How to bewitch a man without negative consequences: general recommendations, conspiracy text, white ritual with an image, with a candle, without a photo, on water or food, ripe apples, personal item, hair, paper, towel, comb, monthly blood, visualization

How to bewitch a man without negative consequences: general recommendations, conspiracy text, white ritual with an image, with a candle, without a photo, on water or food, ripe apples, personal item, hair, paper, towel, comb, monthly blood, visualization

In search of reciprocity, we often look for any ways. In this article you will learn about the methods of a man’s love spell without consequences.

Passion and feelings unanswered are frequent companions of human life. And it happens that we, being unable to cope with our feelings, turn our eyes and thoughts to the means to which in other cases we would never try to resort. Someone goes to the grandmothers, someone purchases books on magic and begins to study them, preparing if you do not give the soul unclean, then definitely go further than ordinary female things, and beat a man without consequences.

Bewitch a lover without negative consequences: general recommendations

To begin with, it is worth saying that you should not rush to turn to an obscure forces. Even if you decide to choose a white ritual, first think carefully. After all, any magical effect, white or black, will affect the energy protection of the person you love.

Of course, it’s good to make a couple of movements, and the next morning we wake up and see the result. But our desire to immediately receive what is desired is a pride that has nothing to do with true love.

For love
For love
  • Also, having a similar effect on the will of a person, you risk his mental state. The other side of the coin, which should be taken into account, is your mental state. After all, happiness and joy, and later love in this case you will not feel.
  • In addition, the awareness of what you did will put pressure on your self -esteem, you will become nervous and suspicious. Well, and the worm of conscience will not go anywhere either - you cannot calmly and happily look into the eyes of your beloved. That is why most psychics do not recommend doing anything unnatural in the love sphere.

No need to perform any love actions to bewitch a man without consequences, Especially if you are not fully confident in your feelings for a young man. If the feelings have only appeared, wait a while before proceeding with serious measures.

  • Buy a lunar calendar for a year or track data on the movement of the queen of the night on the Internet. Rituals are preferable to conduct a growing or full lunar disk.
  • It is pointless and even dangerous to try to implement a magical influence in the days that the Church considers important holidays.
  • Themselves successful for magical influence, so that , Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are considered. It is preferable to avoid any contact with esotericism on Sunday. For a long rite, just choose the days with the help of a church calendar as written above.
  • The influence of magic, even white, powerfully affects the subconscious. A person can change his thoughts, ideas, beliefs and even character.
  • Black rituals to bewitch a man without consequences, Almost always negatively affects not only the object of influence, but also on the person who conducts them. Extremely clearly execute all the instructions. Get courage and start only with a cold heart and brain.
  • If you feel all -consuming horror or feel a gaze in the room where there is no one - stop the ritual. Go to the temple immediately, buy candles there. Upon returning home, go around the whole room with candles and “our Father” on his lips.
  • Buy a candle in the house of God, put in front of the icon of the saint you revereable and pray so that dear to turn your eyes to you. The request can be expressed in any form and ask for different things. To be able to meet, marry a sweeter or return the one who left you.
  • An appeal to the saints will help to avoid dubious magical actions. Another method to turn to the saints - for one day go to three different churches and submit to a prayer service about his health. Some time after that, a man will show you interest.
Love spell
Love spell
  • Keep in mind that if you are sick or your beloved, you can’t carry it out.
  • During the sacrament, it is unacceptable for anyone else to have anyone else.
  • All reflecting surfaces in the room must be curtained, left only the one that you will use in the ritual. Mirrors are considered doors to another world, and you definitely do not need them at this moment.
  • Get ready for the ritual to bewitch a man without consequences, carefully - take a shower, do not deprive your hair with attention, dress new or just clean clothes.
  • Ideal clothing for the ritual is a shirt of flax or hemp, without a huge number of fasteners, seams and other decorative elements. Clothing also should not be tight.
  • After the ritual, wash your clothes well.
For a man
For a man
  • Clean your heart and head before the ritual to bewitch a man without consequences. Use meditation to cleanse consciousness and visualization so that it is easier for you to concentrate on the desired. Any magical influence is based on your inner strength and the strength of your desire.
  • It is impossible to share with anyone about what you did, or planning.

White rituals to bewitch a man without consequences

If you have established yourself in your decision to go to extreme measures, light magicians are happy to share their secrets of love spells that will not cost you soul and will not even leave shadows on it. The only thing you risk is your call will not work on the person you are interested in.

For white charms, they do not use dark energy, do not call demons and do not go to the cemetery. Their actions need to wait longer than the actions of black spells, and they are not as strong as the latter.


The white influence is becoming more and more popular due to the fact that such rituals not only make it possible to attract the affection and attention of the person you love into your life, but also to protect relations from lies, deceit, misunderstanding and partings.

But it is inappropriate to think that, waving a certain grass in front of the windows, or after praying you will get everything. Magical influence only contributes to approaching the goal. To make everything conceived, make maximum efforts on the way to the goal. If you wait for the result with your hands, nothing will come true.

