Developing games for children from 1 year to recognize their body and the surrounding world, self -service, the ability to recognize objects for the development of motor, communicative, creative, speech skills

Developing games for children from 1 year to recognize their body and the surrounding world, self -service, the ability to recognize objects for the development of motor, communicative, creative, speech skills

In this article, we will consider especially interesting and, most importantly, useful games for one -year -old kids.

As soon as the baby crosses the one -year -old age, his actions begin to acquire more and more awareness. He begins to think, carefully observe everything, actively perceive the information coming from outside. The main task of parents in such a period is to present this information for the child as conveniently as possible. How? Of course, in the form of a game!

Games for a child 1 year old for the development of motor skills

In order for the baby to grow mobile, you can conduct the following games with him:

  • "On the grass". Children love to run around the grass, which can be used. After a small run, you need to raise your hands higher, and then bend to the ground. The first element should be accompanied by the phrase " up to the sky ", and second - "Down to the grass". Then you need to circle and fall on the grass, accompanying your actions with the words: “And now we circled and fell on the grass.”

Important: the child must repeat all these movements that will serve as excellent exercise.

Games for the development of motor skills with a one -year -old child can be held on the grass
Games for the development of motor skills with a one -year -old child can be held on the grass
  • "Merry acrobatics." Children who are fulfilled a year are very pleasure from standing on the head, scattering hands, somersaults, games in the salax. There is no need to be afraid that he somehow injures himself-such exercises are very useful. Just need to push them to them. For example, turning over the head, say: “I am making a somersault. Can you make it? ” In addition to the fact that the baby with great pleasure will repeat everything for the parent, he will also develop his speech skills.
  • "The game of catch -up." The kid will be delighted if the parent offers to catch up. Naturally, It’s not worth moving quickly. And it is advisable to portray excitement when the baby begins to catch up. Next, you need to change places and catch the child. Having caught up, you can hug him tightly. The kid will be happy to actively move, playing in this way.
A child with great pleasure will play catch -up
A child with great pleasure will play catch -up
  • "Chukh-Chuh." It is necessary to spread a large towel like a beach, and put a child on it. Then you need to explain to the baby that he travels. For example, by train. For reliability, you need to pronounce "chuh-chuh."

Important: this game will help to develop balance, which is very important for the development of the baby.

  • "Dance five -minute." Movements to music will help the baby develop both physically and emotionally. As a sound source, anything-radio, TV, playlist from a computer or a special musical toy is suitable. In order for the baby to move more confidently, you can raise him in his arms and dance together. Or you can circle, pat and sink, then offering the child to repeat the movements. Preferably alternate fast melodies with slowso that there is no feeling of fatigue.
First, a child can practice a Tanets game, standing on all fours
First, a child can practice a Tanets game, standing on all fours

Games for a child from 1 year to 1.5 years old, helping to find out their body

In order for the child to study himself as quickly and without effort, it is worth conducting the following games with him:

  • "Where is your head?" Turning to one or another part of the baby’s body, you need to ask you to ask where its pen, leg, head, etc. And then answer. When it becomes clear that the child has learned, where parts of the body are located, it will be possible to give him a toy. For example, a bear cub. Then it is worth asking to show where the head, the legs of this bear is.
  • "I have". And this game can be used as a continuation of the previous one. The child learned, where what is - now you need to let him understand why all these parts of the body are for. You can touch your eyes and say: "I have eyes in order to see". Similarly, you need to tell about the rest of the body.

Important: it is desirable that the baby repeats all these actions and words, touching himself.

The child should understand in the process of the game what its body parts are called and where they are located.
The child should understand in the process of the game what its body parts are called and where they are located.
  • "Good morning". This game is worth playing in the morning, when the child is just starting to wake up. It is necessary to touch his nose, for example, and say: "Nosik, wake up". So you need to greet all the parts of the baby's body. If you start in this way regularly, training will bring a quick result.
  • "Spider." You need to run your fingers along the child’s leg, saying: "Look, the spider runs on the leg." In the same way, the "spider" should walk throughout the crumb. The kid will with interest will monitor the movements of the spider and remember everything that is connected with him.

Games for a child 1 year old that help to find out the surrounding world

These games will allow the baby to know the world around the baby:

  • "We will find out the colors." For this game, you will need to take cars of different colors. First you need to ride one - for example, red. Then the next - for example, blue. Then you need to put the leaves of colored paper on the floor corresponding to the shades of toys. Next, the cars must be removed and ask the baby to put them on the right leaves. Wherein the child must voice the color. If there are no cars, you can use other toys - cubes, for example.

