They took a homeless dog, a cat home from the street: what to do?

They took a homeless dog, a cat home from the street: what to do?

If you took a homeless cat or dog from the street and do not know what to do, read the article. It has a lot of useful and interesting information.

Almost every person at least once came across a situation where, walking along the street, he noticed a small and incredibly cute puppy or a kitten, with a sad look sitting in a dirty puddle, or scouring in garbage dumps in search of food.

  • Of course, the attitude of people to what he saw is different-someone's soul is filled with pity, and therefore, there is a desire to shelter the baby.
  • Someone passes by, believing that the homeless animal is not his concern.
  • Others pick up a four -legged friend, but do not plan to leave it at home.
  • They begin to hastily call the shelters, post ads from the photo on the Internet, in order to attach the baby, or at least provide him with temporary overexposure.
  • What to do with a homeless kitten or puppy that you just picked up? Read about this in this article.

Transportation to a new dwelling of a small kind dog or cat from the street: Caution

Transportation to a new dwelling of a small kind dog or cat from the street
Transportation to a new dwelling of a small kind dog or cat from the street

It is easy to guess that a cat or dog from the street that did not know human affection is stressful from each second, a second. That is why, when a person’s attempt to call him or catch him, the baby can hiss, run away, growl, show distrust, even though the animal seems kind. It's quite normal.

Warning: Some people naively believe that an adult yard dog can be dangerous, and a small kitten will not repair a “rebuff” when trying to pick him up. But this is not so, even in appearance a sweet, small and harmless animal can bite or scratch if it is scared.

That is why it is better to wrap a “new acquaintance” in a blanket and bring home (if it is found near the home), or to use carrying for animals.

They took a homeless dog, a cat from the street home - bathe or not to bathe: how is it right?

Took a homeless dog, a cat from the street home
Took a homeless dog, a cat from the street home

The vast majority of people, upon arrival home, immediately rush into the bathroom to redeem the homeless shampoo from fleas and ticks. On the one hand, that's right. After all, the sooner the new owner will begin to bring the animal “into the divine species”, the better. Bat out or not to bathe a dog or a cat from the street: how right? It is worth being careful:

  • If the kitten has lichen, then after washing the infection can apply to healthy areas.
  • Accordingly, treating a pet will be much more difficult.
  • In addition, a homeless animal, in most cases, has weakened immunity and general weakness as a result of malnutrition, cold, constant stress. Therefore, it is better to use spray or drops for processing.
  • If a puppy or kitten behaves calmly, does not itch and looks clean, you can wait for bathing.

Perform bathing after a visit to the veterinarian. Read further.

They took a good homeless kitten or puppy - what to do: urgently to the veterinarian

Took a good homeless kitten
Took a good homeless kitten

Even the most compassionate people sometimes have fears. After all, a street animal can be a carrier of various diseases, even if you have taken, as you think, a good kitten or puppy. He is homeless and can get sick with different ailments.

Of course, “animal” ailments rarely spread to people. But what to do if there is an opportunity to shelter a new pet, but there are already pets in the apartment whom he (theoretically) can infect?

Advice: All kinds of ailments should not be the reason to abandon the venture. Accordingly, you can take a street kitten or puppy home - the main thing is to approach this venture wisely and full responsibility. Go to the veterinarian immediately.

Even if the baby looks healthy, eats well, he is playful and active, you should not put it off with a trip to the veterinary clinic - because it can be infected with dangerous infections:

  • Lichen
  • Various skin parasites
  • Worms

You can, of course, to highlight the pet yourself and remove ticks and fleas without the help of a doctor. This is usually done by ardent cats' or dog handlers who know all or almost everything about animal care. But even in this case, it is necessary to attribute a “new friend” to the veterinarian so that the doctor can perform an initial examination and determine whether there are other diseases more dangerous for the animal and humans.

They took a homeless cat from the street, and he has leukemia: what kind of illness is it, what should I do?

