Riddles for fairy tales for children 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 years old - a large selection with answers

Riddles for fairy tales for children 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 years old - a large selection with answers

A large selection of riddles for fairy tales for preschool and school children.

Riddles on fairy tales - the best selection

Riddles on fairy tales - the best selection

Riddles on fairy tales - the best selection:

Waited for mom with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven goats.)

She was an artist
Beautiful as a star
From evil Karabas
I fled forever.

That's completely not difficult
A short question,
Who put it in the inkwell
A wooden nose?

A middle -aged man
Here with a hiding beard.
Offends Pinocchio
Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
He is a notorious villain.
Any of you knows
Who is this?

A little more a nail.
In a walnut crib
The girl was asleep.
And so small
It was sweet.
Have you read such a book?
What is the name of this baby?

Thumbelina is a blind bridegroom
Lives all the time underground.

I went to visit my grandmother,
She carried her pies.
The gray wolf followed her,
He deceived and swallowed.
(Red Riding Hood.)

She was a girlfriend of gnomes
And you, of course, are familiar to you.
(Snow White.)

The evening would rather come close
And the long -awaited hour has come
So that I am in a gilded carriage
Go to a fairy -tale ball!
No one in the palace will recognize
Where am I from, how am I called
But only midnight will come
I will return to my attic.

Grandfather and Baba lived together,
The daughter of Snowball was blinded,
But fire is hot heat
Turned the girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
How was their daughter called?
(Snow Maiden.)

The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun!
The poor thing pours tears
(Snow Maiden.)

Near the forest, at the edge of the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three cribs, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three Bears.)

The nose is round, a heel,
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
The tail is a little crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
Friendly brothers are similar.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three pigs.)

Heals small children
Heals birds and animals,
Looks through his glasses
Good doctor ...

This fabulous hero
With a tail, mustachioed,
He has a pen in his hat,
The whole striped itself
He walks on two legs,
In bright red boots.
(Puss in Boots.)

Riddles for fairy tales for children 4-5 years old

Riddles for fairy tales for children 4-5 years old

Riddles for fairy tales for children 4-5 years old:

Somehow the mouse is small
I threw the testicle on the floor.
Baba cries, the grandfather cries.
What a fairy tale, give me an answer!
(Heap of poles.)

In this house without worries
Beasts lived, only now
The bear came to them later,
Breeding an animal house.

He was able to escape from the house.
Wolf and hare, and bear
They could not keep up with him.
But the fox knows the case -
Quickly "am" and ate it.

Difficult to grandmother and grandfather
Take the turnip to dinner.
Granddaughter, bug, even a cat
They helped them a little
Who else came to the garden?
Guess you a riddle.
(Mouse from a tale turnip.)

In the tale of Lisonka, the rogue
She deceived the bunny deftly
Having drove away from the hut.
Bunny cried day and night.
But in trouble he helped him
One brave cockerel.
(Zaykina hut.)

Evil birds dragged
Brach-brotz at the sister,
But sister, at least small
Nevertheless, the baby saved.
What kind of birds in the fairy tale were
And to whom did they serve?
(Geese swans and Baba Yaga.)

Pounded and chopped on a plate with his nose -
He did not swallow anything
And he stayed with his nose.
(Fox and crane.)

The nose is not put in their affairs,
They peck with their noses before going to bed,
But one cheerful nose
Dad Carlo brought us.

Oh, you are Petya-Pasto,
He blocked a little
The cat did not obey
He looked out the window.
(Golden scallop cockerel.)

Walking cheerfully along the trail,
The water themselves wear buckets.
(By pike order)

There is no river or a pond.
Where to get drunk?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof! ..
(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.)

The red girl is sad,
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun!
The poor thing pours tears!
(Snow Maiden.)

He buzzes with a motor
And he is circling over the street.
It flies higher, higher,
He has a house on the roof.

Riddles for fairy tales for children 6-7 years old

Riddles for fairy tales for children 6-7 years old

Riddles for fairy tales for children 6-7 years old:

I, beautiful, strong, powerful,
I'm more formidable than formidable clouds
I'm smarter than everyone, there are no words -
I have many goals.
(Answer: Zmey Gorynych.)

Leaving, asked the mother
No one to open it,
But the children opened the door!
The toothy beast deceived -
He sang a song to his mother.
Who then ate the kids?
(Answer: wolf.)