Important: if you play so systematically, the baby will learn the colors quickly enough.

A child in the form of a game can study colors
A child in the form of a game can study colors
  • "Empty and complete." In order to accustom the baby to these concepts, you need to prepare two empty containers, one with a handle is easily transported and many toys. Toys are placed in only one of the containers, And the second must be installed at the other end of the room. The third will act as transport. You need to ask the child transfer things from one basket to another. At the same time, it is necessary to explain when the basket is empty and when - complete.
  • "Hide and seek." Children enthusiastically react to games during which adults hide and call them. Many children even repeat, hiding from adults. Such fun develops spatial thinking, memory - The crumbs remember where they found mom or dad.
  • "Funny legs." This game is extremely useful for develop coordination of the legs and eyes. It consists in a walk with bare feet on various surfaces - sand, pebbles, brick grass, etc. You can even walk around home items like pillows. In parallel with such a walk you need to talk with the baby about the sensationswho experience the legs, and what is being investigated for the surface.
A walk with a child can be arranged in the form of a game
A walk with a child can be arranged in the form of a game

Games for children from 1 year to 1.5 years old who teach self -care

The following games will help discipline the baby, which is extremely useful at more adulthood:

  • "House for toys." After fascinating games, you need to hide toys, and it is worth accustoming to do it precisely the baby. You can accustom to cleaning easily if you do it in a playful way. For example, you need to tell you that the bears are sleeping in the dens, cars drive into the garage, the cubes lie in the box. So the baby will be more interesting to lay out objects in places, and he will be happy to do it.

Important: it is also worth doing with other things - for example, with shoes after a walk.

  • "Household lessons." First of all, it is worth finding pictures depicting household business in the house - sweeping floors, washing dishes, etc. These pictures need to be shown to the child, explaining that they are drawn on them. Then you should offer to repeat what is depicted. A child at this age with great enthusiasm repeats all the actions for parents.
A child can be accustomed to cleaning in the form of a game
A child can be accustomed to cleaning in the form of a game
  • "Man from the mine." Genuine -age children, as a rule, do not really like to wear and take their clothes through their heads. In order to accustom to change of clothes, you can say it through the head during the thread: "The little man went to the mine". Next, you should say: "He knocks the tuk-knuckle with a kirka" - And lightly knock on the baby's head. Then the adult says: "" And now the little man comes out! " - And it takes off or puts on the clothes completely.
  • "Tea drinking with a doll." In order to accustom the child to take care of someone and himself, you need to ask him to take a look after your favorite toy. Why not arrange a tea party with a doll? The child will hunt for an imaginary drink to a toy and himself, eat imaginary food, and wield toy puppet cutlery.
A tea party with a doll is a wonderful game that allows the child to learn how to take care of himself and others
A tea party with a doll is a wonderful game that allows the child to learn how to take care of himself and others

Games for a child from 1 year to 1.5 years old affecting communication

In order for the baby to have no problems with communication, it is recommended to play with him as follows:

  • "Cuckoo". In the process of this game, you need to ask the baby: "Where is mom?", covering his face with his palms. Then the palms open the face, and the parent says: "Ku-ku!" This game is useful for helping the baby always feel safe - Mom is always there. And if not nearby, then he will certainly return.

Important: a good sign if the child shows independence, opening the palms of an adult.

  • "Butterfly". So that the little man does not have problems in communication and visits to a speech therapist, he needs learn to talk clearly. The ability to blow is useful for this. You can teach the child to use soap bubbles, What will give him a lot of pleasure. And you can cut a circle from cardboard, glue several colors at its edges - it will be a clearing. A thread is threaded into its center, which will reach the flowers. A butterfly of paper is attached to the other end of the thread. You need to offer the child to place butterfly on a flower. But not with your hands, but by the way dunger on the butterfly.
The child will be happy to play a game with blowing soap bubbles
The child will be happy to play a game with blowing soap bubbles

Games for a one -year -old child who develop creative skills

Creative skills are also important to develop, and here's how to do it:

  • "Stage Stage". Tales of children, as you know, are useful. But even more useful if in parallel with reading the baby will be show what he hears. It is only necessary to stock up on all the necessary toys-characters.
  • "Spontaneous plots." It is not necessary to beat a specific scenario. You can invite the child to come up with and realize some other plots. For example, let his doll prepare lunch and feed other toys. Or let the toy train travel along with numerous passenger toys-this plot can also be beaten in different ways.
  • "Scribble". Painting with colored handles or crayons not only will develop a fantasy, but also develop the coordination of the movements of the hands and eyes. It is necessary to put a piece of paper and the child and yourself. Having shown how to properly keep drawing tools, you can start drawing yourself. The kid will certainly repeat this.

