Delay in speech development and massage: is it possible and how to do it yourself - tips, techniques, reviews

Delay in speech development and massage: is it possible and how to do it yourself - tips, techniques, reviews

Instructions for performing speech therapy massage for ZRR.

Massage with a delay in speech development is an important element in the treatment of a child. There are several ways, and each of them simulates a certain zone. In this article, we will talk about varieties of massage with ZRR in a child. 

What massage should a child need to do with ZZR?

In general, all types of massage can be divided into several categories.

What massage needs to be done to the child with ZZR:

  • Speech therapy 
  • Palms and hands 
  • Faces. This is the forehead, cheeks, mouth and chin 
  • Collar zone 
At the reception
At the reception

Who is a speech therapy massage at ZZR?

All procedures differ in methods of execution, and zones of exposure. As for speech therapy massage, its main task is the development of articulation muscles, improving the state of nerves. Thus, massage is carried out exclusively in the oral cavity, tongue. It is often prescribed for children, at the age of 4-5 years, in the diagnosis of ZRR. It is usually combined with other types of massage and articulatory gymnastics.

Who is the speech therapy massage at ZZR:

  • In order to carry out speech massage, it is necessary to use a probe or fingers. It is usually carried out by a speech therapist or parents. Please note that there should be trimmed nails, there should be no jewelry on the hands.
  • Most often, such a manipulation is carried out in gloves. It is worth noting that any massage with ZRR is prescribed exclusively by a neurologist. After examining the child, the doctor can write a referral to the speech therapist. 
At the doctor
At the doctor

How is the hand massage for the development of the baby's speech?

Particularly copes with ZRR. Usually, parents, or children, conduct it on their own. It can be divided into active and passive. Passive is performed by parents or a doctor, as a result of massage, areas on the palms and fingers of children are worked out. Both the outer and the inside of the palm, as well as the area to the elbow, are massaged. Only 15 minutes are enough to knead these zones. In order for the child to calmly perceive the massage, it is carried out in a playful way, supplementing with poems and nursery rhymes. 

While the child is small, parents independently perform this massage. As soon as the baby masters the technique of such a massage, he can do it on his own. 

Massage of the palms for the development of the baby's speech:

  • It is necessary to iron the hands of the child from the outer and inside. For this touch, it should be very light, and seemingly sensitive. Parents tickle the palm of the child. 
  • Forty-white. This is a well -known nursery rhyme, during which spiral movements in the inside of the palm are performed with a finger. 
  • Blizzard. It is necessary to stroke the hands of the hands zigzag. At the same time, tell the poem about the blizzard. 
  • Snail. During this exercise, the palm of the palm does not just stroke, but thoroughly massage, pinch. 
Active points
Active points

How is the face massage with ZRR?

When performing the procedure, the doctor acts on the forehead, cheeks, chin of the child. Usually in this area stroking, vibration, rubbing and even tapping are carried out. 

How the face massage is carried out at the ZRR:

  • In order to perform a forehead massage, it is necessary to carry out it along the massage lines. To do this, it is necessary with fingertips, a very light touch, move with two palms from the middle of the forehead to the temporal part. The exercise is performed at once with two hands. Next, it is necessary to massage the forehead from the eyebrows to the top of the forehead. Sigzag -shaped movements are obtained. 
  • When performing cheeks massage, it is necessary to rub along the lines, from the corners of the lips to the temples. As in the first case, it is necessary to carry out movements with two hands at once. Next, it is necessary to perform stroking movements from the temple, affecting the sculpture area, and in the direction of the lower jaw, going down to the clan area. 
  • Rub the upper lip from the middle, to the corners of the mouth. The movements should be circular, or zigzag. Conduct exactly the same exercises with the lower lip. 
  • Often they perform a massage of the chin, carrying out circular movements along the spiral, in the direction from the chin to the corners of the mouth. 
Satisfied child
Satisfied child

How is the massage of the collar zone during ZRR?