I am a queen from the country
Where there is no summer or spring
Where the snowstorm is running around all year round,
Where everywhere there is only snow and ice.
(Answer: Snow Queen.)

Turtle three hundred years.
She is not older.
And she told
The secret that I knew about
And which she kept
Pinocchio handed the key:
“Here it is, golden key.
Open the door to the city of happiness.
Well, I will stay here in the pond. "
What is the name to the turtle?
(Answer: Tortilla.)

Guess the guys:
Who is somewhere and once
I had been brushed all the seas
He walked down the ship along the ladder
And in your big hat
Liliputov planted?
(Answer: Gulliver.)

I went to visit my grandmother,
She carried her pies.
The gray wolf followed her,
He deceived and swallowed.
(Answer: Red hat.)

My question is not at all difficult,
He is about the city of Emerald.
Who was the ruler of glorious?
Who was the main wizard there?
(Answer: Goodwin.)

Cinderella from the legs
I fell by accident.
She was not simple
And crystal.
(Answer: shoe.)

There is a hut in the forest,
Lives in a hut an old woman.
Do not enter the hut:
An old woman will eat you!
(Answer: Baba Yaga.)

The phone called the apartment.
Dad Elephant spoke to me,
He asked for chocolate. More pood!
Tell me, did he call from?
(Answer: from a camel.)

Sweet apples aroma
He lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers shine with fire,
And light around, like during the day.
(Answer: Firebird.)

The goat was that special:
The right leg on the pebble beat,
In which place will he stamp - the stone will appear.
Darenka looks and is surprised.
You can’t see it from afar, you won’t break it,
And close to him, no matter how you try, you will not come.
(Answer: Silver hoof.)

Riddles for fairy tales for children 8-9 years old

Riddles for fairy tales for children 8-9 years old

Riddles for fairy tales for children 8-9 years old:

In the Wonderland, I am a famous cat:
Deceiver, beggar, rogue.
It is not interesting to catch mice,
Isn't it better to inflate a simpleton?
(Cat Basilio.)

An elderly man
With a non -short beard.
He is a notorious villain -
One -eyed ...

Walking to school with a primer
Wooden little boy.
It falls instead of a school
In the linen booth.
What is this book?
What is that boy called?

For him, a walk is a holiday
And on honey a special scent.
This is a plush prankster,
Bear ...
(Winnie the Pooh.)

We decided to ride
With a breeze in a car,
The truth in the fairy tale was told to you:
We our ourselves created it!
After all, this is not nowhere:
He rides on a gap
And the syrup in it instead of lubrication.
From what, friends, we are fairy tales?
(Screw and shpuntik.)

In childhood, he was a duckling ugly,
And as it grew-the king-bird became.
Well, who is it about here?
Who is the hero of my riddle?
(Ugly duck.)

She is more important in a riddle,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Take the turnip from the bed
Grandfather with a grandmother helped.

Above my simple question
You will not spend a lot of effort.
Who is a long nose boy
Made from the logs?
(Dad Carlo.)

Now let's talk about another book,
There is a blue sea, here is a steep coast.
The old man went to the sea, he abandoned the net.
Who will he catch and what will he ask?
(Gold fish.)

I have never been to the ball.
Cleaned, soap, cooked and spun.
When it happened to get to my ball,
Then the prince lost his head from love.
And I lost the shoe at the same time!
Who am I? Who will tell you here?

Know this pl.
Do not outwit anyone:
Cannibal, like a mouse
He managed to swallow!
What kind of beast is walking in a fairy tale?
Mustache puffs, squints eyes,
In a hat, with a saber in the hands
And in huge boots.
(Puss in Boots.)

Riddles for fairy tales for children 10-11 years old

Riddles for fairy tales for children 10-11 years old

Riddles for fairy tales for children 10-11 years old:

He put on magic shoes on his legs
And he overtook everyone on the sports carpet.
He tried to steal his shoes,
But only in the end he himself remained with his nose.
(Little Muck.)

Everyone in an interesting fairy tale
A onion boy is familiar.
Previously, many unknown,
He became every friend.

His father was grabbed by a lemon,
He threw dad into dungeon ...
Radish - boy girlfriend,
Did not leave that one in the misfortune
And helped to free herself
The father of the hero is from the dungeon.
And everyone knows, without a doubt,
The hero of these adventures.

I'm not alone in the family,
The third, the youngest son.
Everyone who is familiar with me
He calls a fool.
I do not agree in any way -
I am not a fool, but a good man.

