For how many days they pay for vacation money before vacation: what does the Labor Code say?

For how many days they pay for vacation money before vacation: what does the Labor Code say?

If you are going on vacation, then you need to know how many days you should pay for vacation money. Read about this in this article.

Rest is laid according to the law for each employee after the expected reporting year, and in the first year-after 6 months. In addition, according to the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to pay in a timely manner and vacation pay. For how many days should he give them to the employee? What does the law say about this? Read about this in this article below.

For how many days they pay for vacation money before vacation: what does the Labor Code say?

Vacation pay is received, you can go on vacation
Vacation pay is received, you can go on vacation

Read article on our website on this link On the rules for providing leave after 6 months and full leave to employees of companies, enterprises, firms and other organizations.

So, the application for rest has already been signed by the head. When will they be paid vacation pay now? After all, the money on vacation is very necessary. Vacation is a healing, and we are gaining strength for the coming year. In general, money in this case is very necessary, especially if you are going to go on vacation abroad to hot countries.

What does the law say?

Payment of vacation money is established by law. The amount of payment will depend on the billing period, your salary. The estimated period is the entire previous year in which you worked. The amount of money for vacation is calculated according to a special generally accepted formula. The calculation includes the following income:

  • Wages
  • Various compensation payments
  • Prize
  • Other payments for labor achievements and so on

All this income is formed and divided by the number of months in the calculated period. When everything is calculated, payments are made.

For how many days do you pay for vacation money before vacation?

Each employee must know when the employer must pay him money for rest. The state has set the deadline and its violation will lead your leadership liable. Payment of vacation pay is made 3 days before the start of vacation.

It seems that everything is clear - 3 days before the start of rest. But here, disputes often arise: 3 days - calendar or workers. Indeed, if the weekend falls within this period, then the term of payment in the working days will be less. To prevent confusion, the Federal Employment and Labor Service published a letter from 2011, which states that the law refers to working days. Therefore, vacation pay must be paid no later than 3 working days before the start of vacation.

Video: For how many days should vacation payments be paid?

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