They took the homeless cat from the street, and he has leukemia
They took the homeless cat from the street, and he has leukemia

Leukemia is a viral infection that is transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy one. Other names of such a pathology:

  • Blood cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Viral leukemia
  • Lymphosarcoma
  • Hemoblastoz and others

This is a very dangerous disease that leads to the development of other serious pathologies, as well as death. What kind of illness you already know, and now let's figure out what to do if you took a homeless cat home from a street with leukemia. Here are the tips:

  • First of all, you need to attribute the founders to the veterinarian. He will examine the animal and prescribe treatment. It happens that the owners make incorrect diagnoses on their own, and the animal with a simpler ailment, after prescribed treatment by the doctor, quickly recovers.
  • Cut an active struggle with symptoms to improve the health of the cat. Use all the drugs prescribed by the doctor. This will help to stimulate immunity and fight in the treatment process will be easier.
  • Feed the pet well So that he has the strength to fight the disease. The diet should have meat or special feeds.
  • Perhaps it will be necessary to keep a pet on quarantine all your life And prevent contact with other pets. It is worth noting that leukemia in cats is not transmitted to a person. Therefore, you can not worry about your health.

If the sick cat has kittens, then after 3 months it will be necessary to put the first vaccine from leukemia. It is also important to correctly disinfect and remove the room so that the virus does not spread around the house. About how much quarantine lasts for a homeless cat or dog and how it needs to be carried out, read on.

Quarantine for a stray kitten or puppy: tips

Quarantine for a homeless puppy
Quarantine for a homeless puppy

Not completely examined in the house in the house is a great risk for existing pets. That is why before the veterinarian is examined, it is better to keep the “found” in quarantine. Here are some tips on how to keep a homeless kitten or puppy in quarantine:

  • It can be a separate room, a balcony (in the warm season), etc. Arrange for a homeless kitten or puppy there is a cozy corner so that it can feel comfortable.
  • It is forbidden to feed a “street” kitten or puppy from one bowl with pets, give them the same toys.
  • Put bowls for the baby in the place where he sleeps - it will be more convenient for him.
  • The incubation period lasts about two weeks.

If during this time the pet has already been examined and there was no disease, then you can introduce him to other cats or dogs that are present in the dwelling.

Vaccination: security security for a homeless kitten or puppy from the street

Homeless puppy from the street
Homeless puppy from the street

It is easy to guess that both the found animal and your other home -legged “old -timers” should be vaccinated against infections, worms and parasites. Of course, the vaccine will not cure an existing ailment, but protects against the occurrence of new diseases - this is a security security for a stray kitten or puppy from the street.

It is worth knowing: It is immediately forbidden to vaccinate a “street” pet. Before performing vaccination, the animal should be pro -Golistogonen, fleas and ticks are bred.

On average, this can be done 10 days after the puppy or kitten is “put in order”.

Caution when feeding a stray puppy and kitten: tips

Homeless puppy and kitten
Homeless puppy and kitten

Having picked up the animal on the street, and analyzing its exhausted appearance, you will immediately want to feed a new pet to the dump, and only then proceed to other manipulations. In fact, it is extremely undesirable to overload the digestion of the “found” at first. Here are some tips and explanations why you need to be careful when feeding homeless kittens and puppies:

  • The baby’s stomach can be weakened both from malnutrition and from existing helminths.
  • It is better to start with food for small puppies/kittens.
  • Do not exceed the dosage.
  • If the baby coped with a portion, you can add a little food. But you do not need to try to “shove” him as much food as possible. It is important that it is well digested.
  • Lieurous dairy products are suitable from natural food: fermented, cream, cottage cheese.
  • You should not feed a new pet with a table with fish and fish conservatives.
  • The kitten or puppy accustomed to starving, in the blink of the eye, will eat everything that the new owner will give him and ask for additives. But do not succumb to provocations. After all, both constipation and diarrhea, as well as vomiting and even loss of appetite, can begin.

It will be more reasonable to consult a doctor. Based on the state of the animal, he will issue a verdict - what and how much is better to give him.

They took a pregnant cat from the street, a pregnant dog on the street: what to do?

Took a pregnant cat from the street
Took a pregnant cat from the street

Having imbued with a “alien dog or cat trouble”, some sincere people at first do not notice the “wrong”. But often, if an adult animal was selected, an interesting fact is sometimes revealed when it was examined - a new pet is pregnant. What to do when they took a pregnant cat or dog from the street? There are several options:


  • Let the animal give birth, and then “get rid” from the cubs, leaving to the mercy of fate.
  • Of course, this is an extremely wrong approach. Indeed, in this case, the “good deed” that a person accompanies, giving a cat/dog shelter, goes to “no”. It is strictly forbidden to do this.