On the day of the birthday she got rich.
I wanted to spare my friends,
But then her villain decided to destroy her,
He decided to strangle her.
This is a scandal, this is a nightmare.
But the mosquito prevented him!
(Fly Tsokotukha.)

The hero of that fairy tale is famous
In the maste, he is iron!
He is brave, brave, with an ax.
But only, here's the trouble, while
He is afraid of water. Just laughter!
Hero - ...
(Tin Woodman.)

He whispers: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid ..."
He is the king of animals and is he a coward?
Gudwin will give courage. Smerelev,
The coward will begin to growl ...
(A lion.)

Behind smart brains
He went to the city with friends.
The barrier did not fear.
Was a daredevil ...

He is a fan of purity.
Are you washed out in the morning?
If - no, then the order
He will give washcloths immediately
A formidable strict commander
Wash basin …

Zhenya, pulling the petal,
She said: “East,
North, West, and south
You fly, and finishing the circle,
Make a miracle, petal! "
How to call a flower magical?

For a long, long time she suffered dishes
And she decided: "We are leaving here!"
Even the spoons have gone and glasses have gone
And there were only cockroaches.
Everyone left her, indiscriminately.
The name of this slut - ...

Small growth girl,
And all stately
And her spit is black,
Yes, so okay.
Malachite color dress,
The ribbons are red in the spit,
Eyes, like emeralds, -
Green, dangerous.
(Mistress of Copper Mountain.)

This tablecloth is famous
The fact that she feeds everyone.
That she is
Delicious foods are full.
(Samobrand tablecloth.)

Obedient children are multi -colored umbrella,
And naughty - black relies.
He is a dwarf-wolf, he is known to many,
And, tell me, as the dwarf is called.

The arrow of the fellow fell into the swamp,
Well, where is the bride? Marry hunting!
And here is the bride, eyes at the top of the head.
The bride is called ...

Who was carried in the basket of Masha,
Who settled on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
Do you know a fairy tale after all?
Who was it? ...

Who did not want to work,
Did you play and sang songs?
To the brother of the third then
We ran to a new house!
They escaped from the wolf,
But for a long time the tails were shaking!
The fairy tale is known to any child,
And called ...

(Three pigs.)

All summer they had fun, played,
And the autumn came, to build houses of steel,
The wolf demolished two houses - everyone hid in one,
And the three of them healed in that house.
(Three pigs.)

Dick-chryu-chryu-what three brothers
They are not afraid of the wolf,
Because the beast is predatory
Will not destroy the brick house?
(Three pigs.)

Riddles on Anderson's tales for children with answers

Riddles on Anderson's tales for children with answers

Riddles on Anderson's tales for children with answers:

Although the fairy tale is not Russian - the fairy tale is not ours.
Favorite in it, two characters.
The boy had a girlfriend from childhood.
She was in the neighborhood, on the contrary, she lived.
Brave, faithful this girlfriend
In trouble I did not throw, my beloved friend!
(Kai and Gerda.)

A good girl with a fish tail,
The sea was her house.
The prince fell in love with the poor ladder.
From the witch's power, he became silent instantly.
She changed her voice to slender legs.
How is the girl’s name what the prince loved?

The king, not knowing treachery,
I could surprise at a time half the kingdom.
Made his outfit laugh
All the people who were nearby.
(New outfit of the king.)

Mom dreamed of a little daughter.
The barley was planted in a pot.
A beautiful, beautiful flower grew.
Girl in the center, with a little finger with a sprout.

Three dogs underground,
Guarded their peace.
Coins under them,
Were copper-gold.

What to say really
One hundred feather beds on that bed.
But the beautiful girl-
Dark night do not sleep.
I never closed my eye once ...
The prince fell in love with her right away.
The queen cunningly abandoned
All the fault of the pea!
(Princess on the Pea.)

The girl's girlfriend loved, regretted.
She really wanted to remove witchcraft.
She worked at night, not sparing herself.
I went to the cemetery from the fear of Robe.
Although she burned the nettle of her hand,
But she suffered the torment.
Store lunch of silence -
She sewed shirts under the light of fire.
(Wild swan.)

Brave 25 soldiers,
And every brother to each other.
The youngest of the fighters
He was ready for exploits.
In a sad fairy tale - a trap ...
There is no salvation from the fire.
(Tin soldier.)

