What is the difference between British cats, cats, kittens from Scottish in appearance, character, encoding, habits: comparison, difference, difference, photo. Which of the cats, cats, kittens are better to start which of them is more expensive, smarter, larger, more affectionate, kinder: a Briton or a Scot?

What is the difference between British cats, cats, kittens from Scottish in appearance, character, encoding, habits: comparison, difference, difference, photo. Which of the cats, cats, kittens are better to start which of them is more expensive, smarter, larger, more affectionate, kinder: a Briton or a Scot?

From this article you will learn how to distinguish a British cat from Scottish.

A couple of decades ago, British and Scottish cats cost fabulous money, there were very few of them. Now the kittens of these breeds can afford to buy. What do these cats look like? We find out in this article.

What kind of cat breed Scottish Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight: Definition, photo

Scottish cat Scottish-Straight -This is a straight-up cat, bred in Scotland in the 1960s from the breed of British cats.

Scottish-strateum medium size, which looks rather well-fed (especially boys), because of the round cheeks that go into a short neck. Cat weight up to 3.5 kg, cat - up to 5 kg. The paws are short, medium -length tail, the ears are wide at the base, pointed at the tips, are divorced on the sides. The eyes are large round, because of them at the kitten, and then an adult cat, a childhood expression of the muzzle remains for life. The nose is small. The coat is thin, moderately long, as if plush, different colors (black, gray, chocolate, tiger).

The cat Skottish-Strait is balanced and the flexor, gets along with everyone in the family, but at the same time she has self-esteem. He chooses one owner, very smart, understands at a glance, curious, resistant to stress, easily tolerates crossings, gets along with other animals.

Scottish-Straight Cat
Scottish-Straight Cat

Cat Scottish Fold or Vysloukhay Scottish Cat Very reminiscent of Scottish-Strate in all respects, but her ears are bent forward, some are folded 2 or 3 times. Also, Scottish Fold is shorter. Among the cats of Scottish Fold there are different characters: slow, mobile, slightly aggressive, affectionate, but this breed has one feature is to remember what is beneficial to it.

Scottish-Fold Cat Frees
Scottish-Fold Cat Frees

Note. Only the chocolate color of the Cat of the Scottish breed gives the litter of different colors and shades.

The kitten of the Scottish breed quickly gets used to the toilet, the claw, the only thing that does not tolerate is coercion to something.

The health of Scottish cats is strong, no genetic diseases were found. You can feed them:

  • Canned food at room temperature, but not constantly.
  • Mixed nutrition (dry food as the main, and complementary foods - fish, milk, milk cereals, chicken, beef liver and meat, boiled vegetables).

Important. Wool like a plush of Scottish cats is heavily removed from the stomach of the animal so as not to harm the cat, another kitten, at the age of six months, it is taught to eat a special pasta that removes wool.

What a British cat breed: definition, photo

British short -haired cat
British short -haired cat

According to one version, the ancestors of the British breed of cats brought to the British islands the ancient Romans, at the beginning of our era. Of course, they did not look like now. Over time, cats are used to the wet and cool climate of the islands, acclimatized. The main purpose of the ancient cats was to catch rodents.

The first exhibition of cats in the UK was held in 1871, and cats were recognized as thoroughbred and began to be called British.

British short -haired cat More average, girls weigh up to 4 kg, boys - up to 6 kg. They are squat, with a wide chest, developed by muscles, short thick paws and a thick tail, a massive head, thick cheeks, a small nose, medium -sized ears. The British wool is thick and short, different colors and shades, but lilac and blue are classic.

Features of the breed:

  • Pronounced folding skin around the neck
  • On the nose, closer to the forehead, a small recess
  • The chin is located along with the nose and upper lip
  • The kittens have bluish-blue eyes, gradually change to bright orange-in adults, occasionally in this breed there are green and blue eyes
  • Very thick short wool, in appearance plush

British cats of such colors can take part in competitions:

  • Monophonic
  • Coloring with a pattern
  • Turtle (tricolor, when one color smoothly goes into another)
  • Smoky
  • The combination of two colors
  • Chinchilla (dim different colors)
  • The Siamese type of color (on the face, tail and paws of the wool is darker than the rest)

The British cat is in good health.

Differences in the appearance and letters “M” on the forehead of breeds of cats of British and Scots: comparison, photo of a cat and cat

If a a cat of a British breed, spottedly painted with a pattern of Tabby (various patterns created by two colors) and has the following differences, and the marked drawings given below are clear, it can be considered thoroughbred:

  • Pattern on the forehead with the letter "M"
  • Necklace pattern
  • Rings of a different color on the tail and paws
  • The tip of the tail is dark
  • On the stomach spots of a different color of different diameters
  • An intermittent strip of a different color on the back
  • The nose and eyes are circled by other, usually dark, color

Scottish thoroughbred cats They can also be painted in a spotted tabby, with such marks:

  • Pattern with the letter "M" on the forehead
  • Spots on the ear from the back
  • Circles of a different color on the cheeks
  • Eyes and nose circled by another color
  • Strips in the form of a necklace on the chest
  • Rings from another color on the legs and tail
Cat - Scottish -Straight, cat - Scottish -Fold with the letter m on the forehead
Cat-Scottish Straight, cat-Scottish-Fold with the letter "M" on the forehead

What is the difference between British cats, cats from Scottish in coding: Comparison

A metric starts on thoroughbred animals, where the genealogy is indicated
A metric starts on thoroughbred animals, where the genealogy is indicated

A metric starts on a thoroughbred animal, where its genealogy is indicated. In order not to paint a lot about the animal, all records in the metric are entered under the generally accepted encoding.