With zrr, massage of the neck, shoulder blades, clavits is quite effective. It prescribes not only to stimulate, but also a general improvement in the state of the body. The fact is that a common cause of ZRR is a birth injury, as well as pushing the nerve in the neck. This allows you to improve blood circulation in the brain, thereby stimulating the development of the speech apparatus. During the massage, all muscles, as well as the brain are saturated with oxygen. This is due to stimulation of the zone responsible for speech. 

How massage of the collar zone is carried out at the ZRR:

  • Usually the massage session is not very long, only 20 minutes. Please note that it is performed without pain and severe pressure. It consists of about 20 sessions. It recommends repeating after 2 months. When performing massage, the child is laid out on the stomach, while the hands are located along the body. Massage begins with light strokes, movements from top to bottom, in the neck. 
  • After that, you can strengthen the pressure, and perform rubbing movements in this zone, but already with three phalanges of the fingers. After that, muscle massage is carried out, which is between the neck and shoulders. It is necessary to work out not only the neck, but also the upper back. 
  • It is worth noting that speech therapy, speech massage is quite useful, but in order for it to give a good result, it should be combined with respiratory and voice gymnastics. 

Video: Massage of the collar zone for a child with ZRR

Which massage can be used for ZZR in children 3 years old?

For children age 3 years old, usually a massage of the collar zone is used, less often articulatory gymnastics. At this age, the most important thing is to develop fine motor skills of the hands, acting on the centers located on the palms and hands of the hands.

Which massage can be used for ZZR in children 3 years old:

  • Therefore, the best option is the purchase of prickly balls, small clothespins, and cereals. More often let the child sort out the cereal, play with her. It is necessary that the active points on the child’s fingers are constantly involved. This stimulates the development of the brain, thereby improving the child's speech. 
  • Remember, the most effective in the age of 3 years is neck massage. It allows you to improve blood circulation in the brain, thereby improving the overall health of the child. 
  • It is best to perform massage only after consulting with a doctor, and demonstrating exercises by an experienced masseur. The fact is that with a sufficiently strong press, you can harm the child.
Massage probe
Massage probe

How is a speech therapy massage of the tongue at home?

A speech therapy massage of the language is very effective in the fight against ZRR. It can be carried out by both a special probe and a toothbrush. It is carried out using gloves, limp napkins, as well as a clean toothbrush with silicone villi.

How is a speech therapy massage of the tongue at home:

  • Initially, stroking the tongue along, then from the center to the right and left. It is performed with small breaks, as the tip of the tongue is held all the time, which leads to constant salivation and discomfort in the child.
  • Soft strokes must be performed without severe pressure, since the brushes can be tough and unpleasant enough. In no case should you cause pain in a child.
  • During the massage, patting and tapping movements are often performed. For these purposes, it is best to use a toothbrush with silicone pile, and not a standard one, from Kapron.
  • This helps to make massage tangible, and affect the points that are in the tongue. This allows you to stimulate the muscles of the language, improve its work, which helps in the reproduction of some hissing sounds that are difficult to give to the child.
Language massage scheme
Language massage scheme

Massage of the cervical-brothel zone for ZRR: reviews

It is necessary that massage in a child is associated not with something painful, but with pleasant manipulations. There are many techniques that will be perceived by the child not as treatment and procedures, but entertainment, games.

Massage of the cervical-brothel zone at ZRR, reviews:

Natalia. I did a massage to my son, he is 5 years old. Soon to school, but there are problems with speech. The neurologist has prescribed such a massage. The son did not go to the office to the doctor, constant hysteria. I did at home courses. After 2 courses, improvements appeared.

Faith. My daughter had serious problems. The main reason is the birth injury in the cervical region. A friend recommended massage of the collar zone. They hired a masseuse who came home. The effect is noticeable, but besides massage, we were engaged in articulation gymnastics.

Elizabeth. I love my son, I invest in him a lot of money and time. I spoke very late, so at the age of 6 there are problems with speech. Constantly do the neck of the neck, upper back, face. We go to a speech therapist, gradually the speech improves.

Facial massage
Facial massage

Many useful articles for the development of children can be found on our website:

You can safely combine massage with poems, nursery rhymes. You can tell a popular fable, for example, “bears rode”, and massage the collar area of \u200b\u200bthe baby. Try to also work out each spine in the cervical region. 

Video: speech therapy massage

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