For the young princess, the prince sent gifts!
They were delightful and bright.
Beautiful rose, living nightingale
But there were no gifts to her heart.
Then the prince dressed in simple clothes.
Without losing his soul, hope is to marry.
He became not noticeable for a thousand eyes.
And they gave him the nickname ....

He, like people, lived in the house,
But for everyone was invisible.
I knew about everything in the master's shop,
I was just waiting for food with an addition
In the winter, festive Christmas tree -
Work lover, not a loafer
The one who suddenly discovered a secret:
"How did you live without a book before?!"
(Browner at the shopkeeper.)

Riddles based on Pushkin's tales for children with answers

Riddles based on Pushkin's tales for children with answers

Riddles based on Pushkin's tales for children with answers:

The guns from the pier are scorching
Everyone is told now,
What is this island called
Where does the fairy tales live simply?

He is invisible and powerful,
He drives flocks of clouds
He walks in the open
Ships - help at sea.

On the day in its capital
Saltan's son began to reign,
With the permission of the queen
He gave his own name.

And to whom, tell me, my friend,
Loud and gross cockerel
All shouted: “Ki-ki-ri-ku!
Reign, lying on the side! "

The royal daughter lives
The seven heroes.
And who is the princess waiting for?
Remember as soon as possible!

A fairy tale - a lie! Yes, it has a hint
Fierce greed reproach.
In that old woman, he pours tears
What you can’t wash the laundry.

There are many interesting fairy tales
A scientist’s cat can tell.
So what is the place
Where does green grow with a chain of oak?

This witch is an old woman.
The witchcraft changes itself:
Then the snake will fly into the window,
It suddenly appears in a black cat.

At the wedding of Ruslan and Lyudmila
In the middle of the knights of the named, he was also.
Crying on a feast and in a feast,
But mean and weak like a warrior in the field.

They carry their patrol not in vain
Thirty -three heroes.
At the head of the squads of that
Uncle Terrible and gray -haired.
(Black Sea.)

That is fresh and so fragrant
What is blurry, golden?
In Pushkin's fairy tale it
Evil poison is filled.

Riddles on Chukovsky's tales for children with answers

Riddles on Chukovsky's tales for children with answers

Riddles based on Chukovsky's tales for children with answers:

Who does not wash, does not wash,
Garbage, does not remove dirt?
From whom did the cups run away?
There is such a lust.
There are no questions, disputes -
That Fedor is familiar to everyone.
I gave you a hint
Name the fairy tale soon.
(Fedorino Gore.)

Everything around is lying around
Not cleaned, not washed
And does not clean.
Do not know who it is?
Not a woman is a murmur
The name of her is ....

They ran away from dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She searches for them, calls
And on the road he pours tears.
(Fedorino Gore.)

In this tale, treats -
Tasty jam for tea.
In the samovar - boiling water,
Drink slowly, by sip,
And admire the guests!
And when the villain comes,
Not timid and be bold
Beat him without any undo!
If you are sowing with a spider
Together with the brave mosquito,
You will help his bride!
Name it here to your place
It … .
(Fly Tsokotukha.)

The fun was at the table
And the guests were full of the house.
The fly grabbed the fly,
I twisted the web.
There would be an end
Yes, the remote man appeared!
There is no mercy to the spider:
Acute saber on the side,
And in the hands - a flashlight.
Saved the fly ....

A flyer bought a fly.
I invited the fleas to visit.
These guests scattered,
When I threw a fly online
Evil, nasty old man.
Call the villain - ....

Just like a little man
Little rides ....

Does not spare bast shoes
Beat tap ...

Top-top boots!
Who is so dancing? ...

Riddles on fairy tales about magical objects for children with answers

Riddles on fairy tales about magical objects for children with answers

Riddles on fairy tales about magical objects for children with answers:

We help to run
Shoes - do not catch up!
You will become in them at a speed
No, do not walk - fly!
(Boots - Skomezhda.)

The fairy will wave her very smoothly
And the miracle will suddenly happen
The pumpkin will turn into a carriage,
The girl will fall on the ball!
(Magic wand.)

Only you will deploy it -
You will forget about hunger right away!
You will find such dishes
What in the store you can’t buy!
You can not wash it!
I ate and turn right away.
Where would we get her?
Wizards are trained by order!
(Samobrand tablecloth.)

The troll looked into it,
Queen, angry with heart ...
Brought a fragment pain
And the cold in the heart of Kai!

You can't buy it anywhere
And you can't even sew
You will put on your head
You go invisible!
Well, where to get such
For good deeds,
And in size
And came the color?!
(Invisible hat.)