The most common phenological organizations: WCF, CFA, FIFE, MFA, Tica.

The genealogy is indicated:

  • A number assigned to a club or association
  • The name of the animal
  • Breed (indicated in coded form)
  • Parents
  • Grandfathers, grandmothers, great -grandfathers, great -grandmothers
  • Information about other kittens from litter
  • Surname and name of the breeder, phone

The phenological association WCF indicates:

  • British short -haired cat - Bri
  • Scottish-fold short-haired Scottish Cat-SFS
  • Scottish-Fold-Fold Long-haired Scottish Cat-SFL
  • Scottish catfold Catfold without designation of wool length-SFT
  • Scottish-Straight Cattle Cat Short-haired-SCS
  • Scottish-Straight Skotish-Straight-SCL Scottish Cat

What is the difference between British cats, cats from Scottish in nature, habits: comparison

British short -haired crust
British short -haired crust

British short -haired cat A kind of aristocrat, she will not play with her children, she will not tolerate her in her arms, the maximum - to stroke the wool. It is not aggressive, but prefers to be one more time.

But scottish-Fold Scottish Cat, and Scottish Straight will allow you to play all day without showing aggressiveness.

One and the other kind of cats have some unusual features:

  • Sometimes Scottish cats can be seen standing on the hind legs, or sitting like people - on the priest, they need such poses to straighten the spine. British cats do not have this.
  • Scottish cats are afraid of heights, and British, on the contrary, try to climb higher.

Which of the cats, cats, kittens are more expensive, smarter, larger, affectionate, kinder: Briton or Scot?

Kittens of British and Scottish breed
Kittens of British and Scottish breed

British cat Laskova, friendly, smart, gets along with all family members, and even other animals, endowed with great patience, but will only do what he considers necessary. If your family is noisy, there are children, the British cat does not fit, it loves to spend more time.

Scottish cats (straight -up and beating) Calm, complaisants, resistant to stress, do not meow unnecessarily, but only when they ask to eat, easily accustomed to order, and they will play with the children.

The price of British and Scottish cats depends on many factors:

  • Thoroughbredness of the breed
  • Correct execution of all documents for a cat
  • Merits of the ancestors of the kitten

Of course, British cats, in view of the antiquity of the breed, will be more expensive.

How to distinguish a British kitten from Scottish: comparison of kittens by breeds

It is very difficult to distinguish small kittens by breed, this is possible only after 3 months from the genus
It is very difficult to distinguish small kittens by breed, this is possible only after 3 months from the genus

Distinguish British from a Scottish kitten, you can according to the following signs:

  • The kitten of the British breed is lower, with massive paws and stocky than Scottish.
  • The British cats have standing ears, the tip of the ears is rounded.
  • In the Scottish kitten, the tail and neck are longer, the chin draws clearly, and the oval of the muzzle resembles the head of the owl; The British tail has a short, the tip is rounded, the cheeks are large, because of them the neck is not visible.
  • The kitten needs to be purchased at the age of more than 3 months, since you do not determine who is a Briton or a Scot from small kittens, they are all with straight ears, and after 1 month from the family of Scottish Fold, the ears begin to sag.
  • The British breed of cats is characterized by late ripening (cats up to 3 years, cats for more than 1 year or finally after the second birth), unlike the Scottish breed.

Is it possible to knit a British cat with a Scottish cat?

Video: Why are the Scots and the British different breeds? What's the Difference? Why can't you cross each other?

Scottish breed of cats Young. At the very beginning of breeding the breed, it was crossed with the British, but the studies showed that this harms both types of cat breeds.

Now, according to the new requirements, to preserve british kittens, for knitting, select a cat and a cat of the same color.

It is also impossible to knit together the berths, a cat and a cat - this leads to the fact that kittens are born with abnormalities of bones (curvature of the spine, curved legs, a thickened tail).
Now they bring together Scottish Fold and Scottish-Strite, and the offspring of a similar half to dad turns out, half to mom.

Which of the cats, cats, kittens are better to buy, have: British or Scotsman?

The cat of the British breed
The cat of the British breed

If you are going to buy a kitten - a Scotsman or a Briton, you need to follow some tips:

  • Before buying small fluffy, check the metric, medical card, make sure that the necessary vaccinations are made.
  • If you have a family without children, and rarely be at home, you need a Briton, he likes to be alone.
  • Scottish cats love communication more, constantly spinning near the owners, play well with children in outdoor games, but they can’t stand it, if they squeeze them, torment them.

So, now we know how to distinguish a British cat from Scottish.

Video: What is the difference between the British from the Scots? Cats Scots. The expert says

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