Important: it is extremely important to praise the drawing, focusing on the fact that, for example, I like “this circle” or “this curl”.

Drawing is an exciting game that will help the child develop creative skills
Drawing is an exciting game that will help the child develop creative skills
  • "Music Box". You can create an impromptu box by putting something in a jar that produces noise. For example, pebbles. Of course, you must first make sure that the jar has no sharp edges. Then you can sing any song, offering the child to make a bunny to the beat of the melody.

Games for one -year -old children for speech development

In order to develop the child’s speech, you can use the following ideas of games:

  • "Sad and cheerful dolls." For the game you will need two unlawed wooden spoons and a felt -tip pen. One spoon needs to draw a cheerful face, and the second is sad. Then you need to take a “cheerful” spoon and pronounce some joyful phrases. The “sad” spoon should also be beaten. Then the baby should ask about which voice he liked more. Then you need to give the toys-apels to the child and ask him to voice the dolls.
  • "Hello!". You need to stock up on a toy phone - and you can start. Saying "Ding Ding!", You need to pick up the phone and talk about all sorts of things. Then it is worth saying "goodbye!" - And put the phone. Now you can also offer a child to have an imaginary conversation.
Toy phone - Favorite toy of many children
Toy phone - Favorite toy of many children
  • "Bear refineer". For the game you will need a bear and a stool, to the top of which the child is able to reach. Taking a bear, you need to pretend to be going upstairs. At the same time, you can say the following: "Bear went uphill, Bear found a ball." Accordingly, this ball should lie on the stool. Next, you should put another item on the stool, but already ask the baby about what Bear found. Any child with great enthusiasm will begin to call objects.
  • "Dictionary". Kids of year -old age easily absorb several new words per day. You can use this by choosing the corresponding pictures to your favorite words. They need to be demonstrated and clarified that the spoken word is depicted. Then the pictures should be glued to the leaves of cardboard. Such leaflets are designed in a little-cluster book.

Important: you need to teach the baby to look at the dictionary every day - he will certainly like this venture.

The child will be happy to examine the dictionary and repeat the words from it
The child will be happy to examine the dictionary and repeat the words from it

Games for one -year -old children who teach interaction with subjects

And now we offer a selection of games that will help interact with objects:

  • "Tower". To create it, you will need ordinary cubes. But no need to rush to quickly build a tower - this should be done gradually, commenting on their actions. When the turret turns out, it is worth destroying it, then offering the child to build such a design on his own. Coordination of movements The baby will improve over and over again.
  • "Selection of suitable forms". For this game you need to choose various objects in form - square, triangular, round. Then you should find boxes or jars with plastic lids. At the top of these covers, holes are cut, suitable in shape objects. It is necessary to invite the baby to lower things into suitable containers.
  • "Throwing the pebbles." Ordinary, but very useful fun is throwing small pebbles into the river, sea, lake or even the most ordinary puddle while walking!

Important: thanks to such a game, fine motor skills are worked out. The child works out the capture of the object with his fingers and a throw.

The game with throwing pebbles in the water will like the child be sure to
The game with throwing pebbles in the water will like the child be sure to
  • "We are looking for a couple". For this game, you need to take pictures and cut them in half. Then you should offer the child to find a suitable one for each half. Thanks to such an exciting game baby develops logic, learns to compare objects, look for general features in them.
  • "Matryoshka with a surprise." First you need to put any object in the nesting doll. Then the toy is allowed to take the baby. It is worth accompanying this with the words that the nesting doll has prepared a gift. The child has to get a gift on his own, due to which motoric of the hands is perfectly worked out.

IMPORTANT: to open a toy to the baby must be on its own! If he doesn’t succeed, you need to show how the nesting doll opens, but you can’t do everything for the child.

Children are happy to play with nesting dolls
Children are happy to play with nesting dolls

Walks, feeding, water procedures - all this is undoubtedly very important in caring for a child. But do not underestimate the significance of games. Do not treat this lesson as the method of distracting the baby from something. Games should develop, help adapt. We hope that the given selection of games will help parents.

Video: Options for developing games for children at 1 year

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