The plate rolls
Miracle of the bulk -
Bright, brilliant,
Tasty like that!
You can’t eat, otherwise
The magic will leave
And the image
It will disappear right away!

In old tales
He is like a compass!
No one will disappear with him,
Throw it right on the path
And run forward!

He grew up in a magical garden
And he dropped the petals,
In one wonderful fairy tale
Fulfilled desires!
And only one desire
Beneficial benefits
The boy was healed
The misfortunes to everyone in spite!

Sleeping beauty
The pain brought
It hid in it
Witch's evil.

On it for firewood,
On it - to the king!
What am I guys about
I say now?

Riddles on fairy tales about princesses for children with answers

Riddles on fairy tales about princesses for children with answers

Riddles on fairy tales about princesses for children with answers:

I had to beauty
Set in in the forest.
Among pines and powerful oaks
Where there is no draw of traces,
In the house of little friends,
What like the brothers became her.
Brothers 7 loved gently,
Call the princess ...
(Answer - Snow White.)

Frightened by sister
And for everyone in the world, ati ran from the palace
Like a winter wind.
She could not calm the icy strength,
What was in her hands - beautiful magic.
Where there is a cold, ice and snow,
Eternal frosts,
Began to live completely alone,
So as not to be a threat.
(Answer - Elsa cold heart.)

She is not afraid of work
Beautiful and very sweet.
All the time in labors and worries
The stepmother of an evil lived.
But the godfather once
She helped her to get to the ball.
There she met the prince
But at midnight she fled.
(Answer - Cinderella.)

In the forest dense, in the hut
Our Princess grew.
Her three fairies hid her three
From the evil sorceress terrible.
And here in the forest is your fate
Once I met
Although a magical dream to sleep
It should have been at first.
But kiss her love
It will wake up again, there is no dispute.
And find his love
Gorgeous …
(Answer - Aurora.)

Among the deserts the palace is worth
The sultan is sitting on the throne there.
And everyone likes his daughter,
Oriental beauty.
Her hands were asked
Rich viziers,
But she gave her love
She is a simple poor man.
After all, she only found happiness with him,
Princess named ...
(Answer - jasmine.)

With a strict, serious and formidable father,
I lived in the blue sea, in the underwater palace,
I looked from the waves, how the ships float.
I dreamed of a prince, friends and love.
(Answer: Mermaid Ariel.)

In the village of small vein,
I loved fairy tales to read
But changed her fate
One flower is beautiful.
Father to save her father rushed
And in the castle I ended up
And a terrible monster
She was not scared.
I found many friends there.
Have you guessed? It - …
(Answer - Belle.)

Neither storm nor troubles scare her,
As a warrior went to war before victory.
The cricket and the dragon are all and the help,
Fate and road will be not easy,
But in the tale of the Chinese, a beautiful finale
He will return to his father, he will meet happiness ...
(Answer - mulan.)

Mischial, like a girl,
He will run, laughs loudly.
She has a green friend,
It is blue, then burgundy.
Not dexterity helped her,
Not a rope or a rope,
And a luxurious braid,
With a kilometer of hair.
(Answer - Rapunzel.)

She lived in the village
And suddenly she became a princess
But it is difficult to be a princess
I had to teach first -
Various sciences,
Palace etiquette,
But she helps her
Magic amulet.
(The answer is Sofia Beautiful.)

I met the prince, but herebad luck,
The life of the river changed the current
In an instant, she became a frog,
To dispel the spell, love is needed here.
In ours, she differs in a fairy tale
But her image is certainly beautiful,
(Answer - Tiana.)

I am rebellious and beautiful
Way as a fire,
Passes passionately before the crowd
In the nater-dance, its dance.
The gypsy conquered all
Beauty and good,
Quasimodo became her friend
Not embarrassing her hump.
(Answer - Esmeralda.)

Good, beautiful, no doubt,
But it changes color.
The sun will hide - trouble!
She suddenly turns green.
Her crown did not save her
Golds in a moment ...?
(Answer - Fiona.)

There is a cat with a smile without a cat
There, suddenly you cut to the ceiling,
Then you bite the mushroom and in a moment,
You penetrate the gap.
They drink tea at five, and at six again,
And on the clock is still five.
And who climbed there?
(The answer is Alice from the country of miracles.)