The white impact is confident for active actions on the way to the necessary good.

Ritual with the image to bewitch a man without consequences

You need the newest photo card of your object or portrait. The image made on a smartphone will be quite good.

You need to imagine that powerful energy is concentrated in your fingers, feel warm in them. Then lean over the image and put your palms on it. Imagine how energy is transmitted to him through the palms. Extremely in detail create a picture of a jet emanating from you and pouring into the image. Say:

With photo
With photo

The action requires a triple repetition - at sunrise, when a daytime shone is at a zenith and at sunset. Stock up with determination and do until the effect of the effect.

Ritual with a candle to bewitch a man without consequences

Specialists who associate themselves with white forces and simple lover girls have actively used in the love sacraments of candles in the love sacrifices. It is known that they have great power. For the ritual, you need to specially purchase A4 sheet, and print the image of a sweet one.

What do you expect from an object of love? What should he do? Write all this on the purchased sheet. Turn over. Take a large dish. Place the image at the bottom. Using a candle of blood color above the image, burn the written. While the paper burns, repeat:

With candles
With candles

Visualization to bewitch a man without consequences

For such a ritual, your fantasy should be gushed. It is also inappropriate to spend it in a hurry - you need silence, complete relaxation and time to concentrate and abstract from everything except your dream of your beloved.

  • For the ritual, you will need aromatic candles and the image of a sweet one. The perfect place for the ritual will be your bedroom.
  • It must be carried out at night.
  • To get started, light aromatic candles.
  • Give a few minutes to the silence or pour. Get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and images in your head.
  • Lie on the bed in a comfortable position and imagine your beloved vividly and in detail, with all movements, smiles and views, like living.
  • Feel his energy and mentally mentally what you want from him.
  • Lay in this imaginary phrase all the power of love and imagine that the object of your passion has realized what you said.
  • After placing the image under the pillow silently.

Impact without a photo to bewitch a man without consequences

Like other white rituals, it is not harmful, and no one will even understand that your dear is loved. It can be implemented only on days free from posts and large religious holidays. Buy a church calendar or roll with those that are on the Internet.

Choose a time for this action when there is not a soul at home. It is necessary to voice the conspiracy with the same intonation with which you communicate with loved ones. The voice should radiate calm and confidence. Comfortably arrange on the bed and visualize a sweet person to your heart. Holding his head his image, say:


To carry out everything described above, observing all the necessary conditions, it takes seven days. Make sure that none of these days will coincide with posts and holidays. A week later, dear will pay attention to you.

Ritual for water or food to bewitch a man without consequences

The people use everything that is in the house - household items, drinks and food. For example, if you have access to a sweet table, you can speak his favorite food or water with words:

On the water
On the water
For food

Invite the sweet to drink or eat the conspiracy. In order to avoid unforeseen situations, it is better that at this moment you are only together. Make sure that he does not share with anyone and drank everything to a drop or ate everything to a gram.

Ritual for ripe apples to bewitch a man without consequences

There is a very easy ritual based on a mug apple. Choose a luxurious ripe fruit without wormholes and signs of decay. Lie in bed with him. In the morning, treat the person you are interested in with this apple. As in all rituals with treats or food, it is important that there is no one nearby, and he does not share with anyone.

Ordinary objects for the ritual to bewitch a man without consequences

Rituals can even be carried out on objects in essence no one. So, if you know for sure that a man is about to get to you, whose attention you are achieving, take a regular dry branch of a small size and put it on the threshold so that it crosses through it. Make sure that no one else steps over this twig. Take her from the threshold immediately. When you take a twig in private, light and say the following:


Personal thing for the ritual to bewitch a man without consequences

If your beloved suddenly left you a personal thing or she came to you in some other way-the action below for you. It is important that a thing was used for this, which he often used and touched. The acquired recently or its gift is not suitable for you.

Make sure that on the night of this ritual the sky is illuminated by the full queen of the night. When the clock breaks at midnight and click the table with a white tablecloth, placing two colors of the wax on the sides of the sides. Put the beloved thing between them. Touch her with your fingers, close your eyes. Say:

With the subject
With the subject

Think about a man, visualize your future dates and feelings. In the morning after the ritual, return the thing to the owner. Pass the thing directly, it is impossible for it to get into other hands first.

Hair for the ritual to bewitch a man without consequences

Cople of hair is a very powerful source of personal energy. Magically acting through the hair, you connect your energy to the sweet energy. Magic for the hair is very effective and there are no failures if, of course, you took the hair of that person.

For a love spell, you will need a beloved hair, three candles of blood color and a small mirror. This ritual is made on the third day from the moment when the night luminary begins to grow. Make sure that there is no one in the room besides you. Place the candles on the table. Place a mirror between them, and on top of the hair. Light candles and say:

With candles and hair
With candles and hair

Bring each candle to the hair and wait until it drops the wax on it. Take the resulting cake and hide in a secluded place.

