive qualities. The similar features of these variations of soups include:

  • The presence of many preparation methods, many of which are similar in terms of quantity and the presence of ingredients in recipes for both options
  • Low calorie content (if we talk about lean dishes)
  • Nutrition of both dishes
  • Using cabbage as one of the main ingredients
  • Application of similar spices and spices
  • Using parsley and dill
  • Small cost (despite the price of meat, roofing and borsch, do not require such high costs, such as for the preparation of traditional French Buyabes)
  • The possibility of replacing potatoes with a turnip
  • Popularity among all segments of the population
  • Source with sour cream and herbs
  • Using onions, garlic and pepper
Difference in Shcha and Borsch
Difference in Shcha and Borsch

However, with such an extensive number of similar characteristics, borsch and cabbage soup have a number of qualities that do not allow equating both dishes to one. These include:

  • The use of beets (in borsch this root crop is necessarily placed, but when preparing houses it will be inappropriate).
  • The method of cooking cabbage (it is permissible to use not only pickled, but also raw cabbage in cabbage soup, but for borsch this vegetable is used exclusively fresh).
  • The use of tomatoes or tomato paste (this ingredient is added to the borsch in order to obtain the most saturated red shade, however, they are not used for the preparation of the diving tomato).
  • Product processing technology (only cooking is used for cabbage soup. All ingredients are mixed in one bowl and brought to cooked. For borsch, in addition to cooking, they use frying and extinguishing. First, they pass the vegetable refueling, and then languished in the pan to the formation of beetroot juice).
  • Taste (classic borsch has a sweet taste due to the use of saturated beets, and cabbage soup has a pronounced sour taste).
  • Color (for Ukrainian borsch, shades of red, burgundy and even pink are characteristic, and cabbage soup is characterized by golden and orange).
  • The aroma (due to the use of beets and potatoes, the smell of borscht is more saturated, juicy, and the aroma of cabbage soup has piquant notes of marinade sourness and boiled cabbage).
  • The feed with bakery products (borscht is traditionally accompanied by small butter yeast buns, grated with garlic and sunflower oil for shine, and it is customary to serve several pieces of rye bread).
  • What kind of cuisines of the world are dishes (borsch - a traditional dish of Ukrainians, and cabbage soup is a national culinary property of Russians).
  • A variety of meat used (classic borsch was prepared on pork rib broths, and the original version of the cabbage soup on beef).
  • A combination with other products (in addition to the oral garlic pampules, finely chopped lard is served (sometimes fried, forming slopes), fresh garlic and onions, and consuming no cabbage soup without adding fat).
  • The use of fish (for the preparation of borsch, a sprat in a tomato or herring is used in the case of the use of a recipe for the northern countries, cabbage soup is prepared on the basis of broth from sea or river fish).

Despite all similarities and differences, it is worth noting that both borsch and cabbage soup have their own positive qualities, thanks to which they gained wide fame and continue to win fans around the world.

See recipes of delicious ones in articles:

For kids:

Which is better, tastier: borsch or cabbage soup

In order to understand which soup/borsch is better and more useful, it is necessary to disassemble their effect on the body, which is achieved due to the high concentration of trace elements, vitamins and minerals in vegetables.

So borsch affects health as follows:

  • Helps to remove heavy metals and radioactive elements from the body
  • Improves intestinal motility
  • Increases the level of iron in the blood
  • Removes pesticides and decay products from the body
  • Activates carbohydrate metabolism
  • Saturates and has a warming effect
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Acts as a prevention against malignant tumors
  • Settles the metabolic process
  • Stimulates an increase in the body's defenses
  • The meat in borsch is an indispensable product in the formation of muscle tissue
  • Increases blood flow
  • Serves as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  • Reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques (when preparing without fat, smoked meats and pork)
  • It has low calorie content (lean variations of the dish)

Hare also have a number of distinctive qualities indicating the benefits of the dish. Among the most significant are the following:

  • High concentration of vitamin C strengthens the immunity
  • Improves digestion and intestinal motility
  • Beneficially affects the work of all internal organs
  • It has a low calorie content
  • Eliminates toxins from the body
  • Improves the condition of hair, skin and nails
  • Accelerates the process of regeneration of tissues and cells
  • Cabbage soup are a source of iodine
  • Helps in combating the manifestations of toxicosis
  • Is an auxiliary element in the fight against E. coli and other infections
  • Activates the metabolic processes of the body
  • Helps to reduce weight (with a moderate amount of portion and abandoning additional components of the dish)
  • It is recommended to use cabbage soup to prevent ulcers and gastritis
Cabbage soup

Based on a number of useful properties of both dishes, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Both cabbage soup and borsch are useful and have a rich composition
  • These dishes can be consumed daily without harm to figure and health
  • Wireflower and borsch are perfectly saturated and are distinguished by a piquant taste with minimal material and temporary costs
  • These dishes are recommended to be consumed both adults and children
  • There are many variations of cooking and borscht, so you can experiment in your own kitchen and cook from different ingredients
  • These dishes are recommended to be consumed for colds, as well as for prevention, since high concentration of vitamin C allows the body to cope with viruses faster
  • You can alternate these dishes in your family menu.

As you can see, there are many similarities and differences. What is tastier? Every person will definitely answer this question for himself, because there are no comrades to taste and color.

Video: How to cook the most delicious cabbage soup?

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