The optimal age for determining the floor of the kitten. Characteristic features of the sexes of born kittens. Determination of gender in the first weeks of life of a kitten: by feline color, muzzle, complexion. Folk methods for determining a cat floor

The optimal age for determining the floor of the kitten. Characteristic features of the sexes of born kittens. Determination of gender in the first weeks of life of a kitten: by feline color, muzzle, complexion. Folk methods for determining a cat floor

If you had kittens, it is important to determine their floor. And how to do this, you will learn from the article.

The most important criterion for choosing the future pet is most often his gender. The future owner draws a picture in advance, giving preference to various characteristics.

By purchasing a kitten from the breeder, we rely on the information provided to us. But even in this case, we cannot guarantee a 100% coincidence of the installed gender with the genetic data of the kitten. The younger the pet, the more difficult it is to identify the features of its structure.

The optimal age for determining the floor of the kitten

If your cat gave birth to kittens, then the responsibility to determine their floor completely falls on your shoulders. Choosing a street kitten, you will also have to solve the puzzle - the boy is or the girl.

In any situation, you can resort to the help of a veterinarian. But as they say, "trust, but check." If a certain gender of the kitten is fundamentally important to you, then you need to familiarize yourself with the main methods used in practice.

The anatomical features of kittens have characteristic differences. With complete information, you can determine the half of the pet from the first weeks of his life.

In order for the resulting result to be as reliable as possible, you need to take into account a few important points:

  • The larger the kitten of days from the clan, the brighter the sexual characteristics are expressed.
  • The result will be more reliable in a person who has experience in communicating with kittens.
  • With independent determination of the floor of several kittens, be sure to compare them among themselves.

Characteristic features of the sexes of born kittens

A specialist of a veterinary hospital or kittens with existing experience, easily set the floor of the born kitten in the first days of its birth. In the most extreme case, a blood test is given to determine the floor. In blind kittens, anatomical features are the only characteristic feature of the floor.

In order to learn how to professionally distinguish the floor of the kitten, the following factors are enough:

  • Observation.
  • Good vision.
  • The birth of several heterosexual kittens that provide the possibility of comparison.

The visual species of the genitals of the newborn cat has the following signs:

  • The genitals are located opposite each other, from top to bottom.
  • The first from the tail is the anus and at a distance of 1.5 cm from it is a penis.
  • Having looked at the shape of the penis well, you can distinguish the shape of the scrotum.

The external details of the genitals of newborn cats have the following features:

  • The organs located opposite each other resemble "point and dash."
  • The genitals are at a distance of about half a centimeter.
  • The distance between the genitals has much less hair than in cats.

We determine the floor in the first weeks of life of the kitten

As the kitten grows, primary sexual characteristics acquire their natural forms. By the two months, a full visual picture is already being formed. The first sign of the future cat is a clearly noticeable scrotum. For a cat - the absence of a scrotum.

With the advent of the first activity, kittens are added several more ways to determine the floor:

  • cats behave much more energetic than cats;
  • kotes more often manifest leadership qualities and their desire to take a dominant position is clearly visible;
  • the boys are faster than the optimal place for feeding in a cat, with independent nutrition, grab the best pieces.

The listed methods play the role of auxiliary tools and do not guarantee an unmistakable result in determining the floor.

In the first weeks
In the first weeks

The necessary conditions for inspecting a newborn kitten. Before examining the kitten, we conduct small preparation:

  • My hands with a remedy without a pronounced smell.
  • For comfortable sensations of the kitten, cold hands must be warm.
  • Think about a convenient place with sufficient lighting in advance.
  • We create a favorable calm atmosphere in the room.

How to behave correctly:

  • If the kittens are in your apartment, then establish a trusting relationship with the mother-cat.
  • Before the inspection, feed the kitten and calm it with your affection. The kitten should be calm and comfortable in your hands.
  • A suitable position for inspection is an abdomen up, lying in your palm. The second hand spreads its hind legs and tail.
Preparing for the inspection
Preparing for the inspection

The wrong approach to the kitten:

  • Do not examine the kitten if the cat-cat aggressively reacts to your presence or feeds it.
  • The resistance of the kitten cannot be responded with gross aggressive actions.
  • Irritate the kitten with sharp aromas of perfumes and detergents.
  • Touch the kitten with cold hands. The feeling of his discomfort is much stronger than you think.
  • Press the feces.
  • Raise the kitten behind the withers or by the tail.

Focus on sexual characteristics

In the case when it was not possible to install the floor of the kitten on his birthday, it is recommended to postpone this procedure before the execution of one week. In cats with long hair, as the edge of the edge grows, it is difficult to examine. By the age of 1 week, the hairline does not have time to grow in large quantities. Not opened eyes of a kitten will help to avoid unnecessary emotions. Visual features at this moment are visible much better.

Another way used in the presence of several kittens is the differences in their measurements. For several days, it is necessary to repeat several simple procedures. As a utility tool, it is necessary to have electronic scales, a notebook and distinctive signs between kittens.

We determine by measurements
We determine by measurements

At a convenient time of day, it is necessary to record the weight of each kitten. Weighing is carried out for several days. In most cases, cats ahead of the cats in weight gain. Such tracking acts as a hint, but not a pattern.

You can use another simple way. When stroking the pet, gently ran a finger along the abdomen. In cats, compared to cats, the tummy sticks out more.

Determination of the floor by appearance of the kitten

Carefully observing the kitten, you can draw useful conclusions in its appearance.

Cat color

This method of determining the floor is appropriate for a kitten with a tortoise color. In this case, dark shades, blue-cream or several different colors can be interrupted. A kitten with a tortoise color will most likely be a girl. Such a pattern occurs at the level of genes. The obtained colors are formed by a pair of genes - one of them is dark, the other red.


The remaining shades are their brightened or darkened version. The female chromosome is responsible for the transfer of the color gene. Only one shade is transmitted from their mother to cats, but two are obtained. Hence the turtle coloring. A cat label coloring is possible with a genetic failure. It is also noted that the red color is much more common among cats.


In some cases, it is appropriate to pay attention to the outline of the muzzle of the kitten. In cats, you can notice more smooth and touched features. The cats have angular muzzle and a wider nose. This method does not always work.


Absolutely opposite signs can be inherited from their parents. Some predatory breeds, regardless of the floor, have gross features of muzzles. In some cases, the structure of the muzzle is a protective tool.

Cat complexion

This sign of the basics on the fact that boys tend to gain much faster than girls. After a while, you can see that cats are larger than cats. Each breed should be considered individually. This rule does not work in all cases.

Folk methods for determining a cat floor

Lovers of cats and cats, on the basis of experience in communicating with animals, identified several more signs who can help to approve your final decision.

  • By a cat's look.Cats have a more confident and tough look. The cats look at the owner softer. Features of character can also form the opposite effect.
  • Woolen cover in the genital area.In the first birthdays of kittens, such a rule is inappropriate. But when comparing two menstruation kittens, it is noted that cats have many times more on the genitals. As the kitten grows, this method becomes more difficult to use.
  • According to the feeding procedure.According to the folk method, the cat runs to a bowl of food with a raised tail, the cat runs with lowered. This method is applicable to grown kittens.
Folk methods
Folk methods

Based on the information received, we can conclude that more reliable data comes from the veterinarian or the owner of the kittens.

Video: How to determine the floor of the kitten?

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