Riddles on a fairy tale about Kolobok for children with answers

Riddles on a fairy tale about Kolobok for children with answers

Riddles on a fairy tale about Kolobok for children with answers:

He left his grandfather
And he left his grandmother.
Only in trouble, in the forest
I met a cunning fox.

Right from the shelf, beyond the threshold ...
The ruddy side ran away.
Our friend rolled away,
Who is this ...?

Everyone wanted to eat it
But he fell into his mouth to the fox.
School, small ball
I was called in a fairy tale ....

It looks like a ball.
He was once hot.
Jumped from the table to the floor
And he left his grandmother.
He has a ruddy side ...
Did you find out?

Coololitan, without arms, without legs,
He is from a fairy tale ...

Lay on a plate,
How cooled and ran away.
He met animals in the forest,
In my misfortune is a fox.
She got on the teeth
Round, delicious ...

From flour, sour cream
He was baked in a hot stove.
He lay down on the window
Yes, he ran away from the house.
He is blush and round
Who is this?

Grandma from flour in the furnace
I baked not kalachi
He is round, ruddy side
It's delicious ...

He rolled away from all
And in the forest found himself,
Even the worst wolf
I could not eat it!
But to the fox on the teeth
Suddenly our ...

Riddles for fairy tales for children with answers - a fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish

Riddles for fairy tales for children with answers - a fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish

Riddles for fairy tales for children with answers - a fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish:

For thirty -three years I lived by the sea
I caught fish with the elements, arguing
The net pulled, getting out of strength,
But I still let go of a wonderful catch.
(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.)

There is the blue sea
And the shore is gentle.
The old man went to the sea
To abandon the net.
Now we are the reader
We ask ours
Who will he catch
And what will he ask?

Old man in the blue sea
He will abandon his net.
He will catch someone
And he will ask for something.
Greed to the old woman
Drives crazy
With a broken trough
She remained.
(Old woman.)

ATrobes gold
Her house at the bottom of the sea.
Awards all gifts
And fulfills desires.
(Gold fish.)

A couple of times the old man threw a net
But he caught only grass and Tina.
Who, tell me, at a time on the third
Suddenly accidentally hit the network?

The fish is not simple
Scales sparkles
Swims, dives,
Fulfills desires.
(Gold fish.)

The old woman has a trough
But it has long been broken.
Who helped the old woman harmful
To become well -fed and live comfortably,
And then he took everything away at once,
Without blinking an eye?
(Gold fish.)

Lush tail, fins,
They have black eyes,
Scales are burning, playing
What is that fish called?
(Gold fish.)

I have a question for you.
Tell me: what for the first time
He began to ask the fish from the fish,
To please the old woman?

Give a new trough
And the new house, and the servants in addition ...
But if she is angry
Good luck will float with her together!
Everything will disappear, and at sea swell
Golden ...

The old man caught that network
In the sea, the fish is gold.
You know, brother, such a tackle?

That the old man threw into the sea
To catch the fish,
So that the old woman is not easy
And to be the mistress of the sea?

Riddles on the fairy tale turnip for children with answers

Riddles on the fairy tale turnip for children with answers

Riddles on the fairy tale turnip for children with answers:

Once grown grandfather
This vegetable for lunch,
And then dragged him
Together with the grandmother that there is strength ...
Do not need a hint
Children know a fairy tale.

She grew up in the garden.
And they pulled in order:
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug -
Failed! - Big little thing!
The cat with the mouse only came -
They could immediately pull it out!

I defeated our turnip,
I can see a lot of porridge,
What is such a wonderful beast?
Name it now.

She is more important in a riddle,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Take the turnip from the bed
Grandfather with a grandmother helped.

Turnip is pulled together from the garden
In the morning as a charging
Grandfather, grandmother, cat, granddaughter,
Mouse and dog ...

Grandfather with a grandmother was not torn off,
They called the granddaughter again.
Delicious vegetable in a fairy tale we will find out,
And of course, we guess it.
Only in the garden sprouts,
Everyone loves her, knows
We will reveal all the secrets
Children, tell me, this is ...

It doesn't happen easier than her so steam.
Which of you does not know about this?
Yes, even six heroes from a fairy tale
Unit everyone asked her Task.

A round -side girl
Genital in the garden
She has a special taste -
And, useful for everyone,
Having yellow, having
Crop twice a year
Gives, cherishing.
What is sitting tight in the garden?
Tell me, kids! ...

Round side, yellow side,
Sitting a bun in the garden.
Glorified in the ground tightly.
What is this? ...

