Why is Pony Express delivery service asks for passport data when ordering with Aliexpress? Is it safe to give passport data for Aliexpress for Pony Expess: is it possible not to send them? How and where to enter passport data on Aliexpress for Pony Express?

Why is Pony Express delivery service asks for passport data when ordering with Aliexpress? Is it safe to give passport data for Aliexpress for Pony Expess: is it possible not to send them? How and where to enter passport data on Aliexpress for Pony Express?

This article tells whether it is safe to give passports for Pony Express for Aliexpress.

Passport data is personal information. People have heard that attackers can use passport data for their criminal purposes. Therefore, users do not disseminate such personal information, especially on the Internet.

  • On Aliexpress Often it is required to enter your data from the identity card, for example, for delivery firms.
  • Pony Express is a postal company that has been working with Aliexpress. When sending a parcel with its help, it is required to enter your data, which are registered in the document of the identity certificate.
  • Is it safe to do and where to enter such information? Learn the information below.

Why is Pony Express delivery service asks for passport data when ordering with Aliexpress?

Pony Express

If you still do not have an account on AliexpressBut you want to get the status of a buyer of this largest site with Chinese stores, then create an account. After that, you will be able to buy goods at low prices and receive additional bonuses. How to register quickly, read in article on our website on this link. You can also study video instructions on this link.

  • Pony Express is a commercial and international transport company.
  • Similar delivery services from customs specialists should draw up parcels in accordance with all the established rules.
  • To do this, you will need the passport data of the recipient. Therefore, such data must be indicated not because I wanted Aliexpress Or a transport company, but because customs requires them.
  • Such rules apply to all recipients from other countries.

But many buyers still doubt whether it is dangerous to present such information.

Is it safe to give passport data for Aliexpress for Pony Express: Can I not send them?

Pony Express - delivery of parcels with aliexpress
Pony Express - delivery of parcels with aliexpress

Providing personal information about yourself on the Internet, it is never known where this information will be directed. Because of this, people areware of scammers and do not want to give personal information, especially at the request of an international transport company, which is generally known about.

Advice: Do not worry about your data that you send at the request Aliexpress Or a transport company, if, of course, you plan to get a parcel. After all, if they are not, then customs specialists will not miss the package and return it back.

It is worth knowing to every buyer Aliexpress:

  • Any transport company has its own confidentiality policy and cannot disclose such information.
  • This is spelled out in the legislation of any country.
  • Failure to comply with these rules is necessarily punished, and if you find out that the information was extended on the network, the company will incur exorbitant losses - with the payment of large fines and the subsequent termination of work.

In addition, there is one important fact:

  • Fraudsters do not make sense to develop such a complex scheme for personal information.
  • Now you can freely buy a disk, even on the Internet, with passport data of Russians.

After all, we calmly give our data and even provide copies of documents to different organizations, without thinking that they can use this information for other purposes. So large transport companies can and should be trusted.

Several nuances:

  • Of course, if it is difficult to convince you and you always remain with your opinion, then the data may not be provided.
  • But in this case, you will not receive the parcel, as it will return back to China.
  • You can also draw up all the documents yourself, but for this you will have to contact the customs office with a passport.

Therefore, it is easier to simply present personal information at the request Aliexpress Or a transport company and successfully wait for your parcel.

Passport data for Aliexpress for Pony Express: how and where to enter?

Enter the information and click
Enter the information and click "Save and send"

When you pay for the purchase for Aliexpress, you will be sent to you by e -mail asking for data from the document of the identity certificate. Open this letter, it has a link by which you can switch to the resource of a transport company. When you click this link, you will get to the page with the form. Write down all the necessary information and click "Save and send".

Now wait for your parcel to the mail of your city. Good luck!

Video: Call from the delivery service and ask for passport data. What to do in this case? Order with Aliexpress.

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