Be stolen with water or milk

This option is perfect for you if you already live with your lover or even painted, but uncertain in the feelings or fidelity of a partner. Thanks to the ritual, the husband will become closer to you, and you will be more confident.

During the ritual, keep your husband’s image in your thoughts, your happy and bright days.

Take two hundred grams of water or milk. In the morning or in the evening, say over the container with milk:

On milk
On milk

Bewitch the sweet light of the moon

The lunar radiance is an indispensable assistant in love affairs. The ritual must be done in the spring, when the disk of the moon is complete. In addition, the sky should be clear and the lunar radiance should pour in full force. Choose a day when everything around is filled with this light and you can even find a needle in a haystack.

If the sky is covered with clouds in the full moon you have chosen, it is better to transfer the ritual to another time. At the time of the ritual, your heart and thoughts should be clean. No negativity in thoughts. Focus entirely and completely on your love.

You need to kneel down, raise your face to the queen of the night so that she completely illuminates you. Say:

Under the moon
Under the moon

After that, go to bed silently.

Monthly blood to bewitch a man without consequences

Blood is the strongest element of magical spells of a dark property. Therefore, this ritual is partially attributed to dark influence. The manipulative properties of menstrual blood cause a strong binding and powerful sexual attraction among representatives of the strength of mankind. In order to influence the beloved in a similar way, in addition to monthly discharge, you will need red wine.

If, after you treat the ugly with a spoke drink, he asks for additives, everything has succeeded!

This influence can be implemented when the lunar disk grows. It is desirable that this coincides with the beginning of the cycle. Collect blood on the second or first day of the cycle. Wine is spelled at midnight. After you added a few drops of blood to the wine, say:

For menstruation
For menstruation

Two candles to bewitch a man without consequences

Wax candles are a constant attribute of any rituals. You will need two thin candles and a gypsy needle. Everything is done on the growing moon after sunset. Tune in to the ritual and make sure that all the conditions that we described at the beginning of the article are observed. Take the candles and write your names on them with a needle. Warm them in your hands so that the wax becomes soft. Weave candles among themselves in the form of a spiral. Bather with the words:

On the candles
On the candles

Focus on a cute and repeat the text three times. Blow and inhale the aroma of wicks. Left the remains with a red thread and hold under the pillow.

Conspiracy for the image to bewitch a man without consequences

You will need red fabric, portrait or photo of a sweet, any coin and red threads. Wrap the coin in the photo of the sweetheart so that the square is obtained. Put it in matter and sew it. After that, hide the bundle very well. Text:

On the fabric
On the fabric

Paper conspiracy to bewitch a man without consequences

To make such a conspiracy you need access to your beloved clothes and a piece of paper. Bring the following on a piece of paper:

On the paper
On the paper

Turn the note into a very small bundle. It needs to be invested under the lining of clothing. Find the hole or cut the lining. Ideally, the note should remain there forever.

Love spell on a towel to bewitch a man without consequences

When a man who is interesting to you first comes to your home, hang a clean hand towel, and remove it immediately after his departure. Only he should wipe his hands on this towel. Before the towel dries, tie it into the knot, reading the following text:

With a towel
With a towel

After that, hide and do not untie the knot never.

Conspiracy for a comb to bewitch a man without consequences

If possible, take a cute comb, gather your hair from it, make a motorcycle and carry with you until the dear is in your arms. Speak a comb like this:

With a scallop
With a scallop
  • Put the comb in place.

The action of rituals is not immediately manifested. A week or even a month can pass. Unfortunately, it is impossible to understand that everything turned out right away. Over time, your chosen one will begin to look for meetings, try to touch you, and chat with you. He will show more and more attention. As soon as you feel it, envelop him with love and attention, so that the spark lit by magic will grow into something more.

Video: love spell without consequences

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  1. Hi all! Some time ago I went to the fortuneteller, because of the problems with my husband. I realized that he started his mistress.
    I cried all my eyes, and my friend advised one woman of the magician.
    When I came to her, I was stunned by the cost of services, but agreed, because there was a choice of love spells!
    The fortuneteller asked her husband’s photo and said something over him for a long time, and then burned.
    The ashes said to dispel at the nearest intersection. Well, I did so.
    And after a couple of days she noticed that her husband began to show signs of attention to me. ...
    Before that, he did not even talk to me for a couple of months,
    Although we have two children! He said that he wanted to leave, but he could not. ...
    And after a love spell, imagine, he brought me breakfast on bed for the first time for our family life!
    I don’t know what magic the fortuneteller used, but it worked one hundred percent!
    Surprisingly, I do not feel any signs, after a love spell. Everything happened so naturally!
    I don’t know what will happen next, they say that it is a sin to make love spells. I live and I'm afraid of consequences. So think before doing irreparable things. It takes me doubt. Did I do the right thing, maybe it would not be worth holding it?

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