I grew up on the bed, I
Juicy and sweet.
Grandfather pulled me-widen
Only the leaf bent a little.
He called the grandmother to help with the granddaughter,
I waited for a bug with a cat,
Only with the mouse, holding it tightly,
They pulled together ...

Round, not a month,
Yellow, not oil,
Sweet, not sugar,
With a tail, not a mouse.

What, tell me, forplant
Not afraid of cold weather?
The Swedish is called republic,
And does not like rodents?
She has a fleshy root
The stem, and the fruits of the pod.
He treats wounds and burns,
The measles of children and edema.
Not a radish, and not cranberries ...
And what is her name? ...

Riddles on the tale of teremok for children with answers

Riddles on the tale of teremok for children with answers

Riddles on the tale of the Teremok for children with answers:

Lived together five
How beautiful the house was.
But the bear suddenly came to them
And let's roar with might and main.
Teremok ruined all.
He had enough strength.
What happened later?
Did everything build again?

Like this hero
Fashionable coat fur coat -
Silver-gray tone,
Behind the white pompom.

Gray jumper,
The ears of the sparkle.
He is afraid of everyone in the forest -
And the bear and the fox,
Only now, for sure,
Not afraid of Kolobok.

Kusya's mouth,
Become a dog,
Wool with hay,
The tail is log.

He is not afraid of anyone
Does not lurk on the bushes,
And on it in winter and summer
The gray fur coat is worn.

Walks wandering back and forth
Eats raspberries and roars.

Walks without fear,
Likes to tear with the soul.
He is from all the heroes of the fairy tale
The thickest and most large.

This beast, though he wanted to
Yes, it remained out of work:
Because of the clubfoot
Kolobok could not catch.

It lives in the forests
Red girl-beauty.
Among all forest animals
The beast is not her cunning.

In a fairy tale, this beast is bad
I pretended to be deaf.

Refuge mouse-norushki,
Green frog-quack
And other animal companies.
Tell me the name in chorus.

A house appeared in the field.
We settled in the house Tom:
Mouse named Noroshka,
And the frog kwakushka,
Hedgehog, fox and bunny.
And also a shaggy bear
Later settled here.
What is the name of the whole house?
The smoke curls above the pipe.
This house - ...

Riddles-obstacles about fairy tales-a selection with answers

Riddles-obstacles about fairy tales-a selection with answers

Riddles-obstacles about fairy tales-a selection with answers:

- Where is your dress ball?
Where is the crystal shoe?
- Excuse me, I'm in a hurry ...
My name is scary.

I have a buns to you!
Come to me at least once
Master of all kinds of leprosy
The best Karabas in the world!

The girl sang in a dark forest:
- I will bring pies to my grandmother!
A cap - like raspberries!
The girl's name was Malvina.
(Red Riding Hood.)

All day in green skin,
All day all the “kvak” yes “kvak”.
But hides under the skin
All wise and All useful ...
Who? Princess Shapoklyak!
(Princess Frog.)

He mined leeches
Karabas sold,
All smoked swamp mud,
His name was ...
(Answer: Pinocchio - Duremar.)

With blue hair
And huge eyes
This doll is an actress,
And her name is ...
(Answer: Alice - Malvina.)

She lives in the palace
And all the time he pours tears.
Oh, how the king wants -
I cry to put an end!
(Answer: Tsarevna Nesmeyan.)

He frightened galks and raven,
Now he sits on the throne.
The ruler is wise, kind, dear,
Well, is his name?
(Answer: Scarecrow.)

Why, why, why
Such an bad luck?
My tail disappeared
Beautiful tail
On my birthday!
(Answer: Donkey IA)

I'm dressed very fashionable
I will beat anyone
I answer all questions:
"Leave me alone, brothers, I don't know!"
(Answer: Dunno.)

Although he was racks and dare
But in the fire did not survive.
The youngest son of a tablespoon
He stood on a strong leg.
Not iron, not glass,
There was a soldier
(Answer: Tin.)

Riddles of literary fairy tales - a selection with answers

Riddles of literary fairy tales - a selection with answers

Riddles of literary fairy tales - a selection with answers:

On which away, far from the house,
Played Sadko to the king of the sea?
That musical instrument
He broke, seizing the moment.

They say that for a long time in the world
The Nightingale the Robber lived,
A sharp loud sound with this
He raised the heroes.

He is a robber, he is a villain,
With a whistle, he scared people.