  • For some, it will be amazing, but animals, as well as people, sometimes do abortions.
  • Yes, this is the murder of lives, but for some owners it may be a way out.
  • Perhaps this is if the "dog" pregnancy is found at an early stage.

Pass to the shelter:

  • Almost every city has shelters for cats/dogs, in which responsible and caring volunteers work. You can give the kids there.
  • It will be extremely difficult to prove the shelter to the shelter that the dog became pregnant before it was picked up.
  • Most likely, they will be indignant and reproach you for the fact that kittens/puppies were born, because you did not sterilize your animal in time. After all, they do not know that more recently it was homeless.

"Grow" and attach:

  • After the cubs already begin to eat on their own and stop depending on the mother, you can give an ad with a photo on the Internet.
  • Pictures should be as cute, good quality as possible.
  • In this case, the likelihood that the kids will gain caring owners much higher.
  • Then the animal will need to be sterilized.
  • But, if the pitmith was pregnant, and the crumbs were conceived while staying on the street, depriving them of life or taking them back into the yard, leaving there in a box - not the best option.
  • It is better to take care of the kids until they grow up, and then attach it in good hands.

Ace Ventura method:

  • If there are few kittens/puppies (2-3 no more), you can take on additional responsibilities: keep and educate them until the end of life.
  • But this option requires experience and responsibility.
  • If a dog or cat appeared in your house for the first time, then it will be difficult for you.
  • However, there are many examples of families in which 2-3 dogs are successfully located.
  • Therefore, if not all the cubs managed to attach, then the remaining one or two can be left to yourself.

As you can see, there are many ways. Choose the one that suits you and help the homeless baby.

A shelter for stray cats and dogs to pass for free: in which cities are there?

Homeless cat and dog
Homeless cat and dog

Free shelters for cats/dogs exist in almost all major cities of Russia (and the countries of the former CIS). The only thing to remember is that most of them can be crowded. Therefore, they will simply refuse the attachment of the animal, and this is not because they do not want to accept the found, but because there are not enough funds or places to keep a large number of animals.

Consider several options at once. In one of these institutions, there is definitely a place from the list. Here are in which cities there are shelters for stray cats and dogs to pass for free:

  • Moscow and Moscow Region
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region
  • Novosibirsk
  • Yekaterinburg
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Kazan
  • Chelyabinsk, etc..

Giving the animal to a free shelter, it is worth remembering that the maintenance of this institution is not carried out by the authorities, but by volunteers on a voluntary basis. Accordingly, a balanced and high -quality nutrition and excellent conditions should not always be counted. Of course, the roof over the animal’s head will be, but the food and conditions will be the most protozoa.

Advice: If you have a financial opportunity, even if the shelter is “free”, make a voluntary donation or, together with the animal, transfer a certain amount marked, which is assumed for maintaining a four -legged friend.

Such free shelters always need money:

  • On the veterinary clinics
  • Toys
  • Leaders
  • Collars
  • Food for cats and dogs

Therefore, if you have the opportunity to help volunteers financially, do it. A noble gesture will help improve both the conditions of the new animal and other inhabitants of this institution.

We took a homeless cat from the street home: sign

Took a homeless cat from the street home
Took a homeless cat from the street home

A selected kitten or an adult cat on the street according to the beliefs of our ancestors is a messenger of fate. Such a gift is sent by guardian angels for people who need their help, comfort, support. It is worth noting that the purchased baby from a noble breeder will never be as grateful to you as found from the street. This means that fate will be favorable to you.

Interesting: A kitten or even a puppy was nailed, give him a place in your heart and house. When the time comes, everything will return to the hundredth. According to our ancestors, such a sign is very good for families in which they dream of adding, about children.

It was from those times that she took the beginning of the sign, which is called “iron”: a homeless cat from the street home - to an imminent pregnancy. It has been operating for many centuries, and all the peoples of the Earth believe in it without exception.

Video: What to do if you found a homeless animal?

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