Near Dikanka in a farm
The boy’s boy lived.
Who, tell me, brother, urgently
Was he by profession?

This is fabulous, flying,
Fireing, powerful
(Often - multi -headed) snakes.
Name it soon!
(The Dragon.)

The word is a fairy -tale hero,
More often - kind, less often - evil,
Magician, sorcerer and sorcerer.
Name it soon.

Grandmother loved granddaughter very much,
Red hat gave her.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me what was her name?
(Red Riding Hood.)

He wears a crown, has troops,
But the hero gnaws sadness and longing:
My beloved daughter escaped from the house,
And there is no one to help in the grief.
(King from "Bremen musicians".)

Red, pot -bellied,
In the family of the garden
"Senior" yourself
He calls proudly.
He is angry in vain
In vain threatens:
His chippolino
Not afraid at all.
(Senor tomato.)

This boy lived in the castle
And the lessons taught everything.
Only evil cherries
They did not allow to live an orphan.
He walked alone in the park,
Cipollino met.
Everything suddenly changed suddenly,
And the boy has a friend.
(Count Vishenka.)

Geese-swans flew,
They wanted to take away children.
What kind of tree stood
And the guys hid from them?
(Apple tree.)

The Alyonushki-gesters
Trued the brothers of the bird.
They fly high.
They look far away.
(Swan geese.)

Riddles about the heroes of fairy tales - a selection with answers

Riddles about the heroes of fairy tales - a selection with answers

Riddles about the heroes of fairy tales - a selection with answers:

He managed to catch the wolf.
He caught a fox and a bear.
He did not catch them with a clock
And he caught them a barrel.
(Goby - Smolly Barrel.)

The treasure was looking at the bottom of the sea,
And in the sky was an ambassador.
On the ground I caught a firebird.
He chose the king-girl as his wife.
Call him, tell me, how?


She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
In any case, showing dexterity.
The bread and a tablecloth woven,
She sewed a shirt, embroidered a pattern,
Belaya swan in the dance sailed ...
Who was this craftswoman?
(Vasilisa Wise.)

The horse rides is not simple
Miracle Grow is gold.
He wears a guy in the mountains,
Yes, he will not drop him.
The horse has a son -
Amazing horse
By nickname ...

On the forest edge
She sits in a hut.
Does not want to live calmly,
The prince is fooling.
A stupa with a metelkoy is dear to her,
This is malicious ...
(Baba Yaga.)

How old I am, I do not know.
In a mortar, I fly with a broom.
My tower is so good
It looks like me in everything
In this tower, my
Bright the stove burns with fire.
Teremok on chicken legs!
Waiting for guests in him ...
(Grandma Hedgehog.)

This is a fairy tale, not a joke
That there was such a duck
It has an egg, a needle in an egg,
Death at its end.
And without such things
The old man could not live ...

Sitting a girl in a basket
At Mishka behind his back.
He himself, without knowing
Carries her home?

Brother did not obey her
And now it turned into a goat
When cinema water
He decided to get drunk on a sultry day.

What is such a mouse
Not afraid of cats at all?
And you come to the rescue
At any moment is ready!
(Mickey Mouse.)

The boy grew up in a wolf pack
He considers himself a wolf
Friends with Mishka and Panther,
He is clever and bold.

All girls and boys
They managed to love him.
He is a hero of a cheerful book
Behind him is a propeller.
He takes off over Stockholm
High, but not to Mars.
And the baby will recognize him.
Who is this? Cunning

He is always like a jam day
Celebrates birthday,
On the pants, the TISTE button,
To go on flight,
He will hang under the propeller
And flies like a helicopter.
He is a guy "in the prime of age."
Who is he? Give me an answer!

Winnie the Pooh with a heel
He invited him to his house.
He planted two friends at the table
Long -eared, kind ...

She taught Pinocchio to write
And the gold key helped to look.
That girl-doll with big eyes,
Like the sky of azure heights, hair,
On a cute face is a neat nose.
How is her name? Answer the question.

The nose is round, a heel,
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
The tail is a little crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
Friendly brothers are similar.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(NIF-NIF, NAF-Naf and Nuf-Nuf.)

The accordion is in the hands
On the crown of a cap,
And next to him is important
Cheburashka sits.
Portrait of friends
It turned out excellent
On it is Cheburashka,
And next to him ...
(Crocodile Gena.) 

Video: riddles about fairy tales and heroes of fairy tales

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